766 research outputs found

    Using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) Technique to Develop the Students Vocabulary

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    The purpose of this study is: To find out whether Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) can increase student vocabulary in Papi Enrekang MTs. The method used in this study is a quantitative method and research design is a pre-experimental study. The sampling technique used in this study is cluster sampling. Researchers took one class as the subject of this study. Researchers have compiled the pretest score before treatment is provided and after treatment is provided. The results obtained are statistical analysis for 0.05 significance level with degrees of freedom (DF) = N-1, where (n) = 21, DF = 17. The probability value is smaller tha

    The Coexistence of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Psoriasis: Is It Possible?

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease with various clinical disorders and frequent exacerbations. Psoriasis vulgaris is a common skin disorder which affect 1-3% of general populations. The pathophysiology regarding the coexistence of these diseases is not fully understood. Therapeutic challenges arise since the treatment one of these diseases may aggravate the other. We reported two cases of SLE with psoriasis vulgaris with clinical manifestations as recurrent erythroderma with photosensitivity. Improvement in clinical condition was observed after treating the patients with methylprednisolone combined with methotrexate. The coexistence SLE and psoriasis are considered very rare. The presence of this overlap syndrome may precede one another or occur simultaneously and is closely related with the presence of anti-Ro/SSA. Thus, it raises new challenge regarding its relationships, diagnosis, therapeutic, and management

    Acute Appendicitis in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic excacerbative autoimmune disease with wide clinical spectrum. Gastrointestinal manifestasion is a frequent clinical manifestasion seen in SLE. Management with glucocorticoid and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) can mask the gastrointestinal symptoms in patient with SLE. One of the etiologies of gastrointestinal manifestations in SLE is acute appendicitis. Patients with acute appendicitis usually have abdominal pain as its chief complaint. The pathophysiology of acute appendicitis can occur primarily from SLE and secondary from other causes eg: infection, inflammation, etc. When a SLE patient has acute appendicitis as its initial assessment, determining its etiology is pivotal to give comprehensive management and preventing life-threatening complications

    Strategi Komunikasi Bank BNI Cabang Parepare Membangun Budaya Organisasi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The organization is a system that coordinates various forms of activity and common goals to achieve the expected goals. Running an organization is largely determined by the organizational culture that is formed and changes for adaptation. This study aims to find out how the organizational culture of Bank BNI Parepare Branch was before the Covid-19 pandemic, and what was the communication strategy for transforming the organizational culture of Bank BNI Parepare Branch during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The organizational culture of Bank BNI Parepare Branch before the Covid-19 pandemic included several activities at Bank BNI to shape the reality of organizational culture before the pandemic, with the aim of creating good interaction and communication, including: Morning Breafing, and Family gathering. There is also organizational performance, namely in terms of appearance, spatial planning, this performance is a routine that is chosen as a culture attached to the organization. Changes during a pandemic are due to the obligation to implement established health protocols; (2) According to informants, the communication strategy for organizational cultural transformation of Bank BNI Parepare Branch during the Covid-19 pandemic was by determining the right communicators, namely the HR and general units, delivering policies or messages through written communication by adding symbols or signs as the chosen communication technique, as well as delivery media by utilizing various social media platforms and bulletin boards.Organisasi merupakan sistem yang mengkoordinasi berbagai bentuk aktivitas dan tujuan bersama untuk mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan. Menjalankan organisasi sangat ditentukan oleh budaya organisasi yang terbentuk dan berubah untuk adaptasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana budaya organisasi Bank BNI Cabang Parepare sebelum pandemi Covid-19, dan Bagaimana strategi komunikasi transformasi budaya organisasi Bank BNI Cabang Parepare di masa pandemi Covid-19. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Budaya organisasi Bank BNI Cabang Parepare sebelum pandemi covid-19 ada beberapa kegiatan pada Bank BNI untuk membentuk realitas budaya organisasi sebelum pandemi, dengan tujuan terciptanya interaksi dan komunikasi yang baik antara lain : Morning Breafing, dan Family Gathering. Terdapat pula performa organisasi yaitu dari segi penampilan, penataan ruang, performa tersebut sebagai rutinitas yang terpilih sebagai budaya yang melekat pada organisasi. Perubahan selama pandemi dikarenakan kewajiban untuk menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang telah ditetapkan; (2) Strategi komunikasi tranformasi budaya organisasi Bank BNI Cabang Parepare di masa pandemi covid-19 menurut para informan dengan menentukan komunikator yang tepat yakni unit SDM dan umum, penyampaian kebijakan atau pesan melalui komunikasi tertulis dengan menambahkan simbol maupun tanda sebagai teknik komunikasi yang dipilih, serta media penyampaian dengan memanfaatkan berbagai platform media sosial dan papan pengumuman

