231 research outputs found

    Effects of different wind stress climatologies on the North Atlantic circulation: Model results

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    Variability in the subtropical-tropical cells and its effect on near-surface temperature of the equatorial Pacific: a model study

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    A set of experiments utilizing different implementations of the global ORCA-LIM model with horizontal resolutions of 2°, 0.5° and 0.25° is used to investigate tropical and extra-tropical influences on equatorial Pacific SST variability at interannual to decadal time scales. The model experiments use a bulk forcing methodology building on the global forcing data set for 1958 to 2000 developed by Large and Yeager (2004) that is based on a blend of atmospheric reanalysis data and satellite products. Whereas representation of the mean structure and transports of the (sub-) tropical Pacific current fields is much improved with the enhanced horizontal resolution, there is only little difference in the simulation of the interannual variability in the equatorial regime between the 0.5° and 0.25° model versions, with both solutions capturing the observed SST variability in the Niño3-region. The question of remotely forced oceanic contributions to the equatorial variability, in particular, the role of low-frequency changes in the transports of the Subtropical Cells (STCs), is addressed by a sequence of perturbation experiments using different combinations of fluxes. The solutions show the near-surface temperature variability to be governed by wind-driven changes in the Equatorial Undercurrent. The relative contributions of equatorial and off-equatorial atmospheric forcing differ between interannual and longer, (multi-) decadal timescales: for the latter there is a significant impact of changes in the equatorward transport of subtropical thermocline water associated with the lower branches of the STCs, related to variations in the off-equatorial trade winds. A conspicuous feature of the STC variability is that the equatorward transports in the interior and along the western boundary partially compensate each other at both decadal and interannual time scales, with the strongest transport extrema occurring during El Niño episodes. The behaviour is rationalized in terms of a wobbling in the poleward extents of the tropical gyres, which is manifested also in a meridional shifting of the bifurcation latitudes of the North and South Equatorial Current systems

    Anthropogenic impact on Agulhas leakage

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    Recent work suggests that changes of the Southern Hemisphere (SH) winds led to an increase in Agulhas leakage and a corresponding salinification of the Atlantic. Climate model projections for the 21st century predict a progressive southward migration and intensification of the SH westerlies. The potential effects on the ocean circulation of such an anthropogenic trend in wind stress are studied here with a high-resolution ocean model forced by a step-function change in SH wind stress that involves a 7% increase in westerlies strength and a 2° shift in the zero wind stress curl. The model simulation suggests a rapid dynamic adjustment of Agulhas leakage by 4.5 Sv, about a third of its original value, after a few years. The change in leakage is reflected in a concomitant change in the transport of the South Atlantic subtropical gyre, but leads only to a small increase in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) of O(1 Sv) after three decades. A main effect of the increasing inflow of Indian Ocean waters with potential long-term ramifications for the AMOC is the salinification and densification of upper-thermocline waters in the South Atlantic, which extends into the North Atlantic within the first three decades

    Lagrangian properties of eddy fields in the northern North Atlantic as deduced from satellite-tracked buoys

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    One hundred and thirteen satellite-tracked buoys have been used during their first 5 months after deployment in order to calculate Lagrangian statistics of the eddy field in the northern North Atlantic between Newfoundland and the Canary basin. r.m.s. velocities are isotropic and increase from southeast to northwest. Lagrangian integral time scales, derived both from correlation function and from dispersion, are slightly anisotropic and decrease from the subtropics toward the North Atlantic Current. Time scale is inversely proportional to the r.m.s. velocity of the eddies. Eddy length scale is approximately constant in the North Atlantic. Dispersion is in good agreement with Taylor's hypothesis, following a t2-law during the first day after release and a linear increase with time during days 10 to 60. Eddy diffusivity increases from 30N to 50N by a factor of about 4 and is linearly dependent on the r.m.s. velocity. The energy containing frequency band of the eddies shifts toward higher frequencies in the northern part of the Atlantic. Beyond the cut-off frequency of the eddies the spectral slope follows a -2 or -3 power law

    Abyssal ocean warming around Antarctica strengthens the Atlantic overturning circulation

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    The abyssal warming around Antarctica is one of the most prominent multidecadal signals of change in the global ocean. Here we investigate its dynamical impacts on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) by performing a set of experiments with the ocean-sea ice model NEMO-LIM2 at 1/2 degrees horizontal resolution. The simulations suggest that the ongoing warming of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), already affecting much of the Southern Hemisphere with a rate of up to 0.05 degrees C decade(-1), has important implications for the large-scale meridional overturning circulation in the Atlantic Ocean. While the abyssal northward flow of AABW is weakening, we find the upper AMOC cell to progressively strengthen by 5-10% in response to deep density changes in the South Atlantic. The simulations suggest that the AABW-induced strengthening of the AMOC is already extending into the subtropical North Atlantic, implying that the process may counteract the projected decrease of the AMOC in the next decades

    Eine Untersuchung der Dynamik der windgetriebenen ozeanischen Zirkulation mit einem wirbelauflösenden barotropen Modell

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    SIGLETIB: RN 3292 (137) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Modelluntersuchungen zur Rolle mesoskaliger Fluktuationen im Atlantischen Ozean

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    Contribution of buoyancy fluxes to tropical Pacific sea level variability

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    Regional anomalies of steric sea level are either due to redistribution of heat and freshwater anomalies or due to ocean-atmosphere buoyancy fluxes. Interannual to decadal variability in sea level across the tropical Pacific is mainly due to steric variations driven by wind stress anomalies. The importance of air--sea buoyancy fluxes is less clear. We use a global, eddy permitting ocean model and a series of sensitivity experiments with quasi-climatological momentum and buoyancy fluxes to identify the contribution of buoyancy fluxes for interannual to decadal sea level variability in the tropical Pacific. We find their contribution on interannual timescales to be strongest in the central tropical Pacific at around 10° latitude in both hemispheres and also relevant in the very east of the tropical domain. Buoyancy flux forced anomalies are in phase with variations driven by wind stress changes but their effect on the prevailing anomalies and the importance of heat and fresh water fluxes vary locally. In the eastern tropical basin interannual sea level variability is amplified by anomalous heat fluxes, while the importance of fresh water fluxes is small and neither has any impact on decadal timescales. In the western tropical Pacific the variability on interannual and decadal timescales is dampened by both, heat and freshwater fluxes. The mechanism involves westward propagating Rossby waves that are triggered during ENSO events by anomalous buoyancy fluxes in the central tropical Pacific and counteract the prevailing sea level anomalies once they reach the western part of the basin