127 research outputs found

    Improving Room Carrying Capacity within Built Environments in the Context of COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic that has struck the world since March 2019 has established an unusual modus operandi for all of us. During this transient situation, some of the activities have been severely altered, especially those which are performed in indoor spaces such as classrooms, restaurants, or libraries. As physical distance is mandatory in most countries, the capacity of these places has been severely reduced, causing unsustainable economic and logistical issues. This work aims to analyze the possible ways of distributing seats in symmetrical spaces for different uses and room sizes. For that purpose, the classical seat arrangement in rows and columns is compared with an equilateral triangle-based seat pattern, which is proposed as a better solution in most cases. Results show that a greater number of seats is achieved in most situations using the proposed patterns, with mean increases of 13% and peaks from 25% to 50% in some specific circumstances. A discussion about an optimized layout, shape and size of the furniture used in multiple seat tables is included. The outcome shall generate a positive impact on schools, colleges, restaurants, libraries, and similar built environments where seating capacity is crucial

    Monitoring the dune-beach system of Guardamar del Segura (Spain) using UAV, SfM and GIS techniques

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    Dune ecosystems play a key role in coastal dynamics, so it is essential to measure their movements with high precision and monitor their changes over time. It is crucial to have a system that allows us to know the natural and anthropic impacts affecting these ecosystems. The aim of this study is to ascertain the historical evolution of the dune system of Guardamar del Segura (Spain) and its relationship with coastal erosion. Likewise, it is also intended to assess the state of the foredune restoration works carried out in 2011. To this end, a comparison of existing cartographic data has been undertaken by using geospatial analysis techniques through Geographic Information Systems (GIS). As a novelty, a low takeoff weight UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) has been used to produce a high-precision 3D model from two-dimensional images using photogrammetric techniques, such as Structure from Motion (SfM). This technique made it possible to obtain a digital terrain model of high density and precision (30 pt/m2 and RMSE Z of 0.173 m). The results show a constant erosion of both the beach and the foredune, with an overall loss of 143,561 m3 of material in the period analyzed (2001–2017). The anthropogenic restoration actions executed within this period have not been effective. In fact, erosion has increased in the period 2016–2017, with a significant reduction in the beach width and sea waves directly affecting the foredune. The main conclusion is that the combined use of UAV and SfM techniques is an excellent procedure to periodically supervise dune ecosystems with high precision and significant time and cost savings

    Preliminary evidence about the colonisation process of Kyphosus species (Perciformes: Kyphosidae) in the subtropical–temperate Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean sea

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    A review of the non-native Kyphosus species historically recorded in Galician waters (north-western Spain) based on morphological and molecular characteristics is carried out. The list is composed of 15 specimens recorded from 2002 to 2022, showing a clearly unbalanced ratio in favour of K. vaigiensis with respect to K. sectatrix (6.5:1). A similar analysis was performed by consulting ichthyological literature on the Kyphosus species reported in the subtropical–temperate Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. The results seem to reflect a more recent and conspicuous appearance of K. vaigiensis in the Northeast Atlantic–Mediterranean area, suggesting a higher invasive capacity than that of its congener K. sectatrix, perhaps related to its greater mobility. DNA barcoding supports the morphological identification of K. vaigiensis from Galicia and confirms the Atlantic–Mediterranean and Indo–Pacific distribution of the species. In addition, the main distinctive morphological characters found in the ichthyological literature have been revised and the taxonomic status of one published record has been changed. The results indicate the need to monitor non-indigenous marine species in the current global warming scenario of the Anthropocene era.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2019/2

    Proyecto estructural de un pabellón polideportivo de 2640 m2 ubicado en Polop de la Marina (Alicante)

