262 research outputs found

    Long-term planning versus short-term planning in the asymptotical location problem

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    Given the probability measure ν\nu over the given region ΩRn\Omega\subset \R^n, we consider the optimal location of a set Σ\Sigma composed by nn points \Om in order to minimize the average distance \Sigma\mapsto \int_\Om \dist(x,\Sigma) d\nu (the classical optimal facility location problem). The paper compares two strategies to find optimal configurations: the long-term one which consists in placing all nn points at once in an optimal position, and the short-term one which consists in placing the points one by one adding at each step at most one point and preserving the configuration built at previous steps. We show that the respective optimization problems exhibit qualitatively different asymptotic behavior as nn\to\infty, although the optimization costs in both cases have the same asymptotic orders of vanishing.Comment: for more pictures and some movies as well, see http://www.sissa.it/~brancoli

    Optimization of Pyro-gasification of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs)

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    This work focuses on the optimization of pyro-gasification process of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs) with the aim of recovering carbon fibers (CFs) with properties suitable for the production of new more sustainable composites with high performances. In particular, the pyro-gasification process is carried out on cured CFRPs panels based on both epoxy (EC) and vinyl ester (VC) matrices, which are the two most used resins for CFRPs. The matrix degradation is evaluated via sample's weight loss measurement and the recovered CFs obtained after different time of treatment are analyzed to identify convenient pyro-gasification conditions to avoid damaging of the recovered CFs. The obtained results highlight the importance of the thickness of the composites to be treated for the identification of the more suitable pyro-gasification conditions

    Evolution models for mass transportation problems

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    We present a survey on several mass transportation problems, in which a given mass dynamically moves from an initial configuration to a final one. The approach we consider is the one introduced by Benamou and Brenier in [5], where a suitable cost functional F(ρ,v)F(\rho,v), depending on the density ρ\rho and on the velocity vv (which fulfill the continuity equation), has to be minimized. Acting on the functional FF various forms of mass transportation problems can be modeled, as for instance those presenting congestion effects, occurring in traffic simulations and in crowd motions, or concentration effects, which give rise to branched structures.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures; Milan J. Math., (2012

    The Conformational Dynamics of the Ligands Determines the Electronic Circular Dichroism of the Chiral Au38(SC2H4Ph)24 Cluster

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    Effects of the conformational dynamics of 2-PET protective ligands on the electronic circular dichroism (ECD) of the chiral Au-38(SC2H4Ph)(24) cluster are investigated. We adopt a computational protocol in which ECD spectra are calculated via the first principle polTDDFT approach on a series of conformations extracted from MD simulations by using Essential Dynamics (ED) analysis, and then properly weighted to predict the final spectrum. We find that the experimental spectral features are well reproduced, whereas significant discrepancies arise when the spectrum is calculated using the experimental X-ray structure. This result unambiguously demonstrates the need to account for the conformational effects in the ECD modeling of chiral nanoclusters. The present procedure proved to be able of capturing the essential conformational features of the dynamic Au-38(SC2H4Ph)(24) system, opening the possibility to model the ECD of soluble chiral nanoclusters in a realistic way

    New records of <i>Astyanax pelegrini</i> Eigenmann, 1907 and <i>Triportheus pantanensis</i> Malabarba, 2004 (Actinopterygii: Characiformes: Characidae) for the Río Pilcomayo National Park and Ramsar Site in the province of Formosa, Argentina

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    This note presents the first records of Astyanax pelegrini Eigenmann, 1907 and Triportheus pantanensis Malabarba, 2004 for the province of Formosa, Argentina from fish surveys conducted in the Río Pilcomayo National Park and Ramsar Site. In the case of T. pantanensis, this occurrence represents the first record of this species for Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    First DNA barcode reference library for the identification of South American freshwater fish from the lower Paraná river

