172 research outputs found

    A study on 3D-virtual reality in science education programs: "Solar system and beyond: Space puzzle" unit sample

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    Araştırmada sanal gerçeklik programlarının sunmuş olduğu üç boyutlu görsel malzemelerin, ilköğretim 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin fen ve teknoloji dersindeki astronomi konusundaki başarılarına ve kalıcılıklarına etkisini araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda ilköğretim 7. Sınıf öğrencilerinin zihinlerinde astronomi konularını daha iyi yapılandırabilmek amacıyla sanal gerçeklik programlarına uygun etkinlik yaprakları geliştirilmiştir. Hazırlanan etkinlik yaprakları sanal gerçeklik programları kullanılarak Aydın ilindeki alt sosyoekonomik düzeyde seçilen bir İlköğretim okulundaki yedinci sınıf öğrencilerine uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın modeli; öntest-sontest eşleştirilmiş kontrol gruplu modeldir Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu deney grubunda 30, kontrol grubunda 30 öğrenci olmak üzere toplam 60 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma grubuna güvenirlik katsayısı .73 olan 20 maddeden oluşan astronomi başarı testi uygulama öncesi ön test, uygulama sonrası son test ve uygulamadan üç ay sonra kalıcılık testi olarak uygulanmıştır. Deney ve kontrol grupları arasında uygulanan yönteme göre anlamlı farklılığın olup olmadığını belirlemek üzere “karışık ölçümler için iki faktörlü anova” analizi kullanılmıştır. Deney ve kontrol gruplarında Sanal gerçeklik programları destekli yapılan uygulama ile ders işleme sürecine hiçbir etki yapılmadan yapılan öğretimin öğrencilerin başarılarındaki kalıcılığa etkisini belirlemek amacı ile ilişkili örneklemler için tek faktörlü anova analizi yapılmıştır. Uygulama sonucuna göre sanal gerçeklik programları kullanılarak yapılan öğretim sonucunda deney grubunun akademik başarısının kontrol grubuna göre daha fazla arttığı görülmüştür.In this study it is aimed to examine the effects of three dimensional visual materials provided by virtual reality software on seventh grade students’ retention and success on astronomy subjects in science and technology lessons. In accordance with this aim, worksheets that are compatible with virtual reality software are developed in order to help seventh grade students to structure astronomy subjects better in their mind. Prepared worksheets using virtual reality software were administered to seventh grade students with average socio-economic level in a chosen Primary school in Aydın. The model of the study is Pre-test/Post-test control group design. Study group is composed of 60 students; 30 students in the experimental group and 30 students in control group. Astronomy achievement test composed of 20 items and has .73 reliability level was applied to the study group as pretest before the study, posttest after the study and retention test three months after the study. In order to identify whether there is a significant difference between experimental and control group according to the applied method “two way ANOVA for mixed measures” was used. One way ANOVA analysis for related samples was done in order to identify the effects of practices done with the help of virtual reality software and teaching done without any change in practice on retention. At the end of the study it was seen that at the end of education given using virtual reality software experimental group students’ academic success increased more than control group students’ success. It was found out that instruction given using virtual reality software was more effective

    Correlation of diffusion weighted MR imaging and ADC values of hepatic metastasis of gastrointestinal stromal and gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors

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    Background: DWI and ADC-mapping was performed to analyze hepatic metastasis of GIST, GEP-NET. Objective: The objective of this study is to present hepatic metastasis of GIST and GEP-NET with Diffusion weighted MR imaging(DWI) and the Apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) values of masses. Methods: 18 GIST patients and 8 GEP-NET patients were examined retrospectively. 11 males and 6 females were present in GIST group, 7 males to 5 females were involved in GEP-NET group. 18 primary GIST and 10 hepatic metastasis of GIST, 8 original GEP-NET and 19 hepatic metastasis of GEP-NET; total 55 GIST and GEP-NET masses were analysed by ADC mapping. MR images were acquired by 1,5 T MR units (32 mT/min gradient strength-Achieva; Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands and 32 channel GE Signa GE-Wisconsin-USA); by using a 4-8 channel standard phased-array torso XL coil, all images were evaluated by an Abdominal MRI experienced radiologist. DWI was performed in the transverse plane by using spin-echo-planar imaging sequence. Results: No statistical differences were observed between GIST and GEP-NET patients according to age and gender variations. No significant statistical differences were observed according to the diameters and ADC values of GIST and GEP-NET patients. A significant statistical difference was observed between GIST and GEP-NET groups in terms of size of liver metastasis which was significantly higher in GIST patients. All three groups (GIST_Hep. MET, GEP-NET_Liver_Met and normal) were statistically differed according to ADC values. With the ROC curve analysis: Hepatic metastasis of GIST(n=10) and normal liver (n:47) had cut-off value for ADC: 0.925 under AUC: 0.939 with regard to ADC values and regarded 89.4% Sensitivity, 100% Specificity, 100% PPV and 66.7% PPV. ROC curve of GEP NET_ Hepatic metastasis (n=19) group and normal liver (n:47) group presented cut-off value for ADC: 0.860 under AUC: 0.967 correlated to ADC values with 93.6% sensitivity, 89.5% specificity, 95.7% PPV and 85% PPV. Conclusion: High cellular tumors resulted from liver metastasis of GIST and GEP-NET’s, and a positive correlation was observed between ADC values and cellularity/differentiation ratios of metastatic masses

