298 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of daily pressure maps over Italy during some extreme events of the 19th Century

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    The quality and availability of daily meteorological data for the reconstruction of atmospheric circulation over Italy in the period between the Italian political Unity (1860) and the development of the Central Office for Meteorology (1879) is studied. Examples of atmospheric circulation reconstructed for some extreme events are presented

    Fully Localised Three-Dimensional Gravity-Capillary Solitary Waves on Water of Infinite Depth

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    Fully localised three-dimensional solitary waves are steady water waves which are evanescent in every horizontal direction. Existence theories for fully localised three-dimensional solitary waves on water of finite depth have recently been published, and in this paper we establish their existence on deep water. The governing equations are reduced to a perturbation of the two-dimensional nonlinear Schršodinger equation, which admits a family of localised solutions. Two of these solutions are symmetric in both horizontal directions and an application of a suitable variant of the implicit-function theorem shows that they persist under perturbations

    A dimension-breaking phenomenon for water waves with weak surface tension

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    It is well known that the water-wave problem with weak surface tension has small-amplitude line solitary-wave solutions which to leading order are described by the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. The present paper contains an existence theory for three-dimensional periodically modulated solitary-wave solutions which have a solitary-wave profile in the direction of propagation and are periodic in the transverse direction; they emanate from the line solitary waves in a dimension-breaking bifurcation. In addition, it is shown that the line solitary waves are linearly unstable to long-wavelength transverse perturbations. The key to these results is a formulation of the water wave problem as an evolutionary system in which the transverse horizontal variable plays the role of time, a careful study of the purely imaginary spectrum of the operator obtained by linearising the evolutionary system at a line solitary wave, and an application of an infinite-dimensional version of the classical Lyapunov centre theorem.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00205-015-0941-

    A non-linear observer for unsteady three-dimensional flows

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    A method is proposed to estimate the velocity field of an unsteady flow using a limited number of flow measurements. The method is based on a non-linear low-dimensional model of the flow and on expanding the velocity field in terms of empirical basis functions. The main idea is to impose that the coefficients of the modal expansion of the velocity field give the best approximation to the available measurements and that at the same time they satisfy as close as possible the non-linear low-order model. The practical use may range from feedback flow control to monitoring of the flow in non-accessible regions. The proposed technique is applied to the flow around a confined square cylinder, both in two- and three-dimensional laminar flow regimes. Comparisons are provided. with existing linear and non-linear estimation techniques

    Gastric Cancer: The Times they are a-changin’

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    Gastric cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Even though during these last decades gastric cancer incidence decreased in Western countries, it remains endemic and with a high incidence in Eastern countries. The survival in advanced and metastatic stage of gastric cancer is still very poor. Recently the Cancer Genoma Atlas Research Network identified four subtypes with different molecular profiles to classify gastric cancer in order to offer the optimal targeted therapies for pre-selected patients. Indeed, the key point is still the selection of patients for the right treatment, on basis of molecular tumor characterization. Since chemotherapy reached a plateau of efficacy for gastric cancer, the combination between cytotoxic therapy and biological agents gets a better prognosis and decreases chemotherapeutic toxicity. Currently, Trastuzumab in combination with platinum and fluorouracil is the only approved targeted therapy in the first line for c-erbB2 positive patients, whereas Ramucirumab is the only approved targeted agent for patients with metastatic gastric cancer. New perspectives for an effective treatment derived from the immunotherapeutic strategies. Here, we report an overview on gastric cancer treatments, with particular attention to recent advances in targeted therapies and in immunotherapeutic approach

    Epidemiology of Bell’s palsy in an Italian Health District: incidence and case-control study

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    The incidence of Bell’s palsy has been estimated in a health district of a major Italian city, taking also into consideration the potential risk factors that might influence the occurrence of Bell’s palsy. A matched case-control was therefore designed, by collecting data from the Emergency Departments of four Hospitals belonging to the same Health District in Rome (Italy), coordinated by a tertiary referral centre University Hospital. All patients affected by Bell’s palsy within the health district and four controls for each case were included. Controls were selected from other ENT patients, and were matched for hospital admission, week of disease onset, and climate conditions. Information regarding possible risk factors was collected using standardized telephone interviews. The resulting dataset was analyzed using multiple conditional logistic regression. The study group comprised 381 patients with acute, unilateral, peripheral facial palsy, clinically diagnosed as Bell’s palsy observed between 1st January 2006 and 31st December 2008. The cumulative incidence of Bell’s palsy was found to be 53.3/100.000/year. Among the risk factors, age was found to influence onset of Bell’s palsy, with an odds ratio of 2% for each one-year increase in age, with a linear trend (95% CI = 1-3%; p = 0.005). Bell’s palsy was found to occur with an annual incidence close to previous reports. Among the possible known risk factors (diabetes, pregnancy, etc.), only aging was found to play a significant role

    An estimate for the Morse index of a Stokes wave

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    Stokes waves are steady periodic water waves on the free surface of an infinitely deep irrotational two dimensional flow under gravity without surface tension. They can be described in terms of solutions of the Euler-Lagrange equation of a certain functional. This allows one to define the Morse index of a Stokes wave. It is well known that if the Morse indices of the elements of a set of non-singular Stokes waves are bounded, then none of them is close to a singular one. The paper presents a quantitative variant of this result.Comment: This version contains an additional reference and some minor change

    Numerical Investigation, Including Experimental Validation, of an Axially Blown, Stable Arc in Argon

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    In this work we present the outcome of a numerical validation study conducted with an arc model developed within a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool. The numerical investigations were aimed at reproducing the spatially resolved temperature data obtained with an experiment in which an axially symmetric argon arc was established in the observation region. The full absorption spectrum has been computed for argon and then compressed with minimum loss of information to a relatively small set of bands. The latter has been used for solving the radiative transfer equation in a computationally affordable, yet accurate way. The comparison between the arc temperature simulated with the reduced absorption data and the measured one is presented
