307 research outputs found

    Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: Beneficial effects for healthy and sustainable agriculture

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    It is unanimously admitted that the chemical fertilizers and pesticides used in modern agriculture create a real environmental and public health problems. One of the promising solutions to substitute these agrochemicals products is the use of bio-resources, including plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). The PGPR focused more and more scientific attention in recent decades. These rhizospheric bacteria colonize actively the root system of plants and improve their growth and yield. The PGPR use different mechanisms of action to promote plant growth. These mechanisms were grouped into three clusters according to the PGPR effects on plant physiology. These groups are as follow: (i) biofertilization including biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, phosphate solubilization, siderophores production and exopolysaccharides production; (ii) phytostimulation including production of indole acetic acid, gibberellins, cytokinins and ethylene; and (ii) biocontrol including induction of systemic resistance, competition for iron, nutrient and space, production of antibiotics, lytic enzymes, hydrogen cyanide and volatile compounds. In view of the latest advances in PGPR biotechnology, this paper proposes to do the review on PGPR in rhizosphere and describes the different mechanisms used by PGPR to promote the plants growth and health. In prospect to a healthy and sustainable agriculture, respectful of environment, the PGPR approach revealed as one of the best alternatives.Keywords: Rhizosphere, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), root colonization, biofertilization, biocontrol, biostimulation, interaction plant-microorganisms, sustainable agricultur

    Essai d’isolement de Campylobacter dans la viande de volaille en RĂ©publique du BĂ©nin

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    La viande de volaille importĂ©e occupe une place importante dans l’alimentation bĂ©ninoise. Elle est le plus souvent mise en cause dans les cas de toxi-infections alimentaires. De ce fait, elle devrait ĂȘtre sujette Ă  uncontrĂŽle de tous les microorganismes de toxi-infections afin de prĂ©server la santĂ© des consommateurs. Mais il s’avĂšre que Campylobacter, qui de plus en plus est indexĂ©, ne fait pas partie de la gamme des bactĂ©riesrecherchĂ©es pour la qualification sanitaire des aliments au BĂ©nin. Cette situation serait due aux probables difficultĂ©s liĂ©es Ă  l’isolement de ce germe. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a essayĂ© d’isoler par culture cette bactĂ©rie afin de prouver que sa recherche en microbiologie alimentaire est possible. Cela pourrait permettre de commencer par l’inclure dans les diagnostics ultĂ©rieurs. Pour ce faire, 30 Ă©chantillons de viande de volaille importĂ©e ont fait l’objet d’analyse au Laboratoire de Microbiologie du MinistĂšre de la SantĂ©. Sur les 30 Ă©chantillons, Campylobacter a Ă©tĂ© isolĂ© dans 6, soit un taux de contamination de 20%. En somme, Campylobacter peut ĂȘtre isolĂ© par culture dans notre contexte.Mots clĂ©s : Campylobacter, viande de volaille, maladies alimentaires, BĂ©nin.


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    Objective: This study aims to search the secondary metabolites of Crateva adansonii (leaves and bark) and evaluate some biological activities (antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxicity's property) of these extracts.Methods: The phytochemical screening was made with standard method. Agar diffusion method was used for antibacterial activity coupled with Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Bactericidal (MBC) determination. The antifungal test was performed by the mycelial development reduction method. DPPH method was used to evaluate the extracts antioxidant activity. Artemia salina larvae were use as support to evaluate the toxicity of the extracts.Results: The results of the phytochemical screening reveal the presence of polyphenols, triterpenoids, and glycosides in the both organs (leaves and bark) of C. adansonii. All the extracts have low activity on the reference strains with a larger diameter of 17±00 mm (S. oralis). Only the ethanolic and hydroethanolic leaf's extracts inhibited respectively 20% and 10%, of the clinical strain S. aureus. The ethyl acetate leaf's extract shows the best antifungal activity (89,19%) with A. clavatus. All extracts present dose-dependent antiradical properties and are non-toxic for the cells of Artemia salina. C. adansonii bark extracts had the best reducing power (23,80±0, 137 mmol/g EqAA EAA) of the DPPH radical.Conclusion: C. adansonii is therefore an active principle source for the development of drugs to antimicrobial and antioxidant activitie

    State of the Art and Contribution to the Documentation on Fishing, Aquaculture and on the Microbiological Profile of Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus Two Species of Fish Reared in the Whedos of the Upper Ouémé Delta in the Republic of Benin

