320 research outputs found
Frame definability in finitely-valued modal logics
In this paper we study frame definability in finitely valued modal logics and establish two main results via suitable translations: (1) in finitely valued modal logics one cannot define more classes of frames than are already definable in classical modal logic (cf. [27, Thm. 8]), and (2) a large family of finitely valued modal logics define exactly the same classes of frames as classical modal logic (including modal logics based on finite Heyting and MV-algebras, or even BL-algebras). In this way one may observe, for example, that the celebrated Goldblatt–Thomason theorem applies immediately to these logics. In particular, we obtain the central result from [26] with a much simpler proof and answer one of the open questions left in that paper. Moreover, the proposed translations allow us to determine the computational complexity of a big class of finitely valued modal logics
Homelessness and Unemployment During the Economic Recession: The Case of the City of Girona
Although the research suggests that the main causes of homelessness are classified in individual and structural factors, there are few scientific articles which evaluate the impact of structural factors such as unemployment during periods of economic recession. The objective of this study is to compare the evolution of the total rate of homelessness with the total rate of unemployment in the city of Girona (Catalonia) during the economical recession (2006-2016) and to determine if unemployment is a predictive factor of homelessness. This is the first study with a Catalan sample comparing unemployment and homelessness. The design was longitudinal, retrospective and observational. The correlation tests between unemployment and homelessness indicated strong connections in the combination of the sample (r = .914, p <.001), men (r = .924, p <.001), and women (r = .716, p = 0.013). The results of the different models of simple linear regression used to determine the predictor variables of homelessness indicate that the rise of global unemployment is a predictor variable of the rise of global homelessness (ß = 2.17, p = .002) and male homelessness (ß = .82, p <.001). However, it does not predict specific female homelessness (ß = .88, p =.68)
Explaining vineyard specialization in the province of Barcelona (Spain) in the mid-19th century
We present a statistical model of agrarian vineyard specialization in the province of Barcelona towards 1860, that combines the Boserupian push of population increase, the demand pull of a Smithian-type of growth (measured by the time-distances to the nearest seaport), and the agrological lands suitability for sowing grain or growing vines (as measured by water stress, slopes and frost risk). The overall outcome of the adjusted R2 levels, which range from 0.608 to 0.826, can be considered very successful. The inequality in land ownership is another factor that we believe to have played an important role, but has had to be omitted for the moment due to the lack of statistical data. Further research is also needed to deal with a possible endogeneity problem that working with socio-demographic variables entails.wine international market integration, regional land-use patterns, vineyard specialization, population pressure, agrological suitability
Article 45 de la loi n° 2005-102 du 11 février 2005 pour l'égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées. Propositions pour l'application aux transports collectifs du Département de la Nièvre
La loi n° 2005-102 du 11 février 2005 vise à donner une nouvelle impulsion à la lutte contre les discriminations vis à vis des personnes handicapées ou à mobilité réduite. Pour cela, le législateur impose la mise en accessibilité de toute la chaîne de déplacement à l'horizon 2015. Cette loi s'adresse en priorité aux Autorités Organisatrices des Transports chargée de mettre en œuvre cette mise en accessibilité totale. Au travers de ce rapport, le Conseil Général de la Nièvre s'est engagé activement dans cette démarche en commanditant une étude de diagnostic du réseau de transport permettant de définir les leviers de sa mise en accessibilité. Dans un contexte économique contraint, les propositions d'application de la loi ainsi définies reposent sur le développement des services à la demande selon une répartition propre aux spécificités de la Nièvre.Loi n°2005-102, transport, accessibilité, personne à Mobilité Réduite, PMR, service à la demande, Nièvre (France)
Celdas y monasterios dependientes: los otros espacios de vida monástica en la Cataluña altomedieval (siglos IX-X)
