10 research outputs found

    Antonimi Dalam Bahasa Jawa

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    Influence of Integrated Marketing and Brand Image on Intention to Buy Franchise Drink Company in Surabaya

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    This research examined the influence of integrated marketing communication and brand image on the intention to buy a franchise drink business in Surabaya. The Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) quantitative method was used to analyze the data, which were collected by purposive sampling. The sample included 75 individuals. Results of a questionnaire were processed by the software SmartPLS 3.0. Integrated marketing information communication had a positive impact. Keywords: integrated marketing communication, brand image, buying intention, franchise, Surabay

    Peranan pasar pada masyarakat pedesaan di daerah Riau

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    Desa Kampung Bugis Kepulauan Riau didiami oleh tiga kelompok masyarakat yang dominan yaitu, Melayu, Cina dan Bugis di samping masyarakat Jawa dan Minangkabau. Ini adalah shlah satu contoh masyarakat yang saling berinteraksi. Pasar sebagai suatu tempat di mana tetjadinya interaksi tersebut, merupakan pula sebagai sentral tetjadinya tukar menukar benda-benda hasil produksi,bahkan informasi tentang berbagai pengalaman di antara sesama mereka. Gambaran umum yang ditimbulkan oleh keadaan pasar tersebut. tetjadi di pasar Senggarang. Pengaruh dari adanya pasar itu, mewarnai corak kehidupan masyarakat di sekitarnya perihal tentang kelas sosial, budaya, ekonomi, mobilitas dan kenikmatan


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    Integrated agroindustry and agrotourism is an opportunity to develop the rural economics in Kali Bekasi watershed. The objective of this research was to develop a sustainable integrated system of agroindustry and agrotourism. The metodhs used for this study included analytical hierarchy process (AHP), Bayes method, and exponential comparison method (ECM). The results showed that top upstream watershed of Kali Bekasi was selected as the best location for the project. Five products of agroindustry, namely rice flour, tapioca, bamboo furniture, banana chips, and ground coffee were selected as the priority to be developed with three scenarios of tourist attractions, i.e: cultivation, harvesting/post-harvesting, and processing. Integration of the project was economically feasible with IRR of 31%, Net B/C of 1.95, and the total revenue from all tourist attractions of Rp 36, 905,000 per week. The weekly added values of agroindustry for each tourist attraction were Rp 11.760.000, Rp12.546.000, and Rp 12.563.000 respectively. The involvement of stakeholders including farmer associations, NGO, local youth organization (Karang Taruna), financing institution, SMEs, and local government is essentially required to implement this project with a community-based development approach.Keywords: agroindustry, agrotourism, watershed, AHP, Bayes method, MP


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    Lahat dikenal sebagai surganya megalith karena memiliki sekitar 1027 peninggalan megalith yang tersebar di 41 situs di Kabupaten Lahat, salah satunya ialah situs Padang Perigi. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana nilai-nilai sejarah dan budaya ikonografi megalith yang ada di Lahat khususnya situs Padang Perigi agar dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber pembelajaran sejarah nasional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisi nilai-nilai sejarah dan budaya ikonografi megalith di Lahat khususnya situs Padang Perigi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini adalah tentang ikonografi megalith, nilai sejarah, nilai budaya, dan nilai modernitas yang didapat dari 3 arca manusia dan 1 batu datar yang ada di situs Padang Perigi. Materi ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pembelajaran sejarah nasional, karena terdapat dalam KD. 3.4. Memahami hasil-hasil dan nilai-nilai budaya masyarakat praaksara Indonesia dan pengaruhnya dalam kehidupan lingkungan terdekat.Kata Kunci: Nilai

    Indonesian rice supply chain analysis and supplier selection model

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    Food Station Tjipinang Jaya (FSTJ) is a company under the auspices of the regional government of Jakarta, which has a duty to address the problem of food security, especially for rice availibility in Jakarta Province, Indonesia. The availability of rice is handled by FSTJ through monitoring of the rice trade transactions undertaken by rice entrepreneurs in the area of Cipinang Rice Market Center (PIBC). The purpose of this study was to analyse the rice supply chain and designing a rice supplier selection model in Jakarta Province Indonesia. Rice supply chain data was obtained from primary and secondary data sources, interview and FSTJ data starting from 2005 up to 2010. Data were analysed using descriptive statistical methods, while the rice supplier selection model was built by using the method of technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), with the help of visual basic 6.0 and microsoft access software. Descriptive analysis provides information about the network of rice supply chain which has been covered by PIBC in Jakarta Province. Model of rice supplier selection produces ranking of suppliers after considering alternatives and criteria for rice suppliers in Jakarta Province

    Islamic Perspective on Management

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    This study considered the position of management from an Islamic perspective. The study was built using a science-based theology philosophical approach to library data sourced from management literature and Islamic studies literature. Islam is a unique system of life, whose rules cover all aspects of life, including science. In the Islamic perspective, knowledge is seen as coming from the Creator (Surat al-Baqarah: 31), whether given directly in the form of revelation or given indirectly through learning experiences and extracting human reason. Management is one part of the building of knowledge that is excavated by humans from research on experiences of human collaboration, which are always core activities of al-takhtith, al-tanzhim, al-tathbiq and al-riqabah. The implementation of the cooperation process goes according to the patterns that become the paradigmatic commitments of all its personnel. In Islam, management as a science and applied art or technique is inseparable from the Islamic paradigm which has the view that science and the collaborative process must run under the corridor of Islam. Management occupies a position as a discipline and a technique used to make it easier for humans to carry out cooperation to achieve organizational goals. The achievement of these organizational goals is part of the attainment of the goals of Islam in general to achieve rahmatan lil’alamin. Keywords: management, Islamic perspective, paradigmatic commitmen

    Islamic Perspective on Management

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    This study considered the position of management from an Islamic perspective. The study was built using a science-based theology philosophical approach to library data sourced from management literature and Islamic studies literature. Islam is a unique system of life, whose rules cover all aspects of life, including science. In the Islamic perspective, knowledge is seen as coming from the Creator (Surat al-Baqarah: 31), whether given directly in the form of revelation or given indirectly through learning experiences and extracting human reason. Management is one part of the building of knowledge that is excavated by humans from research on experiences of human collaboration, which are always core activities of al-takhtith, al-tanzhim, al-tathbiq and al-riqabah. The implementation of the cooperation process goes according to the patterns that become the paradigmatic commitments of all its personnel. In Islam, management as a science and applied art or technique is inseparable from the Islamic paradigm which has the view that science and the collaborative process must run under the corridor of Islam. Management occupies a position as a discipline and a technique used to make it easier for humans to carry out cooperation to achieve organizational goals. The achievement of these organizational goals is part of the attainment of the goals of Islam in general to achieve rahmatan lil'alamin. Keywords: management, Islamic perspective, paradigmatic commitmen