9 research outputs found


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    Zat warna dari industri tekstil dapat mencemari lingkungan perairan. Oleh sebab itu, untuk melindungi lingkungan, zat warna yang terkandung di dalam limbah cair industri tekstil harus dihilangkan terlebih dahulu sebelum dialirkan ke perairan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada teknologi yang efektif dan efisien dalam menghilangkan zat warna dalam larutan berair melalui metode AOPs (Advanced Oxidation Processes), yaitu fotolisis, ozonolisis, dan sonolisis. Sampel yang digunakan sebagai polutan limbah cair adalah zat warna tekstil turunan vat, yaitu vat violet-9 dan vat orange-16. Larutan zat warna ini didegradasi secara fotolisis, ozonolisis dan sonolisis dengan penambahan katalis C-N-codoped TiO2. Katalis C-N-codoped TiO2 berupa padatan disintesis melalui metode perokso sol-gel dengan pelarut air. Hasil analisis dari karakterisasi menggunakan peralatan XRD menunjukkan bahwa C-N-codoped TiO2 memiliki fase anatase dengan ukuran kristal sebesar 9 nm. Karakterisasi SEM menunjukkan bentuk sperik dengan ukuran 16-18 nm dan nilai celah pita sebesar 2,64 eV diukur menggunakan DRS UV-Vis. Zat warna vat violet-9 dan vat orange-16 dengan konsentrasi 20 mg L-1 terdegradasi selama iradiasi 90 menit sebesar; 20% dan 24% pada proses sonolisis dengan penambahan katalis C-N-codoped TiO2, 34% dan 44% pada proses ozonolisis, serta 46% dan 55% pada proses fotolisis. Data hasil degradasi kedua zat warna menunjukkan bahwa metode fotolisis dengan penambahan katalis memberikan persen degradasi tebesar. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan zat warna turunan azo sebagai sampel polutan cair, yaitu metil orange untuk mempelajari pengaruh jenis turunan zat warna pada proses fotolisis. Hasil analisis kuantitatif dari spektrofotometer UV-Vis menunjukkan bahwa metil orange pada konsentrasi yang sama dapat terdegradasi lebih cepat dibandingkan kedua zat warna vat. Sebesar 76% zat warna metil orange dapat terdegradasi selama iradiasi 90 menit. Kinetika reaksi fotolisis dipelajari dari data degradasi zat warna metil orange menggunakan model kinetika Langmuir - Hinshelwood. Persamaan pada konstanta laju pseudo-orde-pertama menunjukkan garis lurus (R2 = 0,914) dengan nilai konstanta 0,236 mg L-1 min-1. Proses degradasi zat warna metil orange dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan sistem LC-MS/MS untuk mengetahui senyawa intermediet dan sisa degradasi yang terbentuk serta analisis jumlah total karbon organik dari zat warna yang telah didegradasi menggunakan peralatan TOC-Analyzer

    Degradation of yellow-GCN by photolysis with UV-light and solar irradiation using C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst

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    The degradation of textile dye (Yellow-GCN; C28H14N2O2S2) has been done by UV-light and solar irradiation photolysis using C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. Degradation of yellow-GCN by UV-Light photolysis is conducted using 10 watt UV lamp (λ365 nm). The intensity of solar during the degradation of yellow-GCN is 27300 lux. Both of photolysis method has been done without and with C-N-codoped catalyst on varied degradation times. 120 mg/L of yellow-GCN could be degraded by 5,40% after 120 minutes UV-light irradiation without catalyst, and the degradation percentage increase to 23,6% by using 10 mg C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. While yellow-GCN could be degraded18,7% after 120 minutes solar irradiation and the degradation percentage increase to 38,0% by using 10 mg C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. Keywords: Photolysis, Yellow-GCN, C-N-codoped TiO2, UV-Light, Solar irradiatio

    Degradation of yellow-GCN by photolysis with UV-light and solar irradiation using C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst

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    The degradation of textile dye (Yellow-GCN; C28H14N2O2S2) has been done by UV-light and solar irradiation photolysis using C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. Degradation of yellow-GCN by UV-Light photolysis is conducted using 10 watt UV lamp (λ365 nm). The intensity of solar during the degradation of yellow-GCN is 27300 lux. Both of photolysis method has been done without and with C-N-codoped catalyst on varied degradation times. 120 mg/L of yellow-GCN could be degraded by 5,40% after 120 minutes UV-light irradiation without catalyst, and the degradation percentage increase to 23,6% by using 10 mg C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. While yellow-GCN could be degraded18,7% after 120 minutes solar irradiation and the degradation percentage increase to 38,0% by using 10 mg C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst

    Photocatalytic Degradation of Yellow-GCN dye using C-N-codoped TiO2 Thin Film in Degradation Reactor Using Visible-Light Irradiation

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    Yellow-GCN (C28H14N2O2S2)textile dye was susessfully degradated by photolysis process undersolar and visible light irradiation using C-N-codoped TiO2thin film photocatalyst.Yellow-GCN [120 mg/L]was irradiated by using 2 visible lamps (philips LED 7 watts 600 lumen and 14 watts 1400 lumen)and solar intensityaround 25.000 luxwith concentration and time variation. Degradation efficiency was measured byspectrophotometer UV-Vis (λ=300-800 nm). The optimum C-N-codoped TiO2thin film used under solar irradiation was 5 coatings. From both diffrent light sources can be concluded that degradation under solar irradiation was better than visible light irradiation due to its degradation percentage during 120 minutes was 30,25%

    Degradasi Zat Warna Direct Red-23 Secara Fotolisis dengan Katalis C-N-codoped TiO2

