569 research outputs found

    2-я Международная конференция «Высокочистые материалы: получение, применения, свойства»

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    17–20 сентября 2013 года в Харькове проходила 2-я Международная конференция «Высокочистые материалы: получение, применения, свойства», посвященная памяти академика НАН Украины Владимира Михайловича Ажажи. В организации Конференции приняли участие: Национальная академия наук Украины, Отделение ядерной физики и энергетики НАНУ, Национальный научный центр «Харьковский физико-технический институт», Харьковский национальный университет им. В.Н. Каразина. В работе Конференции приняло участие более 50 человек

    Evaluation, contrôle et prévention du risque de transmission du virus influenza aviaire à l'homme

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    Since mid-december 2003, an epizootic of highly pathogenic avian influenza (type A, sub-type H5N1) occurs in eastern and south-eastern Asia. This epizootic is historically unprecedented in its virulence, geographical spread, and economic consequences for the agricultural sector. Implications for human health were registered in Vietnam and in Thailand. This paper summarizes the current knowledge about the risk evaluation of the transmission of avian influenza virus to humans. The current asian epizootic has highlighted the key role of global health information systems and also the need for exhaustive notification of human and animal cases. It reinforces the concept of veterinary public health

    Rabies eradication in Belgium by fox vaccination using vaccinia-rabies recombinant virus

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    Oral immunization of foxes against rabies, by distributing vaccine-baits in the field, has been in progress since 1993 in the whole of the infected area of Belgium (10 000 km²). A vaccinia-rabies recombinant virus (VR-G) was used as vaccine because of its efficacy, safety and heat-stability. The successive campaigns of fox vaccination have induced a drastic decrease in rabies incidence and in 1993 there were no cases of rabies detected in the fox population. A marked decrease of human post-exposure treatments and the elimination of the disease in domestic animals have been the consequence of fox rabies control.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.Ministry of Region Wallonne for Natural Resources and Environment. Belgian Federal Ministry of Agriculture. Commission of European Communities (DG VI).mn201

    Dusty core disease (DuCD): expanding morphological spectrum of RYR1 recessive myopathies

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    Several morphological phenotypes have been associated to RYR1-recessive myopathies. We recharacterized the RYR1-recessive morphological spectrum by a large monocentric study performed on 54 muscle biopsies from a large cohort of 48 genetically confirmed patients, using histoenzymology, immunohistochemistry, and ultrastructural studies. We also analysed the level of RyR1 expression in patients' muscle biopsies. We defined "dusty cores" the irregular areas of myofibrillar disorganisation characterised by a reddish-purple granular material deposition with uneven oxidative stain and devoid of ATPase activity, which represent the characteristic lesion in muscle biopsy in 54% of patients. We named Dusty Core Disease (DuCD) the corresponding entity of congenital myopathy. Dusty cores had peculiar histological and ultrastructural characteristics compared to the other core diseases. DuCD muscle biopsies also showed nuclear centralization and type1 fibre predominance. Dusty cores were not observed in other core myopathies and centronuclear myopathies. The other morphological groups in our cohort of patients were: Central Core (CCD: 21%), Core-Rod (C&R:15%) and Type1 predominance "plus" (T1P+:10%). DuCD group was associated to an earlier disease onset, a more severe clinical phenotype and a lowest level of RyR1 expression in muscle, compared to the other groups. Variants located in the bridge solenoid and the pore domains were more frequent in DuCD patients. In conclusion, DuCD is the most frequent histopathological presentation of RYR1-recessive myopathies. Dusty cores represent the unifying morphological lesion among the DuCD pathology spectrum and are the morphological hallmark for the recessive form of disease