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    Fish is an important source of animal protein in Africa and is used in the composition of several national dishes. This literature review examines fishing, aquaculture and fish reared in the whĂšdos of the upper OuĂ©mĂ© delta in Benin. It addresses socio-economic aspects, nutritional importance and traditional fish preservation technology. The sources of information used are publications, books, reports of dissertations and theses and technical notes. It was found that Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus, among others, are two species of fish most often raised in the whĂšdos of the OuĂ©mĂ© River in Benin.  These fish adapt to large variations of ecological factors of the aquatic environment found everywhere in Africa and reproduce easily in captivity, which favors their breeding in ponds. These species present multiple fish farming qualities: resistance to high densities, resistance to diseases and low oxygen levels, easy adaptation to artificial feeding and high growth. Microbiological contamination of fish flesh occurs only after capture and can be endogenous or exogenous contamination. Generally, several processes are used to overcome this problem of contamination of fish. Hot smoking and drying are very often used. The lack of hygiene in the traditional technology of smoking fish sometimes favor a considerable microbial contamination of the obtained products. Thus, contaminated fish can be the cause of foodborne diseases such as food poisoning. Most of the pathogenic strains responsible for these diseases are resistant to certain antibiotics

    State of the Art and Contribution to the Documentation on Fishing, Aquaculture and on the Microbiological Profile of Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus Two Species of Fish Reared in the Whedos of the Upper Ouémé Delta in the Republic of Benin

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    Fish is an important source of animal protein in Africa and is used in the composition of several national dishes. This literature review examines fishing, aquaculture and fish reared in the whĂšdos of the upper OuĂ©mĂ© delta in Benin. It addresses socio-economic aspects, nutritional importance and traditional fish preservation technology. The sources of information used are publications, books, reports of dissertations and theses and technical notes. It was found that Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus, among others, are two species of fish most often raised in the whĂšdos of the OuĂ©mĂ© River in Benin.  These fish adapt to large variations of ecological factors of the aquatic environment found everywhere in Africa and reproduce easily in captivity, which favors their breeding in ponds. These species present multiple fish farming qualities: resistance to high densities, resistance to diseases and low oxygen levels, easy adaptation to artificial feeding and high growth. Microbiological contamination of fish flesh occurs only after capture and can be endogenous or exogenous contamination. Generally, several processes are used to overcome this problem of contamination of fish. Hot smoking and drying are very often used. The lack of hygiene in the traditional technology of smoking fish sometimes favor a considerable microbial contamination of the obtained products. Thus, contaminated fish can be the cause of foodborne diseases such as food poisoning. Most of the pathogenic strains responsible for these diseases are resistant to certain antibiotics

    State of the Art and Contribution to the Documentation on Fishing, Aquaculture and on the Microbiological Profile of Clarias Gariepinus and Oreochromis Niloticus Two Species of Fish Reared in the Whedos of the Upper Ouémé Delta in the Republic of Benin

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    Fish is an important source of animal protein in Africa and is used in the composition of several national dishes. This literature review examines fishing, aquaculture and fish reared in the whÚdos of the upper Ouémé delta in Benin. It addresses socio-economic aspects, nutritional importance and traditional fish preservation technology. The sources of information used are publications, books, reports of dissertations and theses and technical notes. It was found that Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus, among others, are two species of fish most often raised in the whÚdos of the Ouémé River in Benin. These fish adapt to large variations of ecological factors of the aquatic environment found everywhere in Africa and reproduce easily in captivity, which favors their breeding in ponds. These species present multiple fish farming qualities: resistance to high densities, resistance to diseases and low oxygen levels, easy adaptation to artificial feeding and high growth. Microbiological contamination of fish flesh occurs only after capture and can be endogenous or exogenous contamination. Generally, several processes are used to overcome this problem of contamination of fish. Hot smoking and drying are very often used. The lack of hygiene in the traditional technology of smoking fish sometimes favor a considerable microbial contamination of the obtained products. Thus, contaminated fish can be the cause of foodborne diseases such as food poisoning. Most of the pathogenic strains responsible for these diseases are resistant to certain antibiotics

    PrĂ©valence et rĂŽle des lipides dans l’avĂšnement de l’obĂ©sitĂ© au BĂ©nin

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    Le recueil des mesures anthropomĂ©triques des Ă©tudiants de l’Institut National MĂ©dico-Social (INMES) au BĂ©nin nous a permis de calculer l’Indice de Masse Corporelle de cette population, seul indicateur pour Ă©valuer l’état nutritionnel des adultes de point de vue Ă©nergĂ©tique. Au terme de cette Ă©valuation, il ressort que la prĂ©valence de l’obĂ©sitĂ© est plus Ă©levĂ©e chez les femmes (9,81%) que chez les hommes (0,8%). L’indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC) mĂ©dian est estimĂ© Ă  23,03 chez les femmes contre 21,45 chez les hommes. Pour savoir les causes Ă©ventuelles de l’obĂ©sitĂ©, nous avons prĂ©levĂ© le sang de 41 Ă©tudiants supposĂ©s obĂšses et 92 ensurpoids et avons dosĂ© les paramĂštres biologiques comme CholestĂ©rol Total, CholestĂ©rol-HDL, CholestĂ©rol-LDL et TriglycĂ©rides. Il ressort de cette Ă©tude que, sur les quatre (04) composants lipidiques dosĂ©s, seul letaux de cholestĂ©rol-LDL est Ă©levĂ© au sein de cette population avec une valeur mĂ©diane de 1,52 g/l. Aussi, nous constatons une disparitĂ© dans les paramĂštres dosĂ©s. Par ailleurs, presque le quart (25%) des individus ensurpoids ou obĂšses ont une lipidĂ©mie normale. D’aprĂšs nos rĂ©sultats, c’est le mĂ©tabolisme de CholestĂ©rol-LDL qui est perturbĂ© et que l’état d’obĂ©sitĂ© serait liĂ© Ă  d’autres facteurs tels que gĂ©nĂ©tiques, hormonaux et autres

