834 research outputs found

    Control of Bremia lactucae in Field-Grown Lettuce by DL-3-Amino-n-Butanoic Acid (BABA)

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    DL-3-amino-n-butanoic acid (BABA) was effective in controlling downy mildew incited by Bremia lactucae Regel in lettuce plants. The two isomers of BABA, DL-2-amino-n-butanoic acid and 4-amino-butanoic acid and its s-enantiomer were ineffective compares to BABA, while the r-enantiomer was more effective. The SAR compound NaSA and its functional analogue BTH (Bion) were also ineffective compared to BABA. In growth chambers, BABA was effective when applied as a foliar spray or as a soil drench. Effective control of the disease was apparent when BABA was applied up to 5 days before inoculation or 3 days after inoculation. A foliar spray of 125 mg/L reduced disease by 50% and full control of the disease was achieved with 500 mg/L. A soil drench with 1.25 mg /pot was required for >90% control the disease. In the field, 2-4 sprays with 1g/L BABA reduced disease severity by 90% as compared to control untreated plants. BABA had no adverse effect on sporangial germination of Bremia lactucae in vitro, germination on plant leaf surface or, fungal penetration into the host. However, it prevented the colonization of the host with the pathogen.

    Accountability Issues, Online Covert Hate Speech, and the Efficacy of Counter‐Speech

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    Concerning individual or institutional accountability for online hate speech, research has revealed that most such speech is covert (veiled or camouflaged expressions of hate) and cannot be addressed with existing measures (e.g., deletion of messages, prosecution of the perpetrator). Therefore, in this article, we examine another way to respond to and possibly deflect hate speech: counter-speech. Counter-narratives aim to influence those who write hate speech, to encourage them to rethink their message, and to offer to all who read hate speech a critical deconstruction of it. We created a unique set of parameters to analyze the strategies used in counter-speech and their impact. Upon analysis of our database (manual annotations of 15,000 Twitter and YouTube comments), we identified the rhetoric most used in counter-speech, the general impact of the various counter-narrative strategies, and their specific impact concerning several topics. The impact was defined by noting the number of answers triggered by the comment and the tone of the answers (negative, positive, or neutral). Our data reveal an overwhelming use of argumentative strategies in counter-speech, most involving reasoning, history, statistics, and examples. However, most of these argumentative strategies are written in a hostile tone and most dialogues triggered are negative. We also found that affective strategies (based on displaying positive emotions, for instance) led to a positive outcome, although in most cases these narratives do not receive responses. We recommend that education or training - even machine learning such as empathetic bots - should focus on strategies that are positive in tone, acknowledging grievances especially

    Hybrid strategic identities as gendered resources in french politics (Martine Aubry and Marine Le Pen)

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    Many researchers such as Sineau (2001), Bertini (2002), Achin et al (2007) have been for years denouncing the “male norm or the male political order” in French politics. They also argue that explanations for such a gendered field should not be based on status differences between men and women but should focus on how dominant relationships differentiate male behavior and female behavior in politics. In this paper, we examine how, in their 2012 presidential campaigns, Martine Aubry (a socialist leader) and Marine Le Pen (an extreme-right party leader) adopted traditionally masculine strategic identities, and how these were portrayed in the French press. Both female politicians were known for their ‘toughness’; however Aubry was noted as being emotional, while Le Pen was seen to emphasize family life. They embodied a ‘femininity with a twist’. In order to examine the reception of such hybrid personas in journalistic discourse, we examine articles published in the French mainstream press, using quantitative and qualitative approaches. We point out the shared and different strategies and conclude on the periperformativity on the part of the newspapers as far as these ‘gender acts’ are concerne


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    La traduction du non-traduit dans les publicités à Chypre : Quels enjeux culturels ? Quels procédés cognitifs ?