    Cyclotomic Gaudin models: construction and Bethe ansatz

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    This is a pre-copyedited author produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Communications in Mathematical Physics, Benoit, V and Young, C, 'Cyclotomic Gaudin models: construction and Bethe ansatz', Commun. Math. Phys. (2016) 343:971, first published on line March 24, 2016. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00220-016-2601-3 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016To any simple Lie algebra g\mathfrak g and automorphism σ:gg\sigma:\mathfrak g\to \mathfrak g we associate a cyclotomic Gaudin algebra. This is a large commutative subalgebra of U(g)NU(\mathfrak g)^{\otimes N} generated by a hierarchy of cyclotomic Gaudin Hamiltonians. It reduces to the Gaudin algebra in the special case σ=id\sigma = \text{id}. We go on to construct joint eigenvectors and their eigenvalues for this hierarchy of cyclotomic Gaudin Hamiltonians, in the case of a spin chain consisting of a tensor product of Verma modules. To do so we generalize an approach to the Bethe ansatz due to Feigin, Frenkel and Reshetikhin involving vertex algebras and the Wakimoto construction. As part of this construction, we make use of a theorem concerning cyclotomic coinvariants, which we prove in a companion paper. As a byproduct, we obtain a cyclotomic generalization of the Schechtman-Varchenko formula for the weight function.Peer reviewe

    Quantum character varieties and braided module categories

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    We compute quantum character varieties of arbitrary closed surfaces with boundaries and marked points. These are categorical invariants SA\int_S\mathcal A of a surface SS, determined by the choice of a braided tensor category A\mathcal A, and computed via factorization homology. We identify the algebraic data governing marked points and boundary components with the notion of a {\em braided module category} for A\mathcal A, and we describe braided module categories with a generator in terms of certain explicit algebra homomorphisms called {\em quantum moment maps}. We then show that the quantum character variety of a decorated surface is obtained from that of the corresponding punctured surface as a quantum Hamiltonian reduction. Characters of braided A\mathcal A-modules are objects of the torus category T2A\int_{T^2}\mathcal A. We initiate a theory of character sheaves for quantum groups by identifying the torus integral of A=RepqG\mathcal A=\operatorname{Rep_q} G with the category Dq(G/G)mod\mathcal D_q(G/G)-\operatorname{mod} of equivariant quantum D\mathcal D-modules. When G=GLnG=GL_n, we relate the mirabolic version of this category to the representations of the spherical double affine Hecke algebra (DAHA) SHq,t\mathbb{SH}_{q,t}.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures. Final version, to appear in Sel. Math. New Se

    Bootstrap, Bayesian probability and maximum likelihood mapping: exploring new tools for comparative genome analyses

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    BACKGROUND: Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) played an important role in shaping microbial genomes. In addition to genes under sporadic selection, HGT also affects housekeeping genes and those involved in information processing, even ribosomal RNA encoding genes. Here we describe tools that provide an assessment and graphic illustration of the mosaic nature of microbial genomes. RESULTS: We adapted the Maximum Likelihood (ML) mapping to the analyses of all detected quartets of orthologous genes found in four genomes. We have automated the assembly and analyses of these quartets of orthologs given the selection of four genomes. We compared the ML-mapping approach to more rigorous Bayesian probability and Bootstrap mapping techniques. The latter two approaches appear to be more conservative than the ML-mapping approach, but qualitatively all three approaches give equivalent results. All three tools were tested on mitochondrial genomes, which presumably were inherited as a single linkage group. CONCLUSIONS: In some instances of interphylum relationships we find nearly equal numbers of quartets strongly supporting the three possible topologies. In contrast, our analyses of genome quartets containing the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. indicate that a large part of the cyanobacterial genome is related to that of low GC Gram positives. Other groups that had been suggested as sister groups to the cyanobacteria contain many fewer genes that group with the Synechocystis orthologs. Interdomain comparisons of genome quartets containing the archaeon Halobacterium sp. revealed that Halobacterium sp. shares more genes with Bacteria that live in the same environment than with Bacteria that are more closely related based on rRNA phylogeny . Many of these genes encode proteins involved in substrate transport and metabolism and in information storage and processing. The performed analyses demonstrate that relationships among prokaryotes cannot be accurately depicted by or inferred from the tree-like evolution of a core of rarely transferred genes; rather prokaryotic genomes are mosaics in which different parts have different evolutionary histories. Probability mapping is a valuable tool to explore the mosaic nature of genomes