265 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing the Career Choice of Nursing Students

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    The people who choose nursing as a career should choose it consciously, should very well recognize it, and embrace it, and love it so that, this profession can develop and rise in social status. This was a descriptive type of study, aimed to determine the reasons why the students choose to study nursing


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    This study investigates how intellectual capital is defined and which features of this notion are highlighted by Turkish companies. Therefore, annual reports of firms, which are among the highest 30 companies listed in the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) index, are examined by using "content analysis" method for the year 2003. This study shows that these firms define the category of external capital the most in their annual reports and it is followed by human resource capital and internal capital respectively. The most mentioned concepts in these categories are; brand formation for external capital, measures concerning employees for human resource capital, and financial measures for internal capital. Bu çalısma, Türkiye firmalarının entelektüel sermaye kavramını nasıl belirttiklerini ve söz konusu kavramın hangi unsurlarına agırlık vermekte olduklarını arastırmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu çalısmada, 0stanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası (0MKB) Hisse Senetleri Piyasası Endeksi'nde ilk 30 arasında yer alan firmaların 2003 yılına ait yıllık raporları "kontent analizi" metodu ile incelenmektedir. Çalısmada, söz konusu firmaların yıllık raporlarında en fazla dıssal sermaye kategorisini belirtmekte oldukları, bunu sırasıyla insan kaynakları sermayesi ve içsel sermayenin izledigi görülmektedir. Söz konusu kategoriler içerisinde en fazla belirtilen kavramlar ise dıssal sermaye için marka olusumu, insan kaynakları sermayesi için çalısanlara iliskin ölçütler, içsel sermaye için ise finansal ölçütlerdir

    Pre-verbal focus in Turkish: An eye-tracking during reading study

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    Micronutrient Deficiencies and Digital Computerized Phototrichogram Analysis in Telogen Effluvium: A Retrospective Correlation Study in a Tertiary Medical Center

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    Introduction:Telogen effluvium (TE) is a common form of non-scarring alopecia that may manifest as acute or chronic hair shedding. Several studies evaluated a possible relationship between various vitamin and mineral deficiencies and TE, but it is still a controversial topic. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the status of vitamin and mineral deficiencies in patients diagnosed with TE and to evaluate their correlation with anagen hair ratios (AHR) calculated with an automated digital phototrichogram (ADCP). Methods:Electronic records of 973 TE patients were retrospectively analyzed. Demographic, clinical data, parameters such as ferritin, vitamin B12 (Vit-B12), vitamin D (Vit-D), folic acid, zinc and hemoglobin (HGB) serum levels were evaluated. Anagen to telogen hair ratios were also assessed in forty-two patients via ADCP. Results: The rates of anemia, low ferritin level, and Vit-B12, folate, Vit-D, and zinc deficiencies were 11.9% (N = 109), 44% (N = 332), 1.5% (N = 13), 2.5% (N = 14), 87% (N = 51), and 4.5% (N = 2), respectively. A positive correlation was found between HGB levels and AHR in female patients (Spearman rank, r = 0.417, P = 0.008). No statistically significant relationship was found between ferritin, Vit-B12, folate, zinc serum levels and AHR. The relationship between Vit-D and AHR could not be assessed due to the insufficient number of patients with Vit-D data. Conclusions:HGB value is the only marker that is positively correlated with the AHR of patients with TE. Ordering HGB can be used as an initial test for managing TE patients cost-effectively.

    Ricci curvature of submanifolds in Kenmotsu space forms

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    In 1999, Chen established a sharp relationship between the Ricci curvature and the squared mean curvature for a submanifold in a Riemannian space form with arbitrary codimension. Similar problems for submanifolds in complex space forms were studied by Matsumoto et al. In this paper, we obtain sharp relationships between the Ricci curvature and the squared mean curvature for submanifolds in Kenmotsu space forms

    Consumer Credit Risk Factors of Turkish Households

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    Production and development of wrought magnesium alloys

