9 research outputs found

    Estudio detallado del potencial e integración efectiva de las energías renovables en España

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    En este trabajo fin de Máster se realiza un research efectivo sobre el potencial renovable disponible actualmente en España. Junto a lo cual se aporta información sobre las energías primaria y final, consumo y generación de la energía eléctrica demandad y el estado de las líneas de transmisión de electricidad a nivel nacional e internacional, es decir, toda la información necesaria para entender el funcionamiento del sector eléctrico español y, así, la situación energética global del país. A partir de toda la información recogida se realiza un análisis del potencial y se discuten los obstáculos y posibles desafíos que enfrenta España para convertirse en un país 100% renovable

    Praktičnost pasovne obnovljive energije v Indiji

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    India, among several other countries globally, now faces a unique situation where managing the energy transition process without hurting the economic development becomes the highlight of its policies. The Indian power sector is highly carbon intensive, with coal based power providing 70% of the total electricity generated. Renewable energy occupies around 15% of the capacity mix. Energy access along with several other challenges, pose an obstacle to the needed transition to clean energy. As the seasonal load variations in India are not prominent, cheap coal based power supplies most of the load profile,while gas power plants are used for peak loads. The myth that renewable energy sources cannot meet baseload demand has become widely accepted and wide-spread, given their fluctuating nature. Several studies demonstrate an optimistic transition to 100% renewable sources might just be possible in the coming decades. In a carbon-rich power sector like India, the ‘base load’ mind set is a pretty big and powerful hurdle, as ensuring base load generation becomes a major issue with implications directly affecting the country’s economy. In this study, an effort has been made to discuss whether base load renewable generation in India is feasible, and the challenges involved.Indija se, tako kot mnogo drugih držav po svetu, kjer postaja eden pomembnejših dejavnikov energetska tranzicija s čim manj škode za gospodarstvo. Indijski energetski sektor je zelo ogljično intenziven, saj zagotavljajo 70% celotne proizvedene električne energije v termoelektrarnah na premog. Obnovljivi viri zavzemajo okoli 15% celotne energije. Dostopnost energetov, skupaj s številnimi drugimi dejavniki, predstavlja glavno oviro za prehod v uporabo čiste energije. Zaradi majhnih sezonskih nihanj v porabi električne energije za pokrivanje pasovne energije skrbijo s poceni energijo iz premogovnih termoelektrarn, medtem ko za pokrivanje konic skrbijo plinske elektrarne. Mit, da z obnovljivimi viri ni mogoče zadostiti potrebam po pasovni energiji, se je razširil in sprejel predvsem zaradi nestalne narave obnovljivih virov. V nekaterih študijah je prikazan optimističen prehod na 100% energije iz obnovljivih virov v prihodnjih desetletjih. V energetskem sektorju, ki v večini temelji na ogljiku, kot je to primer v Indiji, je pojem »pasovne energije« velika in močna ovira, saj zagotavljanje pasovne energije predstavlja pomemben dejavnik, ki neposredno vpliva na gospodarstvo države. V prispevku so prikazana razmišljanja, ali je v Indiji mogoče zagotavljati pasovno energijo iz obnovljivih virov, in izzivi, povezani s tem

    GridTool: An open-source tool to convert electricity grid data

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    This paper introduces the open-source GridTool software. It is an easy-to-use tool to convert and simplify electricity grid data from the OpenStreetMap-project (OSM) for the use in power simulation models. The main advantages of the newly developed tool are its flexibility, customizability and its heuristic approach for identifying grid nodes. Instead of the lengthy and manual process of converting and implementing electricity grid data by hand, the GridTool shortens that task to seconds. During this process the OSM data gets reduced to essential elements needed in power simulation models. To our knowledge, there is no other open-source tool, that does this task out-of-the-box, is as easy-to-use, only requires a single program (MATLAB), and uses a heuristic approach

    Assessing the Impact of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Blending in Integrated Energy System Modeling

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    Assessing the Impact of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Blending in Integrated Energy System Modeling, submitted to the IEEE GM 2023 Abstract: This paper assesses the impact of natural gas and hydrogen blending in integrated energy system modeling based on a novel blended transport problem. The proposed formulation ensures that natural gas and hydrogen flow in the same direction and compliance with the maximum hydrogen blending rate, which cannot be guaranteed by a standard transport problem. Our case study shows that the gas flow formulation - and blending in particular - strongly influences investment decisions in the power, natural gas, and hydrogen sectors, which can ultimately lead to suboptimal infrastructure planning (represented in the model as ”regret” in the form of non-supplied hydrogen).</p

    Transformation to a renewable electricity system in Austria: Insights from an integrated model analysis

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    We analyse the (techno- and macro-)economic and distributive effects of a transformation to a renewable electricity system in Austria by 2030, as stipulated by the Austrian government. For the analysis, the macroeconomic model DYNK and ATLANTIS, a partial model of the electricity market, were expanded and linked. Four transformation scenarios conforming with the 100 percent renewable electricity target in Austria on a national balance are examined, integrated into a consistent scenario for the development of the European electricity system. Additionally, sensitivity analyses with respect to the gas price are performed. Although all scenarios achieve 100 percent RES-E on a national balance, the analysis shows that electricity from gas-fired power plants will still be needed in 2030 to balance variable renewable generation, to avoid grid congestion, and for heat generation from combined heat and power plants in winter months. Another main conclusion from the simulations is that the transition towards a renewable electricity sector is almost neutral from a socio-economic perspective. It does neither reveal harmful impacts nor lead to high multiplier effects from additional investment. With high natural gas prices in the sensitivity scenarios a decrease in GDP and household income, which might motivate redistributive policies, can be observed

    Integrated power and economic analysis of Austria's renewable electricity transformation

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    We analyse the (techno- and macro-)economic and distributive effects of a transformation to a renewable electricity system in Austria by 2030, as stipulated by the Austrian government. For the analysis, the macroeconomic model DYNK and ATLANTIS, a partial model of the electricity market, were expanded and linked. Four transformation scenarios conforming with the 100 percent renewable electricity target in Austria on a national balance are examined, integrated into a consistent scenario for the development of the European electricity system. Additionally, sensitivity analyses with respect to the gas price are performed. Although all scenarios achieve 100 percent RES-E on a national balance, the analysis shows that electricity from gas-fired power plants will still be needed in 2030 to balance variable renewable generation, to avoid grid congestion, and for heat generation from combined heat and power plants in winter months. Another main conclusion from the simulations is that the transition towards a renewable electricity sector is almost neutral from a socio-economic perspective. It does neither reveal harmful impacts nor lead to high multiplier effects from additional investment. With high natural gas prices in the sensitivity scenarios a decrease in GDP and household income, which might motivate redistributive policies, can be observed