5 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en ni帽os y adolescentes en instituciones hospitalarias de Am茅rica Latina: una revisi贸n

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    This review aims to describe the prevalence of child malnutrition in different hospitals in Latin America and to identify some of the indicators associated with the deterioration of nutritional status. To achieve this, a systematic bibliographic research was made following the PRISMA methodology, for articles on the prevalence of child and adolescents malnutrition related to diseases in Latin American countries published between 1995 and January 2019. Studies reporting data on prevalence in malnourished hospitalized patients < 18 years with a sample size greater than 50 subjects were eligible for inclusion. The review was conducted by three independent reviewers who assessed methodological quality. As the main result, it was identified that the reported prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized pediatric patients varies considerably. This figure ranged from 3,3 to 67%. The difference is mainly due to the diversity of populations assessed and the methods used to detect and assess nutritional status. As a main conclusion, the high variability reported in terms of evaluation of nutritional status raises the need for the unification of classification standards to favor decision-making at the hospital level.Esta revisi贸n busc贸 identificar la prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en menores de 18 a帽os hospitalizados en instituciones de Am茅rica Latina, los criterios empleados para su clasificaci贸n, as铆 como, la estancia hospitalaria y riesgo nutricional. Para esto, se realiz贸 una b煤squeda bibliogr谩fica sistem谩tica siguiendo la metodolog铆a PRISMA de art铆culos sobre prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en ni帽os y adolescentes relacionada con enfermedades en pa铆ses latinoamericanos, publicados entre 1995 y enero del 2019. Fueron elegibles para su inclusi贸n los estudios que informaron datos sobre la prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en pacientes hospitalizados < de 18 a帽os con un tama帽o de muestra mayor a 50 sujetos. La revisi贸n se llev贸 a cabo por tres revisores independientes que evaluaron la calidad metodol贸gica. Como principal resultado se identifica que la prevalencia informada de desnutrici贸n en pacientes pedi谩tricos hospitalizados var铆a considerablemente. Esta cifra oscil贸 entre 3,3 y 67%. La diferencia se debe principalmente a la diversidad de las poblaciones evaluadas y a los m茅todos utilizados para detectar y evaluar el estado nutricional. Se tiene como principal conclusi贸n que la elevada variabilidad reportada en cuanto a evaluaci贸n del estado nutricional plantea la necesidad de la unificaci贸n de est谩ndares de clasificaci贸n que permitan favorecer la toma de decisiones a nivel hospitalario

    Efecto de la separaci贸n materna durante la lactancia en ratas, sobre el consumo de edulcorantes, el peso corporal y la locomoci贸n

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    Se ha demostrado que la interrupci贸n de la interacci贸n madre-cr铆a ejerce efectos adversos sobre la regulaci贸n de sistemas fisiol贸gicos, neuroendocrinos y comportamentales; generando ajustes fenot铆picos en la estructura de la conducta alimentaria que altera los patrones de ingesta, especialmente dado por la preferencia de alimentos altamente palatables. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si la separaci贸n materna durante la lactancia (SMDL) en ratas de la cepa Wistar influye en el consumo de edulcorantes, la ganancia de peso corporal, la glucosa sangu铆nea y en respuestas comportamentales como la locomoci贸n. El protocolo de SMDL se realiz贸 de los d铆as 1 al 21 por un periodo de 360 minutos diarios: 180 en la ma帽ana y 180 en la tarde, durante la fase de oscuridad. Se tomaron como controles animales a los que no se les realiz贸 SMDL. A partir del d铆a 22 los animales fueron distribuidos por sexo y tratamiento. El d铆a 26 inici贸 el proceso experimental con edulcorantes (Sacarosa, Stevia, Sucralosa, Aspartamo). Se tom贸 registro del consumo diario de edulcorantes cada 24 horas, de la ganancia de peso corporal cada 4 d铆as, de la glucosa sangu铆nea cada 5 d铆as y el d铆a 50 las ratas fueron probadas en el test de campo abierto. Se encontr贸 que la realizaci贸n del protocolo de SMDL genera una preferencia por el consumo de Sacarosa, Stevia y Sucralosa en el grupo de machos y de Sacarosa, Stevia y Aspartamo en el grupo de las hembras (p0,01); de igual manera, este protocolo de estr茅s neonatal gener贸 una mayor ganancia de peso corporal en los machos con Sacarosa (p0,01) y en las hembras con Aspartamo (p0,01), as铆 como mayores niveles de glucosa sangu铆nea en las hembras con Sucralosa y Stevia (p0,01) y en los machos con Stevia, Sucralosa y Aspartamo en algunos de los tiempos registrados; por 煤ltimo, se determin贸 que la SMDL incrementa la actividad locomotora en todos los grupos que fueron sometidos a estr茅s neonatal, especialmente en el grupo de Stevia y Sacarosa en machos (p0.05) y en el de Sucralosa y Aspartamo en hembras (p0.05). Estos resultados indican que el estr茅s neonatal como la SMDL afecta la conducta alimentaria mediante la generaci贸n de una mayor preferencia por el consumo de productos edulcorantes; adem谩s, puede ser un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedades cr贸nicas como la diabetes y la obesidad.Abstract: It has been shown that disruption mother-breeding interaction has adverse effects on regulating physiological, neuroendocrine and behavioral systems; thus, by generating phenotypic adjustments in the eating behavior structure that alters intake patterns, especially for the highly palatable food. The aim of this study was to determine whether maternal separation during lactation (MSDL) in Wistar rats influences the sweeteners consumption, body weight gain, blood glucose level and behavioral responses such as locomotion. MSDL protocol was performed from 1 to 21 postnatal days during of 360 minutes per day, 180 in the morning and 180 in the afternoon, under the dark phase. Control group corresponds to animals that had no MSDL. On postnatal day 22 animals were distributed by sex and treatment. On postnatal day 26 experimental process started with sweeteners (sucrose, stevia, sucralose and aspartame). Sweetener consumption was taken every 24 hours, body weight gain every four days, blood glucose every five days and, on postnatal day 50 rats locomotion was tested in an open field. It was found that the MSDL protocol generates a preference for Sucrose, Stevia and Sucralose consumption in males group and the Sucrose, Stevia and Aspartame in females group (p0.01). Likewise, neonatal stress protocol generated a greater body weight gain in males with Sucrose (p0,01) and in females with Aspartame (p0,01), as well as higher blood glucose levels in females with Sucralose and Stevia (p0,01) and in males with Stevia, Sucralose and Aspartame in some times recorded; finally, it was determined that MSDL increase locomotion in all groups that were subjected to neonatal stress, especially in males with Stevia and Sucrose (p0.05) and females with Sucralose and Aspartame (p0.05) .These results indicate that neonatal stress as MSDL affects eating behavior by generating a greater preference for sweetener products consumption; besides, it may becomes a risk factor for developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity.Maestr铆

    Prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en ni帽os y adolescentes en instituciones hospitalarias de Am茅rica Latina: una revisi贸n

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    This review aims to describe the prevalence of child malnutrition in different hospitals in Latin America and to identify some of the indicators associated with the deterioration of nutritional status. To achieve this, a systematic bibliographic research was made following the PRISMA methodology, for articles on the prevalence of child and adolescents malnutrition related to diseases in Latin American countries published between 1995 and January 2019. Studies reporting data on prevalence in malnourished hospitalized patients < 18 years with a sample size greater than 50 subjects were eligible for inclusion. The review was conducted by three independent reviewers who assessed methodological quality. As the main result, it was identified that the reported prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized pediatric patients varies considerably. This figure ranged from 3,3 to 67%. The difference is mainly due to the diversity of populations assessed and the methods used to detect and assess nutritional status. As a main conclusion, the high variability reported in terms of evaluation of nutritional status raises the need for the unification of classification standards to favor decision-making at the hospital level.Esta revisi贸n busc贸 identificar la prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en menores de 18 a帽os hospitalizados en instituciones de Am茅rica Latina, los criterios empleados para su clasificaci贸n, as铆 como, la estancia hospitalaria y riesgo nutricional. Para esto, se realiz贸 una b煤squeda bibliogr谩fica sistem谩tica siguiendo la metodolog铆a PRISMA de art铆culos sobre prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en ni帽os y adolescentes relacionada con enfermedades en pa铆ses latinoamericanos, publicados entre 1995 y enero del 2019. Fueron elegibles para su inclusi贸n los estudios que informaron datos sobre la prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en pacientes hospitalizados < de 18 a帽os con un tama帽o de muestra mayor a 50 sujetos. La revisi贸n se llev贸 a cabo por tres revisores independientes que evaluaron la calidad metodol贸gica. Como principal resultado se identifica que la prevalencia informada de desnutrici贸n en pacientes pedi谩tricos hospitalizados var铆a considerablemente. Esta cifra oscil贸 entre 3,3 y 67%. La diferencia se debe principalmente a la diversidad de las poblaciones evaluadas y a los m茅todos utilizados para detectar y evaluar el estado nutricional. Se tiene como principal conclusi贸n que la elevada variabilidad reportada en cuanto a evaluaci贸n del estado nutricional plantea la necesidad de la unificaci贸n de est谩ndares de clasificaci贸n que permitan favorecer la toma de decisiones a nivel hospitalario

    Characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital with and without respiratory symptoms

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    Background: COVID-19 is primarily known as a respiratory illness; however, many patients present to hospital without respiratory symptoms. The association between non-respiratory presentations of COVID-19 and outcomes remains unclear. We investigated risk factors and clinical outcomes in patients with no respiratory symptoms (NRS) and respiratory symptoms (RS) at hospital admission. Methods: This study describes clinical features, physiological parameters, and outcomes of hospitalised COVID-19 patients, stratified by the presence or absence of respiratory symptoms at hospital admission. RS patients had one or more of: cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or wheezing; while NRS patients did not. Results: Of 178,640 patients in the study, 86.4&nbsp;% presented with RS, while 13.6&nbsp;% had NRS. NRS patients were older (median age: NRS: 74 vs RS: 65) and less likely to be admitted to the ICU (NRS: 36.7&nbsp;% vs RS: 37.5&nbsp;%). NRS patients had a higher crude in-hospital case-fatality ratio (NRS 41.1&nbsp;% vs. RS 32.0&nbsp;%), but a lower risk of death after adjusting for confounders (HR 0.88 [0.83-0.93]). Conclusion: Approximately one in seven COVID-19 patients presented at hospital admission without respiratory symptoms. These patients were older, had lower ICU admission rates, and had a lower risk of in-hospital mortality after adjusting for confounders

    [The effect of low-dose hydrocortisone on requirement of norepinephrine and lactate clearance in patients with refractory septic shock].

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