45 research outputs found


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    The lyttoniid brachiopods of the Permian exhibit a unique valve morphology: a branched lobate structure takes the form of the dorsal valve. In one group of lyttoniids, the genus Pirgulia, the ventral valve wraps around to form a cone that fully encloses the lobate structure. This has consequences for the dynamics of water flow and mode of life possible for these heteromorphic brachiopods. Here, we describe the skeletal microstructure and morphology of Pirgulia collected from the Upper Permian Sosio Limestone megablocks of Sicily and housed at the Yale Peabody Museum. We reconstruct the paleoecology of Pirgulia, characterizing it as semi-infaunal in soft sediment. By analogy to Richthofenia, the conical ventral valve and flapping dorsal valve functional morphology could have resisted fouling and assisted feeding in this environment. By comparison with the functional morphology of Pirgulia with other lyttoniids and richthofenids, we propose a revised mode of life for this genus, which involves adaptation to secondary soft-bottom substrates and support by sediment sticking. Despite constraints to the fundamental brachiopod body plan, modification of the valves in Pirgulia to achieve a conical morphology allowed it to inhabit a paleoecological niche distinct from that of other reef-building lyttoniids

    The amphioxus genome and the evolution of the chordate karyotype

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    Lancelets ('amphioxus') are the modern survivors of an ancient chordate lineage, with a fossil record dating back to the Cambrian period. Here we describe the structure and gene content of the highly polymorphic approx520-megabase genome of the Florida lancelet Branchiostoma floridae, and analyse it in the context of chordate evolution. Whole-genome comparisons illuminate the murky relationships among the three chordate groups (tunicates, lancelets and vertebrates), and allow not only reconstruction of the gene complement of the last common chordate ancestor but also partial reconstruction of its genomic organization, as well as a description of two genome-wide duplications and subsequent reorganizations in the vertebrate lineage. These genome-scale events shaped the vertebrate genome and provided additional genetic variation for exploitation during vertebrate evolution


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    Material and Measures

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    Digitizing the Peabody Museum\u27s Collections

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    At the Peabody Museum, the core objective of digitization is to increase access to and understanding of the natural world for education and scientific inquiry. This talk focuses on several innovative projects aimed at rapidly digitizing botanical, paleontological, and entomological specimens and associated archival material

    Cretaceous World TCN: Digitizing the Western Interior Seaway at the Yale Peabody Museum

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    Yale Peabody Museum (YPM) is a partner in the Western Interior Seaway Thematic Collections Network (TCN), along with the University of Kansas (lead) and seven other institutions (National Science Foundation Award # DBI-1601884). This project seeks to digitize the fossil organisms of the Western Interior Seaway, a shallow sea that covered inland North America from 100 to 65 million years ago. The resultant data will be a resource for K-16 education and will enable scientists to answer fundamental questions about the changing environment of a marine ecosystem during a key time in the history of life. The data generated will be ideal for use with an assortment of modern quantitative tools like paleoecological niche modeling (PaleoENM) and will help improve paleoclimate and paleoceanographic models. Less than two years into this three-year project, the YPM has digitized nearly 70,000 Cretaceous fossils from the seaway. Specimens are georeferenced and most have multiple images. To achieve project goals, we have overcome obstacles of digitizing multi-specimen concretions and foraminifera microslides by developing high-throughput digitization workflows that incorporate the open-source Inselect program and scripts to streamline image naming, image formatting, and uploading to our Axiell EMu collection management system. To facilitate use of the data in K-16 environments, an easy to use collections interface has been built using the iDigPaleo platform (idigpaleo.org). Cretaceous World (cretaceousworld.org) pulls data from iDigBio for all Cretaceous World TCN providers. Students can browse specimens using filters, rather than entering specific search terms. Navigation is simplified using common names harvested from the Encyclopedia of Life. Specimens are displayed as images accompanied by collection and locality data and plotted on a map. Registration provides access to tools supporting annotation, measurement, specimen record commenting, and social media sharing. Images can be curated as galleries and used for education. This includes sharing of galleries between students and teachers and PDF or PowerPoint exports. Fifty-eight 3D models of vertebrates and invertebrates have been placed on morphosource.org and will be made available via a 3D embedded viewer on cretaceousworld.org for use in K-16 education. Undergraduate students from Dartmouth, Oberlin, Southern Connecticut State University, and Yale, have participated in the project and served as mentors for high school interns. These interns, recruited from the Peabody EVOLUTIONS afterschool program, gained first-hand experience in collections-based research, digitization, and imaging techniques, while learning about the science of paleontology and the process of curating museum collections, and researching and reconstructing food webs in this fascinating ancient ecosystem

