161 research outputs found

    On the Linear Viscoelastic Behavior of Polyolefins in the Molten State: Influence of Long Chain Branching

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    This contribution presents a survey on the influence of long chain branching on the linear viscoelastic properties. The aim of this article is to provide evidence that rheological testing is a potent tool for characterising polymers in the melts. The materials chosen are linear and slightly long- chain branched metallocene- catalysed polyethylene of narrow molecular mass distribution, as well as linear and highly long- chain branched polyethylene of broad molecular mass distribution, and other sample of the big family of polyolefin’s. The linear viscoelastic flow properties are determined in shear creep and recovery experiments by means of a magnetic bearing torsional creep apparatus. The interest of this study consists in reviewing various experimental, theoretical and simulation results of the some viscoelastic properties. The samples with a slight degree of long- chain branching exhibit a surprisingly high zero shear-rate viscosity in comparison to linear one, whereas the highly branched polymers have a much lower viscosity compared to linear samples. Slightly branched polyethylene have got a higher steady- state compliance in comparison to linear products of similar polydispersity, whereas the highly branched polyethylene of broad molecular mass distribution exhibit a surprisingly low elasticity in comparison to linear broad molecular one. The same remarks are obtained for the other samples. The actual framework leads us to say that the number of branches is less important than the topology itself. Therefore, the position and architecture of the branches along the main polymer chain are the principal factors that control the material rheology.This contribution presents a survey on the influence of long chain branching on the linear viscoelastic properties. The aim of this article is to provide evidence that rheological testing is a potent tool for characterising polymers in the melts. The materials chosen are linear and slightly long- chain branched metallocene- catalysed polyethylene of narrow molecular mass distribution, as well as linear and highly long- chain branched polyethylene of broad molecular mass distribution, and other sample of the big family of polyolefin’s. The linear viscoelastic flow properties are determined in shear creep and recovery experiments by means of a magnetic bearing torsional creep apparatus. The interest of this study consists in reviewing various experimental, theoretical and simulation results of the some viscoelastic properties. The samples with a slight degree of long- chain branching exhibit a surprisingly high zero shear-rate viscosity in comparison to linear one, whereas the highly branched polymers have a much lower viscosity compared to linear samples. Slightly branched polyethylene have got a higher steady- state compliance in comparison to linear products of similar polydispersity, whereas the highly branched polyethylene of broad molecular mass distribution exhibit a surprisingly low elasticity in comparison to linear broad molecular one. The same remarks are obtained for the other samples. The actual framework leads us to say that the number of branches is less important than the topology itself. Therefore, the position and architecture of the branches along the main polymer chain are the principal factors that control the material rheology


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    SUMMARYThe structural properties of linear block copolymers in solution aroused a considerable interest and are the subject of manytheoretical and experimental investigations. However, their cyclic counterparts received only a limited attention fromresearchers mainly because of difficulties related to their synthesis with high-molecular weights and a low polydispersity. Thisstudy was justified by the relatively recent light scattering measurements carried out by Amis et al. on a cyclic diblockcopolymer and its linear triblock counterpart made up of polystyrene (PS) and poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). In this work,the adopted theoretical approach is based on the random phase approximation when the polymeric systems under study areplaced in similar conditions of temperature, concentration, composition and mass than those covered experimentally by Amisand others. The main objective of this study is intended to present a theoretical formalism allowing a systematic analysis of thescattering data, relating to block copolymers of arbitrary architectures, and to suggest some indications relating to theirtreatment. In terms of thermodynamic and structural properties, the results obtained reveal differences between the two typesof copolymers. In particular, contrary to what was brought back by Amis and his collaborators, the discrepancies, shownbetween the radii of gyration of linear block copolymers and their cyclic counterpart, being sufficiently large, it should bepossible to highlight them in experiments by light scattering.RESUMELes propriĂ©tĂ©s structurales de copolymĂšres sĂ©quencĂ©s linĂ©aires en solution ont suscitĂ© un intĂ©rĂȘt considĂ©rable et fait l'objet denombreuses investigations thĂ©oriques et expĂ©rimentales. Cependant, leurs homologues cycliques n'ont retenu l'attention qued'un nombre limitĂ© de chercheurs principalement du fait de difficultĂ©s liĂ©es Ă  leur synthĂšse avec des poids molĂ©culaires Ă©levĂ©set une faible polydispersitĂ©. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© motivĂ©e par des mesures de diffusion de lumiĂšre relativement rĂ©centes rĂ©alisĂ©espar Amis et al. sur un copolymĂšre bisĂ©quencĂ© cyclique et son homologue trisĂ©quencĂ© linĂ©aire constituĂ© de polystyrĂšne (PS) etde poly(dimĂ©thylsiloxane) (PDMS). Dans ce travail, l'approche thĂ©orique adoptĂ©e est basĂ©e sur l'approximation de la phasealĂ©atoire en plaçant les systĂšmes polymĂ©riques considĂ©rĂ©s dans des conditions de tempĂ©rature, de concentration, decomposition et de masse similaires Ă  celles couvertes expĂ©rimentalement par Amis et autres. L’objectif premier de la prĂ©senteĂ©tude consiste Ă  prĂ©senter un formalisme thĂ©orique permettant une analyse systĂ©matique de donnĂ©es de diffusion, relatives Ă des copolymĂšres sĂ©quencĂ©s d'architectures arbitraires, et de suggĂ©rer quelques indications concernant le traitement de celles-ci.En termes de propriĂ©tĂ©s thermodynamiques et structurales, les rĂ©sultats obtenus rĂ©vĂšlent des Ă©carts entre les deux types decopolymĂšres. En particulier, contrairement Ă  ce qui a Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ© par Amis et ses collaborateurs, les diffĂ©rences, relevĂ©es entreles rayons de giration de copolymĂšres sĂ©quencĂ©s linĂ©aires et de leur homologue cyclique, Ă©tant suffisamment importantes, ildevrait ĂȘtre possible de les mettre en Ă©vidence expĂ©rimentalement par diffusion de lumiĂšre

    Dissociated Representations of Pleasant and Unpleasant Olfacto-Trigeminal Mixtures: An fMRI Study

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    How the pleasantness of chemosensory stimuli such as odorants or intranasal trigeminal compounds is processed in the human brain has been the focus of considerable recent interest. Yet, so far, only the unimodal form of this hedonic processing has been explored, and not its bimodal form during crossmodal integration of olfactory and trigeminal stimuli. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate this question. To this end, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used in an experiment comparing brain activation related to a pleasant and a relatively unpleasant olfacto-trigeminal mixture, and to their individual components (CO2 alone, Orange alone, Rose alone). Results revealed first common neural activity patterns in response to both mixtures in a number of regions: notably the superior temporal gyrus and the caudate nucleus. Common activations were also observed in the insula, although the pleasant mixture activated the right insula whereas the unpleasant mixture activated the left insula. However, specific activations were observed in anterior cingulate gyrus and the ventral tegmental area only during the perception of the pleasant mixture. These findings emphasized for the firs time the involvement of the latter structures in processing of pleasantness during crossmodal integration of chemosensory stimuli


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    During the two last decades, branched polyelectrolytes have been thoroughly studied from theoretical and experimentalstandpoints. In this report, we attempt to compare the behaviour of highly branched polyelectrolytes to that of their linearcounterparts at low ionic strength. As expected, the expansion behaviour of the branched materials is considerably less than ofthat of the corresponding linear chains. Surprisingly, in the former case (sphere-like behavior), the ratio of the radius ofgyration to the hydrodynamic radius ρ=Rg/Rh shows an opposite behaviour as compared to the second one (rod-like behavior);indeed, contrary to the case of linear chains for which this ratio increases, that of branched homologous decreases as the ionicstrength is lowered. Analyzis of the data, depicted in Kratky plots, reveals substantial discrepancies between the bothpolymeric structures. Moreover, at high ionic strength, one observes a rod-like structure that undergoes a transition to adisordered conformation which is not however that of a random coil, whereas, at low one, it appears that the two double- helixunfold and the loop strongly expands. Ces deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, les polyĂ©lectrolytes ramifiĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© activement Ă©tudiĂ©s sur le double plan thĂ©orique etexpĂ©rimental; le propos de cette Ă©tude est de tenter de comparer le comportement de polyĂ©lectrolytes fortement ramifiĂ©s Ă  celuide leurs homologues linĂ©aires pour des forces ioniques faibles. Comme attendu, l'expansion des matĂ©riaux ramifiĂ©s estconsidĂ©rablement moindre que celle des chaĂźnes linĂ©aires correspondantes. Cependant, il est surprenant que, dans le premiercas (comportement d’une sphĂšre), le rapport du rayon de giration au rayon hydrodynamique ρ =Rg/Rh montre uncomportement opposĂ© Ă  celui correspondant au second cas (comportement de bĂątonnet); en effet, contrairement au cas deschaĂźnes linĂ©aires pour lesquelles ce rapport croĂźt, celui de leurs homologues ramifiĂ©s diminue Ă  mesure que la concentrationionique est abaissĂ©e. L’analyse des donnĂ©es, mises en Ă©vidence dans la reprĂ©sentation de Kratky, indique des Ă©cartssubstantiels entre les deux structures polymĂ©riques. Par ailleurs, pour une force ionique Ă©levĂ©e, on observe une structure enforme de bĂątonnet qui subit une transition vers une conformation dĂ©sordonnĂ©e qui n'est cependant pas celle d’une pelotestatistique, tandis que, pour des forces ioniques basses, il apparaĂźt que les deux double-hĂ©lices ne se replient pas et la boucles’étend fortement

