133 research outputs found

    „Les représentations de l’Ordre de Saint-Michel en Hongrie”

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    János király és a Magna Carta

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    King John of England (1199–1216) has his 'own' historical mythology, known almost worldwide. It is therefore difficult to see his rule unbiased. In the traditional narrative he has every characteristic of a 'bad monarch'. In English medieval history he is an archetype of the immoral and unprincipled ruler with immense ambition. It seems predestined that the barons would oppose the 'evil king' and implement the Magna Carta in 1215 at Runnymede. For a long time, research has not really looked beyond the surface, did not examine in depth how the king governed, contenting itself with the fact that he destroyed the work of his father, the great Plantagenet, Henry II. All we knew was what the Magna Carta implied: he levied taxes in violation of the law. His reign is so overshadowed by the great charter of liberties as if nothing else had happened. There are objective factors that may shed a different light on John’s reign. For decades, Henry II had been building up his own Plantagenet government, a strict system of power that could have been the subject of discontent much earlier. Magna Carta was the result of a longer process. The grievances of the barons can be traced back to the 1170s, and while they cannot be separated from John’s rule, they must be examined in the context of the whole Plantagenet regime. John did nothing but continued his father's methods, but he was now seen as a 'despot'. It is clear that the crisis was not entirely rooted in the king's 'twisted' personality, or his 'diabolical' character. The political and social situation was full of tensions that none of the Plantagenets could have found a remedy for

    King Sigismund of Luxemburg and the preparations for the Hungarian crusading host of Nicopolis (1391-96)

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    The paper is examining the efforts to organize the host for the 1396 Nicopolis crusade, focusing the financial backgro und, innovations in military administration and personnel and reforms in defence doctrines. It discusses of Sigismund of Luxemburg’s (1387 - 1437) work in frontier defence and measures to secure funds. The king has been recently treated negatively, seen as a n inadequate leader who did not lead expeditions. Yet he was able to prevent a national bloodshed and did gain successes by garrisoning castles with standing forces

    Magyarország és Európa: Magyarország nyugati külpolitikája, különös tekintettel Angliára (1235-1437) = Hungary and Europe: the Foreign Policy of Hungary, with a special attention to Anglo-Hungarian Relations in the Middle Ages, 1235-1437

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    Magyarország Anglia-irányú külpolitikáját vizsgáltam 1235 és 1301 között; és korábbi, kutatásaimat (1301-1437) egészítettem ki. Az összegző, nyomdai előkészítés alatt álló kötet nem csak az 1235 és 1437, hanem az 1000 és 1235 közötti angliai kapcsolatokról is számot ad, Laszlovszky József révén. Az Angol-magyar kapcsolatok a középkorban. Attraktor, Máriabesnyő, 2008. kb. 610 p. kötetből saját részeim 1.423.100 n; 504 p. A fő témakör (1235-1301) 461.500 n, 165 p. Nyomdakészen a pályázat honlapján pdf-ben közlöm. http://www.baranyattila.eoldal.hu/oldal/otka-t-48423 http://delfin.klte.hu/~history/magykoz/kulpolitika.html Diplomáciai kapcsolatok. Magyarország Anglia kontinentális politikájában a 13. század végén. Angol-Habsburg kapcsolatok, magyar érintettséggel: I. Edward és a morvamezei csata Anglia magyar-, és Anjou-kapcsolatai. I. Edward, Sánta Károly és Mária királyné viszonya Magyarország és Anglia kontinentális politikája az 1290-es években. Angol-Nassaui kapcsolatok, magyar érintettséggel Közvetett érintkezések. A tatár veszély a 13. század végén. I. Edward és mongol szövetsége. Anglia és Magyarország keresztes kapcsolatai A levéltári, kézirattári anyaggyűjtő munkában kancelláriai és számvevőszéki iratokat; uralkodói levelezést, követutasításokat, narratív forrásokat kutattam. A nagypolitikán kívül feltártam a közvetett kapcsolatokat: a keresztes hadjáratok vagy szerzetesrendek terén. Ezek segítenek, hogy megvilágítsuk a középkori Magyarország Európában elfoglalt helyét. | I researched Hungarian foreign policy in the direction of England between 1235 and 1301 and supplemented my former studies (1301-1437) with new data. The volume I publish in 2008 embracing the period 1235-1437 is supplemented with chapters by József Laszlovszky, of 1000-1235, providing an overall study of medieval Anglo-Hungarian contacts. Of the volume Anglo-Hungarian Relations in the Middle Ages. Attraktor, Máriabesnyő, 2008. approx. 610 p. my part runs to 1.423.100 n; 504 p. The chief subject (1235-1301) covers 461.500 n, 165 p. I published the edited page layout of chapters in pdf on the research site. http://www.baranyattila.eoldal.hu/oldal/otka-t-48423 http://delfin.klte.hu/~history/magykoz/kulpolitika.html Diplomatic Relations Hungary in English Continental policy in late 13th c. English-Habsburg relations, with Hungarian links. England and her relations with Angevin Naples. Edward I?s contacts with Charles II and Queen Maria The Continental diplomacy of England and Hungary in the 1290s. England?s contacts with Adolph of Nassau, with Hungarian touches Indirect connections Crusading. The Mongol threat in late 13th c. Edward I?s crusading enterprises and Mongol alliance. English-Hungarian crusading contacts I researced archival and manuscript sources, chancery, exchequer, correspondence and narrative material. Beyond grand diplomacy I searched for indirect contacts, in crusading or monastic orders, which help in viewing Hungary?s role in medieval Europe

