77 research outputs found

    Cooperation of China and Russia in the framework of the Asian Super Grid : political and legal aspects

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    The authors present data on the current situation regarding the organization of electricity exports and analyze the potential of the Russian Far East in electricity production in the context of the financial and investment interaction between China and Russia. The research showed that by building up its own export potential in the electricity power industry will allow Russia to strengthen the existing electric power complex of the Russian regions bordering with China making qualitative changes in the structure of the trade balance between these countries with respect to energy resources.peer-reviewe

    Economization of information and scientific data : a common approach

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    The authors present a study on the economization of information and scientific data in the current information society that creates grounds for the rapid development of the economy of knowledge. The study reveals that both information and scientific data became the object of attention of economists who tried to explain the behavior of scientists and groups of scientists (research communities) from a standpoint of not only ‘disinterestedness’ in scientific research, but also in the context of striving to optimize their costs and earns.The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 18-29-15030 mk on the theme “Scientific information in the orbit of the content, forms and problems of intellectual property rights protection (comparison with regard to the experience of BRICS countries)” (Grantee – Dr. of Sciences, Prof. Ksenia M. Belikova, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), www.rudn.ru)peer-reviewe

    Modalization of Speech Actions as the Basis of the Metaphoric Transfer (on the Example of German Economic Discourse)

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    The question of the nature of speech modalization has been repeatedly considered in linguistics from various positions, which is partially reflected in the text of the article. The authors of the publication propose to look at the points of intersection of the process of metaphorization of statements within the framework of one type of discourse with the expression of the author's attitude to and/or assessment of its content. To substantiate the validity of this approach, the authors refer to the methodology of logical analysis of language, the theory of intersubjectivity and the theory of evaluativity, linking cognitive methods of analyzing the process of metaphorization with a broad understanding of the category of modality. This formulation of the problem fits into the modern scientific paradigm of interdisciplinarity and the actualization of interdisciplinary relations, which reflects the relevance of the proposed text. The scientific novelty of the topic is an attempt to determine the correlation of the category of modality in its axiological and ideological aspects with metaphorization as a means of actualizing evaluativity in economic discourse. Commonly, denoting phenomena, processes or results is not limited to their nomination, but the producer of the utterance gives them a modal assessment. The empirical material containing fragments of texts of the German-language mass media on economic topics reflects the validity of the proposed interpretation of the issue, shows the potential relationship of phenomena in the intersection of various connotative meanings of a cognitive metaphor, potentially serving to express the attitude to the proposition of an utterance at the level of intersubjective assessments that create a modal frame of the text. The given examples clearly demonstrate that cognitive metaphors in various forms of their implementation could serve to express ideological modality from the standpoint of intersubjectivity, since the producer of the text relies on the reflection of a fragment of reality in the communicative and cognitive activity of subjects of the national-cultural community of people. The article recognizes a certain ambiguity of the proposed interpretation of the category of modality, which is considered in the traditional grammar as an expression of possibility, ought and desirability, or as a confidence, doubt and assertion that the action is carried out at different time levels using phrases with modal verbs, modal words or adverbs, particles, etc. Thus, the article can be considered as an indirect invitation to a discussion on the issue

    Using the synthetic form RS5 to obtain new introgressive lines of common wheat

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    The use of the gene pool of wild relatives, which have a significant reserve of genetic diversity, is of immediate interest for breeding common wheat. The creation and use of synthetic forms as “bridges” is an effective method of transferring valuable genetic material from wild relatives to cultivated wheat. For this purpose, genome addition, genome substitution and recombinant “secondary” synthetic forms have been created in the P.P. Lukyanenko National Center of Grain. The synthetic recombination form RS5 (BBAASDt ), in which the third genome consists of chromosomes of Aegilops speltoides (S) and Aegilops tauschii (Dt ), was obtained from crossing the synthetic forms Avrodes (BBAASS) and M.it./Ae. tauschii (BBAADt Dt ), in which the D genome from Ae. tauschii was added to the BBAA genomes of the durum wheat cultivar Mutico italicum. Introgression lines resistant to leaf rust, yellow rust and powdery mildew have been obtained from backcrosses with the susceptible common wheat cultivars Krasnodarskaya 99, Rostislav and Zhirovka. Twelve resistant lines that additionally have high technological characteristics of grain and flour have been selected. The cytological study (С-banding) has revealed chromosomal modifications in 6 of 8 lines under study. The rearrangements mainly affected the chromosomes of the D genome, 1D, 3D, 4D, 6D and 7D. It was found that in most cases the genetic material from the synthetic form RS5 in the studied lines was represented by substituted chromosomes from Ae. tauschii. In line 5791p17, the substitution of chromosomes 6D from Ae. tauschii and 7D from Ae. speltoides was revealed. Substitutions 4D(4Dt ), 6D(6Dt ) from Ae. tauschii and 7D(7S) from Ae. speltoides were obtained for the first time. Molecular analysis of 12 lines did not reveal effective leaf rust resistance genes, presumably present in synthetic forms of M.it./Ae. tauschii and Avrodes. It is assumed that the lines may carry previously unidentified genes for fungal disease resistance, in particular for resistance to leaf rust, from Ae. tauschii and Ae. speltoides