    Systemic Sclerosis and Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disease affecting women of childbearing age at least five times more than men. For a long time, pregnant women with SSc have high morbidity and mortality based on case reports and case series. Therefore, the disease was a contraindication for pregnancy. However, current retrospective studiesshow that despite of an increased frequency of prematurity and small for gestational age infants, overall maternal and neonatal survival is good. With close monitoring and appropriate therapy, most scleroderma patients can sustain a successful pregnancy


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    ABSTRAKPersediaan bahan baku sangat dibutuhkan dalam suatu proses produksi, baik pada perusahaan jasa maupun perusahaan manufaktur. CV Mitra Karya Digital Printing adalah salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa percetakan, Digital Printing, dan Advertising. Permasalahan yang dihadapi perusahaan tersebut adalah melakukan pemesanan bahan baku dengan waktu dan jumlah yang tidak tetap. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui reorder point dan jumlah optimum sekali pesan dari bahan baku single item, mengetahui interval pemesanan dalam setahun dan jumlah sekali pesan bahan baku multi item, serta mengetahui selisih antara total biaya persediaan menggunakan EOQ probabilistik dengan total biaya persediaan berdasarkan data perusahaan. Model yang sesuai dengan kondisi perusahaan adalah model EOQ probabilistik. Model EOQ probabilistik ini diterapkan pada permintaan bahan baku yang berubah-ubah selama lead time mengikuti distribusi gamma baik untuk satu jenis barang (single item) atau untuk beberapa jenis barang (multi item). Penelitian ini menggunakan data permintaan kebutuhan bahan baku, harga per unit bahan baku, biaya simpan, biaya pesan, dan biaya kekurangan pada tahun 2017. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh total biaya persediaan kasus single item adalah Rp68.759.906/tahun dan total biaya persediaan kasus multi item adalah Rp238.716.044/tahun. Dengan menjumlahkan total biaya persediaan kasus single item dan multi item diperoleh total biaya persediaan dengan menggunakan EOQ probabilistik yaitu Rp307.475.950/tahun. Sedangkan total biaya persediaan berdasarkan data perusahaan adalah Rp314.473.100/tahun. Selisih antara total biaya persediaan model EOQ probabilistik dengan total biaya persediaan berdasarkan data perusahaan adalah Rp6.997.150/tahun. Dengan demikian, model EOQ probabilistik single item dan multi item dapat meminimumkan total biaya persediaan pada CV Mitra Karya Digital Printing.Kata kunci: persediaan, model EOQ probabilistik, reorder point, jumlah sekali pesan, interval pemesanan, total biaya persediaanABSTRACTRaw materials inventory is needed in a production, both in service-based companies and manufacturing companies. CV Mitra Karya Digital Printing is one of the companies that engaged in printing services, digital printing, and advertising. The problem faced by the company is that they order raw materials with unfixed time and unfixed amount of it. The purpose of this research is to determine the reorder point and the optimum number of one-time ordering from single item raw materials, then to find the interval of each order in one year and the number of one-time ordering from multi item and also to calculate the difference between total cost of inventory using probabilistic EOQ with total cost of inventory by using company data. The model hat suitable for the company conditions is probabilistic EOQ model. This probabilistic EOQ model applies to raw materials demand that varies during lead time following the gamma distribution for either single item or multi item. This study uses raw materials demand data, raw materials per unit price, carrying cost, ordering cost, and stockout cost in 2017. The result of this research is the total cost of single item case inventory is Rp68.759.906/year and total cost of multi item inventory is Rp238.716.044/year. By summing total inventory cost of single item and multi item case, the total cost of inventory using probabilistic EOQ is Rp307.475.950/year. While the total cost by using company data is Rp314.473.100/year. The difference between the total inventory cost of the probabilistic EOQ model and the company data is Rp6.997.150/year. Thus, the probabilistic EOQ model of single item and multi item can be minimize the total inventory cost in CV Mitra Karya Digital Printing.Keywords: inventory, probabilistic EOQ model, reorder point, number of order, order intervals, total inventory cos

