126 research outputs found

    Joensuun, Enon ja PyhÀselÀn perusterveydenhuollon yhdistymisprosessin arviointi

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    Vapaa-ajan kalastus Saimaalla 2014–2015

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    Osana Saimaannorppa-LIFE –hanketta selvitettiin vapaa-ajankalastusta Saimaalla, saimaannorpan esiintymisalueella, 15.4.2014 – 14.4.2015 vĂ€lisenĂ€ aikana. SelvityksessĂ€ tarkasteltiin kalastuksen alueellista ja vuodenaikaista jakautumista sekĂ€ kalastajien, pyynnin ja saaliin mÀÀriĂ€ ja tĂ€rkeimpiĂ€ pyyntitapoja ja saalislajeja. TyössĂ€ tarkasteltiin myös kalastuksen merkitystĂ€ harrastuksena ja suhtautumista norpansuojelun takia annettuihin kalastusrajoituksiin. Kalastuksen ajallista jakautumista selvitettiin verkkopyynnin rajoitusten aikana 15.4.–30.6., heinĂ€kuussa, loppuvuonna ja alkuvuonna ennen verkkorajoituskauden alkua. Selvitys tehtiin posti- ja internet-kyselynĂ€ otokselle Saimaan lĂ€hialueen kaupunkien ja maaseutumaisten alueiden asukkaista sekĂ€ alueella vapaa-ajanasunnon omistavista asuntokunnista. Otos oli 13 776 asuntokuntaa ja kyselyyn vastasi niistĂ€ 38,6 %. Vajaassa kolmanneksessa Saimaan alueen asuntokunnista kalastettiin. YleisintĂ€ kalastus oli vapaa-ajanasunnon omistavien asuntokuntien keskuudessa. NiistĂ€ liki puolessa kalastettiin. Maaseudulla asuvista asuntokunnista vajaassa kolmanneksessa ja kaupungeissa asuvista noin viidenneksessĂ€ kalastettiin. Kalastajajoukko jakautui kolmeen osaan, kolmannes asui maaseudulla, kolmannes kaupungeissa ja kolmannes oli vapaa-ajanasukkaita. Maaseudun asukkaat kalastivat eniten, lĂ€hes puolet koko pyyntiponnistuksesta. Pyyntivuorokausia kertyi lĂ€hes 4 miljoonaa, eniten solmuvĂ€liltÀÀn alle 60 mm verkoilla talvella, katiskoilla rajoituskautena ja vetouistelussa koko avovesikauden ajan, lomakauteen painottuen. Verkkokalastus painottui heinĂ€kuuhun, loppusyksyyn ja talviaikaan. TĂ€rkeimmĂ€t verkkokalastusalueet olivat etelĂ€inen Suur-Saimaa, Pihlajavesi ja Puruvesi. Uistelua harrastettiin eniten kaupunkien lĂ€hivesillĂ€. Saimaan vapaa-ajankalastajien saalis oli noin 1,6 miljoonaa kiloa (4 kg/ha) ja tĂ€rkeimmĂ€t saalislajit olivat ahven, hauki ja kuha. Suurimmat saaliit saatiin kevÀÀllĂ€ ja alkukesĂ€stĂ€. AlkukesĂ€stĂ€ saatiin parhaat ahven-, hauki- ja lahnasaaliit, loppuvuonna muikkusaaliit ja talvella kuhasaaliit. Kalastus oli erittĂ€in tai melko tĂ€rkeĂ€ harrastus noin puolelle alueen vapaa-ajankalastajista, tĂ€rkeĂ€mpÀÀ paikallisille asukkaille kuin kesĂ€mökkilĂ€isille. Kalastuksesta haettiin virkistystĂ€ ja se mahdollisti yhdessĂ€olon perheen tai ystĂ€vien kanssa. Noin puolelle se oli myös tĂ€rkeĂ€ tapa hankkia ruokaa. Verkkopyynti avovesikautena, onkiminen ja vetouistelu olivat Saimaan alueen kalastajien tĂ€rkeimpiĂ€ pyyntimuotoja. Verkkokalastus oli jonkin verran vĂ€hentynyt viime vuosina ja veto- ja heittouistelu lisÀÀntynyt. Noin puolet vastaajista halusi ilmaista nĂ€kemyksensĂ€ norpansuojelun takia annetuista kalastusrajoituksista. Taajamien ja maaseudun asukkaat ja mökinomistajat eivĂ€t tĂ€ssĂ€ suhteessa eronneet toisistaan. Kalastusharrastus sen sijaan nĂ€kyi suhtautumisessa. Koska kalastusrajoitusten koettiin vĂ€hentĂ€neen verkkokalastusta ja myös saaliita, kalastajat myös ottivat kantaa kalastusrajoitusten muutostarpeisiin kalastamattomia useammin. Muutoksia haluavat kalastajat haluaisivat vĂ€hentÀÀ ja kalastamattomat lisĂ€tĂ€ rajoituksia.201

