This volume is the proceedings of an international conference and workshop “The
Jagiellonians in Europe: Dynastic Diplomacy and Foreign Relations” to be held on
11 April 2015 at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Debrecen.
The organ
izers would like to give a broad, different approach, other than the usual
for us, Hungarian spectacle
and view the dynasty in a European context,
mainly concentrating on the European relations and view of Poland, Bohemia and
Hungary. Since ou
r perspective is pre
1526, based on our Hungarian
researches, we would mainly focus on the earlier periods, 15
and early 16
We are honoured to introduce 20 speakers in six sessions from several countries
beyond the ones that had bee
n under the rule of the Jagiellonian dynasty, i.e. Hun-
gary, Bohemia, Croatia, Slovakia and Poland
from England, Germany and
Romania. We are also pleased to welcome Dr. Paul Srodecki (Universität Giessen)
as a guest speaker who will launch the program wit
h a key
note lecture. Our aim
was however to organize a roundtable discussion as well, where the scholars of the
different research centres throughout Europe could have an opportunity to have a
discussion over the place and role of the Jagiellonian dynasty
in the European
constellation of the 15
and early 16