    Aspek Pendidikan Politik Dan Wacana Cinta Tanah Air Pada Film Tanah Air Beta Analisis Semiotik dalam Perspektif PKn)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan Aspek Pendidikan Politik dan Wacana Cinta Tanah Air pada Film Tanah Air Beta (Analisis Semiotik dalam Perspektif PKn). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, dokumentasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis semiotik. Penelitian semiotik digunakan untuk mengetahui aspek pendidikan politik dan wacana cinta tanah air pada film tanah air beta melalui tanda yang berupa gambar, gerak maupun tanda perilaku, perkataan atau pemikir pemeran. Tindakan atau tingkah laku pemeran film tanah air beta yang menunjukkan kisah pasca proses Referendum tanggal 30 Agustus 1999, 12 tahun lalu yang berdampak pengungsian warga Timor Timur memilih tinggal di tanah air Indonesia. Ratusan ribu pengungsi dengan kondisi dan situasi yang memprihatinkan, menyedihkan terpaksa tinggal di sebuah kamp pengungsian, di daerah Tuapukan dan Uabelo, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Penelitian ini merupakan studi semiotik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian mengenai Aspek Pendidikan Politik dan Wacana Cinta Tanah Air pada Film Tanah Air Beta (Analisis Semiotik dalam Perspektif PKn) menyimpulkan bahwa: (1) Analisis semiotik adalah penyelidikan terhadap suatu peristiwa untuk mengetahui suatu keadaan yang sebenarnya yang berkenaan dengan tanda, kode, penandaan, serta penggunaannya yang berada dalam kehidupan masyarakat; (2) Film merupakan salah satu media massa yang dapat digunakan untuk media pembelajaran guna menanamkan nilai positif yang terkandung dalam film kepada semua orang, khususnya pelajar. Melalui film, pendidikan politik dan cinta tanah air dikemas dengan menarik serta pesan-pesan yang disampaikan tidak monoton sehingga masyarakat akan tertarik untuk menonton film tersebut; (3) Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar yang terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik aktif mengem-bangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara; (4) pendidikan politik terlihat pada dialog antara Abu Bakar dan petugas pom bensin yang tidak membolehkan membeli bensin menggunakan jirigen merupakan peraturan dari pemerintah, wacana cinta tanah air terlihat pada Tatiana seorang guru yang menanamkan cinta tanah air melalui lagu Indonesia Pusaka, selain itu juga Abu Bakar yang keturunan Timor Timur memilih tinggal di tanah Indonesia. Lagu Indonesia Pusaka sebagai latar film tanah air beta


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    Basically, English is one of the compulsory subjects which are taught at SMAN 3 Kampar. Even thought English has been taught in this school in various methods such as grammar translation method, and reading method, but in fact, the students still do not know how to speak English for example how to express and respond the expression of opinion, satisfaction, advising, warning, permission, and using the simple present such as in expressing report. Ideally, the students are able to express and respond the expression such as the expression of opinion, satisfaction, advising, warning, and permission, and using the simple present such as in expressing report. Therefore, the writer offers the Communicative Language Teaching techniques to increase the students’ speaking ability. The aim of this research is to find out the use of Communicative Language Teaching techniques to increase speaking ability of the second year students of SMAN 3 Kampar district of Kampar regency. This research is Quasi-experimental: non-equivalent control group design. The subject of this research was the second year students of SMAN 3 Kampar, and the object of this research was the use of Communicative Language Teaching techniques. Two classes of natural sciences; XI IPA1 (29 students) and XI IPA2 (30 students) were taken to be the sample of the research. One was grouped to be the experimental class and another was the control class. This technique is called cluster sampling. The instruments of this research were test and observation. In analyzing the data, the writer used Paired Sample T-test and it was calculated by SPSS version 17.00. Based on the score of T-test (4,527), the average score of experimental group was (67.03) and the average score of control group was (55.8), this is proved by the finding t-test (4.527) which is greater than t-table at 5% degree of significance (2.05), while in the level significance 1% (2.76). So, the writer found that 2.05 2.76. It can be said that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So, there is significant different effect between the students’ speaking ability taught by using CLT techniques and those who taught without using CLT techniques
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