19 research outputs found

    Gecikmiş Kas Ağrısında Kesikli Ultrason Tedavisinin Etkililiği

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    Gecikmis kas agrısında kesikli ultrason tedavisinin etkililigini incelemek amacıyla randomize çift-kör plasebo kontrollü arastırma olarak planlanan bu çalısma, Baskent Üniversitesinde egitim gören 90 gönüllü kadın üzerinde gerçeklestirildi. Çalısmaya katılan olgular GKA olusturulmadan 24 saat önce, olusturulduktan 48 saat sonra ve 5 günlük tedavinin sonunda istirahatta ve hareket ve/veya palpasyon ile ortaya çıkan agrı, eklem hareket açıklıgı, eklem pozisyon duyusu, kas kuvveti, basınç agrı esigi, çevre ölçümü, serum kreatin kinaz ve nötrofil sayısı açısından degerlendirildi. Ayrıca olgular bes gün boyunca her gün, tedavi bitiminden 30 dakika sonra istirahatta kolda hissedilen agrı, hareket ve/veya palpasyon ile ortaya çıkan agrı siddeti, basınç agrı esigi, normal eklem hareketleri ve kol çevre ölçümleri ile degerlendirildi. Gecikmis kas agrısı Cybex izokinetik dinamometre ile olguların dominant olmayan kollarındaki M. Biceps Brachii üzerinde olusturuldu. Olgular rastgele örneklem yöntemi ile terapötik kesikli ultrason, plasebo kesikli ultrason ve kontrol olmak üzere üç gruba ayrıldı. Olgular çalısma basında yapılan degerlendirmede tanımlayıcı özellikler, istirahatta ve hareket ve/veya palpasyon ile ortaya çıkan agrı siddeti, agrı esigi, agrının duyusal ve afektif niteligi, normal eklem hareketi, çevre ölçümü, pozisyon duyusu, kas kuvveti ve nötrofil sayım sonuçları yönünden benzerdi. lk grubun kreatin kinaz düzeyi ikinci gruptakinden yüksek bulundu (p < 0.05). Gecikmis kas agrısı öncesi ve sonrası ölçüm sonuçları her üç grupta da gecikmis kas agrısı olustugunu göstermekteydi. Tedavi sonrası ve gecikmis kas agrısı sonrası ölçüm sonuçları kullanılarak hesaplanan etki büyüklükleri, kesikli ultrason uygulamasının gecikmis kas agrısında ortaya çıkan istirahatta ve hareket ve/veya palpasyonla ortaya çıkan agrı, eklem hareket açıklıgında ve kas kuvvetinde azalma, hassasiyet ve ödem gibi belirti ve bulguların düzeltilmesinde önemli bir yararının olmadıgını göstermekteydi. Elde edilen bu sonuç literatürle uyumlu idi

    Subakromial Sıkışma Sendromunda Skapular Mobilizasyonun Etkisi

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    In this study, the effects of scapular mobilization was investigated by the method of prospective stBu çalışmada Subakromial Sıkışma Sendromu (SAIS) olan hastalarda skapular mobilizasyonun etkisi pro


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    Purpose: Not knowing the dimensions of inadequate health literacy is an important public health issue not just for healthcare professionals but all population. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that politicians see this as an investment and to encourage service to productive resources. It is important to be aware of limited health literacy to develop new and different strategies. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of limited health literacy and to examine the relationship between health readiness and socio-demographic characteristics in patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders. Methods: A total of 423 patients who have different chronic musculoskeletal disorders were recruited into the study. The level of health literacy was measured using Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine and Newest Vital Sign instruments. The cognitive level of participants was estimated using Mini-Mental Status Examination Test. Results: Approximately 17.3 percent of participants assessed using Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine had limited health literacy. More than 27.2 percent of participants evaluated using the Newest Vital Sign had limited literacy and lower numeracy skills. Conclusion: Limited health literacy and numeracy skills are common in patients who have different chronic musculoskeletal disorders. It is associated with older age, lower level of education, and lower cognitive level. Healthcare literacy can be improved with various strategies in health services, and more successful outcomes can be obtained in treatment

    Descriptive Analysis of Pitch Volume in Southeastern Conference Baseball Pitchers

