24 research outputs found

    Sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.) trees variability according to an analysis of multispectral images taken from UAV – first results

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    The paper presents first results of the use of multispectral aerial images to identify the outum phenophases of sessile oak. Observed phenophases are represented with three leaf colors – green, yellow and brown. Color composition of images in three spectral bands: blue, green and red, taken by digital non metric Sigma DP2 cameras, which were carried by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) were used. Pictures were taken on 17 October 2011. Two observers made visual crowns classification of 556 oak trees into three groups: green, yellow and brown, on the basis of the dominant color of the leafs. It was found that among observers there is a large compliance in classification (79.7%). Additionally, observations of the spring growth of leafs on 54 trees crowns images recorded from seven positions were evaluated. Although the results may indicate the existence of certain trends, the clear relationship between autumn and spring phases of trees growing can not be noted now (due to small number of sample and short time of observations). The use of UAV to monitor the length of the individual tree growing season has been confirmed.

    Assessment of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) crowns density based on multispectral images obtained by unmanned aerial vehicle

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    This paper presents the use of non-metric multispectral digital images analysis acquired by cameras carried by unmanned flying vehicles (UAVs) to assess the density of crowns in Scots pine stands. Images were acquired in October 2011. During the field data acquisition, 272 pine trees were inventoried and classified to 10 classes based on the crown density. These results were compared with the average pixel brightness in four spectral channels B, G, R and IR, collected in three variants – the whole crown, dense part of the crown (the so-called rejection of “outlier” branches) and the central part of the crown with 0.63 m radius. Studies have shown that brightness of images of tree crowns belonging to different classes of density varies insignificantly. This especially concerns the class of trees with a very high degree of defoliation (70–100%) and dead trees. The degree of stabilization can be observed in class 5, which means that a further increase in crown density does not increase the spectral reflectance. Analyzes revealed strong similarity between crowns variants: spectral images obtained for the whole or a part of the crown do not differ from each other. Ultimately, it is difficult to determine which variant is the best for the further classification procedure

    From the history of the development of photogrammetry and remote sensing at the Polish forestry

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    Photogrammetry started to develop in Poland after World War I. Although relatively very important and big photogrammetric projects from this time are known, only few mentions are related to the use of photogrammetry for forestry purposes. On early 1945 the demand for the development of photogrammetric products – photomaps – reported six ministries, including the Ministry of Forestry. Forest applications of photogrammetry were developed by workers employed in Forest Research Institute – Gieruszyński (1948 ) and Stanecki (1951) published first books concerning the use of aerial photographs for measuring and determining the forest characteristics and estimation of wood volume. Aerial photographs found wide use in forestry from the second half of the 1950s, but after 1970 a decline of interest in the use of photogrammetry is to be noticed. The need for a broader use of photogrammetry in forestry pointed the authors of many studies appearing in the scientific literature. In the seventies, research related to the use of simple photogrammetry methods and tools to determine the selected characteristucs of forest stands. There was big interest in methods of determining the amount of trees within stands, their height, crowns closure, and species composition. The second half of the seventies is also the birth of the forest remote sensing. The real revolution in scientific research and applications of photogrammetry and remote sensing takes place from the beginning of the twenty-first century. Two circumstances are conducive to a growing use of photogrammetry and remote sensing in forestry – the emergence of laser scanning (LiDAR) technology and unmanned aerial vehicles. Also thematic scope of research will change – the focus will move from the issues concerning the inventory of stands to tracking dynamic processes of nature. Modern techniques of photogrammetry and remote sensing should also provide new data useful to detect and assess the significance of factors affecting the immunity of forest

    Nature and forestry education twenty years ago. Establishing and first working years of The Center for Nature and Forestry Education in Rogów

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    One of the main areas in professional activities of foresters is educating the whole society in forestry and nature problems. The main goal of nature and forestry education is to provide the society with knowledge about forest ecosystems and explaining the goals of forestry. In the article some unknown facts of establishing and initial years of activity of The Center for Nature and Forestry Education in Rogów, Poland are unveiled. The role of international cooperation in development process of The Center is also presented.Ważną sferą działalności leśników jest edukacja leśna lub przyrodniczo-leśna, adresowana do całego społeczeństwa. Jej celem jest upowszechnianie wiedzy na temat zasad funkcjonowania ekosystemów leśnych oraz tłumaczenie, w jaki sposób prowadzona jest w lasach gospodarka leśna. W artykule przedstawiono tło i kulisy powstania oraz pierwsze lata (1995-2001) działalności Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie: modernizację ośrodka i pierwsze przedsięwzięcia edukacyjne, a także jakie znaczenie dla rozwoju funkcji Centrum miała współpraca międzynarodowa.Wydano przy pomocy: Państwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne Lasy Państwowe, Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska w Łodz

    Geomatyka w nauczaniu leśników na uczelniach rolniczych

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    The idea for this publication was barn in June 2015, during a meeting of Polish teachers involved with Geographic lnformation Systems. The meeting was initiated by the Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Łódź, which received a grant to organize it. The discussion and presentations from academic teachers representing various universities in Poland were very interesting and sometimes heated. it would be advisable for other educators to familiarise themselves with the aspects of GIS education among Polish geographers, foresters, surveyors and other users. The experience of Geoinformation education in Poland is still modest, so the views of people who have been involved at Polish universities with it since the 1990s should be interesting to readers. Geographic lnformation Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor for economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies. Akronim GIS-E-QL: GIS for environment and quality of life. Project objectives: The main aim of the project is to start-up attractive and innovative second­ degree studies – geoinformation in mutual cooperation of the FGS and the FMCS, students education, improving the competence of academic teachers, conference organization, publishing, cooperation with practitioners and establishing contacts with partners from Norway. This aim is consistent with the “Ana lysis of the economy's demand for graduates in key field of strategy in the context of the Europe 2020” 2012 and “Strategy for development of higher education in Poland 2020”, in the field of promoting innovative courses, formed collectively with practitioners, raising awareness of the environment. Joint actions of educators and practitioners, supported the by the strengthening of university's hardware, software and spatial data, will ensure a high quality project. The existing cooperation with practitioners indicate that further training is necessary and they would like to see postgraduates in their institutions. The final beneficiaries of the project will be the students and the academical teaching staff and indirectly the economy of the region. Students who graduate will be the main recipient of the project, the next will be teaching staff who will have contact with the practices and Norwegian partners with similar interests. In broad terms the project will benefit Polish and European economy and environment.This book has been prepared within the project „Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor of economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies” supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants and co-financed by the Polish funds. (Agreement No FSS/2014/HEI/W/0114/U/0013)

    GIS w polskiej edukacji wyższej – dyskusja

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    The idea for this publication was barn in June 2015, during a meeting of Polish teachers involved with Geographic lnformation Systems. The meeting was initiated by the Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Łódź, which received a grant to organize it. The discussion and presentations from academic teachers representing various universities in Poland were very interesting and sometimes heated. it would be advisable for other educators to familiarise themselves with the aspects of GIS education among Polish geographers, foresters, surveyors and other users. The experience of Geoinformation education in Poland is still modest, so the views of people who have been involved at Polish universities with it since the 1990s should be interesting to readers. Geographic lnformation Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor for economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies. Akronim GIS-E-QL: GIS for environment and quality of life. Project objectives: The main aim of the project is to start-up attractive and innovative second­ degree studies – geoinformation in mutual cooperation of the FGS and the FMCS, students education, improving the competence of academic teachers, conference organization, publishing, cooperation with practitioners and establishing contacts with partners from Norway. This aim is consistent with the “Ana lysis of the economy's demand for graduates in key field of strategy in the context of the Europe 2020” 2012 and “Strategy for development of higher education in Poland 2020”, in the field of promoting innovative courses, formed collectively with practitioners, raising awareness of the environment. Joint actions of educators and practitioners, supported the by the strengthening of university's hardware, software and spatial data, will ensure a high quality project. The existing cooperation with practitioners indicate that further training is necessary and they would like to see postgraduates in their institutions. The final beneficiaries of the project will be the students and the academical teaching staff and indirectly the economy of the region. Students who graduate will be the main recipient of the project, the next will be teaching staff who will have contact with the practices and Norwegian partners with similar interests. In broad terms the project will benefit Polish and European economy and environment.The experience of Polish scientists and educators in the GIS has not been as long as mentioned by Michael F. Goodchild who jointly with Ross Newkirk (Goodchild 2006) started the fi rst GIS training course at the University of Western Ontario in Canada in 1975. Discussions on the scope of knowledge included in the GIS have continued at most universities that have offered such classes. In 1988/89, owing to the National Centre for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), the 3-volume document of over 1000 pages was put together to include curriculums, student materials and other teaching aids. We have good models and we can use them. Meetings and discussions about the GIS education have been and still are regularly held all over the world (Forer P., Unwin D. 1999). When employees of Polish universities were starting to learn the GIS software and possibilities, Morgan J. M., Fleury B., Becker R. A. (1996) had already identifi ed over 800 higher education institutions all over the world that had offered at least one GIS course. The rapid development of new technologies, methods, the creation of new labour markets has arisen discussions on the contents GIS training in various centres of higher education, e.g. in the Netherlands, the US, and those have been similar to the ones presented in this article (Toppen F. J. 1992) and some issues needed to be resolved in court (DiBiase, D. 2008). You can see how important these meetings of educators are for exchanging opinions and experience. They have allowed to meed people representing various fi elds involved in the geoinformation, which may result in co-operation and new educational initiatives, and sometimes, competition. Finally, we should agree with prof. J. Gaździcki (2009 p. 12) that “It is obvious that the success of any measures to modernise education in the area under consideration depends on the interest of academic communities, involvement of research and academic staff in these endeavours, their will, ambition and willingness to co-operate”.This book has been prepared within the project „Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor of economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies” supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants and co-financed by the Polish funds. (Agreement No FSS/2014/HEI/W/0114/U/0013)


