7 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTThis study explores writing assessment media used by English teachers in offline and online assessment procedures during the last Covid-19 pandemic. This qualitative study incorporates a case study design with five English teachers of junior high schools serving as research participants selected purposively. The data for this study were gathered using semi-structured interviews with English teachers and students writing documents. The study results indicate that English teachers utilized different media in their offline and online assessments. For the offline activities, they used conventional paper-based media to collect writing samples, administer written tests, and conduct writing projects to measure students' attainment levels of their writing skills. For the online activities, they used platforms familiar to them, including Google Classroom, Google Form, and WhatsApp, and most of them assessed their students using multiple choice questions; yet some of the teachers did paper-based tests but submitted them to the online media. The teachers used rubrics for both assessment modes and provided feedback accordingly. One important implication of this research for post-pandemic English teaching underscores the significance of teachers' initiatives of alternating offline and online media to assess students' writing skills and maximize students' learning experiences in response to actual classroom constraints and opportunities.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai bentuk media penilaian menulis yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris dalam kegiatan offline dan online selama Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Partisipan penelitian ini meliputi lima guru bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah pertama yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan wawancara semi-terstruktur untuk setiap guru bahasa Inggris dan dokumen tulisan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan dan menerapkan media penilaian menulis yang berbeda dalam kegiatan luring dan daring selama dan pasca pandemi Covid-19. Selama kegiatan offline, guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan kertas sebagai media produk tulisan, tes tertulis, dan proyek untuk menilai tulisan siswa. Sementara itu, selama kegiatan daring, guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan media platform daring seperti Google Classroom, Google Form, dan WhatsApp; guru menilai dengan menggunakan pertanyaan pilihan ganda namun beberapa guru masih menggunakan kertas untuk dikirimkan ke media tersebut. Guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan rubrik khusus dan memberikan umpan balik dalam menilai tulisan siswa selama kegiatan offline dan online. Pengalaman baru dalam mengintegrasikan media penilaian alternatif dalam menulis dapat bermanfaat bagi guru bahasa Inggris dan siswa, terutama untuk membantu tugas menulis

    A discourse analysis of figurative language used in English storytelling on BBC Learning English

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    This study aims to discover the kinds of figurative language used that describe the meaning of those figurative languages in English Storytelling on BBC learning English. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. For the data, the primary source of this study is Storytelling from BBC Learning English. Secondary sources include books, publications, journal articles, English encyclopedias, observations, and documentation relevant to the research. After analyzing the kinds of figurative language in Storytelling on BBC Learning English, the study found 15 sentences that involve figurative language in English storytelling. There are four kinds of figurative language: personification, metaphor, hyperbole, and simile. The most frequently used figurative language on BBC Learning English Storytelling is personification because figurative language is easier to describe the behavior of objects that resemble human activities. Personification contains five sentences, metaphor contains four sentences, hyperbole consists of 4 sentences, and simile contains two sentences. Further researchers should consider the differences between each type of figurative language used as a context for evaluating the topic, find figurative language on other English education websites such as VOA (Voice of America), and have background knowledge of literature, such as songs and their features

    The role of social influence model in social media marketing / Saiful Bahri Mohd Kamal... [et al.]

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    Over the past few years, hotel businesses have acknowledged the huge role of social media in facilitating and assisting business growth due to its ease-of-use and speed of reach in nature, which essentially allow businesses to perform a role in social media marketing, where businesses can personally engage in advertising and promotion-related activities towards online customers. Nevertheless, hotel businesses are unable to effectively exploit social media marketing as they have a restricted knowledge on how to get potential customers to actively engage and become proactive as well as influence customers towards booking intention. The purpose of this conceptual paper is to propose a study that brings out an exploratory research which intends to analyze and determine the factors that lead to active participation and engagement among consumers within social media, paying attention towards three different processes of social influence: compliance, identification, and internalization that can foster individuals’ attitude and behavioral changes. The improvement of social media marketing will enhance positive electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and consequently lead to intention to purchase, in addition to development of a robust, attractive image and product within online communities. Information within this study is regarded as valuable resource that could be used by online hotel marketers as well as related social media manager, as they can acknowledge and understand the actions and practices needed in social media to direct them towards business growth and positive online marketing practice

    A conceptual model of online hotel booking: the role of online review and online trust towards online booking intention / Fadhlina Mahat... [ et al.]

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    A growing reliance on the Internet as an information source when making choices about hotel booking raises the need for more research into this issue. Within online hotel booking context, this study aims to investigate the influence of online review and online trust towards online booking intention. Furthermore, the mediating role of online trust will also have been examined. Based on review of past literature, six dimensions of online review construct are proposed namely, usefulness, reviewer expertise, timeliness, volume, valence and comprehension as predictors. The proposed model is supported by Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) model developed by Mehrabian and Rusell (1974). In the present study, online review is conceptualized as a second order construct. It is predicted that online review has positive effect on both online trust and online booking intention. Besides, online trust is predicted to has a positive effect on online booking intention. Finally, it is expected that the online trust mediates the relationship between online review and online booking intention. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by examining the role of online trust as mediator

    The effects of brand image, perceived trust and perceived risk on online booking intention: a conceptual model / Khairil Anuar Bahari... [et al.]

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    Over time, the use of the internet and technology has grown rapidly. Most businesses today use the internet as a means of communicating with their customers. This is because the internet has various interactive features and is always available for use. However, when there are too many interactive features to use, it can make the site more complex, less useful, and users find it difficult to use. Referring to an overview of past literature, the article generally proposes a conceptual framework with six propositions to understand the role of brand image, perceived trust and perceived risk of online buying intentions among hotel website users. As a basic theory, Stimulus Organizational Stimulation (SOR) has been used to support the proposed framework in this study. As a result, the researcher argues that brand image has an impact on the perceived risk and perceived trust of the hotel website. Consequently, hotel websites with higher perceived risk and perceived trust are more likely to influence online booking intentions

    Sinteza epoksida i kinetiÄŤki model epoksidacije oleinske kiseline in situ mehanizmom permravlje kiseline

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    The global consumption of raw materials has shifted from the use of non-renewable materials to renewable materials. Studies on greener epoxidation by using vegetable oils to produce eco-friendly epoxides have also increased. In this study, the epoxidation of palm oleic acid was carried out by in situ generated performic acid. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of the products was conducted to confirm the success of the epoxidation. Lastly, a mathematical model was developed using the numerical integration of the 4th order Runge–Kutta method, and the results showed good agreement between the simulation and experimental data, which validates the kinetic model. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Upotreba sirovina na svjetskoj razini prešla je s neobnovljivih na obnovljive materijale. Također, intenzivirala su se istraživanja vezana uz zeleniju epoksidaciju primjenom biljnih ulja u proizvodnji ekološki prihvatljivih epoksida. U ovoj studiji, provedena je epoksidacija oleinske kiseline iz palmi primjenom in situ nastale permravlje kiseline. FTIR analiza produkata primijenjena je za potvrdu uspješnosti procesa epoksidacije. Naposljetku, primjenom metode Runge–Kutta 4. reda, razvijen je matematički model. Dobro slaganje simuliranih i eksperimentalnih podataka potvrdilo je ispravnost razvijenog kinetičkog modela. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna