14 research outputs found

    Kesesuaian Komposisi Gizi dan Klaim Kandungan Gizi pada Produk Mp-asi Bubuk Instan dan Biskuit

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    Complementary food for breastfeeding period is known as one of the nutrition source for children aged 6 – 24 months old. However, nutritional content of complementary good has not been confirmed with International and national standard, yet, nutrition problems in Indonesia. This research on processed complementary food, aimed to confirmnutritional content with standard and identify the most frequently-appeared nutritional claims. There were nine samples of processed complementary food in a format of instant powder and five samples in a format of biscuit representing mereks and categories were in scope of this research. Conformity of nutritional content obtained from information on the label, were compared with International standard (Codex Alimentarius- CAC/GL 8-1991) and Indonesian National Standard (SNI 2005). According to this research, 88 percent of nutritional compositions in instant powder were conformed to Codex Alimentarius standard, however only 31 percent in biscuit were conformed to this International standard. On the comparison with Indonesian National Standard, 94 percent of nutritional content in instant powder were conformed to the standard and 86 percent of nutritional compositions in biscuit were also conformed to standard. The most frequently-apperead nutritional claims in the processed complementary food in scope were iron, calcium, protein, dietary fibre, and vitamin A. Three from five nutrients were closely relevant with current nutrition problem in Indonesia namely aenemia, protein/chronic energy deficiency, and vitamin A deficiency

    Kemampuan Yogurt Sinbiotik Berbasis Probiotik Lokal Dalam Mencegah Diare Dan Meningkatkan Imunitas Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengamati kemampuan yogurt sinbiotik yang mengandung probiotik lokal (Lactobacillus acidophilus 2B4) sebagai antidiare pada tikus yang terinfeksi Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), dan untuk mendeteksi dampak terhadap karakteristik imunomodulator (jumlah sel limfosit, kadar malonaldehid/MDA hati, dan aktivitas antioksidan superoksida dismutase/SOD hati). Infeksi EPEC (10 7 cfu/ml/hari) yang dilakukan secara oral ke tikus selama tujuh hari berturut-turut secara nyata menyebabkan diare ringan tanpa penurunan berat badan. Pemberian secara oral yogurt sinbiotik yang mengandung 10 9 cfu bakteri asam laktat/ml/hari selama 21 hari secara nyata meningkatkan respons imun tikus, yang ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya sel limfosit di hari ke-14, penurunan MDA hati pada hari ke 14 dan 21, dan meningkatnya aktivitas SOD hati pada hari ke-14

    Study on the Influence of Anasthesis Temperature and TIME on Tiger Shrimp Survival Rate in Dry Transportation System

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    The objective of this research is tojind out the best temperature, lime and handling method for black tiger shrimp transportation with dry system. Anesthesis method was applied in this research by adopting gradual cooling ut the rate of 5"Cper hour. Anesthesis was done at various temperatures ( I Y, 17, and 15°C) and time (10, 15, and 20 minutes) with temperature in puckuge 17°C. The result showed that the survival rate of black tiger shrimp was affrcted by anesthesis temperature, but not by the time of cooling at the criticaltemperature. The optimum temperature for anesthesis was 15°C with the optimum length of time was I0 minutes. Meanwhile the optimum temperature for transportation was 17°C. gave the highest survival of the black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fab.)


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    Tempe is an indigenous food from Indonesia. Historical evidence show that soybean tempe originated in Central Java and appeared in the Javanese food culture around five centuries ago. Until recently, little attention has been paid to promote tempe even it contributes significantly to the nutrient intake of Indonesians and could prevent hypercholesteremia and hyperglycaemia. This activity aimed at promoting Tempe as Indonesian Indigenous food and culture; and gaining the support from professional organizations, government, community, producers and consumers in order to include tempe in the national list of intangible cultural heritage. This activity was held since 2015 till 2018. The way to promote it was through seminars, online and offline support, and competition. During the last three years, fifteen seminars on the health of tempe were done in fifteen cities covered 4500 women leaders, scientist and government officers. Information about culture and health benefit of tempe was also promoted through social media, and competition, as well as online petition. As much as 22 related professional association, central government institutions, universities, tempe producers and consumers supported written that tempe should be proposed to be national list of intangible cultural heritage; and further to be intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. The final result of this activity was the Ministry of Education & Culture formally launched that tempe was included in the list of national list of intangible cultural heritage based on certificate number 60089/MPK.E/KB/2017. Besides, tempe also include among the five unique indigenous culture to be promoted to be and intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO

    Evaluasi Mutu Protein Tepung Tempe dan Tepung Kedelai Rebus pada Tikus Percobaan

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    Soybean is a strategic commodity in Indonesia and it is the main raw material for food processing such as tempe, tofu,and soy sauce. Tempe is a traditional food that has been known in Indonesia, which is made by fermentation process using Rhizopus sp. The main weakness of fresh tempe is the short shelf- life at room temperature, only last two days. Processing tempe into tempe our is one of efforts to extend the shelf life. This research aimes to evaluate protein nutritional quality of tempe our and soybean our, compared to casein as a standard by using rats as animal model. Weight gain of each group of rats was increased during 28 days of experiment. The protein nutritional quality of tempe our was signi cantly higher (p<0.05) than that of boiled soy our in the value of feed convertion efficiency and true protein digestibility; highly significantly higher (p<0.01) in the value of protein efficiency ratio and net protein ratio; and not significantly different (p>0.05) in the value of biological value and net protein utulization. From the results of protein nutritional quality evaluation, it could be concluded that tempe our had better nutritional quality than boliled soy our, and even better than casein.

    (the Effect of Heat Application in Producing VCO and the Efficacy of Resulted VCO in Reducing Blood Glucose of Diabetes Mellitus Rat of Sprague Dawley)

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    Virgin Covonut Oil (VCO) used to be produced with various methods and each methods claims ait advantege especially in its lauric acid content. The objective of this research was to study the effect of heat application in producing VCO and the efficacy of result VCO in reducing blood glucose of diabetes mellitus (DM) rat of sprague Dawley. Three types of samples were used in the study, i.e., (1) VCO produced without heat application and (2) VCO producd with controlled heat application and (3) Ordinary coconut cooking oil produced with the application of severe heating as well as typical chemical tretment. Each sample was introduced orally to each group consisting of 5 rats. Other two groups consisting of 5 rats were also used as control, i.e., (1) negative control was of healty rat and (2) positive control was of DM rats. The animal study was conduced for 28 days and the observation was carried out on the amount of feed consumed, body weight and blood glucose. At the end of observation, all the rats were terminated and analysis was carried out on blood chorestrol level. This study revealed no significant different between VCO and Coconut Cooking Oil in body weight gain effect. The content of bioactive conpound of Lauric Acid in two types of VCO and Coconut Cooking Oil were also not significantly different. However, the VCO produced without heating showed the most significant effect in reducing blood glucose (corellation value of-0,99 and significant value at a a=1%). All the VCO samples were also not significant in affecting the level of total cholestrol, HDL, LDL, and triglyceide of blood serum of DM rat