917 research outputs found

    Labeling Theory and the Effects of Sanctioning on Delinquent Peer Association: A New Approach to Sentencing Juveniles

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    This is a review of contemporary theory and studies published in various scholarly journals regarding the labeling effect of criminal justice system involvement at a young age on offenders. Drawing on studies that have taken place over the past several decades in order to increase the generalizability of the conclusions, this paper discusses the relationship between formal sanctioning and delinquent peer association among offenders. Results from the studies lend support to the tenets of labeling theory. They also suggest that the relative rate of increased recidivism among offenders is positively correlated with an operationalized measure of their “stakes in conformity” (e.g. marriage, employment, civic involvement, etc.). This literature review highlights the need for a reassessment of current sentencing policy for juveniles, as their life-course orientation is particularly vulnerable to negative influences. More generally, this review brings together theory and data to call for a rejection of sentencing policies which claim to “get tough on crime.

    New advancements in titanium technology and their cost and weight benefits

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    A process that combines both the superplastic and diffusion bonding properties of metal into one concurrent operation is being developed. Estimates using this technology have indicated that this combined process will result in cost savings up to 70 percent when compared to conventional construction methods, while also saving weight. Many structural forms are possible including sandwich structures made by expanding face sheets and core against die forms. The classic difficulties normally associated with fabricating sandwich structures, such as parts fit-up, close tolerances, adhesive or braze alloy strength, do not exist with this technique. The total potential of Rockwell's patented new processes is limited only by the ingenuity of the designer and is expected to affect significantly future airplane concepts and criteria

    Le tragedie di Accio nei "Veterum scriptorum fragmenta" di Antonio Agustín e Gabriele Faerno (Matr. 7901, ff. 49-107)

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    Negli stessi anni in cui Robert e Henri Estienne prepararono l'editio princeps dei "Fragmenta poetarum Latinorum" (metà XVI secolo), l'umanista spagnolo Antonio Agustín, con il contributo fondamentale del metricologo italiano Gabriele Faerno, lavorò ad un progetto molto simile, che però non arrivò ad essere completato e pubblicato. Tuttavia, la raccolta di Agustín, contenuta nei manoscritti 7901 e 7902 della Biblioteca Nacional di Madrid, rivela capacità critiche degne di essere evidenziate e studiate, perché dimostrano la pratica di un metodo filologico basato sull'attenta analisi di testimoni e fonti, sulla sistematica collazione della vulgata di Nonio, Festo e Varrone e sullo studio della metrica. La trascrizione ed il commento relativi alle tragedie di Accio (Matr. 7901 ff.49-107) mirano a dimostrare come tale metodo abbia determinato numerose e valide proposte di emendazione di cui spesso gli studiosi moderni non sono a conoscenza

    Prediction of salting-out in liquid-liquid two-phase systems with ePC-SAFT: effect of the Born term and of a concentration-dependent dielectric constant

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    Knowledge on phase equilibria is of crucial importance in designing industrial processes. However, modeling phase equilibria in liquid-liquid two-phase systems (LLTPS) containing electrolytes is still a challenge for electrolyte thermodynamic models and modeling still requires a lot of experimental input data. Further, modeling electrolyte solutions requires accounting for different physical effects in the electrolyte theory, especially the change of the dielectric properties of the medium at different compositions and the related change of solvation free energy of the dissolved ions. In a previous work, the Born term was altered by combining it with a concentration-dependent dielectric constant within the framework of electrolyte Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (ePC-SAFT), and hence called ‘ePC-SAFT advanced’. In the present work, ePC-SAFT advanced was validated against liquid-liquid equilibria (LLE) of LLTPS water+organic solvents+alkali halides as well as aqueous two-phase systems containing the phase formers poly (propylene glycol) and an ionic liquid. All the ePC-SAFT parameters were used as published in the literature, and each binary interaction parameter between ion-solvent was set to zero. ePC-SAFT advanced allowed quantitatively predicting the salt effect on LLTPS without adjusting binary interaction parameters, while classical ePC-SAFT or meaningless mixing rules for the dielectric constant term failed in predicting the phase behavior of the LLTPS

    What drives European multinationals to the EU neighbouring countries? A mixed methods analysis of Italian investment strategies

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    This paper aims to investigate the economic integration between the European Union and its neighbouring countries by exploring the location drivers of Italian Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) in 33 destination countries including the New Member States of the European Union (NMs) and the European Neighbouring countries (NCs). The paper compares market- and efficiency-seeking motivations with asset-seeking strategies. The analysis is based on a mixed-method approach. The quantitative analysis assess the location determinants of 518 Italian MNEs that invested in the area in the years 2003-2008, while qualitative information on strategic location decisions is collected by means of in-depth interviews with executives in two of the largest Italian MNEs active in the region. Market-seeking considerations are still predominant drivers of location decisions in EU Neighbouring Countries together with resource-seeking motivations. However, different MNEs develop diversified strategies to increase their access to these areas which are of increasing interest for global investors