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    Valid fish species identification is essential for biodiversity conservation and fisheries management. Here, we provide a sequence reference library based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I for a valid identification of 79 freshwater fish species from the Lower Paraná River. Neighbour-joining analysis based on K2P genetic distances formed non-overlapping clusters for almost all species with a ≥99% bootstrap support each. Identification was successful for 97.8% of species as the minimum genetic distance to the nearest neighbour exceeded the maximum intraspecific distance in all these cases. A barcoding gap of 2.5% was apparent for the whole data set with the exception of four cases. Withinspecies distances ranged from 0.00% to 7.59%, while interspecific distances varied between 4.06% and 19.98%, without considering Odontesthes species with a minimum genetic distance of 0%. Sequence library validation was performed by applying BOLDs BIN analysis tool, Poisson Tree Processes model and Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery, along with a reliable taxonomic assignment by experts. Exhaustive revision of vouchers was performed when a conflicting assignment was detected after sequence analysis and BIN discordance evaluation. Thus, the sequence library presented here can be confidently used as a benchmark for identification of half of the fish species recorded for the Lower Paraná River.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet

    New records of <i>Astyanax pelegrini</i> Eigenmann, 1907 and <i>Triportheus pantanensis</i> Malabarba, 2004 (Actinopterygii: Characiformes: Characidae) for the Río Pilcomayo National Park and Ramsar Site in the province of Formosa, Argentina

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    This note presents the first records of Astyanax pelegrini Eigenmann, 1907 and Triportheus pantanensis Malabarba, 2004 for the province of Formosa, Argentina from fish surveys conducted in the Río Pilcomayo National Park and Ramsar Site. In the case of T. pantanensis, this occurrence represents the first record of this species for Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Synchronous oceanic spreading and continental rifting in West Antarctica

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    Magnetic anomalies associated with new ocean crust formation in the Adare Basin off north-western Ross Sea (43 – 26 Ma) can be traced directly into the Northern Basin that underlies the adjacent morphological continental shelf, implying a continuity in the emplacement of oceanic crust. Steep gravity gradients along the margins of the Northern Basin, particularly in the east, suggest that little extension and thinning of continental crust occurred before it ruptured and the new oceanic crust formed, unlike most other continental rifts and the Victoria Land Basin further south. A pre-existing weak crust and localisation of strain by strike slip faulting are proposed as the factors allowing the rapid rupture of continental crust

    Enhancing proteotoxic stress in leiomyosarcoma cells triggers mitochondrial dysfunctions, cell death, and antitumor activity in vivo

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    Leiomyosarcomas are rare and aggressive tumors characterized by a complex karyotype. Surgical resection with or without radiotherapy and chemotherapy is the standard curative treatment. Unfortunately, a high percentage of leiomyosarcomas recurs and metastasizes. In these cases, doxorubicin and ifosfamide represent the standard treatment but with low response rates. Here, we evaluated the induction of proteotoxic stress as a possible strategy to kill leiomyosarcoma cells in a therapeutic perspective. We show that aggressive leiomyosarcomas coexist with high levels of proteotoxic stress. As a consequence, we hypothesized that leiomyosarcoma cells are vulnerable to further increases of proteotoxic stress. The small compound 2c is a strong inducer of proteotoxic stress. In leiomyosarcoma cells, it triggers cell death coupled to a profound reorganization of the mitochondrial network. By using stimulated emission depletion microscopy, we have unveiled the existence of DIABLO/SMAC clusters that are modulated by 2c. Finally, we have engineered a new version of 2c linked to polyethylene glycol though a short peptide, named 2cPP. This new prodrug is specifically activated by proteases present in the tumor microenvironment. 2cPP shows a strong antitumor activity in vivo against leiomyosarcomas and no toxicity against normal cells

    New records of <i>Astyanax pelegrini</i> Eigenmann, 1907 and <i>Triportheus pantanensis</i> Malabarba, 2004 (Actinopterygii: Characiformes: Characidae) for the Río Pilcomayo National Park and Ramsar Site in the province of Formosa, Argentina

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    This note presents the first records of Astyanax pelegrini Eigenmann, 1907 and Triportheus pantanensis Malabarba, 2004 for the province of Formosa, Argentina from fish surveys conducted in the Río Pilcomayo National Park and Ramsar Site. In the case of T. pantanensis, this occurrence represents the first record of this species for Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse