692 research outputs found

    A point mutation in the splice donor site of intron 7 in the as2-casein encoding gene of the Mediterranean River buffalo results in an allele-specific exon skipping

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    The CSN1S2 cDNA of 10 unrelated Mediterranean River Buffaloes reared in Southern Italy was amplified by RT-PCR, while the region from the 6th to the 8th exon of the CSN1S2 gene was amplified from genomic template. cDNA sequence comparisons showed that five individuals had a normal transcript only (named CSN1S2A), one had a deleted transcript only (named CSN1S2B), because of the splicing out of the 27-bp of exon 7, and the remaining four had a heterozygous pattern. Analysis of the genomic sequences revealed a FM865620: g.773G>C transversion that caused inactivation of the intron 7 splice donor site and, consequently, the allele-specific exon skipping characteristic of the CSN1S2B allele. The g.773G>C mutation creates a new AluI restriction site enabling a PCR– RFLP rapid genotyping assay. The cDNA sequences showed three additional exonic mutations forming an extended haplotype with the g.773G>C polymorphism: FM865618: c.459C>T, c.484A>T and c.568A>G homozygous and heterozygous respectively in the CSN1S2BB and CSN1S2AB buffaloes. The first is silent, while the remaining two are non-conservative (p.Ile162Phe and p.Thp200Ala respectively). The genotype frequencies (37 CSN1S2A/A, 15 CSN1S2A/B and one CSN1S2B/B) are in agreement with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, with the frequency of the deleted B allele being 0.16. The predicted bubaline as2B protein is 198 aa long instead of 207 aa and would also be characterized by the presence of Phe at position 147 and Ala at 185

    Mapping beyond what you can see: Predicting the layout of rooms behind closed doors

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    The availability of maps of indoor environments is often fundamental for autonomous mobile robots to efficiently operate in industrial, office, and domestic applications. When robots build such maps, some areas of interest could be inaccessible, for instance, due to closed doors. As a consequence, these areas are not represented in the maps, possibly causing limitations in robot localization and navigation. In this paper, we provide a method that completes 2D grid maps by adding the predicted layout of the rooms behind closed doors. The main idea of our approach is to exploit the underlying geometrical structure of indoor environments to estimate the shape of unobserved rooms. Results show that our method is accurate in completing maps also when large portions of environments cannot be accessed by the robot during map building. We experimentally validate the quality of the completed maps by using them to perform path planning tasks.(c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Market-Based Alternatives for Managing Congestion at New York’s LaGuardia Airport

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    We summarize the results of a project that was motivated by the expiration of the “High Density Rule,” which defined the slot controls employed at New York’s LaGuardia Airport for more than 30 years. The scope of the project included the analysis of several administrative measures, congestion pricing options and slot auctions. The research output includes a congestion pricing procedure and also the specification of a slot auction mechanism. The research results are based in part on two strategic simulations. These were multi-day events that included the participation of airport operators, most notably the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, FAA and DOT executives, airline representatives and other members of the air transportation community. The first simulation placed participants in a stressful, high congestion future scenario and then allowed participants to react and problem solve under various administrative measures and congestion pricing options. The second simulation was a mock slot auction in which participants bid on LGA arrival and departure slots for fictitious airlines.Auctions, airport slot auctions, combinatorial auctions

    Abstract BOOK SIAART

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    INTRODUCTION. Dental injury occurres in 0.06 - 0.13 % of general anesthesia procedures re- quiring endotracheal intubation, and it is still a reason of complaint against anesthetists. Maxil- lary central incisors are the most commonly teeth injured.1 In our center claims related to teeth damage after intubation ended with a total reimbursement of 13.000 Euros (2014-2015) and 5 patients (2014 to June 2016) were admitted for cares in Prosthodontics Implant dentistry dept. Dental School - Turin. BUCX et al.2 used a strain gauge based sensor between handle and blade of the laryngoscope to measure forces applied on the maxillary incisors to show that during routine laryngoscopy great forces are exerted on the maxillary incisor teeth with no differences based on the operator experience. OBJECTIVES.The aim of this study is to measure of the forces applied on teeth using a direct laryngoscope or a McGRATH® videolaringoscope. Many authors described how lower force on soft tissue could be applied using a VLS (GlideScope) instead of a standard laryngoscope (P=0.05).3, but no studies have ever been performed involving the use of a force sensor directly applied on teeth. The aim of our study is to measure the forces applied on teeth after the application of a cus- tomized bite (2 mm dental bite) applied on the manikin. Anesthesiologists and anesthesia residents from “Città della Salute e della Scienza”,Turin will be asked to perform 3 intubations using the standard intubation system, and other 3 using McGRATH® videolaringoscope in order to test the intubation forces exerted