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    Türkiye’nin ilk magnezyum alaşımı levhası, ikiz merdaneli sürekli döküm tekniği ile üretilmiştir. Magnezyum AZ31, AZ61, AZ91, AM50 ve AM60 alaşımı levhalar 4-8 mm kalınlığında, 1500 mm eninde başarılı bir şekilde elde edilmiştir. Levhalar daha sonra homojenleştirme ısıl işlemlerine maruz bırakılmıştır. Levhaların mikroyapıları yüzey, en ve boy yönlerinde optik mikroskop ve Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu (SEM) ile incelenmiştir. Daha detaylı mikroyapı incelemeleri Geçirimli Elektron Mikroskobu (TEM) ile yapılmıştır. Yarı nicel ve nicel elementel analizler SEM-EDS (Enerji Dağılım Spektrometresi), TEM-EDS ve EPMA (Elektron Prob Mikro Analiz Cihazı)-WDS (Dalgaboyu Dağılım Spektrometresi) sistemleri ile yapılmıştır. X-ışınları difraksiyonu (XRD) teknikleri karakterizasyon ve yönlenme incelemeleri amaçlı olarak kullanılmıştır. Malzemelerin mekanik özellikleri çekme deneyi ve sertlik deneyleri ile ölçülmüştür. Çekme deneyleri hadde yönü, hadde yönüne 45 derece açı ve 90 derece açı olmak üzere üç farklı yönde ekstensometre yardımı ile yapılmıştır. Ayrıca numune yüzeylerinde ve farklı kesitlerde mikro Vickers ve Brinell Sertlik taramaları yapılmıştır. Elde edilen levhalar üzerinde soğuk hadde, sıcak hadde ve ısıl işlem gibi termomekanik işlemler denemeleri de gerçekleştirilmiştir. Levhalar öncelikle laboratuar ölçeğinde sıcak hadde ile inceltilmişlerdir. Daha sonra elde edilen bilgiler ışığında magnezyum AZ31 alaşımı levhalar ısıtıldıktan sonra endüstriyel ölçekli hadde sistemi ile 1 mm kalınlığa kadar inceltilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar ışığında otomotiv, savunma ve elektronik endüstrileri için uygun magnezyum levha alaşımlarının üretimi olası gözükmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Magnezyum alaşımları, levha, ikiz merdaneli sürekli döküm.Magnesium alloy sheet has been produced by twin roll strip casting first time in Turkey. Magnesium AZ31, AZ61, AZ91, AM50 and AM60 alloy sheets of 4-8 mm thick, 1500 mm wide were successfully achieved. Afterwards, homogenization heat treatments were applied on the sheets. Microstructures of the sheets have been analysed by optical microscope and scanning electron microscope, SEM by plan, longitudinal and transverse views. More detailed microstructure investigation was analysed by transmission electron microscope, TEM. Semi-quantitative and quantitative elemental analyses has been performed by SEM-EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectrometer), TEM-EDS and EPMA (Electron Probe Micro Analyser)-WDS (Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer) systems. XRD (X-ray Diffraction) techniques are used for both characterization and also texture purposes. Mechanical properties have been investigated by tensile tests and also hardness measurements. Tensile tests have been performed at three different directions: rolling direction, 45 degrees to rolling direction and transverse direction by using an extensometer. Micro Vickers and Brinell Hardness test measurements were done on plan view and different cross-section directions. In addition, produced sheets were investigated by cold rolling, hot rolling and annealing tests. From the results of this study production of wrought magnesium alloys suitable for automotive, military and electronics industries seems possible. Magnesium is the lightest of all structural metals with a density of 1.74 g/cm3. Aluminum is 1.5 times, titanium is 3 times and iron is 4 times of magnesium in density. Magnesium alloys have high specific strength, high specific stiffness, good castability and machinability, low heat content per unit of volume, high damping capacity, and good electro-magnetic (EMI) shielding. Magnesium is dimensionally stable, it welds easily, and it has impact and dent resistant. It is the sixth most abundant metal and eighth element on the earth's surface. Furthermore, magnesium is readily recyclable. Magnesium alloys also have effective heat dissipation. Due to these properties, there is increasing interest in using magnesium alloys especially in electronics and transportation industries. Almost 30% of the applications are structural applications (portable electronic equipment, such as laptop computers, cellular phones and video cameras; military equipment; aircraft parts; sporting goods and hand tools. Recently, using magnesium alloys that are lighter than aluminum alloys are being investigated for the automotive industry. Magnesium alloys are already used within the automotive interior as instrumental panel substrate, seat frame, seat riser, seat pan, console bracket, steering wheel, steering column parts; in the power train as valve cover, transmission cases; in the body as door and roof frames, sunroof panel, mirror bracket, tailgate; in the chassis as wheel, brake pedal brackets. High flexural/buckling stiffness and bending strength are needed for automotive body components such as doors, boot, and bonnet. VW 3L Lupo bonnet is a good prototype example for future application of magnesium sheets. Other possible wrought alloy automotive applications are extruded profiles such as window frames, seat and supporting structures. Magnesium components are usually produced by the die casting process. In spite of cost effective, the die casting process is not suitable for manufacturing large flat parts, such as hood, door, and lift-gate substrates. Also, mechanical properties of the cast parts, particularly fatigue resistance, can be substandard. Parts requiring good mechanical properties and fatigue endurance strength are best produced from wrought alloys. Replacement of conventional sheet metals with magnesium can reduce the vehicle mass, thus promote energy efficient transportation. By using wrought magnesium alloys, a decrease in vehicle weight up to 100 kg and a reduction of 5 % fuel consumption can be realized. Application of wrought magnesium alloys especially in the form of sheet is limited due to the price of conventional rolling product. However, the demand for decreasing the magnesium sheet prices is high and can be met through twin-roll casting. Keywords: Magnesium alloys, sheet, twin roll casting