    A study of bread wheat lines from crosses with the synthetic form Avrodes in regard to their yellow rust resistance

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    The genome-substituted synthetic form Avrodes (AABBSS) was used for transferring resistance to yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici Eriks.) from Aegilops speltoides Tausch, (2n = 14) to bread wheat. The study involved 24 introgressive lines of bread wheat obtained using the Avrodes form. Yellow rust resistant lines P07-L.02, P07-L.1, P07-L.17, P07-L.43, P07-L.19, AS12-88, AS12-06, AS12-07, AS12- 51, Asp81-21, Asp63-21, Asp053-21, Asp04-21, Asp022-19, Asp023-19 and Asp029-20 were selected and can be used as new donors of disease resistance. The use of differential chromosome staining (C-banding) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) identified the genetic material of Ae. speltoides transmitted in the form of 5S(5D) chromosome substitution and translocations of T5BS.5BL-5SL, T2DL.2DS-2SS, T5D, as well as translocation of T1BL.1RS from Secale cereale L. The work revealed that the lines with single translocations of T1BL.1RS and T5BS.5BL-5SL were susceptible to yellow rust, while the lines in which the T2DL.2DS-2SS translocation and 5S(5D) substitutions were identified, as well as the lines with translocations of T1BL.1RS, T2DL.2DS-2SS and T5D showed resistance to the disease. Presumably, the selected introgression lines, obtained by means of crosses with Avrodes, may carry new genes or loci for yellow rust resistance

    Use of a synthetic form Avrodes for transfer of leaf rust resistance from Aegilops speltoides to common wheat

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    Diploid wild relative of wheat – Aegilops speltoides – is a valuable source of genes for resistance to diseases. The synthetic form Avrodes (BBAASS) was used as a bridge to transfer leaf rust resistance genes from Ae. speltoides to common wheat. Introgression lines obtained from crosses of Avrodes and susceptible common wheat cultivars were evaluated in a field leaf rust nursery. Resistance levels varied from high to moderate. Testing of lines with the use of molecular markers has shown that some lines have the Lr28 and Lr35 genes inherited from synthetic form Avrodes. The majority of resistance lines have not been found to carry these genes. The Lr47 and Lr51 genes were not identified in the Avrodes and introgression lines. The analysis of chromosome pairing in F1 hybrids showed that the transfer of a genetic material from Avrodes to common wheat basically occurs through translocations. Lines with translocations on chromosomes 2D and 5D were identified by C-banding and FISH. The translocations differed in chromosomal location from known leaf resistance genes transferred to common wheat from Ae. speltoides. Hence it was assumed that new genes were introduced into the common wheat genome from Ae. speltoides. Introgression lines have been studied for productivity and technological qualities of grain. Lines AA60n9 and D37n10 combine high resistance to leaf rust with good characteristics of productivity and technological qualities of grain. The received results demonstrate a genetic diversity and a value of the investigated introgression lines for breeding of common wheat

    The development and study of common wheat introgression lines derived from the synthetic form RS7