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    [ES] El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo el diseño y cálculo de la estructura metálica de un pabellón polideportivo de 2640 m2 para albergar una pista polideportiva y un gimnasio ubicado en Polop de la Marina (Alicante). Para el desarrollo de los cálculos estructurales del proyecto se utilizará el software CYPE Ingenieros y para la edición de planos se utilizará Autocad. En base a la normativa prescrita por el Código Técnico de la Edificación y la Instrucción de Hormigón Estructural (EHE-08), se aplicarán los conocimientos adquiridos en la asignatura de Tecnología de la Construcción perteneciente al Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales.[EN] The present project has as objective the design and calculation of a metallic structure of a sports centre of 2640 m2 to host a multi-sport field and a gym located in Polop de la Marina (Alicante). The CYPE Ingenieros software will be used for the development of the structural calculations of the project and Autocad will be used with the purpose of editing the plans. Based on the regulations prescribed by the Technical Building Code and the Structural Concrete Instruction (EHE-08), the knowledge acquired in the Construction Technology subject belonging to the Degree in Engineering in Industrial Technologies will be applied.Diego Bañón, C. (2021). Proyecto estructural de un pabellón polideportivo de 2640 m2 ubicado en Polop de la Marina (Alicante). Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/174170TFG

    Análisis de la figura de Bob Dylan como prescriptor en anuncios publicitarios audiovisuales (1997-2014)

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    Este trabajo recoge un análisis de diez piezas audiovisuales en los que se hace referencia a la figura de Bob Dylan. Dicho análisis se basa en aspectos tanto objetivos como subjetivos para determinar qué factores han llevado a las marcas a utilizar al cantante en sus anuncios. Para ello, mencionaremos los aspectos más importantes por los que las marcas utilizan a personajes famosos para publicitar sus productos. Una vez definidos esos aspectos, se desarrollará una breve biografía de Bob Dylan, en la que se hablará de su trayectoria, su filosofía de vida, y sus influencias a la hora de componer canciones. Partiendo de esta base, determinaremos una metodología de trabajo para analizar la muestra de los diez anuncios publicitarios y así poder establecer las conclusiones y los resultados


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    [ES] El presente Trabajo Final de Grado (en adelante TFG o trabajo) tiene como objetivo la mejora del conocimiento de algunas herramientas de diseño mecánico computacional en ingeniería mecánica, usadas desde un punto de vista profesional. Es decir, se pretende mejorar las habilidades del alumno en el diseño mecánico virtual, así como en la simulación cinemática virtual, todo ello desde una perspectiva orientada al entorno laboral y profesional. Para lograr estos objetivos se ha considerado adecuado la utilización como material de referencia de los modelos Lego© Technic, que presentan un nivel de sofisticación bastante elevado y que están comercialmente disponibles en una amplia gama de tamaños, precios y complejidad.Bañón Guillén, JC. (2015). DISEÑO MECÁNICO, CONSTRUCCIÓN VIRTUAL Y SIMULACIÓN CINEMÁTICA EN SOLIDWORKS DE LOS MODELOS LEGO© TECHNIC: VLTM 8480-2, VLTM 8436, VLTM 8458-1 Y LTM 41999. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/53656

    New data on exotic muricid species (Neogastropoda: Muricidae) from Spain based on integrative taxonomy

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    The occurrence of Ocinebrellus inornatus and Rapana venosa, two exotic marine gastropods of the family Muricidae originating from the northwest Pacific, is reported in Spanish waters, specifically in the Galician waters (NW Spain) in 2023. Live specimens of O. inornatus were found on Illa de Arousa, in the Ría de Arousa, southern Galicia, where they are already established. Two new specimens of R. venosa are recorded in Galicia, one of them for the first time out of the Ría de Arousa, representing a range expansion for the species. The DNA barcoding analysis confirms the previous morphological identifications. It is suspected that both species may have been introduced through importation of clam spat and middle-sized oysters from countries such as France, the United Kingdom or Italy for subsequent culture, as has been the case with other exotic species that can currently be found in Galician waters. The continuous arrival of marine exotic species strongly supports the need to establish a monitoring program in Galician waters.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2019/2