    Knowledge, attitude and behaviors of the mothers of 10-15 year old daughters regarding cervical cancer and HPV vaccine 10-15 yaş arası kız çocuğu olan annelerin rahim ağzı kanseri ve HPV aşısı konusunda bilgi, tutum ve davranışları

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    This study was performed to determine the knowledge, attitude and behaviors of the mothers of 10-15 year old daughters regarding cervical cancer and HPV vaccination. This was a descriptive and sectional study. 100 mothers among the ones who admitted to the polyclinic to a university hospital who approved to participate in the study were included in the study. Data collection form was prepared by the researcher and collected by face-to-face interview technique. Chi-Square test was used in statistical analyse. It was observed that 47% of the mothers have not heard about HPV but about 67% of mothers HPV vaccination. It was seen that 91% have known that HPV caused cervical cancer and 88% of the mothers have heard pap smear test, but 56% have not undergone the test. 88% of the mothers have heard pap smear test, but 56% have not undergone the test. 15% of the mothers wanted to be informed about the reliability, 9% of side effects, 14% protection level and 12% of protection duration of the vaccine. When education status of the mothers and whether they give information to their children about health issues were examined, it was increased about hearing HPV vaccine and there was a signifant difference about giving knowledge rate their children. And also, there was a significant difference about giving knowledge, especially general health status, and knowledge level of mothers who were working. In conclusion, it should be provided to plan and disseminate education programs for the mothers about cervical cancer, HPV and HPV vaccine. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.  ÖzetAraştırma 10-15 yaş arası kız çocuğu olan annelerin rahim ağzı kanseri ve HPV aşısı hakkında bilgi, tutum, davranışlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Araştırma tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tiptedir. Araştırmaya bir üniversite hastanesinin polikliniğine başvuran ve 10-15 yaş arası kız çocuğu olan 100 anne alındı.  Veriler araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan katılımcı bilgi formuyla yüz yüze görüşme yöntemiyle toplandı. İstatiksel analizde ki-kare testi kullanıldı. Annelerin %47’sinin HPV enfeksiyonunu daha önce duymadığı ancak %67’sinin HPV aşısını daha önce duyduğu görüldü. Annelerin %91’inin HPV’ nin rahim ağzı kanserine neden olduğunu bildiği görülürken, %88’inin rahim ağzı kanserini ve papsmear testini duyduğu, ancak %56’sının pap smear testini yaptırmadığı belirlendi. Annelerin %15’i aşının güvenilirliği, %9’u yan etkileri, %14’ü koruyuculuk düzeyi, %12’si koruma süresi hakkında bilgilendirilmek istediğini ifade etti. Annelerin eğitim durumlarına göre çocuklarına sağlık konusunda bilgi verip vermediklerine bakıldığında annelerin eğitim seviyesi arttıkça HPV aşısını duyma oranlarının artışı ve çocuklarını bilgilendirme oranları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmıştır. Çalışan annelerin özellikle genel sağlık ile ilgili konularda bilgi verme ve HPV ile ilgili bilgi durumları arasında da anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, annelere rahim ağzı kanseri, HPV ve HPV aşısı ile ilgili eğitim programlarının planlanması ve bilgi durumlarının artması için de yaygınlaştırılması önerilmektedir