    The ePANDDA project: linking the Paleobiology Database, iDigBio, and iDigPaleo for biological and paleontological research, collections management, and outreach

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    There are several online paleontological resources that serve a diversity of needs: the Paleobiology Database (PaleoBioDB), a database of fossil occurrences built largely from the primary scientific literature; iDigBio, the national hub for neontological and paleontological specimen data; and iDigPaleo, a specimen-based website built for educational use. While each resource is useful on its own, aggregating data from them is laborious and problematic, as the connectivity between modern and fossil, and specimen and literature-based, resources does not currently exist.  Funded by the NSF EarthCube initiative (ICER 1821039), the enhancing Paleontological and Neontological Data Discovery API (ePANDDA) project is using application programming interfaces (APIs) to integrate the paleontological and neontological resources of these three sites. The ePANDDA API returns comprehensive data to the user on all aspects of specimens and taxa. For example, a neontologist could search the ePANDDA API (available at: https://api.epandda.org) using a taxonomic name. In addition to modern specimen records available in iDigBio, they will receive paleontological collections information from iDigPaleo and the PaleoBioDB. The connectivity of these resources facilitates addressing research questions currently difficult to answer, even with multiple researchers working as a group. The ePANDDA API was demonstrated to programmers and end users at a “hackathon” in the fall of 2017, resulting in significant modifications to the API based on end user needs.  The epandda team also sought the input of end users in the creation of software widgets that use the API via two workshops in 2016. During this presentation, we will demonstrate several of these software widgets (available at: https://epandda.org), including one that geolocates a user and displays records from all three databases of all organisms within a specified radius. We will also showcase how the PaleoBioDB will use the ePANDDA API to display links to specimen images within iDigBio. The presentation will also include examples and plans for how ePANDDA can collaborate with other existing geological and biological resources

    The ePANDDA project: linking the Paleobiology Database, iDigBio, and iDigPaleo for biological and paleontological research, collections management, and outreach

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    There are several online paleontological resources that serve a diversity of needs: the Paleobiology Database (PaleoBioDB), a database of fossil occurrences built largely from the primary scientific literature; iDigBio, the national hub for neontological and paleontological specimen data; and iDigPaleo, a specimen-based website built for educational use. While each resource is useful on its own, aggregating data from them is laborious and problematic, as the connectivity between modern and fossil, and specimen and literature-based, resources does not currently exist.  Funded by the NSF EarthCube initiative (ICER 1821039), the enhancing Paleontological and Neontological Data Discovery API (ePANDDA) project is using application programming interfaces (APIs) to integrate the paleontological and neontological resources of these three sites. The ePANDDA API returns comprehensive data to the user on all aspects of specimens and taxa. For example, a neontologist could search the ePANDDA API (available at: https://api.epandda.org) using a taxonomic name. In addition to modern specimen records available in iDigBio, they will receive paleontological collections information from iDigPaleo and the PaleoBioDB. The connectivity of these resources facilitates addressing research questions currently difficult to answer, even with multiple researchers working as a group. The ePANDDA API was demonstrated to programmers and end users at a “hackathon” in the fall of 2017, resulting in significant modifications to the API based on end user needs.  The epandda team also sought the input of end users in the creation of software widgets that use the API via two workshops in 2016. During this presentation, we will demonstrate several of these software widgets (available at: https://epandda.org), including one that geolocates a user and displays records from all three databases of all organisms within a specified radius. We will also showcase how the PaleoBioDB will use the ePANDDA API to display links to specimen images within iDigBio. The presentation will also include examples and plans for how ePANDDA can collaborate with other existing geological and biological resources