163 research outputs found

    The Meaning of Sexuality for Javaneese Adolecent at Senior High School, North Surabaya

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    Introduction: One of reproductive health issues on adolescent in developing countries was sexuality. Issues of sexuality was multifactor, such as cultural factors. Cultural barriers affect the socialization of reproductive health and sexual education in adolescents, because it was considered taboo to talk about it. Method: This study was a qualitative study. The number of informants as many as 10 adolescent students, one community leader, 2 parent of adolescents, 2 teachers. The data shown is obtained from in-depth interviews. Data were then analyzed by using interactive analysis model, including data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Result: The result had shown that 1) perceptions of sexuality was understood as sexual intercourse or physical activity that was driven by the desire to the opposite sex, perceptions about adolescent promiscuity with regard to sexuality was seen as something that very concern because beyond norms and customs, many sexuality information was obtained from school environment such as peers, media, environment (in this case was people around the house) and none got information from the parents, and the norms-values -culture were believed as self-control in activities related to sexuality such as relationship; 2) adolecent\u27s behavior related to sexuality was associated with relationship and still done normatively, infl uenced by eastern culture, there was no informant who had sexual intercourse before marriage; 3) psychosexual of adolescent, were affected by social relationships in their environment at home, including closeness to parents, norms, values learned at home. Discussion: Based on the research results can be given suggestions that one of them needed to talk openly about sex and sexuality information to youth

    The Characters’ Solicitude in Tere Liye’s Novel Negeri Di Ujung Tanduk

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    This study aims to describe the characters’ solicitude in the novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk by Tere Liye. Tere Liye through the novel portrays about the solicitude which showed by the characters. This study is supported by Bender’s theory (2003) about the solicitude. It is stated that solicitude is to make ourselves related to others and whatever happens to that person. People who prioritize the needs and feelings of others rather than their own interests are caring people. They will not hurt other people’s feeling. Many values that contained in the solicitude such as kindness, generosity, attention, helping and compassion. This study is conducted by using descriptive qualitative method by Miles and Huberman (1994). The data used are the sentences and paragraphs which show the characters’ solicitude contained in the novel. The result of the study shows that there are some values which contained in the solicitude among the characters; they are kindness, generosity, caring, helping and compassion.   Keywords: solicitude, kindness, generosity, caring, helping, compassio

    Female Personality in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon

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    The research aims to figure out the female personality in Andrea Hirata’s novel Sirkus Pohon. The female personality in the novel is quite interesting to be discussed because in this novel, Andrea Hirata makes us laugh following the innocent female Malay personality in the Belitong countryside, sobbing by the sad love story, or shaking their heads by their tremendous intrigues. We will find imperfect humans, but at the same time find wisdom through their personality. Hirata has portrayed female personality in the novel through five females, namely: Tara, Dinda, Azizah, Tara’s mother and Tegar’s mother. According to Maslow (2002) personality is a pattern of behavior and habits of human. Smith (2004) states that personality is patterned of habits, traits, attitudes, and ideas of an individual. The writers discuss female personality through the personality of Tara, Tara’s mother, Dinda, Azizah, and Tegar’s mother. It is discussed in the analysis. The research uses qualitative research in description analysis by quoting some sentences related to the analysis. The results of the research are: Tara’s personalities are faithful and fragrant; Dinda’s personalities are having a soft heart and losing her memory; Azizah’s personality is chatty but loving her family; Tara’s mother’s personalities are beautiful, kindness, smart and strong; and Tegar’s mother is weak and a heartbroken woman.   Keywords: female, personality, faithful, soft-heart, quarrelsome, strong, wea

    Multimodal in Audiovisual Advertisement

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    This study aims to analyse the aspects of multimodal in the audiovisual advertisement of Kartu AS Edisi Paket Mingguan Bikin Kenyang Internetan. Semiotics approach by Chandler (2007) and multimodal analysis Anstey Bull (2010) focussed on linguistic, visual, audio, gestural and spacial aspects are applied to analyse the text, visually or verbally. Specifically, the analysis of the linguistic and visual aspects uses the analysis model of Cheong (2004) and Systemic Functional Linguistics of Halliday (2002, 2004). The research method uses descriptive qualitative by Mahsun (2005) which focussed on the translation, description, and filtration of meaning and also the placement of data to its context.The result shows that all aspects of multimodal in the advertisement are integreted. The lingustic aspect shows that atributive (experiential function), declarative mood (interpersonal function), and unmarked topical theme (textual function) are the dominant types used. The visual aspect shows that red color dominates the background of the advertisement as the main color of the product in the advertisement. The audio aspect shows that the advertisement uses instrumental with ritmix genre to evoke strong spirit in activiting. The spatial aspect shows the unification of the meaning between an image to the others.   Keywords: advertisement, multimodal, aspects of multimodal, text, SF

    Code-mixing and Code Switching in Wylvera W.’s Novel Geranium Blossom: Saat Jarak Menguji Cinta: Their Types and Reasons

