81 research outputs found

    Анализ переноса тепла в активном элементе электромагнита

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    Описан приближенный способ определения тепловых потерь в плоском активном элементе конечных размеров при симметричных условиях охлаждения. Характеристика тепловых потерь определяется числом Био. Проведено исследование нестационарного теплового состояния в шихтованном пакете магнитопровода с равномерно распределенными источниками тепла на основе конечно-разностного метода. Приведены результаты численного моделирования процесса нестационарной двумерной теплопроводности, протекающего в поперечном сечении активного элемента электромагнита

    A variable kinematic doubly-curved MITC9 shell element for the analysis of laminated composites

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    The present article considers the linear static analysis of composite shell structures with double-curvature geometry by means of a shell finite element with variable through-the-thickness kinematic. The refined models used are grouped in the Unified Formulation by Carrera (CUF) and they permit the distribution of displacements and stresses along the thickness of the multilayered shell to be accurately described. The shell element has nine nodes and the mixed interpolation of tensorial components (MITC) method is used to contrast the membrane and shear locking phenomenon. The governing equations are derived from the principle of virtual displacement (PVD) and the finite element method (FEM) is employed to solve them. Cross-ply spherical shells with simply-supported edges and subjected to bi-sinusoidal pressure are analyzed. Various laminations, thickness ratios, and curvature ratios are considered. The results, obtained with different theories contained in the CUF, are compared with both the elasticity solutions given in the literature and the analytical solutions obtained using the CUF and the Navier's method. From the analysis, one can conclude that the shell element based on the CUF is very efficient and its use is mandatory with respect to the classical models in the study of composite structures. Finally, shells with different lamination, boundary conditions, and loads are also analyzed using high-order layer-wise theories in order to provide FEM benchmark solution

    Strain driven fast osseointegration of implants

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    BACKGROUND: Although the bone's capability of dental implant osseointegration has clinically been utilised as early as in the Gallo-Roman population, the specific mechanisms for the emergence and maintenance of peri-implant bone under functional load have not been identified. Here we show that under immediate loading of specially designed dental implants with masticatory loads, osseointegration is rapidly achieved. METHODS: We examined the bone reaction around non- and immediately loaded dental implants inserted in the mandible of mature minipigs during the presently assumed time for osseointegration. We used threaded conical titanium implants containing a titanium2+ oxide surface, allowing direct bone contact after insertion. The external geometry was designed according to finite element analysis: the calculation showed that physiological amplitudes of strain (500–3,000 ustrain) generated through mastication were homogenously distributed in peri-implant bone. The strain-energy density (SED) rate under assessment of a 1 Hz loading cycle was 150 Jm-3 s-1, peak dislocations were lower then nm. RESULTS: Bone was in direct contact to the implant surface (bone/implant contact rate 90%) from day one of implant insertion, as quantified by undecalcified histological sections. This effect was substantiated by ultrastructural analysis of intimate osteoblast attachment and mature collagen mineralisation at the titanium surface. We detected no loss in the intimate bone/implant bond during the experimental period of either control or experimental animals, indicating that immediate load had no adverse effect on bone structure in peri-implant bone. CONCLUSION: In terms of clinical relevance, the load related bone reaction at the implant interface may in combination with substrate effects be responsible for an immediate osseointegration state

    C. elegans VANG-1 Modulates Life Span via Insulin/IGF-1-Like Signaling

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    The planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway is highly conserved from Drosophila to humans and a PCP-like pathway has recently been described in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The developmental function of this pathway is to coordinate the orientation of cells or structures within the plane of an epithelium or to organize cell-cell intercalation required for correct morphogenesis. Here, we describe a novel role of VANG-1, the only C. elegans ortholog of the conserved PCP component Strabismus/Van Gogh. We show that two alleles of vang-1 and depletion of the protein by RNAi cause an increase of mean life span up to 40%. Consistent with the longevity phenotype vang-1 animals also show enhanced resistance to thermal- and oxidative stress and decreased lipofuscin accumulation. In addition, vang-1 mutants show defects like reduced brood size, decreased ovulation rate and prolonged reproductive span, which are also related to gerontogenes. The germline, but not the intestine or neurons, seems to be the primary site of vang-1 function. Life span extension in vang-1 mutants depends on the insulin/IGF-1-like receptor DAF-2 and DAF-16/FoxO transcription factor. RNAi against the phase II detoxification transcription factor SKN-1/Nrf2 also reduced vang-1 life span that might be explained by gradual inhibition of insulin/IGF-1-like signaling in vang-1. This is the first time that a key player of the PCP pathway is shown to be involved in the insulin/IGF-1-like signaling dependent modulation of life span in C. elegans

    Interventions to control myopia progression in children: protocol for an overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

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    Background Myopia is a common visual disorder with increasing prevalence among developed countries of the world. Myopia constitutes a substantial risk factor for several ocular conditions that can lead to blindness. The purpose of this study is to conduct an overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in order to identify and appraise robust research evidence regarding the management of myopia progression in children and adolescents. Methods A literature search will be conducted in MEDLINE, EMBASE, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database via Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD). We will search for systematic reviews or meta-analyses that examine optical or pharmaceutical modalities for myopia control. Two independent overview authors will screen the titles and abstracts against the eligibility criteria. Individual study’s methodological quality and quality of evidence for each outcome of interest will be assessed by two independent authors using the ROBIS tool and GRADE rating, respectively. In cases of disagreement, consensus will be reached with the help of a third author. Our primary outcomes will be the mean change in refractive error, mean axial length change, and adverse events. A citation matrix will be generated, and the corrected covered area (CCA) will be estimated, in order to identify overlapping primary studies. Possible meta-biases and measures of heterogeneity will be described, and cases of dual co-authorship will be identified and discussed. If any recently published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are detected, these will be appraised and their findings will be presented. An overall summary of outcomes will be provided using descriptive statistics and will be supplemented by narrative synthesis. Discussion This overview will examine the high level of existing evidence for treatment of myopia progression. Efficient interventions will be identified, and side effects will be reported. The expected benefit is that all robust recent research evidence will be compiled in a single study. The results may inform future research in this area, which should provide insight into the appropriate regimes for the administration of these modalities and contribute to future guideline development

    Reinigender Strahl

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    The process of cleaning with a laser beam opens up new opportunities in the field of industrial cleaning techniques. Increasing environmental awareness, particularly in respect of waste disposal, and demanding standards of cleaning quality, make it necessary to rethink the methods hitherto used for cleaning operations. These often give rise to residual environmental pollutants which must be disposed of