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    The article is devoted to the subject of urban greenery. The paper attempts to present real green areas and not only those that have such a purpose featuring in lists and registers. The authors also refer to the topic of availability of urban greenery for the residents of the city, taking into account an uneven density of places of residence. The aim of the article is to present the method for assessing the availability of green areas around places of residence, using spatial data showing residential buildings and official data on greenery. The relevant analyses are based on a regular network of squares of 90 m × 90 m. It was found that Łódź is a city with rich greenery resources. However, this judgment needs revising because a significant part of the residents both in their places of residence (R = 50 m) and further surroundings (R = 500 m) do not have access to green areas intended for recreation.Artykuł poświęcony jest tematyce zieleni miejskiej. W pracy podjęto próbę przedstawienia rzeczywistychterenów zieleni, a nie tylko tych, które posiadają takie przeznaczenie w wykazach i rejestrach. Autorzy odnoszą się również do wątku dostępności zieleni miejskiej dla mieszkańców miasta, biorąc pod uwagęnierównomierne zagęszczenie miejsc zamieszkania. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie propozycji metodyoceny dostępności terenów zieleni dla mieszkańców miast. Wykorzystano dane dotyczące rozmieszczeniabudynków mieszkalnych oraz obiektów, które są oficjalnie uznawane za tereny zieleni. Analizy prowadzonow regularnej siatce kwadratów o wielkości 90 m × 90 m. Analizowano dostępność zieleni w miejscu zamieszkania oraz w promieniu do ok. 500 m. Stwierdzono, że Łódź jest bogata w zasoby zieleni, jednakże ta ocena powinna być zweryfikowana ponownie, gdyż wciąż wielu mieszkańców zarówno w miejscu zamieszkania (R = 50 m) jak również w najbliższym otoczeniu nie ma dostępu do zieleni rekreacyjnej

    Land cover classification using Sentinel-2A images processed by the principal components method (PCA)

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    Celem badań jest ocena możliwości realizacji klasyfikacji nadzorowanej z wykorzystaniem obrazów (komponentów) uzyskiwanych w wyniku przetworzenia oryginalnych obrazów Sentinel-2A za pomocą metody głównych składowych (PCA). Klasyfikację wykonano w ośmiu wariantach, z wykorzystaniem algorytmów najmniejszej odległości (MD, Minimum Distance) oraz największego prawdopodobieństwa (ML, Maximum Likelihood), przy czym zastosowano oryginalne kanały 2, 3, 4, 8 Sentinel-2A oraz różną liczbę komponentów. Wyniki klasyfikacji oceniono poprzez porównanie z danymi o pokryciu terenu według Ewidencji Gruntów i Budynków (EGiB). Przeprowadzenie klasyfikacji na ograniczonej do dwóch liczbie komponentów uzyskanych w procedurze PCA tylko nieznacznie zmieniło wyniki w porównaniu do klasyfikacji na oryginalnych, nieprzetworzonych kanałach Sentinel-2A. Najbardziej zbliżone do danych EGiB rezultaty uzyskano stosując klasyfikację ML kanałów oryginalnych, nieprzetworzonych lub używając wszystkich komponentów PCA. Podjęta próba porównania pokrycia terenu ustalonego za pomocą klasyfikacji obrazów satelitarnych z klasami pokrycia, które zostały wyodrębnione z mapy EGiB wykazała, że przetworzenie mapy z postaci wektorowej na rastrową wpływa istotnie na uzyskiwane wyniki.The aim of the research is to assess the feasibility of supervised classification using images (components) obtained through processing the original Sentinel-2A images by means of the principal component method (PCA). The classification was performed in eight variants, using the algorithms of the minimum distance (MD) and the maximum likelihood (ML), with the original channels 2, 3, 4, 8 of Sentinel-2A and a various number of components. The results of the classification were assessed by comparing them to the land coverage data of Land and Buildings Register (Ewidencja Gruntów i Budynków – EGiB). Performing the classification on a number of PCA components limited to two only slightly altered the results compared to the classification on the original, raw Sentinel-2A channels. The results most similar to the EGiB data were obtained using the ML classification of the original channels, i.e. raw channels or using all PCA components. The attempt to compare the land coverage established by the classification of satellite images to the coverage classes that were extracted from the EGiB map revealed that processing the map from vector to raster form significantly influences the obtained results