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    BACKGROUND: Representative data on typical pitch volume for collegiate pitchers functioning in their specific roles is sparse and is needed for training specificity. OBJECTIVE: To report pitch volumes in Division I collegiate pitchers. The authors hypothesize that pitcher role will result in different pitch volumes. METHODS: Pitchers from twelve Division I collegiate baseball teams pitch volume during the 2009 baseball season was retrospectively reviewed through each team\u27s website. The number of pitches and innings pitched for each pitcher were recorded. Pitchers were categorized based on their role as Starter-only (n=15), Reliever-only (n=76), or Combined Starter/Reliever (n=94) and compared using ANOVA. RESULTS: Starter-only pitchers threw the most pitches (97±10) and pitched the most innings (6.0±1.0) per appearance (p=\u3c.001). Combined Starter/Reliever functioning as a starter threw significantly more pitches (68±19) and pitched more innings (4.0±1.3) per appearance compared to Combined Starter/Reliever functioning as a reliever and Reliever-only pitchers (p= DISCUSSION: Pitcher\u27s specific roles and representative volumes should be used to design training and rehabilitation programs. Comparison of this data to reported adolescent pitch volumes reveal that adolescent pitch volume per appearance approaches collegiate levels. CONCLUSIONS: Collegiate pitcher roles dictate their throwing volume. Starter-only pitchers (8%) throw the greatest cumulative number of pitches and should be trained differently than the majority of college pitchers (92%) who function primarily as a reliever or in combination starter/reliever roles that on average only requires approximately 40 pitches per appearance

    The effects of clinical pilates exercises on patients with shoulder pain: A randomised clinical trial

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    WOS: 000419158200017PubMed ID: 29037638Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Clinical Pilates exercises on patients with shoulder pain. Material and methods: Thirty-three patients, experiencing shoulder pain continuously for at least four weeks were selected as study subjects. The patients were randomly divided into two groups, namely Clinical Pilates exercise (n = 17) group and conventional exercise (n = 16) group. The patients were treated for five days a week, the total treatment being carried out for 10 days. The assessment of pain and disability amongst the patients were done at the baseline and at the end of the treatment sessions, using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI). Results: The clinical Pilates exercise group showed a significant improvement in all scores used for assessment (p < 0.05), while the conventional exercise group demonstrated a significant improvement only in the SPADI total score (p < 0.05). A comparison of scores for the VAS, SPADI-Pain and SPADI-Total between the two groups, revealed a significant improvement in the Clinical Pilates exercise group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: It was demonstrated by the study that Clinical Pilates exercise is an efficient technique for patients experiencing shoulder pain, as it helps reduce pain and disability among them

    Readability levels of health education materials used in physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon kliniklerinde kullanılan sağlık eğitim materyallerinin okunabilirlik düzeylerini belirlemekti. Yöntem: Bu çalışmada fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon kliniklerinde kullanılan 44 broşürün ilk 100 kelimelik bölümündeki cümle, sözcük ve hece sayıları belirlendi. Broşürlerin okunabilirlik düzeylerinin belirlenmesinde Ateşman ve Çetinkaya-Uzun formülleri kullanıldı. İki değerlendirme yöntemiyle elde edilen okunabilirlik puanlarının ilişkisi analiz edildi. Sonuçlar: Ateşman ve Çetinkaya-Uzun formülleri ile hesaplanan okunabilirlik puanları sırasıyla 65.211.0 (% 95 BCa; 62.2-68.4) ve 38.4 5.8 (% 95 BCa; 36.9-40.2) idi. İki değerlendirme yöntemiyle elde edilen okunabilirlik puanları arasında kuvvetli ve pozitif bir ilişki (r96.2, % 95 BCa; 93.5-98.3) vardı. Ateşman sınıflandırma yöntemiyle 30 (% 68.2) broşür zor ve/veya oldukça zor okunabilir olarak sınıflandırıldı. Otuz dört broşür en az 8-9 yıllık eğitimi tamamlayan kişiler için hazırlanmıştı. Dokuz (% 20.5) broşürü anlamak ve anlamlandırmak için okurların en az 1012 yıllık bir eğitimi tamamlaması gerekliydi. Tartışma: Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlardan, zor okunabilirlikleri nedeniyle halen fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon kliniklerinde kullanılan broşürlerin beklenilen yararı sağlayamayacağı ileri sürülebilir. Hastalara ve yakınlarına verilen herhangi bir yazılı materyalin okunabilirliğinin kontrol edilmesi gereklidir.Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the readability levels of health education materials used in the physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics. Methods: In the study, the numbers of sentences, words and syllables were identified in the first 100-word sections of the 44 brochures used in the physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics. Ateşman and çetinkaya- Uzun formula were used to determine the readability levels of the brochures. Correlation of the readability scores obtained using the two evaluation methods was also analyzed. Results: Readability scores calculated with Ateşman and çetinkaya-Uzun formula were 65.2±11.0 (95% BCa; 62.2-68.4), and 38.4± 5.8 (95% BCa; 36.9- 40.2), respectively. There was a strong and positive correlation between the readability scores obtained using the two evaluation methods, (r96.2, 95% BCa; 93.5-98.3). Using Ateşman classification approach, 30 brochures (68.2%) were leveling as hard and/or slightly hard-to- read. Thirty-four (77.3%) brochures had been prepared for the people who completed at least an 89 grade level of education. To be able to understand and explain the meaning of nine (20.5%) brochures, readers should have completed at least a 10-12 grade level of education. Conclusion: From the results of the study, we may speculate that the brochures used currently in the physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics cannot achieve intended benefits due to their hard-to-read nature. The readability check is necessary for any print material that is given to patients or his/her relatives