    Assessing Implicit Odor Localization in Humans Using a Cross-Modal Spatial Cueing Paradigm

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    Navigation based on chemosensory information is one of the most important skills in the animal kingdom. Studies on odor localization suggest that humans have lost this ability. However, the experimental approaches used so far were limited to explicit judgements, which might ignore a residual ability for directional smelling on an implicit level without conscious appraisal.A novel cueing paradigm was developed in order to determine whether an implicit ability for directional smelling exists. Participants performed a visual two-alternative forced choice task in which the target was preceded either by a side-congruent or a side-incongruent olfactory spatial cue. An explicit odor localization task was implemented in a second experiment.No effect of cue congruency on mean reaction times could be found. However, a time by condition interaction emerged, with significantly slower responses to congruently compared to incongruently cued targets at the beginning of the experiment. This cueing effect gradually disappeared throughout the course of the experiment. In addition, participants performed at chance level in the explicit odor localization task, thus confirming the results of previous research.The implicit cueing task suggests the existence of spatial information processing in the olfactory system. Response slowing after a side-congruent olfactory cue is interpreted as a cross-modal attentional interference effect. In addition, habituation might have led to a gradual disappearance of the cueing effect. It is concluded that under immobile conditions with passive monorhinal stimulation, humans are unable to explicitly determine the location of a pure odorant. Implicitly, however, odor localization seems to exert an influence on human behaviour. To our knowledge, these data are the first to show implicit effects of odor localization on overt human behaviour and thus support the hypothesis of residual directional smelling in humans

    I-eAT, a consortium addressing gastronomic solutions for altered taste: A research and development manifesto

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    An International Altered Taste Consortium (I-eAT) is proposed that seeks to utilise gastronomic and biopsychosocial insights to understand and help people who experience taste alterations. Altered eating experiences and a changed experience of taste is a common and disabling trans-diagnostic, multi-causal entity which has for too long been poorly understood and supported in health research and practice. The phrase Altered Taste is employed (using “taste” in its most commonly understood sense to refer to the overall multi-sensory flavour experience) to emphasise the lived sensory experience of those living with an altered relationship with food. Interdisciplinary collaboration between the domains of medicine, health care, physiology, psychology and gastronomy is considered key to understanding, working with and improving altered taste. This manifesto emerged from ongoing research and practice, and was formulated at a workshop of interdisciplinary experts and patient representatives at the Second International Altered Taste Symposium (2022). Between them they collectively agreed on 1. A shared terminology to maximise stakeholder involvement and 2. An overall research aim to better understand, manage and treat Altered Taste. This aim is implemented in 4 key research objectives

    An olfactory self-test effectively screens for COVID-19

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    International audienceAbstract Background Key to curtailing the COVID-19 pandemic are wide-scale screening strategies. An ideal screen is one that would not rely on transporting, distributing, and collecting physical specimens. Given the olfactory impairment associated with COVID-19, we developed a perceptual measure of olfaction that relies on smelling household odorants and rating them online. Methods Each participant was instructed to select 5 household items, and rate their perceived odor pleasantness and intensity using an online visual analogue scale. We used this data to assign an olfactory perceptual fingerprint, a value that reflects the perceived difference between odorants. We tested the performance of this real-time tool in a total of 13,484 participants (462 COVID-19 positive) from 134 countries who provided 178,820 perceptual ratings of 60 different household odorants. Results We observe that olfactory ratings are indicative of COVID-19 status in a country, significantly correlating with national infection rates over time. More importantly, we observe indicative power at the individual level (79% sensitivity and 87% specificity). Critically, this olfactory screen remains effective in participants with COVID-19 but without symptoms, and in participants with symptoms but without COVID-19. Conclusions The current odorant-based olfactory screen adds a component to online symptom-checkers, to potentially provide an added first line of defense that can help fight disease progression at the population level. The data derived from this tool may allow better understanding of the link between COVID-19 and olfaction

    Smell and taste changes are early indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic and political decision effectiveness

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    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments have taken drastic measures to avoid an overflow of intensive care units. Accurate metrics of disease spread are critical for the reopening strategies. Here, we show that self-reports of smell/taste changes are more closely associated with hospital overload and are earlier markers of the spread of infection of SARS-CoV-2 than current governmental indicators. We also report a decrease in self-reports of new onset smell/taste changes as early as 5 days after lockdown enforcement. Cross-country comparisons demonstrate that countries that adopted the most stringent lockdown measures had faster declines in new reports of smell/taste changes following lockdown than a country that adopted less stringent lockdown measures. We propose that an increase in the incidence of sudden smell and taste change in the general population may be used as an indicator of COVID-19 spread in the population
