579 research outputs found

    The connected consumer‎: A theoretical framework of consumer adoption/consequences of the Internet of Things and smart connected objects

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    Over the last decade, technological and Internet innovations have increasingly invaded the consumer market (N’Goala, 2016). The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a common platform, and disrupts relationships between consumers and companies (Bohli et al., 2009); in essence, this is a timely research. The major goal of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of the acceptance and the adoption processes of the IoT and smart connected technologies, as well as the related consequences on perceived well-being. To do this, four contexts of study have been explored: smart connected objects, smart sleep applications, smart homes, and smart stores. First, we performed qualitative exploratory studies, and secondly we conducted quantitative studies to build conceptual models according to our qualitative findings and the literature. The results show that technology benefits are the first factors that enable technology acceptance through perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use; subsequently, self-improvement, through perceived social image and well-being benefits, are the main reasons to continue using the IoT and smart connected technologies. The acceptance and the adoption of these technologies also depend on users’ personality traits while perceived risks and fears on the use of the personal data are the main barriers. In turn, the IoT and smart connected technologies influence perceived well-being according to the experience of use, personality traits, and the technology.Le résumé en français n'a pas été communiqué par l'auteur

    A CrianÇa Na LÍngua. Erros De GÊnero Como Marcas De SubjetivaÇÃo

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    Cet article a pour but rendre hommage à Claudia Lemos, qui depuis mon doctorat dont elle a été le directeur de recherche, m’a ouvert les chemins que j’ai parcourus pendant 25 ans, dans le Projeto de Aquisição da Linguagem. Il s’agit de présenter sous le titre “l’Enfant dans la Langue” quelques aspects de l’étude du genre. Comme la plupart de nos publications, nous mettons en valeur un découpage méthodologique qui choisit la “faute” et non pas le “correct” comme la donnée de l’élection. Dans cette étude nous analysons un fait particulier de l’acquisition du portugais, par lequel l’enfant réfuse une forme linguistique, en la remplaçantpar une autre flexion de genre pour la faire conformer au sexe de l’entité qui est nommée. Notre objet est envisagé en deux axes: sur le plan de la langue (les formes par lesquelles le genre se reálise) et sur le plan du discours (le fonctionnement discursif auquel il se prête). Dans le cas des reprises, il s’agit de répondre à des questions telles que: quand peut-on entrevoir des situations où l’enfant se tourne vers l’énoncé précédent, en produisant une modification qui affecte le genre du mot? Qu’est-ce que cela représente en termes du rapport de l’enfant avec la langue? La description, à partir de la notion d’autonymie (Rey-Debove 1997, Authier- Revuz 1995) fera apparaître un changement de position du sujet (De Lemos 1997). Les données montrent que les petits – âgés de 2 à 5 ans – s’engagent dans un processus de subjectivation, manifesté par des altérations morphologiques non-usuelles, portant sur des mots qui les concernet, soit en tant que filles, soit en tant que garçons.471/

    Types of Property, Capitalism and the Ethics of Labor in Brasil, toward a Critical View of Max Weber

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    L'article propose une récuperation de la question de la proprieté en droit, en discutant la concéption des rapports de travail au Brésil, à travers des sources historiques, et dessine une critique à la concéption weberienne des rapports entre religion et capitalisme.O artigo propõe uma recuperação do tema da propriedade no direito, discutindo a concepção das relações de trabalho no Brasil, através das fontes históricas, iniciando, assim, uma crítica à concepção weberiana da relação entre religião e capitalismo


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    Lexical coinages encountered in the speech of two children learning Brazilian Portuguese were examined and found to reveal aspects of both predictability and non-predictability. Various divergent words observed reflect tendencies in word formation which stretch the limits of the possibilities of the language. Two distinct types of lexical coinages were observed. The first was that of nouns coined from verbs where the creations reveal the use of derivatives of verbs identifying actions or processes to designate the objects or effects of these actions. In such innovations, it is predictable that the word created will be marked with a nominal suffix (either -o or -a), but unpredictable which one will be used. The second type of coinage consists of unexpectedly reduced or abbreviated forms of the corresponding word in the adult lexicon, resulting in a deviant word of the same grammatical function. These equally unpredictable occurrences are explained by the hypothesis of divergent segmentation by the child, an operation which involves processes which may be semantically motivated morphological one and/or prosodic ones derived from the structural rhythm of the sentence. A consideration of phenomena which affect linguistic production on the word level leads to the conclusion that both phonological and morphological or lexical elements must be integrated to account for the innovations encountered in the production of a child learning its mother tongue

    The Constitutional Law as Process

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    O presente trabalho recupera a natureza histórica e conceitual do Estado como forma de alienação da capacidade política, iniciando uma crítica à Constituição e ao processo como instrumento de efetivação da vontade constitucional, propondo a restauração da questão do fundamento do pensamento político e da sociedade.I. Reconstruction of historical and conceptual nature of the State as a form to alienate political capacity; II. Critical view of constitutional law and procedure as a mean to achieve constitutional will; III. Restoration of political thought and society fundamental


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     Partindo da constatação de que a relação da criança com a linguagem sofre importantes mudanças ao longo dos primeiros anos da infância, pretende-se neste artigo, através de exemplos recolhidos junto aos “corpora” de A e J (acompanhadas dos 1;9 até 5 anos de idade), caracterizar um aspecto dessa mudança: a alteração na sua condição de predominantemente interpretada pelo adulto para intérprete do outro e de sua própria fala (De Lemos 1996, publicado neste volume).Como exemplo da primeira condição será considerado um diálogo entre adulto e criança, que mostra como a interpretação do interlocutor modela expressões sintatica e semanticamente indeterminadas, conferindo-lhes um sentido compatível com o contexto discursivo, dirigindo a fala da criança para um e não outro sentido. Sem o compromisso de assumir que esta indeterminação desaparecerá completamente, pretende-se ir adiante e exibir um conjunto de adivinhas, espontaneamente criadas pela criança aos 4;6 de idade, dados que mostram a criança experimentando a condição de intérprete. Estudadas na literatura sobretudo sob o aspecto da compreensão (Clark 1978, Lefort 1982, Shultz 1974), as adivinhas serão neste artigo observadas sob o ângulo da produção, cabendo levantar as seguintes questões: chegam as crianças a produzir verdadeiras adivinhas? Qual o formato (traços estruturais) que tais peças exibem? Como adulto e criança se engajam nesta brincadeira, comandada pela criança? Finalmente: o que as adivinhas nos ensinam sobre as mudanças operadas na relação criança-linguagem? A relevância teórica dessas questões torna-se clara quando se recorda que adivinhas e outros jogos verbais são considerados como indícios de uma atividade metalinguística, cuja emergência é esperada somente num ponto mais avançado ou tardio do desenvolvimento linguístico

    Sealed operation, and circulation and purification of gas in the HARPO TPC

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    HARPO is a time projection chamber (TPC) demonstrator of a gamma-ray telescope and polarimeter in the MeV-GeV range, for a future space mission. We present the evolution of the TPC performance over a five month sealed-mode operation, by the analysis of cosmic-ray data, followed by the fast and complete recovery of the initial gas properties using a lightweight gas circulation and purification system.Comment: Proceedings_MPGD2015, EPJ Web of Conference