97 research outputs found

    Impact of electronic reminders on venous thromboprophylaxis after admissions and transfers

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    Objective Clinical decision support has the potential to improve prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE). The purpose of this prospective study was to analyze the effect of electronic reminders on thromboprophylaxis rates in wards to which patients were admitted and transferred. The latter was of particular interest since patient handoffs are considered to be critical safety issues. Methods The trial involved two study periods in the six departments of a university hospital, three of which were randomly assigned to the intervention group displaying reminders during the second period. At 6 h after admission or transfer, the algorithm checked for prophylaxis orders within 0-30 h of the patient's arrival, increasing the specificity of the displayed reminders. Results The significant impact of the reminders could be seen by prophylaxis orders placed 6-24 h after admission (increasing from 8.6% (223/2579) to 12% (307/2555); p<0.0001) and transfer (increasing from 2.4% (39/1616) to 3.7% (63/1682); p=0.034). In admission wards, the rate of thromboprophylaxis increased from 62.4% to 67.7% (p<0.0001), and in transfer wards it increased from 80.2% to 84.3% (p=0.0022). Overall, the rate of prophylaxis significantly increased in the intervention group from 69.2% to 74.3% (p<0.0001). No significant changes were observed in the control group. Postponing prophylaxis checks to 6 h after admissions and transfers reduced the number of reminders by 62% and thereby minimized the risk of alert fatigue. Conclusions The reminders improved awareness of VTE prevention in both admission and transfer wards. This approach may contribute to better quality of care and safer patient handoff

    Simultane Behandlung von obliterativen Karotispathologien und koronarer Herzkrankheit: Aktuelles Konzept und Resultate der letzten 5Jahre

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    Zusammenfassung: Einführung: Die kombinierte Karotisendarteriektomie und aorto-coronare Baypassoperation (C-CABG) weisen ein hohes peri-operatives Risiko auf. Als Alternative wird in letzter Zeit das Stenting der Artera carotis interna propagiert. Das Fehlen von Level I Evidenz hat uns motiviert, die Resultate unserer C-CABG der letzten 5 Jahre zu evaluieren. Methoden und Patienten: Retrospektive Monozenterstudie von 113C-CABG, durchgeführt zwischen Januar 2000 und Dezember 2004. Das mediane Alter der Patienten betrug 65Jahre (22Patienten waren 80Jahre alt oder älter). Die Karotisendarteriektomie wurde vor der aortokoronaren Bypassoperation in derselben Narkose durchgeführt. Resultate: Die 30-Tages-Mortalität war ausschließlich kardial bedingt und betrug 4,4% (5/113). Die neurologischen Komplikationen waren ein Schlaganfall, der innerhalb von 30Tagen vollständig regredient war, und 3TIA (3,5%, 4/113). Schlussfolgerung: C-CABG mit initial durchgeführter Karotisendarteriektomie ist ein sicheres Verfahren mit niedriger neurologischer Komplikationsrate. Der riskante Anteil des kombinierten Eingriffs ist nicht die Karotisendarteriektomie, sondern die aortokoronare Revaskularisation. Demzufolge scheint das Stenting beim kombinierten Eingriff als Alternative nicht gerechtfertigt, solange keine klaren Vorteile hinsichtlich der Früh- und Langzeitresultate gegenüber der alleinigen Karotisendarteriektomie vorliege

    Use of biomarkers or echocardiography in pulmonary embolism: the Swiss Venous Thromboembolism Registry

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    Background: Cardiac biomarkers and echocardiography for assessing right ventricular function are recommended to risk stratify patients with acute non-massive pulmonary embolism (PE), but it remains unclear if these tests are performed systematically in daily practice. Design and methods: Overall, 587 patients with acute non-massive PE from 18 hospitals were enrolled in the Swiss Venous Thromboembolism Registry (SWIVTER): 178 (30%) neither had a biomarker test nor an echocardiographic evaluation, 196 (34%) had a biomarker test only, 47 (8%) had an echocardiogram only and 166 (28%) had both tests. Results: Among the 409 (70%) patients with biomarkers or echocardiography, 210 (51%) had at least one positive test and 67 (16%) had positive biomarkers and right ventricular dysfunction. The ICU admission rates were 5.1% without vs. 5.6% with testing (P = 0.78), and thrombolysis or embolectomy were performed in 2.8% vs. 4.9%, respectively (P = 0.25). In multivariate analysis, syncope [odds ratio (OR): 3.49, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.20-10.15; P = 0.022], tachycardia (OR: 2.31, 95% CI: 1.37-3.91; P = 0.002) and increasing age (OR: 1.02; 95% CI: 1.01-1.04; P < 0.001) were associated with testing of cardiac risk; outpatient status at the time of PE diagnosis (OR: 2.24, 95% CI: 1.49-3.36; P < 0.001), cancer (OR: 1.81, 95% CI: 1.17-2.79; P = 0.008) and provoked PE (OR: 1.58, 95% CI: 1.05-2.40; P = 0.029) were associated with its absence. Conclusions: Although elderly patients and those with clinically severe PE were more likely to receive a biomarker test or an echocardiogram, these tools were used in only two-thirds of the patients with acute non-massive PE and rarely in combinatio