    Bone as a Possible Target of Chemical Toxicity of Natural Uranium in Drinking Water

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    Uranium accumulates in bone, affects bone metabolism in laboratory animals, and when ingested in drinking water increases urinary excretion of calcium and phosphate, important components in the bone structure. However, little is known about bone effects of ingested natural uranium in humans. We studied 146 men and 142 women 26–83 years of age who for an average of 13 years had used drinking water originating from wells drilled in bedrock, in areas with naturally high uranium content. Biochemical indicators of bone formation were serum osteocalcin and amino-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen, and a marker for bone resorption was serum type I collagen carboxy-terminal telopeptide (CTx). The primary measure of uranium exposure was uranium concentration in drinking water, with additional information on uranium intake and uranium concentration in urine. The data were analyzed separately for men and women with robust regression (which suppresses contributions of potential influential observations) models with adjustment for age, smoking, and estrogen use. The median uranium concentration in drinking water was 27 ÎŒg/L (interquartile range, 6–116 ÎŒg/L). The median of daily uranium intake was 36 ÎŒg (7–207 ÎŒg) and of cumulative intake 0.12 g (0.02–0.66 g). There was some suggestion that elevation of CTx (p = 0.05) as well as osteocalcin (p = 0.19) could be associated with increased uranium exposure (uranium in water and intakes) in men, but no similar relationship was found in women. Accordingly, bone may be a target of chemical toxicity of uranium in humans, and more detailed evaluation of bone effects of natural uranium is warranted

    Development and evaluation of a rapid nucleic acid amplification method to detect influenza A and B viruses in human respiratory specimens

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    Isothermal nucleic acid amplification methods can potentially shorten the amount of time required to diagnose influenza. We developed and evaluated a novel isothermal nucleic acid amplification method, RT-SIBA to rapidly detect and differentiate between influenza A and B viruses in a single reaction tube. The performance of the RT-SIBA Influenza assay was compared with two established RT-PCR methods. The sensitivities of the RT-SIBA, RealStar RT-PCR, and CDC RT-PCR assays for the detection of influenza A and B viruses in the clinical specimens were 98.8%, 100%, and 89.3%, respectively. All three assays demonstrated a specificity of 100%. The average time to positive result was significantly shorter with the RT-SIBA Influenza assay (90 min). The method can be run using battery-operated, portable devices with a small footprint and therefore has potential applications in both laboratory and near-patient settings. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Radium-223 dichloride treatment in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in Finland : A real-world evidence multicenter study

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    Background Radium-233 dichloride is an alpha emitter that specifically targets bone metastases in prostate cancer. Results of a previously reported phase III randomized trial showed survival benefit for radium-223 compared to best supportive care in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) with bone metastases. However, real-world data are also needed with wider inclusion criteria. Methods We report results of a retrospective multicenter study including all patients with metastatic CRPC treated with radium-223 in all five university hospitals in Finland since the introduction of the treatment. We identified 160 patients who had received radium-223 in Finland in 2014-2019. Results The median overall survival (OS) was 13.8 months (range 0.5-57 months), and the median real-world progression-free survival (rwPFS) was 4.9 months (range 0.5-29.8 months). Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) values within the normal range before and during the radium-223 treatment or the reduction of elevated ALP to normal range during treatment were associated with better OS when compared to elevated ALP values before and during treatment (p = 100 mu g/L) before radium-223 treatment was associated with poor OS compared to low PSA level (Peer reviewe

    Effect of Adjuvant Trastuzumab for a Duration of 9 Weeks vs 1 Year With Concomitant Chemotherapy for Early Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Positive Breast Cancer The SOLD Randomized Clinical Trial