    Economic institutions and the location strategies of European multinationals in their geographic neighborhood

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    This article investigates how the location behavior of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) is shaped by the economic institutions of the host countries. The analysis covers a wide set of geographically proximate economies with different degrees of integration with the ‘Old’ 15 European Union (EU) members: New Member States, Accession and Candidate Countries, as well as European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) countries and the Russian Federation. The article aims to shed new light on the heterogeneity of MNE preferences for the host countries’ regulatory settings (including labor market and business regulation), legal aspects (i.e. protection of property rights and contract enforcement) and the weight of the government in the economy. By employing data on 6,888 greenfield investment projects, the random-coefficient Mixed Logit analysis shows that, while the quality of the national institutional framework is generally beneficial for the attraction of foreign investment, MNEs preferences over economic institutions are highly heterogeneous across sectors and business functions

    Economic Institutions and the Location Strategies of European Multinationals in their Geographical Neighbourhood. LEQS Discussion Paper No. 97/2015 July 2015

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    This paper investigates how the location behaviour of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) is shaped by the economic institutions of the host countries. The analysis covers a wide set of geographically proximate economies with different degrees of integration with the ‘Old’ 15 European Union (EU) members: New Member States, Accession and Candidate Countries, as well as European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries and the Russian Federation. The paper aims to shed new light on the heterogeneity of MNE preferences for the host countries’ regulatory settings (including labour market and business regulation), legal aspects (i.e. protection of property rights and contract enforcement) and the weight of the government in the economy. By employing data on 6,888 greenfield investment projects, the randomcoefficient Mixed Logit analysis here applied shows that, while the quality of the national institutional framework is generally beneficial for the attraction of foreign investment, MNEs preferences over economic institutions are highly heterogeneous across sectors and business functions

    Trattamento dell’adenoma pleomorfo delle ghiandole salivari: nostra esperienza

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    Premessa. L’adenoma pleomorfo è un tumore epiteliale benigno delle strutture ghiandolari che si localizza prevalentemente nella ghiandola parotide. Scopo. Analizzare i dati dei pazienti trattati per adenoma pleomorfo delle ghiandole salivari presso la nostra struttura al fine di valutare la strategia chirurgica. Pazienti e metodi. Studio retrospettivo di un periodo di 15 anni durante il quale sono stati trattati 347 pazienti affetti da adenoma pleomorfo delle ghiandole salivari. Di tutti i pazienti sono stati presi in considerazione: sesso, età, sede del tumore, procedura chirurgica, complicanze postoperatorie, recidive. Risultati. L’adenoma pleomorfo originava prevalentemente nella parotide (89,1%), raramente nelle altre ghiandole salivari. Il tumore era più frequente nelle donne che negli uomini (F:M = 1,5). L’età media era 43,43 anni. L’enucleazione pericapsulare dei tumori parotidei è risultata essere la procedura chirurgica più utilizzata. Le altre procedure utilizzate sono state: parotidectomia superficiale, parotidectomia totale conservativa, esceresi completa della ghiandola sottomandibolare e asportazione radicale dei tumori del palato. Le complicanze postoperatorie sono state: paralisi facciale transitoria in 18 pazienti e sindrome di Frey in 2 pazienti. In nessun paziente sono state riscontrate recidive nel periodo di follow-up (25-177 mesi). Conclusioni. Gli aspetti epidemiologici dell’adenoma pleomorfo delle ghiandole salivari osservati nel nostro studio sono sovrapponibili a quelli riportati in letteratura; lo studio dimostra inoltre che l’enucleazione pericapsulare è una valida alternativa alla parotidectomia superficiale per la maggior parte delle localizzazioni parotidee, essendo associata ad una minore morbilità senza che sia compromessa la radicalità oncologica

    Racing to the bottom or seeking legitimacy? National environmental performance and the location strategies of Chinese MNEs

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    This paper studies the extent to which the international location patterns of Chinese MNEs privilege economies with environmentally sustainable practices. We develop a theoretical framework confronting the traditional race-to-the-bottom arguments with the Chinese MNEs' need to gain legitimacy abroad and signal their global citizenship. We also examine a set of conditioning factors pertaining to the heterogeneity of both host countries and firms, to explore potential sources of ethical pluralism in Chinese MNEs' location strategies. Empirically, we study 948 greenfield investments in manufacturing undertaken by Chinese companies in 82 countries over the 2013–2019 period. Our results suggest that Chinese MNEs may feed a downward spiral by favouring locations with fragile ecosystem vitality, that is, a weak sustainable use of natural resources with the consequent erosion of environmental quality. This result is driven by Chinese FDI in developing countries and locations with fragile institutional setting. Furthermore, the attracting force of a degraded environmental situation holds especially for Chinese MNEs operating in most polluting sectors and with private ownership