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    Synthetic recombination form RS7 (BBAAUS), in which the first two genomes, A and B, originate from common wheat, and the third recombinant genome consists of Aegilops speltoides (S) and Ae. umbellulata (U) chromosomes, was obtained from crossing synthetic forms Avrodes (BBAASS) and Avrolata (BBAAUU). Resistant to leaf rust, yellow rust and powdery mildew, introgression lines have been obtained from backcrosses with the susceptible varieties of common wheat Krasnodarskaya 99, Fisht and Rostislav. PCR analysis showed the presence of amplification fragments with marker SCS421 specific for the Lr28 gene in the line 4991n17. The cytological study (С-banding and FISH) of 14 lines has revealed chromosomal modifications in 12 of them. In most cases, the lines carry translocations from Ae. speltoides, which were identified in chromosomes 1D, 2D, 3D, 2B, 4B, 5B and 7B. Also, lines with the substituted chromosomes 1S (1B), 4D (4S), 5D (5S) and 7D (7S) were identified. Lines that have genetic material from Ae. speltoides and Ae umbellulata at once were revealed. In the line 3379n14, translocations in the short arm of chromosome 7D from Ae. umbellulata and chromosomes 5BL, 1DL, 2DL from Ae. speltoides were revealed. The line 4626p16 presumably has a translocation on the long arm of chromosome 2D from Ae. umbellulata and the T7SS.7SL-7DL translocation from Ae. speltoides. The T1DS.1DL-1SL and T3DS.3DL-3SL translocations from Ae. speltoides, and T2DS.2DL-2UL and T7DL.7DS-7US from Ae. umbellulata have been obtained for the first time. These lines may carry previously unidentified disease resistance genes and, in particular, leaf rust resistance genes from Ae. speltoides and Ae. umbellulata


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    The aim of the study was the evaluation of pharmacokinetic parameters and clinical efficacy of generic cyclosporine (Ecoral) and Sandimmune Neoral. Materials and methods’. The pharmacokinetic parameters of different cyclosporine formulations. In 197 kidney graft recipients 319 comprehensive pharmacokinetic studies were performed. In 42 patients received in consecutive order original and generic Cyclosporine in the same dosage the complete pharmacokinetic study was perforfomed. AUC calculations based on dosing interval concentration values were fulfilled using linear trapezoidal rule. To evaluate clinical efficacy 235 short pharmacokinetic studies with concentration examination at 0, 1, 2 and 3 hours after taking Cyclosporine (Co, C1 C2 and C3) were performed in patients treated with Neoral (n = 75) or generic cyclosporine (n = 160). Clinical efficacy of generic cyclosporine was estimated by the prevalence of allograft dysfunction and biopsy proved acute rejection episodes as well as by one-years graft survival and events-free survival. The graft survival rate was calculated by Kaplan–Meyer method. Results. At 100–200 ng/ml maintenance concentration (estimated by C0 concentration) pharmacokinetic parameters did not significantly differ according to Cyclosporine formulation in both complete or short pharmacokinetic studies: AUC-4265 vs. 4204 and 3834 vs. 3670 ng/ml/h respectively; (p > 0.05), Cmax (1036 vs 931 and 813 vs 741 ng/ml respectively; (p > 0.05). Allograft dysfunction occurred in 5% of patients subjected to Neoral immunosuppression and in 8% of Equoral recipients (p > 0.05). However biopsy-proven acute rejection as a cause of graft dysfunction was seen only in patients receiving Ecoral (7% vs 0; p < 0.05). One-years graft survival rate did not differ between groups (99% and 94% in generic CyA and Neoral respectively; p > 0.05), whereas events-free graft survival was significantly lower in patients, receiving generic CyA than in Neoral group (88 vs 94% respectively; p = 0,03). Conclusion. Pharmacokinetic studies have shown the absorption profile of generic formulations Equoral do not differ significantly from that of Neoral. Prospective pilot trial demonstrated no difference between one-year graft survival or graft dysfunction rate, but lower eventsfree one-year graft survival as well as the tendency to higher acute rejection rate in patients treated with generics in comparison with those receiving Neoral should be noted. This issue is to be studied further. Цель исследования: сравнение биодоступности оригинального препарата циклоспорина (CyA) Сандиммуна Неорала и воспроизведенного препарата Экорала, их клинической эффективности и частоты побочных эффектов после трансплантации почки. Материалы и методы. Выполнено 319 фармакокинетических исследований у 197 реципиентов трансплантированной почки (ТП). У 42 из них выполнялось полное фармакокинетическое исследование, то есть определялась концентрация в крови СуА до приема и через 1; 1,5; 2; 3; 4; 6; 8 и 10 часов после приема препарата, причем в каждом случае сначала исследование проводилось на фоне Неорала, а затем через 2 недели после конверсии на Экорал в отношении 1:1. У 155 реципиентов было выполнено 235 укороченных фармакокинетических исследований на фоне приема Неорала (в 75 случаях) либо генерического препарата Экорал (у 160 человек) с определением концентрации в крови СуА до приема, через 1, 2 и 3 часа после приема. Оценивались основные фармакокинетические показатели: уровень СyA в крови до приема препарата (Co), пиковая концентрация (Cmax), время достижения пика (Tmax), площадь под фармакокинетичекой кривой «концентрация – время» (AUC). AUC рассчитывалась по методу трапеции (в полном фармакокинетическом исследовании) либо по формуле Gaspari (в укороченном). Для оценки клинической эффективности проанализированы отдаленные (в течение 12 месяцев после исследования) результаты наблюдения с оценкой функции трансплантата, частоты острого отторжения, однолетней выживаемости трансплантата и «бессобытийной» выживаемости, под которой понимали отсутствие признаков развивающейся дисфункции ТП, отторжения, побочных эффектов или смерти реципиента. Результаты. Основные фармакокинетические параметры значимо не различались после приема Неорала и Экорала как в полном (C max 1036 vs 931 нг/мл и AUC 4265 vs. 4204 нг/мл/ч), так и в укороченном исследовании (813 vs 741 нг/мл и 3834 vs. 3670 нг/мл/ч соответственно). Частота дисфункции трансплантата в этих группах также значимо не различалась (8% на Неорале vs 5% на Экорале), однако обратила на себя внимание тенденция к более частому отторжению на фоне Экорала (7% vs 0), что нашло отражение в более низкой «бессобытийной» выживаемости в этой подгруппе реципиентов (94 и 88% соответственно, p < 0,05). При этом выживаемость трансплантатов через год после исследования на фоне Неорала и Экорала была сопоставимой (94 и 99% соответственно). Заключение. Наши данные позволяют предположить, что при совпадении по важнейшим фармакокинетическим параметрам (Cmax, Tmax, AUC) между генериком Экоралом и Сандиммуном возможны некоторые различия по клинической эффективности. Этот вопрос, однако, требует дальнейшего специального изучения.