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    IMPORTANCE Trastuzumab plus chemotherapy is the standard adjuvant treatment for patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive early breast cancer. While the standard duration of trastuzumab treatment is 12 months, the benefits and harms of trastuzumab continued beyond the chemotherapy are unclear. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the efficacy and safety of adjuvant trastuzumab continued beyond chemotherapy in women treated with up-front chemotherapy containing a taxane and trastuzumab. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Open-label, randomized (1: 1) clinical trial including women with HER2-positive breast cancer. Chemotherapy was identical in the 2 groups, consisting of 3 cycles of 3-weekly docetaxel (either 80 or 100 mg/m(2)) plus trastuzumab for 9 weeks, followed by 3 cycles of fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide. Thereafter, no trastuzumab was administered in the 9-week group, whereas controls received trastuzumab to complete 1 year of administration. Disease-free survival (DFS) was compared between the groups using a Cox model and the noninferiority approach. The estimated sample size was 2168 patients (1-sided testing, with a relative noninferiority margin of 1.3). From January 3, 2008, to December 16, 2014, 2176 patients were accrued from 7 countries. INTERVENTION Docetaxel plus trastuzumab for 9 weeks, followed by 3 cycles of fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide in both groups. Controls continued trastuzumab to 1 year. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary objectivewas DFS; secondary objectives included distant disease-free survival, overall survival, cardiac DFS, and safety. RESULTS In the 2174 women analyzed, median age was 56 (interquartile range [IQR], 48-64) years. The median follow-up was 5.2 (IQR, 3.8-6.7) years. Noninferiority of the 9-week treatment could not be demonstrated for DFS (hazard ratio, 1.39; 2-sided 90% CI, 1.12-1.72). Distant disease-free survival and overall survival did not differ substantially between the groups. Thirty-six (3%) and 21 (2%) patients in the 1-year and the 9-week groups, respectively, had cardiac failure; the left ventricle ejection fraction was better maintained in the 9-week group. An interaction was detected between the docetaxel dose and DFS; patients in the 9-week group treated with 80 mg/m(2) had inferior and those treated with 100 mg/m(2) had similar DFS as patients in the 1-year group. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Nine weeks of trastuzumab was not noninferior to 1 year of trastuzumab when given with similar chemotherapy. Cardiac safety was better in the 9-week group. The docetaxel dosing with trastuzumab requires further study.Peer reviewe

    The role of regions and impactful climate actions in achieving a carbon-neutral Finland

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    The role of regions and impactful climate actions in achieving a carbon-neutral Finland This report is a collection of effective emission reduction measures from research and the climate roadmaps of seven regions. These regions are South Karelia, Pirkanmaa, North Ostrobothnia, PĂ€ijĂ€t-HĂ€me, Satakunta, Uusimaa and Southwest Finland. The model roadmaps in this report emphasise the role of regional actors such as regional councils, Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centres) and development organisations in achieving carbon neutrality objectives. Resources available for climate work in regions and municipalities are limited, so it is important to focus them on the most effective measures. Critical measures for reducing emissions from fossil fuels include reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency, significantly increasing the share of low-emission energy and the clean electrification of heating, transport and industrial processes. In the land use sector, critical emission reduction measures include the management of emissions from peatland fields and forests and the prevention of deforestation, in particular. As for clean energy production, regional actors’ tasks include zoning, developing permit processes and promoting the cooperation, competence and funding of key actors. In transport, emissions are impacted by zoning, sustainable transport programmes and pilot projects. In order to reduce emissions from buildings, regional actors can encourage local property owners to undertake energy renovations. Regional climate work is a continuous process, as new action plans and measures that affect emissions are implemented out constantly. To ensure the effectiveness of climate work, it is essential that the planned emission reduction measures of the roadmaps progress reliably and quickly towards practical implementation. It is crucial that relevant organisations have sufficient resources for implementing the roadmaps. Concrete investments have a positive impact on regional and municipal finances. The regions’ climate roadmaps focus on climate change mitigation. This report draws attention to synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. The progress of climate change poses significant risks to people, industries, and nature. These risks can hamper the wider achievement of sustainable development goals. Climate change mitigation and adaptation are essential for both re-gional economy as well as human health and safety. The model roadmaps describe the range of climate work and the multidisciplinary issues of carbon neutrality work. In the implementation phase of the climate programmes, it is important to maintain a participatory working method where regions implement climate action in cooperation with national and local stakeholders. The model roadmaps in this report include suitable indicators to support the practical monitoring of climate work and expert assessments of the impacts/effectiveness of individual measures. The model roadmaps lay the foundations for successful climate work
