3,271 research outputs found

    A Mid-Infrared Study of the Class 0 Cluster in LDN 1448

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    We present ground-based mid-infrared observations of Class 0 protostars in LDN 1448. Of the five known protostars in this cloud, we detected two, L1448N:A and L1448C, at 12.5, 17.9, 20.8, and 24.5 microns, and a third, L1448 IRS 2, at 24.5 microns. We present high-resolution images of the detected sources, and photometry or upper limits for all five Class 0 sources in this cloud. With these data, we are able to augment existing spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for all five objects and place them on an evolutionary status diagram.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal; 26 pages, 9 figure

    Two Bipolar Outflows and Magnetic Fields in a Multiple Protostar System, L1448 IRS 3

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    We performed spectral line observations of CO J=2-1, 13CO J=1-0, and C18O J=1-0 and polarimetric observations in the 1.3 mm continuum and CO J=2-1 toward a multiple protostar system, L1448 IRS 3, in the Perseus molecular complex at a distance of ~250 pc, using the BIMA array. In the 1.3 mm continuum, two sources (IRS 3A and 3B) were clearly detected with estimated envelope masses of 0.21 and 1.15 solar masses, and one source (IRS 3C) was marginally detected with an upper mass limit of 0.03 solar masses. In CO J=2-1, we revealed two outflows originating from IRS 3A and 3B. The masses, mean number densities, momentums, and kinetic energies of outflow lobes were estimated. Based on those estimates and outflow features, we concluded that the two outflows are interacting and that the IRS 3A outflow is nearly perpendicular to the line of sight. In addition, we estimated the velocity, inclination, and opening of the IRS 3B outflow using Bayesian statistics. When the opening angle is ~20 arcdeg, we constrain the velocity to ~45 km/s and the inclination angle to ~57 arcdeg. Linear polarization was detected in both the 1.3 mm continuum and CO J=2-1. The linear polarization in the continuum shows a magnetic field at the central source (IRS 3B) perpendicular to the outflow direction, and the linear polarization in the CO J=2-1 was detected in the outflow regions, parallel or perpendicular to the outflow direction. Moreover, we comprehensively discuss whether the binary system of IRS 3A and 3B is gravitationally bound, based on the velocity differences detected in 13CO J=1-0 and C18O J=1-0 observations and on the outflow features. The specific angular momentum of the system was estimated as ~3e20 cm^2/s, comparable to the values obtained from previous studies on binaries and molecular clouds in Taurus.Comment: ApJ accepted, 20 pages, 2 tables, 10 figure

    Dust emission from young outflows: the case of L1157

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    We present new high-sensitivity 1.3 mm bolometer observations of the young outflow L1157. These data show that the continuum emission arises from four distinct components: a circumstellar disk, a protostellar envelope, an extended flattened envelope --the dense remnant of the molecular cloud in which the protostar was formed--, and the outflow itself, which represents ~20% of the total flux. The outflow emission exhibits two peaks that are coincident with the two strong shocks in the southern lobe of L1157. We show that the mm continuum is dominated by thermal dust emission arising in the high velocity material. The spectral index derived from the new 1.3 mm data and 850 mu observations from Shirley et al. (2000), is ~5 in the outflow, significantly higher than in the protostellar envelope (~3.5). This can be explained by an important line contamination of the 850 mu map, and/or by different dust characteristics in the two regions, possibly smaller grains in the post-shocks regions of the outflow. Our observations show that bipolar outflows can present compact emission peaks which must not be misinterpreted as protostellar condensations when mapping star forming regions

    Giant Molecular Outflows Powered by Protostars in L1448

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    We present sensitive, large-scale maps of the CO J=1-0 emission of the L1448 dark cloud. These maps were acquired using the On-The-Fly capability of the NRAO 12-meter telescope. CO outflow activity is seen in L1448 on parsec-scales for the first time. Careful comparison of the spatial and velocity distribution of our high-velocity CO maps with previously published optical and near-infrared images and spectra has led to the identification of six distinct CO outflows. We show the direct link between the heretofore unknown, giant, highly-collimated, protostellar molecular outflows and their previously discovered, distant optical manifestations. The outflows traced by our CO mapping generally reach the projected cloud boundaries. Integrated intensity maps over narrow velocity intervals indicate there is significant overlap of blue- and red-shifted gas, suggesting the outflows are highly inclined with respect to the line-of-sight, although the individual outflow position angles are significantly different. The velocity channel maps also show that the outflows dominate the CO line cores as well as the high-velocity wings. The magnitude of the combined flow momenta, as well as the combined kinetic energy of the flows, are sufficient to disperse the 50 solar mass NH3 cores in which the protostars are currently forming, although some question remains as to the exact processes involved in redirecting the directionality of the outflow momenta to effect the complete dispersal of the parent cloud.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, to be published in the Astronomical Journa

    First evidence for molecular interfaces between outflows and ambient clouds in high-mass star-forming regions?