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    À partir d’un corpus de publicités affichées à Chypre durant le printemps 2006, cet article se propose de répondre aux questions suivantes : quels sont les procédés cognitifs en jeu lorsque le texte laisse ou emploie sciemment une langue dite étrangère ? En particulier, quels sont les jugements et étapes effectués par les lecteurs, devenus traducteurs malgré eux, des publicités à Chypre pratiquant l’alternance de code anglais-grec, les deux langues se trouvant présentes dans le même texte ? Quel sens transmet-on sans traduire la langue ? Afin de répondre à ces questions nous prenons en compte les différents contextes linguistiques particuliers à Chypre auxquels sont confrontés les différents publics à qui s’adressent de telles publicités (bilingues ou diglossiques), les connaissances socio-culturelles indispensables pour déchiffrer la fonction ludique du slogan publicitaire ainsi que la dimension pragmatique dont l’effet perlocutoire dépendra justement du niveau de bilinguisme des différentes communautés impliquées dans le processus.Working with a corpus of advertisements collected during the spring 2006 in Cyprus, this study answers the following questions: which cognitive processes can we identify when a segment of a text is purposely left in another language? In particular, what judgments and steps are used by readers who, willing or not, must translate such publicity, thereby doing Greek-English code-switching when both languages are found in the same text? Which meaning is transferred when the linguistic code is not translated? In order to answer these questions, this study takes into account the diverse linguistic contexts particular to Cyprus, the audience being bilingual or diglossic; the socio-cultural knowledge necessary to decipher puns and limericks found in advertising texts; and the pragmatic dimension whose perlocutory effect will depend as well on the level of bilingualism of the different communities involved.Το άρθρο αυτό στηρίζεται σε ένα σώµα κειµένων αποτελούµενο από διαφηµήσεις οι οποίες δηµοσιεύθηκαν στην Κύπρο την άνοιξη του 2004 και µελετά τα εξής θέµατα : ποιες είναι οι επικείµενες γνωσιακές λειτουργίες του αναγνώστη όταν το κείµενο αφήνει αµετάφραστη ή χρησιµοποιεί ξεκάθαρα µια γλώσσα η οποία θεωρείται ξένη ; Ειδικότερα, ποια είναι η στάση των αναγνωστών οι οποίοι γίνονται µεταφραστές χωρίς να το θέλουν και ποια τα στάδια από τα οποία περνάµε όταν διαβάζουµε διαφηµιστικά κείµενα στην Κύπρο στα οποία παρατηρείται εναλλαγή των γλωσσικών κωδίκων, αγγλικής-ελληνικής, και ενώ οι δύο γλώσσες εµφανίζονται ταυτόχρονα στο ίδιο κείµενο ; Τι είδους µήνυµα µεταφέρουµε όταν δε µεταφράζουµε τη γλώσσα ; Προσπαθώντας να απαντήσουµε σε αυτές τις ερωτήσεις εξετάζουµε : α) διαφορετικά γλωσσολογικά περικείµενα που δηµοσιεύθηκαν στην Κύπρο και µε τα οποία έρχεται σε επαφή διαφορετικό κοινό (δίγλωσσο ή διγλωσσικό), β) τις απαραίτητες κοινωνιο-πολιτισµικές γνώσεις τις οποίες αυτό διαθέτει για να αποκωδικοποιήσει τη χιουµοριστική λειτουργία του διαφηµιστικού σλόγκαν, ένα από τα χαρακτηριστικά του και γ) την πραγµατιστική διάσταση της διαφήµησης και του αποτελέσµατος της (να πείσει το κοινό). Παρατηρήσαµε ότι η επίτευξη του στόχου της διαφήµησης, δηλαδή το να πείσει τελικά το κοινό, εξαρτάται ολοκληρωτικά από το βαθµό της διγλωσσίας που χαρακτηρίζει τις εν λόγω κοινότητες οι οποίες συµµετέχουν στη διαδικασία µετάφρασης του µη-µεταφρασµένου

    From family to university: Best practices for inclusive tertiary education

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    This article investigates practices and integration strategies implemented by a European network of universities with regard to refugees and international students, in particular, integration practices at two levels: governance and policies, regarding the institutional initiatives used and their relative success; second, the experience of such policies by international students. Our study revealed that in relation to refugee integration there is an overall lack of organisation, with too little, scattered information with respect to a bottom-up policy. In contrast, with regard to international students the system works fairly well, due to the top-down policy promoted by the EU. We propose that the EU put in place a specific program for refugee integration, such as ERASMUS+, focused on strengthening links with refugee families and schools with a high proportion of refugees

    Universality of aging: family caregivers for elderly cancer patients

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    The world population is aging, with the proportion of older people (65+ years) expected to reach 21% in 2050 and to exceed the number of younger people (aged 15 or less) for the first time in history. Because cancer is particularly a chronic disease of older people, a large increase in the number of elderly patients with cancer is anticipated. The estimated number of new cancer cases worldwide among people over 65 is expected to grow from about 6 million in 2008 to more than 11 million during the coming decade. By 2030, individuals over 65 are expected to account for 70% of all cancer patients in the Western world. Along with the increase in oncology patients, the number of older people caring for their ill spouses or other relatives is also growing, with the ensuing toll on these caregivers causing major concern, especially in western countries. In different societies the characteristics of family caregiver stressors, cultural norms concerning caregiving, and the availability of support have a huge impact on those providing care. Any study of older caregivers of older cancer patients requires an integrative evaluation of aging that takes into account cultural, social, psychological, and behavioral variables. This review proposes a critical discussion of the multidimensionality of the caregiving and of the impact that age, culture, and gender have on it