This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of all the dependent monasteries that are documented in the Catalan counties during the Carolingian period. To do so, it first addresses some preliminary questions necessary to clearly define what we mean when we speak of dependent monasteries, how we can identify them in the written sources and how many there were in the region under consideration. Next, a comparative study of these monastic centres is carried out, proposing different models that allow explaining their emergence and subsequent evolution. Finally, this article questions how the monastic cells were affected by the political and social changes occurred at the end of the 9th century.Este artículo ofrece un análisis de conjunto de todos los monasterios dependientes que se documentan en los condados catalanes de época carolingia. Para hacerlo, primero afronta algunas cuestiones previas necesarias para definir con claridad a qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de cenobios dependientes, cómo podemos identificarlos en las fuentes y cuántos había en nuestra zona de interés. A continuación, aborda el estudio comparativo de estos centros monásticos, planteando distintos modelos que permiten explicar su surgimiento y posterior evolución. Finalmente, analiza el impacto que tuvieron sobre ellos los cambios coyunturales que se produjeron a finales del siglo IX, cuando aparecieron los primeros linajes condales de carácter privativo al sur de los Pirineos
The solidarity in sponsorships in Spanish football. The BBVA League: from global to local
El FC Barcelona, el Málaga CF y el Granada CF son los tres equipos que, en la temporada 2013-14, desarrollaron estrategias de patrocinio solidario en la Liga BBVA. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar dichas estrategias para poder valorar su rentabilidad económica y, sobretodo, en concepto de capital-imagen. A partir del estudio de caso, se describe el acuerdo entre el FC Barcelona y Unicef (2006), entre el Málaga CF y UNESCO (2011) y el programa “Hijos del fútbol” del Granada CF (2013). El artículo ilustra, no solo diversos niveles de aprovechamiento de dichas estrategias, sino también objetivos diferentes por parte de los clubes a la hora de concebirlas.FC Barcelona, Málaga CF and Granada CF were the Spanish soccer clubs that, in the 2013-14 season, had non-profit sponsorship agreements. The aim of this article is to examine these sponsorship strategies in order to analyze their rendibility, not only in economical terms but also taking into account benefits for their corporate image. Using a study case methodology, the article describes the agreement between FC Barcelona and Unicef (2006), between Málaga CF and UNESCO (2011) and the spronsorship program ‘Hijos del fútbol’ [Soons of football] of Granada CF (2013). This article concludes that these clubes, not only had different outcomes from these agreements, but also they had very different objectives in the moment they conceive them
La religiositat femenina no reglada als comtats catalans dels segles IX i X una aproximació territorial i a les seves relacions en xarxa
[cat] En el present article es pretén aprofundir sobre l'espiritualitat femenina no reglada en els comtats catalans dels segles IX i X, un fenomen que, des dels pioners estudis de Montserrat Cabré als anys 80 i 90, pràcticament no ha atret l'atenció del medievalisme català. Per suplir aquesta mancança, s'aprofitaran els avanços que darrerament s'han produït en matèria d'edició documental per oferir una llista completa de totes les devotae i deodicatae que tenim documentades abans de l'any 1000, entre les quals es distingiran aquelles que vivien en un entorn monàstic institucionalitzat i aquelles que desocuparen la seva vida religiosa fora de tota institució regular. Així mateix, tenint en compte que per a la majoria d'elles tenim molt poques dades, però que gran part són susceptibles de ser georeferenciades, s'empraran les moltes possibilitats que ofereixen els Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica per tal de treure'n la màxima rendibilitat possible i oferir una caracterització més precisa d'aquestes dones, del seu modus vivendi i, sobretot, dels espais en què el dugueren a terme.[eng] This article aims to look into non-regulated female spirituality in the Catalan counties in the ninth and tenth centuries, a phenomenon that has attracted virtually no attention among Catalan medievalists since the appearance of Montserrat Cabré's pioneering studies in the 1980s and 1990s. To fill this gap, recently edited sources will be used to provide a complete list of the devotae and deodicatae who can be documented before the year 1000, including both those who lived in regulated monastic environments and those who carried a religious life outside regulated establishments. Likewise, taking into account that although there are very few data on the majority of these women, most of it can be georeferenced, the many possibilities offered by Geographic Information Systems will be used to maximise its potential and to offer a more precise characterization of these women, their way of life and, above all, the spaces they inhabited
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