    The association of chiral characteristic with drug withdrawal due to safety: A comparative analysis

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    Aims Chirality of drugs might be associated with safety issues through pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic variations, interactions, or direct toxicological responses. We aimed to compare chiral status of the available drugs to that of drugs withdrawn due to adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Methods We searched the literature regarding withdrawn drugs due to safety-related issues (n = 391) to compare them with all available small-molecule drugs (n = 1633). We examined their chiral status and assigned as achiral compound, chiral mixture or pure enantiomer. We compared the mean survival (i.e., nonwithdrawal) time and withdrawal rates of drugs by their chirality, with further stratification by the launch year, ATC-1 (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) level and ADR. Results We identified higher withdrawal rate in achiral drugs (hazard ratio 2.1, 95% CI: 1.6-2.7) and chiral mixtures (hazard ratio 2.6, 95% CI: 1.9-3.5) compared to that in pure enantiomers. Pure enantiomers had the longest mean survival time (62.4 +/- 0.8 years), followed by achiral drugs (55.4 +/- 0.9 years, P < .01) and chiral mixtures (52.4 +/- 1.4 years, P < .01). Pure enantiomers had higher survival rates than chiral mixtures if launched before 1941 (P = .02), in 1961-1980 (P < .001) or 1981-2000 (P < .001). Pure enantiomers had lower withdrawal rate (18.2%) vs. chiral mixtures (35.1%, P = .02) in nervous system drugs. Pure enantiomers had lower withdrawal rate than chiral mixtures in hepatotoxic (P < .01) and cardiovascular ADRs (P < .01). Conclusion Our study showed lower likelihood of withdrawal for pure enantiomers compared to that in chiral mixtures and achiral drugs, which was more remarkable for those launched in certain time periods and several ADRs, including hepatotoxicity and cardiovascular toxicity

    A research on employees perception of organizational justice and their propensity to leave case study of 4 and 5 star hotels in the province of Antalya

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    The justice is a perceptual concept, and therefore it has been interpreted in various ways either in social or in work environments. This study aims to identify the employees’ perceptions of justice and its relation to their propensity to leave. The scope of the study includes the employees of four and five star hotels (all departments) located in the province of Antalya. A quantitative survey method has been used during the research; the questions and statements had been prepared in a manner that they will not lead the interviewed towards a certain answer in anyway. The data were collected through face to face interviews, online survey portal and email communications. Research findings suggest that, the propensity to leave effects interactional justice, although on a low-scale. It can be said that employees with a tendency to leave develop a higher perception of interactional justice. However, propensity to leave does not have an effect on procedural or distributive justice

    Kinetic and equilibrium studies of fluoride adsorption by a carbonaceous material from pyrolysis of waste sludge

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    The efficiency of the adsorption for fluoride by sludge from the treatment of starch industry wastewater was investigated. Batch experiments were conducted in order to determine the parameters that affect the adsorption process. The activation for waste sludge and specific surface area and porosity effects in enhancing the pyrolysis conditions were determined. The adsorption parameters of initial fluoride concentration, pH and adsorbent dosage were investigated with carbonaceous material. As a result of pyrolysis of samples treated with ZnCl₂ 11% m²/g; the specific surface area was reached. Correlation coefficient of 0.99 and 12.75 mg/g adsorption capacity and adsorption isotherm model were revealed as convenient. Experimental results show that the adsorption of fluoride waste sludge will be effective in many ways in which the adsorbent is applied

    Cyber security policy: A comparative analysis on USA, Russia and China

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    Ülke sınırlarının ulusal güvenlik politikası açısından taşıdığı önem, son yıllarda giderek hızlanan küreselleşme süreci ile birlikte azalmaya başlamıştır. Küreselleşme ile birlikte dünyada, ülkelerin güç dağılım kanalları yeniden şekillenmiş, asimetrik güç ilişkileri ortaya çıkmış ve ulusal güvenlik ihtiyaçları yeniden tanımlanmıştır. Son yıllarda yaşanan teknolojik gelişmeler siber güvenlik kavramını ortaya çıkarmış ve siber güvenlik, ulusal güvenliğin önemli bir unsuru haline gelmiştir. İnternetin, ülkelerin sınırlarını aşan yapısı, internet ağlarının bireysel hizmetlerin ve amaçların ötesinde devletin kritik altyapılarında ve kamu hizmetlerinin yürütülmesinde kullanılması, gün geçtikçe gelişen e-devlet uygulamaları, siber güvenliğin ulusal güvenlik içerisindeki önemini daha da pekiştirmiştir. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada ABD, Rusya ve Çin’in siber güvenlik politikaları, özellikle bu üç ülkede yayınlanan resmi politika belgeleri temelinde incelenmekte ve karşılaştırmalı bir analiz yapılmaktadır.The importance of country borders within the national security policy has begun to diminish continuously with the acceleration of the globalization process in recent years. With globalization, the power distribution channels of the countries have been reshaped; asymmetrical power relations have emerged and the needs for national security of countries have been redefined. Technological developments in recent years have disclosed the concept of cyber security and cyber security has become an important element of the national security of countries. The structure of the Internet that exceeds the borders of countries, the use of internet networks in the critical infrastructures of the state and in the execution of public services beyond the individual services and objectives, and the increasing e-government applications have further reinforced the importance of cyber security in national security. In this context, the study comparatively examined the cyber security policies of the USA, Russia and China particularly on the basis of official policy documents published in these three countries and such an analysis is presented

    Investigation of allergy management in primary care: Child vs. adult prescriptions

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    Objective: Allergic diseases are conditions that are frequently encountered in primary care, and different drug groups can be used in their treatment. This study aimed to compare the use of drugs in allergy in children and adults applied to primary care. Methods: We analyzed prescriptions written by those who were selected by systematic sampling (n=1431) among family physicians serving in İstanbul between January 1 and December 31, 2016. Among these, single-diagnosis prescriptions containing “T78.4-allergy, unspecified” were included in the study, and the prescriptions were divided into those written to children (<18 years old) and adults (≥18 years old). The demographic characteristics of the patients and drug details in the prescriptions were compared according to the groups. Results: A total of 37,042 prescriptions with a single diagnosis of allergy were identified, and 55.9% of which were for adults. Allergy diagnosis was higher in men (52.4%) among children and in females (67.7%) among adults. Antihistamines (85.3% and 83.4%, p<0.001), systemic steroids (5.4% and 1.6%, p<0.001), and inhalants (1.8% and 1.3%; p<0.001) were more likely prescribed to adults, whereas topical drugs were prescribed more in children (51.7% and 42.7%, p<0.01). Monotherapy was more preferred in children (45.8%) than in adults (41.6%, p<0.0001). Although antihistamine monotherapy was similar in these groups, topical drug monotherapy was used more in children (10.3%) than in adults (5.6%). Prescriptions with first-generation antihistamines were higher in adults (6.8%) than in children (5.4%; p<0.001). Desloratadine was the most commonly encountered drug in the prescriptions of both pediatric and adult patients (21.2% and 10.3%, respectively). Conclusion: The study revealed that antihistamines, mostly second-generation agents, are frequently preferred. Apart from the higher prescription of systemic corticosteroids for adults and topical drugs for children, it is understood that the pharmacological management of allergic conditions in primary care shows overall similarities in both age groups

    Comparison of pediatric antibiotic prescribing practice between low and high prescribers for children in primary care

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    Background. Antibiotic prescribing is more prevalent in children. Many factors influence this practice, including the burden of outpatient visits. We aimed to compare antibiotic prescribing for children by low prescribers (LP) and high prescribers (HP) in primary care. Methods. We analyzed pediatric prescriptions in primary care in Istanbul. Among the physicians randomly selected by systematic sampling, those generating ≥1 pediatric prescription/day (n=1218) were defined as LP or HP when they belonged to the lowest (n=305) or highest (n=304) quartile of prescribing, respectively. The antibiotic prescribing characteristics of these groups were compared. Results. We identified that 38.5% of the prescriptions written by physicians included antibiotics, significantly higher in HPs (38.8%) than in LPs (37.2%), (p=0.04). Among antibiotic-containing prescriptions, the mean number of drugs and boxes and the percentage of prescriptions containing injectable drugs/antibiotics were significantly higher in HPs compared to that in LPs. We detected that co-amoxiclav was the most frequently prescribed antibiotic in the LP and HP groups (61.1% and 48.3%, respectively). Stratification of antibiotics by their spectra showed that 11.2% were narrow, 79.8% were broad and 0.5% were ultra-broad-spectrum drugs. LPs were significantly more likely to prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics (82.5%) than do HPs (78.9%,p<0.001). Conclusions. Antibiotic prescribing remains excessive in pediatric primary care, slightly more marked in HPs. While HPs also tend to prescribe a higher number of overall and injectable drugs/antibiotics, broad-spectrum anti-biotherapy seems to be more practiced by LPs surprisingly. Both physician groups appeared to prefer either narrow-or broad-spectrum drugs without paying enough attention to their pharmacodynamic properties