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    BACKGROUND: Representative data on typical pitch volume for collegiate pitchers functioning in their specific roles is sparse and is needed for training specificity. OBJECTIVE: To report pitch volumes in Division I collegiate pitchers. The authors hypothesize that pitcher role will result in different pitch volumes. METHODS: Pitchers from twelve Division I collegiate baseball teams pitch volume during the 2009 baseball season was retrospectively reviewed through each team\u27s website. The number of pitches and innings pitched for each pitcher were recorded. Pitchers were categorized based on their role as Starter-only (n=15), Reliever-only (n=76), or Combined Starter/Reliever (n=94) and compared using ANOVA. RESULTS: Starter-only pitchers threw the most pitches (97±10) and pitched the most innings (6.0±1.0) per appearance (p=\u3c.001). Combined Starter/Reliever functioning as a starter threw significantly more pitches (68±19) and pitched more innings (4.0±1.3) per appearance compared to Combined Starter/Reliever functioning as a reliever and Reliever-only pitchers (p= DISCUSSION: Pitcher\u27s specific roles and representative volumes should be used to design training and rehabilitation programs. Comparison of this data to reported adolescent pitch volumes reveal that adolescent pitch volume per appearance approaches collegiate levels. CONCLUSIONS: Collegiate pitcher roles dictate their throwing volume. Starter-only pitchers (8%) throw the greatest cumulative number of pitches and should be trained differently than the majority of college pitchers (92%) who function primarily as a reliever or in combination starter/reliever roles that on average only requires approximately 40 pitches per appearance

    The Effects of Scapular Mobilization in Patients With Subacromial Impingement Syndrome: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Baltaci, Gul/0000-0002-6513-2499; Uhl, Tim/0000-0001-9868-417XWOS: 000355269200006PubMed: 25054347To determine the effects of scapular mobilization on function, pain, range of motion, and satisfaction in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS). Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Setting: University hospital clinics in Turkey. Participants: 66 participants (mean +/- SD age 52.06 +/- 3.71 y) with SAIS. Interventions: Participants were randomized into 3 groups: scapular mobilization, sham scapular mobilization, and supervised exercise. Before the interventions transcutaneous electrical stimulation and hot pack were applied to all groups. Total intervention duration for all groups was 3 wk with a total of 9 treatment sessions. Main Outcome Measures: Shoulder function and pain intensity were primary outcome measures; range of motion and participant satisfaction were secondary outcome measures. Shoulder function was assessed with the short form of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire (DASH). A visual analog scale was used to evaluate pain severity. Active range of motion was measured with a universal goniometer. A 7-point Likert scale was used to evaluate satisfaction. Outcome measurements were performed at baseline, before visits 5 and 10, 4 wk after visit 9, and 8 wk after visit 9. Results: There was no group difference for DASH score (P = .75), pain at rest (P = .41), pain with activity (P = .45), pain at night (P = .74), and shoulder flexion (P = .65), external rotation (P = .63), and internal rotation (P = .19). There was a significant increase in shoulder motion and function and a significant decrease in pain across time when all groups were combined (P .05). Conclusion: There was not a significant advantage of scapular mobilization for shoulder function, pain, range of motion, and satisfaction compared with sham or supervised-exercise groups in patients with SAIS