    45S rDNA external transcribed spacer organization reveals new phylogenetic relationships in Avena genus

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    Research ArticleThe genus Avena comprises four distinct genomes organized in diploid (AA or CC), tetraploid (AABB or AACC) and hexaploid species (AACCDD), constituting an interesting model for phylogenetic analysis. The aim of this work was to characterize 45S rDNA intergenic spacer (IGS) variability in distinct species representative of Avena genome diversity±A. strigosa (AA), A. ventricosa (CvCv), A. eriantha (CpCp), A. barbata (AABB), A. murphyi (AACC), A. sativa (AACCDD) and A. sterilis (AACCDD) through the assessment of the 5' external transcribed spacer (5'-ETS), a promising IGS region for phylogenetic studies poorly studied in Avena genus. In this work, IGS length polymorphisms were detected mainly due to distinct 5'-ETS sequence types resulting from major differences in the number and organization of repeated motifs. Although species with A genome revealed a 5'-ETS organization (A-organization) similar to the one previously described in A. sativa, a distinct organization was unraveled in C genome diploid species (C-organization). Interestingly, such new organization presents a higher similarity with other Poaceae species than A-genome sequences, supporting the hypothesis of C-genome being the ancestral Avena genome. Additionally, polyploid species with both genomes mainly retain the A-genome 5'-ETS organization, confirming the preferential elimination of C-genome sequences in Avena polyploid species. Moreover, 5'-ETS sequences phylogenetic analysis consistently clustered the species studied according to ploidy and genomic constitution supporting the use of ribosomal genes to highlight Avena species evolutive pathways.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Excited-State Electronic Structure with Configuration Interaction Singles and Tamm–Dancoff Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory on Graphical Processing Units

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    Excited-state calculations are implemented in a development version of the GPU-based TeraChem software package using the configuration interaction singles (CIS) and adiabatic linear response Tamm–Dancoff time-dependent density functional theory (TDA-TDDFT) methods. The speedup of the CIS and TDDFT methods using GPU-based electron repulsion integrals and density functional quadrature integration allows full ab initio excited-state calculations on molecules of unprecedented size. CIS/6-31G and TD-BLYP/6-31G benchmark timings are presented for a range of systems, including four generations of oligothiophene dendrimers, photoactive yellow protein (PYP), and the PYP chromophore solvated with 900 quantum mechanical water molecules. The effects of double and single precision integration are discussed, and mixed precision GPU integration is shown to give extremely good numerical accuracy for both CIS and TDDFT excitation energies (excitation energies within 0.0005 eV of extended double precision CPU results)