9 research outputs found

    Mise en place d'un outil de réduction des coûts de la non qualité: Application de la méthode Lean Six Sigma à une entreprise industrielle de la région de l'Oriental

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    RésuméDans un environnement variable et de plus en plus complexe, uneconjoncture défavorable marquée par une crise financière mondiale et unevolatilité des prix des matières premières, les entreprises, partout dans le monde,doivent se focaliser sur la réduction de leurs coûts afin d'obtenir une margebénéficiaire qui assure leur pérennité.L’objectif de la réduction des coûts de la non qualité peut être atteint àtravers la méthode Lean Six Sigma. Elle permet à l'entreprise d’assurer laperformance de ses processus et de déceler les sources de perte responsables de l’augmentation des surconsommations.La présente communication a pour objectif d'analyser les effets de la miseen place de la méthode Lean Six Sigma au sein de la SOFRENOR dans le but deréduire l'indicateur PPM.Les résultats obtenus confirment l’utilité de l’application de notreméthodologie au sein de la SOFRENOR.Mots clés: Lean Six-Sigma, DMAIC(S), coûts de la (non) qualité. AbstractIn a variable environment and increasingly complex, unfavorable economicconditions marked by a global financial crisis and volatility in commodity prices,companies, around the world, should focus on reducing costs in order to obtain a profit margin that ensures their sustainability.The objective of reducing the cost of non-quality can be achieved throughLean Six Sigma. It allows the company to ensure the performance of its processesand identify sources of loss responsible for the increase of overconsumption.This Communication aims to analyze the effects of the implementation ofLean Six Sigma in the SOFRENOR in order to reduce the PPM indicator.The results confirm the usefulness of the application of our methodologywithin the SOFRENOR.Keywords: Lean Six Sigma, DMAIC(S), costs of (non) quality

    Ovarian cancer revealed by paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration: a case report

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    The prevalence of paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) associated with gynecological cancer is rare. Here, we reported the first case of ovarian cancer revealed by PCD in our institute. we describe a 80- year –old  Moroccan female presented with subacute vestibular and cerebellar syndromes, she had an inguinal  lymphadenopathy,with high levels of Anti-YO. Rapid progression and absence of known etiologies point   towards a probable paraneoplastic origin of the syndrome in this patient. The exact incidence of PNS among   those diagnosed with cancer remains uncertain, it is important to report this cases in the literature to help  early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, which are able to stabilize the neurological symptoms.Key words: Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, Paraneoplastic syndromes, ovarian cance

    Primary nasopharyngeal Hodgkin's disease: case report and literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Primary Hodgkin's disease of the nasopharynx is a rare and uncommon event. It has a relatively favorable prognosis and represents less than 1% of all documented cases of Hodgkin's disease.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 40-year-old Arabic man presented initially with bilateral nasal obstruction, which was then followed by a significant involvement of his bilateral cervical lymph nodes. His nasopharyngeal biopsy together with immunohistochemistry analysis showed negative expressions of CD15, CD20 and CD3, but positive expressions of CD30 and epithelial membrane antigen. This confirmed the diagnosis of nasopharyngeal Hodgkin's disease of a mixed cellularity subtype. The disease was at stage IIEA. Our patient received four cycles of chemotherapy, which yielded a 75% response. This was followed by irradiation of his Waldeyer's ring and supraclavicular lymph nodes. He remains in good local control after 30 months of follow-up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The literature review and our case report discuss the optimal management of this rare and atypical localization of Hodgkin's disease, which should be differentiated from lymphoproliferations associated with Epstein-Barr virus and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.</p

    Modeling, control and simulation of cable robots

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    Published in International Journal of Advances in Computer Science & its Applications, IJCSIA, 5(2):135-139, 2015International audienceThe proposed work deals with modeling, control and simulation for a class of non linear dynamic systems that is cable robots in order to analysis behavior of insects in free flight. One of the main features is to establish, from the geometric and kinematic equations, the mathematical model that describes evolution of the gripper robot. The second part presents analysis and design of control laws that assures stab ilization under severe constraints on the robots’ cables. The last section is devoted to numerical simulations to show high performances of the proposed approach

    On the control of the final speed for a class of finite-dimensional linear systems: controllability and regulation

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    In this article, we extended the concept of controllability, traditionally used to control the final state of a system, to the exact control of its final speed. Inspired by Kalman’s theory, we have established some conditions to characterize the control that allows the system to reach a desired final speed exactly. When the assumptions ensuring speed-controllability are not met, we adopt a regulation strategy that involves determining the control law to make the system’s final speed approach as closely as possible to the predefined final speed, and this at a lower cost. The theoretical results obtained are illustrated through three examples