    The Jagiellonians in Europe: Dynastic Diplomacy and Foreign Relations – Die Jagiellonen in Europa: Dynastische und Diplomatische Beziehungen.

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    This volume is the proceedings of an international conference and workshop “The Jagiellonians in Europe: Dynastic Diplomacy and Foreign Relations” to be held on 10 - 11 April 2015 at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Debrecen. The organ izers would like to give a broad, different approach, other than the usual national – for us, Hungarian spectacle – and view the dynasty in a European context, mainly concentrating on the European relations and view of Poland, Bohemia and Hungary. Since ou r perspective is pre - 1526, based on our Hungarian - centred researches, we would mainly focus on the earlier periods, 15 th and early 16 th century. We are honoured to introduce 20 speakers in six sessions from several countries – beyond the ones that had bee n under the rule of the Jagiellonian dynasty, i.e. Hun- gary, Bohemia, Croatia, Slovakia and Poland – from England, Germany and Romania. We are also pleased to welcome Dr. Paul Srodecki (Universität Giessen) as a guest speaker who will launch the program wit h a key - note lecture. Our aim was however to organize a roundtable discussion as well, where the scholars of the different research centres throughout Europe could have an opportunity to have a discussion over the place and role of the Jagiellonian dynasty in the European constellation of the 15 th and early 16 th centuries

    Műveltség és társadalmi szerepek: arisztokraták Magyarországon és Európában. Learning, Intellect and Social Roles: Aristocrats in Hungary and Europe

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    2013 szeptemberében az OTKA pályázat tagj ai meghívást kaptak az Eperjesi Egyetemre, a „M ű veltség és társadalmi szerepek: a 17–20. századi arisztokrácia m ű veltsége, m ű vészetet és az oktatás fejlesztését, a birtokok építését, modernizá- cióját támogató tevékenysége” cím ű konferenciára, amelyet a város polgármes- tere mellett a kassai magyar f ő konzul asszony nyitott meg. A 22 el ő adó közül többen elküldték tanulmányaikat jelen kötetünkbe. Többek között: Az MTA-DE Lendület Magyarország a középkori Európában kutatócsoport tagjainak tanulmányai Bárány Attila, „English chivalric insignia in Hungary”, pp. 73-96.; Györkös Attila, „Aventurier sans scrupule ou héros national? La carrière de Christophe Frangepan, aristocrate de la Renaissance” Novák Ádám, „The Seal Usage of Hungarian Aristocrats in the 15th century”, pp. 59-72