24 research outputs found

    Implementing a cognitive-behavioral pain self-management program in home health care, part 2: Feasibility and acceptability cohort study

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    Purpose: The prevalence of pain in older adults receiving home health care is high, yet safety concerns for analgesic therapy point to a need for nonpharmacologic approaches to pain management in this population. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility and acceptability to physical therapists (PTs) and patients of a cognitive-behavioral pain self-management (CBPSM) program. Methods: Thirty-one PTs volunteered to participate, completed two 4-hour training sessions, and recruited 21 patients with activity-limited pain who consented to participate in the study. Physical therapists completed pre- and posttest assessments of CBPSM knowledge at the first training session, provided structured survey feedback after the second training session, and responded to a phone survey 3 months after training. Patients provided feedback during weekly phone interviews, while receiving the CBPSM program. Treatment sessions were audiotaped during delivery of the self-management pain protocol. Audiotapes were evaluated by independent raters for program fidelity. Results: Participating PTs were experienced in physical therapy (average 16.5 years) and in home health care (average 11.0 years). Analysis of pre- and posttest data showed that PTs\u27 CBPSM knowledge increased from a pretest mean of 60.9% to a posttest mean of 85.9%. Audiotape analysis indicated 77.7% therapist adherence to the protocol. At 3-month follow-up, 24.0% of therapists continued to use the entire protocol with their patients presenting with activity-limiting pain. Patient data show high rates of patient recall of being taught protocol components, trying components at least once (ranging from 84.4% to 100.0%) and daily use of protocol components (ranging from 47.3% to 68.4%). The percentage of patients finding a technique helpful for pain management ranged from 71.4% to 81.2%. Conclusion: This study offers preliminary data on the use of nonpharmacologic pain self-management strategies by PTs in home health setting. Positive feedback from PTs and patients suggests that the translated protocol is both feasible and acceptable. Copyright © 2013 The Section on Geriatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association

    Implementing a cognitive-behavioral pain self-management program in home health care, part 1: Program adaptation

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    Background and Purpose: Pain is highly prevalent among older adults receiving home care, contributing to disability, increased health care utilization, nursing home placement, and diminished quality of life. Pain is a particular problem in the home care setting, where current approaches are often inadequate, resulting in persistent high levels of pain and disability in this vulnerable population. Cognitive-behavioral approaches to pain management have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing pain intensity and associated disability but have not been systematically implemented in home health care. The purpose of this project was to adapt a communitybased, cognitive-behavioral pain self-management program designed for patients with persistent back pain for implementation by physical therapists (PTs) to use with patients with activity-limiting pain in the home care setting. Methods: In this observational study, 2 groups of PTs practicing in home care were trained in the community-based program and completed surveys and participated in discussions during the training workshops to gather input on the program components perceived to be most helpful for their patients with pain; modifications to the program and the patient education materials for use in home care; and recommendations concerning program training and support required for successful implementation. Data collected during the workshops were summarized and presented to 2 expert panels for additional input and final decisions regarding program adaptations. Results: Seventeen PTs with an average of 16.6 years of practice as a PT received the training and provided input on the community-based program. Program modifications based upon PT and expert panel review included reduction in the number of sessions, deletion of content, modification of the exercise component of the program, revision of patient materials, and modification of therapist training. Discussion/Conclusions: This study successfully adapted a group-based pain management program for implementation by health care providers in a home care setting. The process described here may be useful for other groups planning to implement evidence-based programs in new settings. Part 2 of this study, a companion article in this issue, describes the field-testing of this home-care adapted program. Copyright © 2013 The Section on Geriatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association

    PI3K regulates pleckstrin-2 in T-cell cytoskeletal reorganization

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    Pleckstrin-2 is composed of 2 pleckstrin homology (PH) domains and a disheveled–Egl-10–pleckstrin (DEP) domain. A lipid-binding assay revealed that pleckstrin-2 binds with greatest affinity to D3 and D5 phosphoinositides. Pleckstrin-2 expressed in Jurkat T cells bound to the cellular membrane and enhanced actin-dependent spreading only after stimulation of the T-cell antigen receptor or the integrin α4β1. A pleckstrin-2 variant containing point mutations in both PH domains failed to associate with the Jurkat membrane and had no effect on spreading under the same conditions. Although still membrane bound, a pleckstrin-2 variant containing point mutations in the DEP domain demonstrated a decreased ability to induce membrane ruffles and spread. Pleckstrin-2 also colocalized with actin at the immune synapse and integrin clusters via its PH domains. Although pleckstrin-2 can bind to purified D3 and D5 phosphoinositides, the intracellular membrane association of pleckstrin-2 and cell spreading are dependent on D3 phosphoinositides, because these effects were disrupted by pharmacologic inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). Our results indicate that pleckstrin-2 uses its modular domains to bind to membrane-associated phosphatidylinositols generated by PI3K, whereby it coordinates with the actin cytoskeleton in lymphocyte spreading and immune synapse formation