    Simultane Behandlung von obliterativen Karotispathologien und koronarer Herzkrankheit

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    Einführung: Die kombinierte Karotisendarteriektomie und aorto-coronare Baypassoperation (C-CABG) weisen ein hohes peri-operatives Risiko auf. Als Alternative wird in letzter Zeit das Stenting der Artera carotis interna propagiert. Das Fehlen von Level I Evidenz hat uns motiviert, die Resultate unserer C-CABG der letzten 5 Jahre zu evaluieren. Methoden und Patienten: Retrospektive Monozenterstudie von 113C-CABG, durchgeführt zwischen Januar 2000 und Dezember 2004. Das mediane Alter der Patienten betrug 65Jahre (22Patienten waren 80Jahre alt oder älter). Die Karotisendarteriektomie wurde vor der aortokoronaren Bypassoperation in derselben Narkose durchgeführt. Resultate: Die 30-Tages-Mortalität war ausschließlich kardial bedingt und betrug 4,4% (5/113). Die neurologischen Komplikationen waren ein Schlaganfall, der innerhalb von 30Tagen vollständig regredient war, und 3TIA (3,5%, 4/113). Schlussfolgerung: C-CABG mit initial durchgeführter Karotisendarteriektomie ist ein sicheres Verfahren mit niedriger neurologischer Komplikationsrate. Der riskante Anteil des kombinierten Eingriffs ist nicht die Karotisendarteriektomie, sondern die aortokoronare Revaskularisation. Demzufolge scheint das Stenting beim kombinierten Eingriff als Alternative nicht gerechtfertigt, solange keine klaren Vorteile hinsichtlich der Früh- und Langzeitresultate gegenüber der alleinigen Karotisendarteriektomie vorliege

    Cellular actors, Toll-like receptors, and local cytokine profile in acute coronary syndromes

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    Aims Inflammation plays a key role in acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Toll-like receptors (TLR) on leucocytes mediate inflammation and immune responses. We characterized leucocytes and TLR expression within coronary thrombi and compared cytokine levels from the site of coronary occlusion with aortic blood (AB) in ACS patients. Methods and results In 18 ACS patients, thrombi were collected by aspiration during primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Thrombi and AB from these patients as well as AB from 10 age-matched controls without coronary artery disease were assessed by FACS analysis for cellular distribution and TLR expression. For further discrimination of ACS specificity, seven non-coronary intravascular thrombi and eight thrombi generated in vitro were analysed. In 17 additional patients, cytokine levels were determined in blood samples from the site of coronary occlusion under distal occlusion and compared with AB. In coronary thrombi from ACS, the percentage of monocytes related to the total leucocyte count was greater than in AB (47 vs. 20%, P = 0.0002). In thrombi, TLR-4 and TLR-2 were overexpressed on CD14-labelled monocytes, and TLR-2 was increased on CD66b-labelled granulocytes, in comparison with leucocytes in AB. In contrast, in vitro and non-coronary thrombi exhibited no overexpression of TLR-4. Local blood samples taken under distal occlusion revealed elevated concentrations of chemokines (IL-8, MCP-1, eotaxin, MIP-1α, and IP-10) and cytokines (IL-1ra, IL-6, IL-7, IL-12, IL-17, IFN-α, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor) regulating both innate and adaptive immunity (all P < 0.05). Conclusion In ACS patients, monocytes accumulate within thrombi and specifically overexpress TLR-4. Together with the local expression patterns of chemokines and cytokines, the increase of TLR-4 reflects a concerted activation of this inflammatory pathway at the site of coronary occlusion in AC

    Die Lymphgefässe: Unsichtbar aber unverzichtbar

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    Fluoreszenz-Mikrolymphographie: Pro

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