    L’avenir des dispositifs d’éducation non formelle

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    Chaque pays doit identifier son « rĂ©seau d’apprentissage », car le systĂšme Ă©ducatif ne se rĂ©duit pas Ă  la « forme scolaire ». Outre l’éducation formelle, il comprend l’éducation non formelle et informelle. En Afrique francophone tout particuliĂšrement (mais pas seulement), l’éducation non formelle est indispensable, face aux insuffisances du systĂšme formel tant en efficacitĂ© interne qu’externe. Il s’agit donc de revoir l’architecture du systĂšme Ă©ducatif, en passant du paradigme de la scolarisation obligatoire au droit Ă  l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie.Each country must identify its “learning network” because the education system is not limited to “school”. Besides formal education, it includes non-formal and informal education. In French-speaking Africa in particular (but not exclusively), non-formal education is essential in the face of the inadequacies of the formal system, both in terms of internal and external efficiency. It is therefore a matter of reviewing the architecture of the education system, moving from the paradigm of compulsory schooling to the right to lifelong learning.Cada paĂ­s debe identificar su “red de aprendizaje”, ya que el sistema educativo no se reduce a la “forma escolar”. Aparte de la educaciĂłn formal, abarca tambiĂ©n la educaciĂłn no formal y la educaciĂłn informal. En África francĂłfona en particular –pero no solamente– la educaciĂłn no formal es imprescindible frente a las insuficiencias del sistema formal tanto en eficacidad interna como externa. Se trata pues de revisar la arquitectura del sistema educativo, pasando del paradigma de la escolarizaciĂłn obligatoria al derecho al aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to make a phytochemical screening and measure some biological activities of Cola acuminata's seeds and leaves extracts.Methods: The secondary metabolite was detected by the method based on coloring and precipitation differential reactions. The antibacterial and antifungal activities were assessed in vitro by the macrodillution and solid medium agar diffusion method. 2,2-diphényl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) methods were used to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the tested extracts of which larval cytotoxicity was studied.Results: Our data revealed that the seeds contain more polyphenols than the leaves. The seeds extracts displayed a good antibacterial activity against both reference strains and food Staphylococcus strains. The inhibition diameters varied from 7±2.82 to 21.5±4.94 mm. The smallest Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) on the food strains (0.08 mg/ml) is twice less than the reference strains one (0.15 mg/ml), this observation is contrary to the Minimum Bactericidal concentrations (MBC). Susceptibility of fungal strains varies according to the extracts (p = 0.0016). The seeds ethyl acetate extracts had the best antioxidant activity with DPPH and ABTS methods. The Lethal Doses (LD50) showed that no extract was toxic.Conclusion: Cola acuminata seeds are richer than the leaves in compounds with biological activities. These two organs have interesting antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant activity variables depending to the extracts. The seeds have better biological activity than the leaves.Â

    Mold Occurrence in Fresh Chilli Pepper (Capsicum spp.) Harvested Directly in the Field in Benin Republic

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    Introduction: The chilli pepper (Capsicum spp.), ranked among the world's leading spices or food additives, is now Benin'ssecond most-important vegetable crop after tomatoes. Unfortunately, chilli peppers are likely to be contaminated with mold which produces dangerous mycotoxins due to cultural practices, transport, and post-harvest storage. Objective: The purpose of this study is to isolate and identify the molds that contaminate chilli pepper varieties in open fields according to the cultivation methods used in the Republic of Benin. Materials and Methods: A total of 240 samples of three varieties of chilli peppers were taken directly from six districts of Benin. The molds were isolated and purified on a PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) medium for identification. The identification focused on the morphological and cultural characteristics of isolated strains. Results: Nine (9) fungal genera from different taxonomic groups were detected. The genera that have been represented are Aspergillus (34%), Fusarium (21%), Penicillium (16%), Alternaria (7%), Cladosporium (7%), Mucor (7%), Scytalidium (4%), Trichophyton (3%), and Rhizopus(1%). Conclusion: The present study shows that chilli pepper is being contaminated in Benin. The genera Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium, and Alternaria are respectively the main toxinogenic molds that contaminate peppers in the field. The mold control in chilli pepper against pathogenic agents became urgently required to reduce a consumer disease caused by chilli pepper in Benin