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    We present new observations of the Cep A East region of massive star formation and describe an extended and dynamically distinct feature not previously recognized. This feature is present in emission from H2CS, OCS, CH3OH, and HDO at −5.5 km s−1 but is not traced by the conventional tracers of star-forming regions, H2S, SO2, SO, and CS. The feature is extended up to at least 0.1 pc. We show that the feature is neither a hot core nor a shocked outflow. However, the chemistry of the feature is consistent with predictions from a model of an eroding interface between a fast wind and a dense core; mixing between the two media occurs in the interface on a timescale of 10–50 yr. If these observations are confirmed by detailed maps and by detections in species also predicted to be abundant (e.g., HCO+, H2CO, and NH3), this feature would be the first detection of such an interface in regions of massive star formation. An important implication of the model is that a significant reservoir of sulfur in grain mantles is required to be in the form of OCS

    A CO Survey of Young Planetary Nebulae

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    We report the results of a sensitive survey of young planetary nebulae in the CO J=2-1 line that significantly increases the available data on warm, dense, molecular gas in the early phases of planetary nebula formation. The observations were made using the IRAM 30 m telescope with the 3 by 3 pixel Heterodyne Receiver Array (HERA). The array provides an effective means of discriminating the CO emission of planetary nebulae in the galactic plane from contaminating emission of interstellar clouds along the line of sight. 110 planetary nebulae were observed in the survey and 40 were detected. The results increase the number of young planetary nebulae with known CO emission by approximately a factor of two. The CO spectra yield radial velocities for the detected nebulae, about half of which have uncertain or no velocity measurements at optical wavelengths. The CO profiles range from parabolic to double-peaked, tracing the evolution of structure in the molecular gas. The line widths are significantly larger than on the Asymptotic Giant Branch, and many of the lines show extended wings, which probably result from the effects on the envelopes of high velocity jets.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures (with multiple panels), to be published in Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Chemical evolution in the environment of intermediate mass young stellar objects: NGC7129--FIRS2 and LkHα\alpha234

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    We have carried out a molecular survey of the Class 0 IM protostar NGC 7129 -- FIRS 2 (hereafter FIRS 2) and the Herbig Be star LkHα\alpha 234 with the aim of studying the chemical evolution of the envelopes of intermediate-mass (IM) young stellar objects (YSOs). Both objects have similar luminosities (~500 Lsun) and are located in the same molecular cloud which minimizes the chemical differences due to different stellar masses or initial cloud conditions. Moreover, since they are located at the same distance, we have the same spatial resolution in both objects. A total of 17 molecular species (including rarer isotopes) have been observed in both objects and the structure of their envelopes and outflows is determined with unprecedent detail. Our results show that the protostellar envelopes are dispersed and warmed up during the evolution to become a pre-main sequence star. In fact, the envelope mass decreases by a factor >5 from FIRS 2 to LkHα\alpha234, while the kinetic temperature increases from ~13K to 28K. On the other hand, there is no molecular outflow associated with LkHα\alpha234. The molecular outflow seems to stop before the star becomes visible. These physical changes strongly affect the chemistry of their envelopes. Based on our results in FIRS2 and LkHα\alpha 234, we propose some abundance ratios that can be used as chemical clocks for the envelopes of IM YSOs. The SiO/CS, CN/N2H+, HCN/N2H+, DCO+/HCO+ and D2CO/DCO+ ratios are good diagnostics of the protostellar evolutionary stage.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figure

    Neutral atomic carbon in the globules of the Helix

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    We report detection of the 609u line of neutral atomic carbon in globules of the Helix nebula. The measurements were made towards the position of peak CO emission. At the same position, we obtained high-quality CO(2-1) and 13CO(2-1) spectra and a 135" x 135" map in CO(2-1). The velocity distribution of CI shows six narrow (1 -> 2 km/sec) components which are associated with individual globules traced in CO. The CI column densities are 0.5 -> 1.2 x 10^16/cm^2. CI is found to be a factor of ~6 more abundant than CO. Our estimate for the mass of the neutral envelope is an order of magnitude larger than previous estimates. The large abundance of CI in the Helix can be understood as a result of the gradual photoionisation of the molecular envelope by the central star's radiation field.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, AAS macros, 3 EPS figures, to appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Molecular ions in the protostellar shock L1157-B1

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    We perform a complete census of molecular ions with an abundance larger than 1e-10 in the protostellar shock L1157-B1 by means of an unbiased high-sensitivity survey obtained with the IRAM-30m and Herschel/HIFI. By means of an LVG radiative transfer code the gas physical conditions and fractional abundances of molecular ions are derived. The latter are compared with estimates of steady-state abundances in the cloud and their evolution in the shock calculated with the chemical model Astrochem. We detect emission from HCO+, H13CO+, N2H+, HCS+, and, for the first time in a shock, from HOCO+, and SO+. The bulk of the emission peaks at blueshifted velocity, ~ 0.5-3 km/s with respect to systemic, has a width of ~ 4-8 km/s, and is associated with the outflow cavities (T_kin ~ 20-70 K, n(H2) ~ 1e5 cm-3). Observed HCO+ and N2H+ abundances are in agreement with steady-state abundances in the cloud and with their evolution in the compressed and heated gas in the shock for cosmic rays ionization rate Z = 3e-16 s-1. HOCO+, SO+, and HCS+ observed abundances, instead, are 1-2 orders of magnitude larger than predicted in the cloud; on the other hand they are strongly enhanced on timescales shorter than the shock age (~2000 years) if CO2, S or H2S, and OCS are sputtered off the dust grains in the shock. The performed analysis indicates that HCO+ and N2H+ are a fossil record of pre-shock gas in the outflow cavity, while HOCO+, SO+, and HCS+ are effective shock tracers and can be used to infer the amount of CO2 and sulphur-bearing species released from dust mantles in the shock. The observed HCS+ (and CS) abundance indicates that OCS should be one of the main sulphur carrier on grain mantles. However, the OCS abundance required to fit the observations is 1-2 orders of magnitude larger than observed. Further studies are required to fully understand the chemistry of sulphur-bearing species.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&
