676 research outputs found

    High temporal discounters overvalue immediate rewards rather than undervalue future rewards : an event-related brain potential study

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    Impulsivity is characterized in part by heightened sensitivity to immediate relative to future rewards. Although previous research has suggested that "high discounters" in intertemporal choice tasks tend to prefer immediate over future rewards because they devalue the latter, it remains possible that they instead overvalue immediate rewards. To investigate this question, we recorded the reward positivity, a component of the event-related brain potential (ERP) associated with reward processing, with participants engaged in a task in which they received both immediate and future rewards and nonrewards. The participants also completed a temporal discounting task without ERP recording. We found that immediate but not future rewards elicited the reward positivity. High discounters also produced larger reward positivities to immediate rewards than did low discounters, indicating that high discounters relatively overvalued immediate rewards. These findings suggest that high discounters may be more motivated than low discounters to work for monetary rewards, irrespective of the time of arrival of the incentives

    Computing Equilibrium in Matching Markets

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    Market equilibria of matching markets offer an intuitive and fair solution for matching problems without money with agents who have preferences over the items. Such a matching market can be viewed as a variation of Fisher market, albeit with rather peculiar preferences of agents. These preferences can be described by piece-wise linear concave (PLC) functions, which however, are not separable (due to each agent only asking for one item), are not monotone, and do not satisfy the gross substitute property-- increase in price of an item can result in increased demand for the item. Devanur and Kannan in FOCS 08 showed that market clearing prices can be found in polynomial time in markets with fixed number of items and general PLC preferences. They also consider Fischer markets with fixed number of agents (instead of fixed number of items), and give a polynomial time algorithm for this case if preferences are separable functions of the items, in addition to being PLC functions. Our main result is a polynomial time algorithm for finding market clearing prices in matching markets with fixed number of different agent preferences, despite that the utility corresponding to matching markets is not separable. We also give a simpler algorithm for the case of matching markets with fixed number of different items

    Optimization of a horizontal axis marine current turbine via surrogate models

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    Flow through a scaled horizontal axis marine current turbine was numerically simulated after validation and the turbine design was optimized. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code Ansys-CFX 16.1 for numerical modeling, an in-house blade element momentum (BEM) code for analytical modeling and an in-house surrogate-based optimization (SBO) code were used to find an optimal turbine design. The blade-pitch angle (θ) and the number of rotor blades (NR) were taken as design variables. A single objective optimization approach was utilized in the present work. The defined objective function was the turbine’s power coefficient (CP). A 3x3 full-factorial sampling technique was used to define the sample space. This sampling technique gave different turbine designs, which were further evaluated for the objective function by solving the Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes equations (RANS). Finally, the SBO technique with search algorithm produced an optimal design. It is found that the optimal design has improved the objective function by 26.5%. This article presents the solution approach, analysis of the turbine flow field and the predictability of various surrogate based techniques

    An Evaluation of a Computerized Measure of Interpretation Bias in Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

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    Theories suggest that individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) make threatening appraisals of ambiguous information related to health, finances, and relationships, among other domains. As a result, we have recently developed two parallel word-sentence association paradigm (WSAP) computer tasks designed to assess threat and benign interpretation biases relating to GAD worry. It was hypothesized that the GAD analogue group (i.e., individuals meeting diagnostic criteria by questionnaire) would endorse more threatening interpretations and fewer benign interpretations of ambiguous sentences relative to the non-GAD group (i.e., individuals not meeting diagnostic criteria by questionnaire) in WSAP Sets A and B. In the current study, 97 university students and community volunteers were randomly assigned to Set A (n = 49) or B (n = 48), and completed self-report measures of anxiety, worry, and related symptomatology. The results indicate that of those assigned to Set A, no differences were found between the GAD analogue (n = 19) and non-GAD group (n = 30) on tendency to endorse threat interpretations. Of those assigned to Set B, the GAD analogue group (n = 17) was significantly more likely to endorse an overall threat interpretation bias and specifically, to reject benign disambiguations than the non-GAD group (n = 31). No differences were found between the groups in either Set in the tendency to accept threatening disambiguations. More research is needed on the specific role of biases in the etiology and treatment of GAD, and why Set A did not distinguish between the groups. This study provides preliminary support for the use of word-sentence paradigms to assess, and possibly modify, threat interpretation biases in GAD

    Immunoglobulin variable-region gene mutational lineage tree analysis: application to autoimmune diseases

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    Lineage trees have frequently been drawn to illustrate diversification, via somatic hypermutation (SHM), of immunoglobulin variable-region (IGV) genes. In order to extract more information from IGV sequences, we developed a novel mathematical method for analyzing the graphical properties of IgV gene lineage trees, allowing quantification of the differences between the dynamics of SHM and antigen-driven selection in different lymphoid tissues, species, and disease situations. Here, we investigated trees generated from published IGV sequence data from B cell clones participating in autoimmune responses in patients with Myasthenia Gravis (MG), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), and Sjögren's Syndrome (SS). At present, as no standards exist for cell sampling and sequence extraction methods, data obtained by different research groups from two studies of the same disease often vary considerably. Nevertheless, based on comparisons of data groups within individual studies, we show here that lineage trees from different individual patients are often similar and can be grouped together, as can trees from two different tissues in the same patient, and even from IgG- and IgA-expressing B cell clones. Additionally, lineage trees from most studies reflect the chronic character of autoimmune diseases

    In-vitro investigation of the hemodynamic responses of the cerebral, coronary and renal circulations with a rotary blood pump installed in the descending aorta

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    This report is independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research [i4i, Turbocardia, II-LB-1111-20007]

    Origin and evolution of the octoploid strawberry genome.

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    Cultivated strawberry emerged from the hybridization of two wild octoploid species, both descendants from the merger of four diploid progenitor species into a single nucleus more than 1 million years ago. Here we report a near-complete chromosome-scale assembly for cultivated octoploid strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) and uncovered the origin and evolutionary processes that shaped this complex allopolyploid. We identified the extant relatives of each diploid progenitor species and provide support for the North American origin of octoploid strawberry. We examined the dynamics among the four subgenomes in octoploid strawberry and uncovered the presence of a single dominant subgenome with significantly greater gene content, gene expression abundance, and biased exchanges between homoeologous chromosomes, as compared with the other subgenomes. Pathway analysis showed that certain metabolomic and disease-resistance traits are largely controlled by the dominant subgenome. These findings and the reference genome should serve as a powerful platform for future evolutionary studies and enable molecular breeding in strawberry