19 research outputs found

    MĂ©thode de dosage du Methylmercure dans la chair de poisson

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    The methyl mercury determination techniqu~ .used for .fish tissue in monitoring programmes is described. Chromatographie measurement with electron capture detector is performed on purified toluen extract .La méthode de dosage du méthylmercure dans la chair de poisson utilisée dans les programmes de "suivi" de la qualité du milieu et des produits est décrite dans le présent rapport. Elle est basée sur la mesure chromatographique par capture d'électrons du méthylmercure sur l'extrait toluÚnique purifié

    Effect of the bainitic and martensitic microstructures on the hardening and embrittlement under neutron irradiation of a reactor pressure vessel steel

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    International audienceThe hardening and the embrittlement under neutron irradiation of a RPV steel considering three different coarse grained microstructures (bainite, bainite-martensite and martensite) have been investigated. Bainite and martensite have a comparable irradiation induced temperature transition shifts but hardening is smaller for martensite than for bainite. Bainite appears to be less sensitive to non-hardening embrittlement (NHE) than martensite. The onset of brittle intergranular fracture after irradiation for the martensitic microstructure is likely the origin of this difference of sensitivity to NHE. However, the bainitic-martensitic microstructure has the largest irradiation induced shift and is the most sensitive to NHE amongst all the tested microstructures. These results show that the microstructure is an important parameter to control the irradiation induced non hardening embrittlement and the enhancement of the brittle intergranular fracture in reactor pressure vessel steels

    Evaluation des valeurs de fonds gĂ©ochimiques dans l’eau de mer des 4 mĂ©taux de l’état chimique DCE. Cas des DĂ©partements d’Outre-Mer

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    The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC requires monitoring of the chemical status of waters, based on the comparison of measured concentrations of selected chemicals to environmental quality standards (EQS). However, for metal elements, background concentrations are not zero (geochemical background) and vary depending on the geological context. As these concentrations may sometimes reach high levels, the WFD permits their inclusion in the surface waters. In metropolitan France, many studies provide an extensive literature on the concentrations of trace metals in coastal marine environment, which even if they are not natural are very low compared with the concentrations of these EQS. However, there are no such data arising from the overseas departments except French Guyana. Evaluation of the geochemical background (also called the present day reference levels) in these generally volcanic regions potentially enriched in trace elements, needs therefore an exhaustive sampling, from which the acquired set of data will indicate whether the situation differs from the metropolitan situation.La Directive Cadre 2000/60/CE sur l’Eau requiert un contrĂŽle de l’état chimique des eaux, basĂ© sur la comparaison de niveaux mesurĂ©s de concentrations de substances chimiques sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Ă  des normes de qualitĂ© environnementales (NQE). Or, pour les Ă©lĂ©ments mĂ©talliques, les concentrations naturelles ne sont pas nulles (« fond gĂ©ochimique ») et varient en fonction de la nature gĂ©ologique du milieu. Ces concentrations pouvant parfois atteindre des niveaux importants, la DCE autorise leur prise en compte dans les eaux de surface. En mĂ©tropole, de nombreuses Ă©tudes fournissent une littĂ©rature abondante sur les concentrations des mĂ©taux traces en milieu marin cĂŽtier, qui mĂȘme si elles ne sont pas des niveaux naturels sont trĂšs faibles comparĂ©es aux concentrations de ces NQE. En revanche, on ne dispose pas Ă  part en Guyane de donnĂ©es sur les eaux cĂŽtiĂšres des dĂ©partements d’outremer. L’évaluation des fonds gĂ©ochimiques (que l’on peut appeler aussi concentrations de rĂ©fĂ©rence actuelle) dans ces rĂ©gions gĂ©nĂ©ralement volcaniques, potentiellement enrichies en Ă©lĂ©ments traces, a donc pour prĂ©alable un Ă©chantillonnage exhaustif, Ă  partir duquel les donnĂ©es acquises indiqueront si la situation est diffĂ©rente de la situation mĂ©tropolitaine

    The PROMETRA Program: Fuel Cladding Mechanical Behavior under High Strain Rate

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    International audienceAn assessment of the mechanical properties of the highly irradiated fuel claddings under high strain rate has been carried out in the framework of the PROMETRA program undertaken by the French Institut de Radioprotection et de SĂ»retĂ© NuclĂ©aire in collaboration with ElectricitĂ© de France and Commissariat Ă  l’Energie Atomique (CEA). Three types of tests, including burst tests, hoop and axial tensile tests, have been performed at CEA-Saclay hot laboratories to determine the cladding tensile properties to use in the SCANAIR code. The prototypicality of each test with regard to the reactivity-initiated accident loading conditions can be addressed and analyzed in terms of strain or stress ratio. The high-strain-rate ductile mechanical properties of irradiated ZIRLO and M5 alloys derived from the PROMETRA program and their comparison to the stress-relieved irradiated Zircaloy-4 are reported. Then, the clad brittle behavior, in particular for highly corroded or spalled Zircaloy-4 cladding, is investigated