236 research outputs found

    The Prospect and Process of LNG

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    This report primarily addresses the issues surrounding a conventional onshore LNG receiving terminal and gives an overview of its chief components which include LNG unloading facilities, storage tanks, LNG (William, 1995) regasification system and vapor handling system. Report chiefly aims to the regasification process and infrastructures used in LNG receiving terminals, especially different types of vaporizers and storage tanks which being illustrated respectively in report. This report will be helpful in understanding the various technological aspects of conventional LNG receiving terminals

    Electromagnetic modelling using T-A formulation for high-temperature superconductor (RE)Ba2Cu3Oxhigh field magnets

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    Second generation (2G) high-temperature superconductor (HTS) (RE)Ba2Cu3Ox(REBCO) shows a great potential in building high field magnets beyond 23.5 T. The electromagnetic modelling is vital for the design of HTS magnet, however, this always suffers the challenge of huge computation for high field magnets with large number of turns. This study presents a novel electromagnetic modelling based on T-A formulation for REBCO magnets with thousands of turns. An equivalent turn method is proposed to reduce the number of turns in calculation, so that the computation cost can be reduced significantly, and meanwhile the key electromagnetic behaviour of HTS magnet can be simulated with enough accuracy. The ramping operation of a fully HTS magnet with 12,000 turns are analysed using both the original T-A model with actual turns and improved T-A model with equivalent turns. The two models show a good agreement on the key electromagnetic behaviours of the magnet: distribution of current density, magnetic fields, screen current induced field and magnetisation loss, so that this improved T-A model using equivalent turns is validated. The T-A modelling of REBCO magnet is a powerful tool for the electromagnetic analysis of industry-scale high field magnets

    Lattice Reduction with Approximate Enumeration Oracles: Practical Algorithms and Concrete Performance

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    This work provides a systematic investigation of the use of approximate enumeration oracles in BKZ, building on recent technical progress on speeding-up lattice enumeration: relaxing (the search radius of) enumeration and extended preprocessing which preprocesses in a larger rank than the enumeration rank. First, we heuristically justify that relaxing enumeration with certain extreme pruning asymptotically achieves an exponential speed-up for reaching the same root Hermite factor (RHF). Second, we perform simulations/experiments to validate this and the performance for relaxed enumeration with numerically optimised pruning for both regular and extended preprocessing. Upgrading BKZ with such approximate enumeration oracles gives rise to our main result, namely a practical and faster (wrt. previous work) polynomial-space lattice reduction algorithm for reaching the same RHF in practical and cryptographic parameter ranges. We assess its concrete time/quality performance with extensive simulations and experiments

    Diffusion-based 3D Object Detection with Random Boxes

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    3D object detection is an essential task for achieving autonomous driving. Existing anchor-based detection methods rely on empirical heuristics setting of anchors, which makes the algorithms lack elegance. In recent years, we have witnessed the rise of several generative models, among which diffusion models show great potential for learning the transformation of two distributions. Our proposed Diff3Det migrates the diffusion model to proposal generation for 3D object detection by considering the detection boxes as generative targets. During training, the object boxes diffuse from the ground truth boxes to the Gaussian distribution, and the decoder learns to reverse this noise process. In the inference stage, the model progressively refines a set of random boxes to the prediction results. We provide detailed experiments on the KITTI benchmark and achieve promising performance compared to classical anchor-based 3D detection methods.Comment: Accepted by PRCV 202

    Exploring Structural Diversity of Microbe Secondary Metabolites Using OSMAC Strategy: A Literature Review

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    Microbial secondary metabolites (MSMs) have played and continue to play a highly significant role in the drug discovery and development process. Genetically, MSM chemical structures are biologically synthesized by microbial gene clusters. Recently, however, the speed of new bioactive MSM discovery has been slowing down due to consistent employment of conventional cultivation and isolation procedure. In order to alleviate this challenge, a number of new approaches have been developed. The strategy of one strain many compounds (OSMAC) has been shown as a simple and powerful tool that can activate many silent biogenetic gene clusters in microorganisms to make more natural products. This review highlights important and successful examples using OSMAC approaches, which covers changing medium composition and cultivation status, co-cultivation with other strain(s), adding enzyme inhibitor(s) and MSM biosynthetic precursor(s). Available evidences had shown that variation of cultivation condition is the most effective way to produce more MSMs and facilitate the discovery of new therapeutic agents

    Assessing r2SCAN meta-GGA functional for structural parameters, cohesive energy, mechanical modulus and thermophysical properties of 3d, 4d and 5d transition metals

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    The recent development of the accurate and efficient semilocal density functionals on the third rung of Jacob's ladder of density functional theory such as the revised regularized strongly constrained and appropriately normed (r2SCAN) density functional could enable the rapid and highly reliable prediction of the elasticity and temperature dependence of thermophysical parameters of refractory elements and their intermetallic compounds using quasi-harmonic approximation (QHA). Here, we present a comparative evaluation of the equilibrium cell volumes, cohesive energy, mechanical moduli, and thermophysical properties (Debye temperature and thermal expansion coefficient) for 22 transition metals using semilocal density functionals, including local density approximation (LDA), the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) and PBEsol generalized gradient approximations (GGA), and the r2SCAN meta-GGA. PBEsol and r2SCAN deliver the same level of accuracies for structural, mechanical and thermophysical properties. Otherwise, PBE and r2SCAN perform better than LDA and PBEsol for calculating cohesive energies of transition metals. Among the tested density functionals, r2SCAN provides an overall well-balanced performance for reliably computing the cell volumes, cohesive energies, mechanical properties, and thermophysical properties of various 3d, 4d, and 5d transition metals using QHA. Therefore, we recommend that r2SCAN could be employed as a workhorse method to evaluate the thermophysical properties of transition metal compounds and alloys in the high throughput workflows

    Molecular epidemiology of dengue viruses in southern China from 1978 to 2006

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    To investigate molecular epidemiology of dengue viruses (DENV) in southern China, a total of 14 dengue isolates were collected in southern China during each epidemic year between 1978 and 2006 and their full-length genome sequences were obtained by using RT-PCR method. The E gene sequences from additional 6 dengue fever patients in Guangzhou in 2006 were also obtained by using RT-PCR method. Combined with DENVs sequences published in GenBank, phylogenetic analysis and recombination analysis were performed. One hundred and twenty-five E gene sequences and 60 complete genome sequences published in the GenBank were also involved. Phylogenetic analysis showed that there was a wide genetic diversity of DENVs isolated in southern China. DENV-1 strains exist in almost all of the clades of genotype I and IV except the Asia 1 clade of genotype I; DENV-2 stains are grouped into four of the five genotypes except American genotype. DENV-4 strains are grouped into 2 genotypes (I and II). Phylogenetic analysis also showed that all DENV-4 isolates and two DENV-2 isolates were closely related to the prior isolates from neighboring Southeast Asia countries. The DENV-1 strain isolated during the 2006 epidemic is highly homologous to the strains isolated during the 2001 epidemic