    Türkiye'de yetiştirilen Ankara Keçisi (Capra hircus) ırkında bir sitogenetik çalışma

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    Ankara Keçi ırkı Türkiye yerli hayvan genetik kaynakları acısından önemli rol oynamasına karşın bu ırkla ilgili kapsamlı bir sitogenetik çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Sunulan ön sitogenetik çalışma ırkın temel kromozomal yapısını araştırmak ve populasyon düzeyinde sitogenetik çalışmalara başlangıç yapmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kan kültürleri hem geleneksel metoda göre ve hem de Timidin metoduna göre düzenlenmiştir. Geleneksel ve GTG-RBA-RBG band karyotipleri elde edilerek ırkın kromozomlarının sentromer indeksleri belirlenmiştir. Band modeli karşılaştırmaları Ankara keçi ırkının keçi türü için standardize edilmiş RBA-RBG band modeli ile benzerliğini doğrulamıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda Ankara keçisi ırkında populasyon düzeyinde sayısal ve yapısal kromozom anomalilerinin taşıyıcılarının tanımlanması, ırkın verim özeliklerinin geliştirilmesinde daha ileri düzeyde sitogenetik çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulduğu değerlendirilmiştir.The Angora breed of goat plays an important role for the Turkiye's Native Animal genetic resources point of view; nevertheless, so far, no comprehensive cytogenetic investigation has been performed on this important economic breed. The present preliminary cytogenetic study has been conducted upon a sample of Angora goat breed reared in Turkiye in order to ascertain the basic chromosomal status of the breed and to start a cytogenetic screening at a population level. Blood cultures have been noted according to the conventional methods and synchronized with thymidine. Conventional and GTG-RBA-RBG-banded karyotypes have been produced to determine the relative length and centromeric index of the chromosomes of the breed. Banding comparison confirmed similarity of the Angora breed of goat with the established standardized RBA-RBG banding a pattern of the goat species. Further cytogenetic studies should now be addressed at a population level to identify carriers of numerical and/or structural chromosomal abnormalities in the Angora breed population for implementation of its productive and reproductive efficiency

    The occurrence of postoperative vertigo after CI

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    Background. The incidence of postoperative vertigo after cochlear implantation (CI) varies a lot in the literature. The aim of this work was to investigate both subjective complaints of vertigo before and after cochlear implantation and related it to to the preoperative vestibular function, the surgical procedure and to the position of CI at the postoperative neuroradiological study. Methods. Retrospective cohort study of adult CI series operated by the same surgeon (DZ) over the last 3 years. (N= 107). Sixty-six subjects (38 F; 28 M), aged from 21 to 78 years old were included in the study, lasting 83 CI. The outcomes of the pre-operative vestibular assessment were extracted from the database of the Vestibular Disorders Unit of the tertiary referral University Hospital of Milano from 1992 to 2018 (N=557). Post-operative presence/absence of vestibular disorders was analyzed and related to the preoperative vestibular examination and to the flat-panel computed tomography (FPCT) findings. Results: The patients were divided by age and by the presence of vestibular response of the operated ear measured by videoculography, caloric testing and video-impulse test. Sensorial analysis by static posturography was also included. The incidence of postoperative vertigo was higher in patients > 65 years old (36.3% vs 20.4%, p=0.03). Postoperative vertigo did not result related to the surgical procedure. The results are discussed with the review of the literature. Conclusion: Our results confirm the importance of vestibular testing in CI recipients, in order to better counsel the patient on the foreseeable post-operative course and to identify those patients who will need a vestibular rehabilitation

    Diagnostic Role of Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Patients with Suspected SARS-CoV-2 Pneumonia and Negative Upper Respiratory Tract Swab: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The added role of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in SARS-CoV-2 detection in hospitalized patients with suspected COVID-19 pneumonia and at least one negative nasopharyngeal swab (NPS) has yet to be definitively established. We aimed to provide a systematic review and meta-analysis to summarize data from the literature on the diagnostic yield of BAL in this context. We searched Medline and Embase for all studies reporting outcomes of interest published up to October 2021. Two authors reviewed all titles/abstracts and retrieved the selected full texts according to predefined selection criteria. The summary estimate was derived using the random-effects model. Thirteen original studies, involving 868 patients, were included. The summary estimate of proportions of SARS-CoV-2 positivity in BAL fluid in patients with at least one previous negative NPS was 20% (95% confidence interval [CI]; 11–30%). Moreover, microbiological tests of BAL fluid led to the identification of other pathogens, mainly bacteria, in up to two-thirds of cases. BAL plays a crucial role in the diagnostic work-up of patients with clinical suspicion of COVID-19 and previous negative NPS, as it allowed to detect the infection in a significant proportion of subjects, who would have been otherwise misclassified, with relevant implications in the prevention of disease spread, especially in hospital settings