19,166 research outputs found

    Management of intestinal transplantation in humans

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    We report here the clinical experience and management guidelines for the nine consecutive cases who received either an isolated small intestinal graft (n = 1) or an intestine liver combination at the University of Pittsburgh, with FK 506 being the basic immunosuppressive drug therapy

    On classical q-deformations of integrable sigma-models

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    JHEP is an open-access journal funded by SCOAP3 and licensed under CC BY 4.0A procedure is developed for constructing deformations of integrable σ-models which are themselves classically integrable. When applied to the principal chiral model on any compact Lie group F, one recovers the Yang-Baxter σ-model introduced a few years ago by C. Klimčík. In the case of the symmetric space σ-model on F/G we obtain a new one-parameter family of integrable σ-models. The actions of these models correspond to a deformation of the target space geometry and include a torsion term. An interesting feature of the construction is the q-deformation of the symmetry corresponding to left multiplication in the original models, which becomes replaced by a classical q-deformed Poisson-Hopf algebra. Another noteworthy aspect of the deformation in the coset σ-model case is that it interpolates between a compact and a non-compact symmetric space. This is exemplified in the case of the SU(2)/U(1) coset σ-model which interpolates all the way to the SU(1, 1)/U(1) coset σ-modelPeer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Excited states nonlinear integral equations for an integrable anisotropic spin 1 chain

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    We propose a set of nonlinear integral equations to describe on the excited states of an integrable the spin 1 chain with anisotropy. The scaling dimensions, evaluated numerically in previous studies, are recovered analytically by using the equations. This result may be relevant to the study on the supersymmetric sine-Gordon model.Comment: 15 pages, 2 Figures, typos correcte

    Conjugacy theorems for loop reductive group schemes and Lie algebras

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    The conjugacy of split Cartan subalgebras in the finite dimensional simple case (Chevalley) and in the symmetrizable Kac-Moody case (Peterson-Kac) are fundamental results of the theory of Lie algebras. Among the Kac-Moody Lie algebras the affine algebras stand out. This paper deals with the problem of conjugacy for a class of algebras --extended affine Lie algebras-- that are in a precise sense higher nullity analogues of the affine algebras. Unlike the methods used by Peterson-Kac, our approach is entirely cohomological and geometric. It is deeply rooted on the theory of reductive group schemes developed by Demazure and Grothendieck, and on the work of J. Tits on buildingsComment: Publi\'e dans Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 4 (2014), 281-32

    (pi,pi)-electronic order in iron arsenide superconductors

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    The distribution of valence electrons in metals usually follows the symmetry of an ionic lattice. Modulations of this distribution often occur when those electrons are not stable with respect to a new electronic order, such as spin or charge density waves. Electron density waves have been observed in many families of superconductors[1-3], and are often considered to be essential for superconductivity to exist[4]. Recent measurements[5-9] seem to show that the properties of the iron pnictides[10, 11] are in good agreement with band structure calculations that do not include additional ordering, implying no relation between density waves and superconductivity in those materials[12-15]. Here we report that the electronic structure of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 is in sharp disagreement with those band structure calculations[12-15], instead revealing a reconstruction characterized by a (pi,pi) wave vector. This electronic order coexists with superconductivity and persists up to room temperature

    All-Versus-Nothing Proof of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering

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    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering is a form of quantum nonlocality intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. Although Schr\"odinger already mooted the idea in 1935, steering still defies a complete understanding. In analogy to "all-versus-nothing" proofs of Bell nonlocality, here we present a proof of steering without inequalities rendering the detection of correlations leading to a violation of steering inequalities unnecessary. We show that, given any two-qubit entangled state, the existence of certain projective measurement by Alice so that Bob's normalized conditional states can be regarded as two different pure states provides a criterion for Alice-to-Bob steerability. A steering inequality equivalent to the all-versus-nothing proof is also obtained. Our result clearly demonstrates that there exist many quantum states which do not violate any previously known steering inequality but are indeed steerable. Our method offers advantages over the existing methods for experimentally testing steerability, and sheds new light on the asymmetric steering problem.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted in Sci. Re

    Strongly Enhanced Current Densities in Superconducting Coated Conductors of YBa2Cu3O7-x + BaZrO3

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    There are numerous potential applications for superconducting tapes, based on YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) films coated onto metallic substrates. A long established goal of more than 15 years has been to understand the magnetic flux pinning mechanisms which allow films to maintain high current densities out to high magnetic fields. In fact, films carry 1-2 orders of magnitude higher current densities than any other form of the material. For this reason, the idea of further improving pinning has received little attention. Now that commercialisation of conductors is much closer, for both better performance and lower fabrication costs, an important goal is to achieve enhanced pinning in a practical way. In this work, we demonstrate a simple and industrially scaleable route which yields a 1.5 to 5-fold improvement in the in-field current densities of already-high-quality conductors

    Numerical Hermitian Yang-Mills Connections and Kahler Cone Substructure

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    We further develop the numerical algorithm for computing the gauge connection of slope-stable holomorphic vector bundles on Calabi-Yau manifolds. In particular, recent work on the generalized Donaldson algorithm is extended to bundles with Kahler cone substructure on manifolds with h^{1,1}>1. Since the computation depends only on a one-dimensional ray in the Kahler moduli space, it can probe slope-stability regardless of the size of h^{1,1}. Suitably normalized error measures are introduced to quantitatively compare results for different directions in Kahler moduli space. A significantly improved numerical integration procedure based on adaptive refinements is described and implemented. Finally, an efficient numerical check is proposed for determining whether or not a vector bundle is slope-stable without computing its full connection.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure

    Speech Features for Discriminating Stress Using Branch and Bound Wrapper Search

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    Stress detection from speech is a less explored field than Automatic Emotion Recognition and it is still not clear which features are better stress discriminants. VOCE aims at doing speech classification as stressed or not-stressed in real-time, using acoustic-prosodic features only. We therefore look for the best discriminating feature subsets from a set of 6285 features – 6125 features extracted with openSMILE toolkit and 160 Teager Energy Operator (TEO) features. We use a mutual information filter and a branch and bound wrapper heuristic with an SVM classifier to perform feature selection. Since many feature sets are selected, we analyse them in terms of chosen features and classifier performance concerning also true positive and false positive rates. The results show that the best feature types for our application case are Audio Spectral, MFCC, PCM and TEO. We reached results as high as 70.36% for generalisation accuracyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Drop Traffic in Microfluidic Ladder Networks with Fore-Aft Structural Asymmetry

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    We investigate the dynamics of pairs of drops in microfluidic ladder networks with slanted bypasses, which break the fore-aft structural symmetry. Our analytical results indicate that unlike symmetric ladder networks, structural asymmetry introduced by a single slanted bypass can be used to modulate the relative drop spacing, enabling them to contract, synchronize, expand, or even flip at the ladder exit. Our experiments confirm all these behaviors predicted by theory. Numerical analysis further shows that while ladder networks containing several identical bypasses are limited to nearly linear transformation of input delay between drops, mixed combination of bypasses can cause significant non-linear transformation enabling coding and decoding of input delays.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure