614 research outputs found

    An exploration of the accentuation effect: errors in memory for voice fundamental frequency (F0) and speech rate

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    The accentuation effect demonstrates how memory often reflects category typical representations rather than the specific features of learned items. The present study investigated the impact of manipulating fundamental frequency (F0) and speech rate (syllables per second) on immediate target matching performance (selecting a voice from a pair to match a previously heard target voice) for a range of synthesised voices. It was predicted that when participants were presented with high or low frequency target voices, voices even higher or lower in frequency would be selected. The same pattern was also predicted for speech rate. Inconsistent with the accentuation account, the results showed a general bias to select voices higher in frequency for high, moderate, and low frequency target voices. For speech rate, listeners selected voices faster in rate for slow rate target voices. Overall it seems doubtful that listeners rely solely on categorical information about voices during recognition

    Size and emotion or depth and emotion? Evidence, using Matryoshka (Russian) dolls, of children using physical depth as a proxy for emotional charge

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    Background: The size and emotion effect is the tendency for children to draw people and other objects with a positive emotional charge larger than those with a negative or neutral charge. Here we explored the novel idea that drawing size might be acting as a proxy for depth (proximity).Methods: Forty-two children (aged 3-11 years) chose, from 2 sets of Matryoshka (Russian) dolls, a doll to represent a person with positive, negative or neutral charge, which they placed in front of themselves on a sheet of A3 paper. Results: We found that the children used proximity and doll size, to indicate emotional charge. Conclusions: These findings are consistent with the notion that in drawings, children are using size as a proxy for physical closeness (proximity), as they attempt with varying success to put positive charged items closer to, or negative and neutral charge items further away from, themselves

    The antitumour activity of 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA) in TNF receptor-1 knockout mice

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    5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid, a novel antivascular anticancer drug, has completed Phase I clinical trial. Its actions in mice include tumour necrosis factor induction, serotonin release, tumour blood flow inhibition, and the induction of tumour haemorrhagic necrosis and regression. We have used mice with a targeted disruption of the tumour necrosis factor receptor-1 gene as recipients for the colon 38 carcinoma to determine the role of tumour necrosis factor signalling in the action of 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid. The pharmacokinetics of 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid, as well as the degree of induced plasma and tissue tumour necrosis factor, were similar in tumour necrosis factor receptor-1−/− and wild-type mice. However, the maximum tolerated dose of 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid was considerably higher in tumour necrosis factor receptor-1−/− mice (>100 mg kg−1) than in wild-type mice (27.5 mg kg−1). The antitumour activity of 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (25 mg kg−1) was strongly attenuated in tumour necrosis factor receptor-1−/− mice. However, the reduced toxicity in tumour necrosis factor receptor-1−/− mice allowed the demonstration that at a higher dose (50 mg kg−1), 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid was curative and comparable in effect to that of a lower dose (25 mg kg−1) in wild-type mice. The 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid -induced rise in plasma 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, used to reflect serotonin production in a vascular response, was larger in colon 38 tumour bearing than in non-tumour bearing tumour necrosis factor receptor-1−/− mice, but in each case the response was smaller than the corresponding response in wild-type mice. The results suggest an important role for tumour necrosis factor in mediating both the host toxicity and antitumour activity of 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid, but also suggest that tumour necrosis factor can be replaced by other vasoactive factors in its antitumour action, an observation of relevance to current clinical studies