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    Code-mixing constitutes a mixing of two codes or languages which is usually without a change of topic, whereas code-switching shows a change made from one language or language variety to another one. There are three types of code-mixing including insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization as proposed by Muysken (2000: 3), and code-switching is of four types, that is, inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, emblematic/ tag switching, and intra-word switching (Poplack, 2004: 589). The uses of code-mixing and code-switching are quite common in bilingual or multilingual communities in an informal situation. Based on these two terms (codemixing and code-switching), this paper was then made to describe the types and reasons of code-mixing and code switching in Wylvera W.’s novel Geranium Blossom: Saat Jarak Menguji Cinta written in 2015. The types of code-mixing which are used in the novel are all the three types above (i. e. insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization), and those of code-switching which are used are only two from the above four types (i. e. inter-sentential switching and emblematic/ tag switching). It was found that, in terms of code-mixing, insertion was used more than the other types of code-mixing, and, in terms of code-switching, it is inter-sentential switching which was used more than the other types of code-switching. This research applied a descriptive qualitative method as proposed by Creswell (2009: 4) in the analysis of the matters concerning code-mixing and code-switching in the novel.   Keywords: code-mixing, insertion, alternation, congruent lexicalization, codeswitchin

    Regeneration of Woodland Vegetation after Deer Browsing in Sharon Woods Metro Park, Franklin County, Ohio

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    Author Institution: Dept of Evolution, Ecology & Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OHOverbrowsing by deer can decrease plant abundance and change plant species composition, especially in isolated forest fragments. Sharon Woods Metro Park, Franklin County, OH is a 308 ha suburban woodland preserve that had a deer population of 347 individuals in 1992 (112 deer/km2), which was subsequently reduced to the currently maintained level of ~40 individuals (14 deer/km2). Deer exclosures (~0.4 ha) established in 1990 in three habitats were used to compare vegetation that recovered under complete protection with that which had sustained continued browsing. Tree seedlings, herbaceous and shrub species richness, diversity, and floristic quality were quantified in browsed and fenced treatments as indicators of plant diversity. Percent ground cover was assayed as a measure of plant biomass. Total percent ground cover was significantly lower in browsed treatments in two of the three habitats. Species richness and floristic quality of forest floor species were consistently, though not significantly, lowered in browsed treatments where the more disturbance-tolerant native species increased in frequency and abundance. Reduced deer browsing has allowed some plant species to regenerate but not others. For example, pawpaw (Asimina triloba), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), and jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) are disturbance tolerant and/or unpalatable species that may inhibit regeneration of more sensitive species under browsing pressure. A further reduction in deer density to ~4 deer/km2 and continued vegetation monitoring are recommended next steps for vegetation management at Sharon Woods

    Ultrasonic Cleaning and Re-use of HEPA Filters in Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Facility

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    In the nuclear industry, High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are used as an important engineering safeguard to prevent the potential release of airborne radioactive particulates into the environment during the plant operations. These filters have high efficiency (99.97%) in removing particulate matters in the sub-micron range and are widely used in the entire fuel cycle from the stage of mining/milling to nuclear waste management operations. Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC) at Hyderabad manufactures nuclear fuel for all the commercial nuclear power reactors in the country.The fuel is in the form of high density Uranium dioxide (UO2) pellets clad in Zircalloy- 4 tubes. Many chemical and metallurgical processes are employed for the production of UO2 pellets starting from the raw material magnesium diuranate (MDU). HEPA filters are used for final filtration of off-gases from these processes as well as the working areas/plants. Each fully loaded HEPA filter contains around 3-5 kgs of uranium bearing fine powder, which needs to be recovered as it is a costly material. Normally, HEPA filters are used once-through, as suitable technique for nondestructive decontamination has not been developed. This has resulted in a large accumulation of loaded HEPA filters at NFC, which is a cause for concern. The reuse of the HEPA filt-ers depends on the extent of decontamination achieved. As the conventional cleaning techniques are found to be ineffective, the decontamination of HEPA filters presents a challenging problem. Therefore, development work was taken up at NFC to evolve a suitable decontamination technique for HEPA filters. A state-of-the-art ultrasonic decontamination technique using commercial acetone has been developed at NFC. The technique offers a suitable nondestructive method to ensure removal of uranium fines from the filter media completely and thereby rendering the HEPA filter suitable for reuse. The observations and results of this development work are presented in this paper

    Recovery of monazite from red sediments of badlands topography of south east coast of India and its characterization for industrial applications

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    1528-1535An attempt has been made in this paper to recover pure monazite, a source for thorium, from the red sediments badlands topography of Kalipalli village of Ganjam district of Odisha, India by developing an industrially viable process flow sheet from a feed sample containing monazite mineral 0.63 % by weight. Results have indicated that monazite purity of 98 % could be achieved with a recovery of 63 % by weight. Recovery of monazite can be enhanced if the spiral concentrate is further scrubbed in alkaline media prior to subjecting to mineral separation studies. In the present investigation an attempt is also made to compare the monazite occurring from red sediment sample with naturally occurring monazite from beach sands. It is found that in spite, their morphological and topographical characteristics are markedly different the monazite occurring from both sources, have chemical elemental similarity. It is also seen that the chemical states of rare earth (RE) elements in monazite of both sources are matching. Further, due to natural occurrence of finer particle size of monazite (< 150 micron) in red sediments sample, the material is found to be suitable for chemical treatment to recover easily the valuable rare earths from it. Hence, it is recommended for mining of red sediments for recovery of monazite from red sediments of badlands topography as an additional resource for beach sand monazite
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