4 research outputs found

    La seguridad marítima en España. Actuación en un supuesto de emergencia de un ferry

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    RESUMEN: En el trabajo se establece una alternativa a la distribución actual de medios específicos de salvamento marítimos y aéreos españoles, utilizando una aplicación matemática genuina de los modelos de gravedad, se establece la ubicación adecuada de los medios de salvamento. El objetivo es conseguir una mayor eficacia de los recursos de salvamento disponibles en España. El período analizado abarca desde el año 1992 hasta 1998. Para ello se han utilizado una gran y pormenorizada cantidad de datos de accidentes ocurridos en la costa del Cantábrico y Galicia a lo largo del mencionado período. Igualmente se completa con una exposición sobre una actuación práctica de un supuesto de accidente que sucede en un ferry en un determinado punto de la costa cantábrica para determinar si en la misma hay medios suficientes para atender una contingencia de semejantes categoría. El trabajo presenta como posibles extensiones del mismo, previsiones a medio plazo de accidentes en la zona referida

    Assignation of resources for sea rescue. An application to the Basque Country

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    The problem of the location of sea rescue resources generates certain controversies which are generally revived after accidents which have had a great social impact. The aim of the present paper is to formulate a methodology based on gravity models allowing sea rescue resources to be assigned. To this end, a study has been made of the problems of accident assessment, of ports and airports and their relation with the above and of zonification. Finally, an empirical application of this methodology to the Basque Country has been mad

    La proyección mercatoriana oblicua

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    This paper considers the possibility of using in the Electronic Chart the Oblique Mercator Projection, little used until now. We reach the conclusion that this projection can be used to represent the earth`s surface in a more realistic way without significantly altering the conformability of the projection. The advent of more powerful computers which make it possible to perform complex graphic calculations allow this type of projection to be use

    Collision of fishing vessels: Lorenz curves and GINI indices

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    Fishing vessel collisions are accidents which, in most cases, give rise to other accidents such as explosions, water on board and even sinking. These are accidents which often have fatal consequences for the crews and in many cases signify the loss of the vessel. Such losses can be avoided or reduced if the fishing vessels are equipped with the appropriate technological means and their crews proceed correctly and promptly. Thus, national governments should include in their regulation of the fishing sector control mechanisms that guarantee that the vessels are endowed with the adequate resources and with crews well-trained in safety. These resources and their distribution must be assigned in accordance with the needs of the fleet, which requires an in-depth knowledge of the degree of concentration of accidentality by collision of the fishing sector of a country. In this context, the aim of this work is twofold: first, to formalise a methodology for the fishing sector of a country which allows the inequalities in the concentration of collisions to be analysed; and second, to apply this methodology to the Spanish fishing fleet for the period 1994-2002. Thus, indices are constructed by region and by fishing types for two variables: fishermen and fishing vessels. In these areas, results are then obtained both for the concentration of collisions and for their associated Lorenz curves. An increase in the enequalities in the spatial and functional distribution of these accidents is observe