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    Zat warna direct red-23 merupakan pewarna sintetik dengan struktur senyawa organik yang bersifat non-biodegradable. Zat warna direct red-23 mengandung senyawa azo dan bersifat karsinogenik. Zat warna direct red-23 didegradasi secara fotolisis menggunakan sinar UV (ultraviolet), sinar matahari, tanpa dan dengan penambahan katalis C-N-codoped TiO2. Larutan zat warna direct red-23setelah dan sebelum didegradasi diukur dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 400-800 nm. Penentuan berat optimum katalis C-N-codoped TiO2 dilakukan dengan metode fotolisis sinar UV dan didapatkan berat optimum 15 mg. Persen degradasi zat warna direct red-23 secara fotolisis sinar UV dan sinar matahari tanpa katalis C-N-codoped TiO2 27.47% dan 13.74%. Persen degradasi meningkat menjadi 68.68% dan 28.57% dengan penambahan 15 mg katalis C-N-codoped selama 120 menit fotolisis. Dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan metode fotolisis dengan sinar UV lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan sinar matahari. Direct red-23 dye is a synthetic dye that is widely used in textile industry. Wastes generated from textile industrial processes are generally non-biodegradable organic compounds containing azo compounds and carcinogenic. Direct red-23 dye was degraded by photolysis UV Light method,  solar irradiation, without and addition of C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. The results degradation of direct red-23 were measured with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at wavelength of 400-800 nm. Determination of optimum weight of the C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst was performedby photolysisUV Light methodand the optimum C-N-codoped TiO2catalyst is obtained 15 mg. Percent degradation of direct red-23 dye by photolysis of UV light and solar irradiation without C-N-codoped TiO2to 27.47% and 13.74%. Percent degradation increasedto 68.68% and 28.57% by addingC-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst was adding 120 menutes of photolysis.From the research it can be concluded by photolysis with UV Light methodis more efficient compared to solar radiation


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    Sintesa zeolit ZSM-5 dari abu sekam padi dengan pelarut air laut secara hidrotermal telah berhasil dilakukan dan diaplikasikan pada reaksi transesterifikasi minyak nabati. Abu sekam padi sebagai sumber silika dicampur dengan Al2O3 dan dilebur dengan menggunakan NaOH pada suhu 550oC. Proses alkali hidrotermal dilakukan pada suhu 170oC selama 48 jam. Zeolit yang terbentuk dikarakterisasi menggunakan Fourier Transform Infra Red (FT-IR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) yang dikombinasikan dengan EDX. Hasil analisis XRD menunjukkan bahwa zeolit yang terbentuk adalah zeolit ZSM-5 yang dibuktikan dengan puncak berada di 2θ = 22o dan 44o. Terbentuknya zeolit ZSM-5 juga didukung daril anaisis FTIR, yaitu adanya puncak khas zeolit ZSM-5 pada daerah 1166.07 cm-1. Aplikasi zeolit ZSM-5 sebagai katalis diujikan dalam reaksi transesterifikasi minyak nabati dalam variasi konsentrasi zeolit ZSM-5 (0.5%; 1.0%; 1.5% b/b), waktu reaksi transesterifikasi (1; 3; 5 jam) dan kecepatan pengadukan (100; 300; 500rpm). Produk yang terbentuk (metil ester) dianalisis menggunakan GC-MS. Metil ester paling banyak dihasilkan sebanyak 92.75% pada konsentrasi katalis 0.5% (b/b), metanol/minyak = 3/1 pada suhu 60oC selama 5 jam dengan kecepatan pengadukan 300 rpm

    Degradation and mineralization of violet-3B dye using C-N-codoped TiO2 photocatalyst

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    The present study investigated the photodegradation of synthetic organic dye; violet-3B, without and with the addition of C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst using a visible halogen-lamp as a light source. The catalyst was synthesized by using a peroxo sol-gel method with free-organic solvent. The effects of initial dye concentration, catalyst dosage, and pH solution on the photodegradation of violet-3B were examined. The efficiency of the photodegradation process for violet-3B dye was higher at neutral to less acidic pH. The kinetics reaction rate of photodegradation of violet-3B dye with the addition of C-N-codoped TiO2 followed pseudo-first order kinetics represented by the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model, and increasing the initial concentration of dyes decreased rate constants of photodegradation. Photodegradation of 5 mg L-1 violet-3B dye achieved 96% color removal within 240 min of irradiation in the presence of C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst, and approximately 44% TOC was removed as a result of the mineralization.N

    Use of Sulfuric Acid-Impregnated Biochar Catalyst in Making of Biodiesel From Waste Cooking Oil Via Leaching Method

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    The biodiesel synthesis of waste cooking oil (WCO) over a impregnated biochar catalyst was systematically studied. This research aimed to prepare Biochar-based material that comes from coconut coir, activate it, and apply it as a catalyst to the esterification reaction of high-FFA waste cooking oil. Activation of the catalyst was done by impregnation H2SO4 solution in Biochar. The obtained catalyst was characterized by FTIR, XRF, XRD, surface area analyzer, and SEM-EDS. The esterification process was conducted by varying the catalyst weight (5, 7, and 10 wt%) and the reaction temperature (55 and 60 °C). The obtained liquid yields were characterized by GC-MS. The study found that the esterification process worked best with 10 wt% catalysts, a 1:76 mole ratio of oil to alcohol, and a reaction temperature of 60 °C. The waste cooking oil was successfully converted into biodiesel, reaching 84.50% of yield and 77.30% of purity (methyl ester content). Meanwhile, testing using national biodiesel standards with parameter limits of density, viscosity, iodine number, and acid number shows results that meet the requirements. Copyright © 2024 by Authors, Published by BCREC Publishing Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)