    Validating UAS-Based Photogrammetry with Traditional Topographic Methods for Surveying Dune Ecosystems in the Spanish Mediterranean Coast

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    In the past few years, unmanned aerial systems (UAS) have achieved great popularity for civil uses. One of the present main uses of these devices is low-cost aerial photogrammetry, being especially useful in coastal environments. In this work, a high-resolution 3D model of a beach section in Guardamar del Segura (Spain) has been produced by employing a low maximum takeoff mass (MTOM) UAS, in combination with the use of structure-from-motion (SfM) techniques. An unprecedented extensive global navigation satellite system (GNSS) survey was simultaneously carried out to statistically validate the model by employing 1238 control points for that purpose. The results show good accuracy, obtaining a vertical root mean square error (RMSE) mean value of 0.121 m and a high point density, close to 30 pt/m2, with similar or even higher quality than most coastal surveys performed with classical techniques. UAS technology permits the acquisition of topographic data with low time-consuming surveys at a high temporal frequency. Coastal managers can implement this methodology into their workflow to study the evolution of complex, highly anthropized dune-beach systems such as the one presented in this study, obtaining more accurate surveys at lower costs

    Range extension of the Atlantic herring Clupea harengus (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae) southern part of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean

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    The atlantic herring Clupea harengus linnaeus, 1758 is a pelagic clupeid, schooling, plankton-feeding species that inhabits the coastal areas from inshore to well offshore waters, at depths to 200 m (Whitehead, 1986). This target species has been crucial for food security and economic development in northern europe (Martinez-Barrio et al., 2016). Its fishery currently ranks among the five largest fisheries in the world, with nearly 2 million tons of fish landed annually in the last years (Fao, 2010-2019). This species is distributed on both sides of the north atlantic ocean. In the western atlantic, it ranges from labrador to cape Hatteras; in the eastern atlantic, from the northern part of the Bay of Biscay to Greenland, and to the east into the Barents sea (Whitehead, 1985, 1986). In the northeastern atlantic, a large number of intraspecific groups (races, stocks, and populations) are distinguished by their spawning grounds and seasons, otolith morphology and meristic characters (Berg et al., 2017).En prensa0,40

    Propuesta de intervención: aplicación de metodologías activas en formación profesional sanitaria

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    La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha generado un punto de inflexión en la formación relacionada con las ciencias de la salud, aumentando visiblemente la valoración y el reconocimiento de las mismas. La FP sanitaria está orientada a la adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y aptitudes que permitirán el correcto desarrollo de los diferentes procedimientos en el ámbito de la salud, así como la potenciación del lado humano del alumnado. A través del presente TFM, se plantea una propuesta de intervención docente dirigida a los estudiantes de cuidados auxiliares de enfermería, cuya finalidad es ofrecer una educación especializada, continuada y de calidad, que permita al alumnado alcanzar los objetivos didácticos establecidos fomentando la participación y la motivación mediante el uso de diferentes metodologías activas. Para ello, se han elaborado diferentes tareas y actividades, combinando varias metodologías activas, como son el método expositivo, la gamificación, la visualización de vídeos explicativos o la realización de simulacros mediante talleres teórico-prácticos. Tras la puesta en práctica de la intervención desarrollada en este TFM, se puede concluir con que la aplicación de las diferentes metodologías activas expuestas, facilitan el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje creando un clima ameno y dinámico en el que la motivación y la participación se ven incrementadas. Además, resulta oportuno destacar que la experiencia como docente ha resultado muy positiva y gratificante, marcando el inicio de un camino dirigido a la docencia, en el que la vocación, la constancia y el esfuerzo serán claves en un entorno en continuo cambio. Palabras clave: formación profesional sanitaria, cuidados auxiliares de enfermería, metodologías activas, trabajo de fin de máster, motivación.<br /