    Comparison of primary care prescriptions for old and very old hypertensive patients

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    Background/aim: Elderly and very elderly individuals might be subject to different approaches for the treatment of hypertension. We aimed to compare drug utilization in hypertensive old patients and very old patients in primary care, along with the evaluation of potentially inappropriate drug prescribing. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, we compared prescriptions of 65-79-year-old (old patient prescriptions [OPP], n = 433,988) vs. >= 80-year-old (very old patient prescriptions [VOPP], n = 134,079) with "essential hypertension" diagnosis, issued by 3:1 systematically-sampled primary care physicians (n = 1431) in Istanbul throughout 2016. Drug utilization patterns and distribution of antihypertensives based on drug class and combination status were evaluated. Frequency of potentially inappropriate drugs per Beers Criteria were identified and compared. Results: Antihypertensive monotherapy practice was less common in OPP than VOPP (43.3% vs. 45.3%; p < 0.001). In both groups, the most commonly prescribed drugs were beta-blockers for monotherapy (37.4% vs. 33.1%, p < 0.001) and thiazide diuretics for combined therapy (69.8% vs. 67.4%, p < 0.001). Metoprolol was the most commonly prescribed antihypertensive both in OPP and VOPP (15.3% vs. 14.8%). Furosemide was ranked 10th in OPP and 3rd in VOPP (2.7% vs. 5.5%). Cardiovascular system drugs were the most commonly encountered potentially inappropriate medications in both groups (263.9 vs. 283.4 per 10,000 prescriptions, p = 0.004). Regarding antihypertensive drugs, 2.2% of those in OPP and 2.4% of those in VOPP were identified as potentially inappropriate (p = 0.002). Conclusion: Prescribing preferences to old and very old patients mostly showed slight differences. Almost half of prescriptions comprising antihypertensive monotherapy might imply hesitancy to prescribe combinations. Overuse of risky drugs such as furosemide in both groups, especially in the very elderly, requires more attention

    Utilization of injectable drugs for communicable and non-communicable diseases in primary healthcare: A retrospective study in Turkey

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    Objective: Primary care, which is often the first level of contact for patients with various communicable diseases (CDs) and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), might exhibit patterns of injectable drug utilization different from hospitals. We aimed to examine injection prescribing to adults with CD or NCD in primary care. Methods: In this retrospective study, single- diagnosis injectable drug-containing prescription data from Family Medicine Information System comprising 32 provinces of Turkey were analysed. The prescriptions were grouped by diagnosis as "CD" (n=3848) and "NCD" (n=9338). Injectable drug utilization patterns in these groups were analysed by demographics, diagnoses, and drug subgroups. Results: Out of 13186 prescriptions, 70.8% were issued for NCDs. NCD prescriptions were mostly generated for women and elderly (p<0.05 for both). About 63.3% (n=2948) of injectable drugs in CD prescriptions were antibiotics and 12.6% were analgesics. Cefazolin (15.2%) was the most commonly prescribed antibiotic for acute pharyngitis and acute sinusitis, and benzathine benzylpenicillin (12.8%) was the top- choice for acute tonsillitis and rheumatic fever. In NCD prescriptions, 34.0% (n=4214) of injectable agents were analgesics and 16.9% were muscle relaxants. The most frequently encountered drug in NCD prescriptions was thiocolchicoside (16.3%), which was the top-choice in all seven common musculoskeletal diagnoses. Conclusion: Muscle relaxants and analgesics were the most commonly prescribed injectable drugs for NCDs, musculoskeletal diseases in particular. Antibiotics were frequently encountered in CD prescriptions, mostly as broad-spectrum for lower respiratory tract infections (RTIs) and narrow-spectrum for upper RTIs. These findings may elucidate the issues to especially focus on regarding excessive use of injections