6 research outputs found
The objectives of this study were to invent and identify the exsistance of historic landscape in Bengkulu City, to analise and describehistoric landscape which is potential to develop and conserve and also to give some approachments of conservation and empowerment of historic landscape in Bengkulu City for historic tourism development. The method of the study was the surveymethod, including literature review, site observation, questionaire and interview for collecting data. The data were analised to describe the existence and the condition of historic landscapes, and to offer an alternative of historical tourism development.The result showed that Bengkulu City has long periodof history, which left historic landscape and cultural herritage as the physical evidences. The history started from kingdom period with high community welfare and invited the colonialism to Bengkulu. The City still has nationally important role in the early of the independence period of Indonesian Republic. In thisĀ study, 18 cultural reserve and historic landscapes were observed, which spread inĀ two subdistricts : Teluk Segara and Gading Cempaka Subdistricts.Each of cultural herritages and historic landscapesin Bengkulu City has different condition, so it required different treatment which includes : preservation, conservation, rehabilitation and reconstruction. Some objects are potential to be developed as historical tourism objects because ofĀ their uniqness and high historical value, i.e: Fort Marlborough, Old Harbour, TapakĀ paderi, Fatmawati house and Museum of Bengkulu. The potency of tourism sector also supported by the beautiful scenery and community which are cooperative and friendly.It is proposed that historical tourism objects in Bengkulu Province has devided in four clusters based on development potentiallity level and location of the objects. Cluster I as the maine development area, then followed by cluster II, III, and IV . Each cluster has main tourism object and supported by tourism facilities
A Cultural-History Analysis on Malay-Islamic Heritage of Siak Sri Indrapura through the Historical Urban Landscape Approach in Pekanbaru City
The Sultanate of Siak Sri Indrapura plays a vital role in the history of the development of Islam and Malay culture in Pekanbaru City. Pekanbaru City is a cultural-historical tourist attraction through the Malay-Islamic landscape, which can be seen from its historical heritage. The historical heritage is a Malay-Islamic cultural heritage building that still exists today. This study will explain the analysis of cultural history and its preservation management. The method used is qualitative with a Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) approach. The study's results showed 16 cultural heritage sites with varying levels of management, five sites in very well-maintained condition, three well maintained, and eight poorly maintained. Several challenges are faced: damaged buildings, incomplete historical data, regulations, and the absence of tourist programs. In addition, the distance between cultural heritage and the enthusiasm of the Malay community is a potential that needs to be optimized. The vision is to make Pekanbaru City the center of Malay-Islamic identity based on the waterfront city through the concept of preservation. The proposed preservation management is a historical tourism development program to connect cultural heritage buildings based on tourist trails that prioritize cultural and historical interpretation effectiveness and efficiency
Bogor has main role in Sundanese history, so thereĀ are many historical heritages which are needed to be conserved. One of the effortis tourism development. The research was conducted to analize historical landscape potency for developing historical tourism. The study was held in Bogor city from December 2004 until May 2005 using survey method. The survey method were todefine the historical data of the city, historical object and management.The study explains the historical landscape potencyin Bogor city as an historical tourism object for historical tourism development.Ā Based on Bogor tourism, art, and culture office recommendation, there are six historical objects that have tourism potency. Some of those objects are needed to be rehabilited and conserved. Tourism supporting aspects such as services facilities andĀ tourism have good potency. Transportation still has problem that need to be solved. Beside that, information of Bogor history and its historical tourism objects are necessary to be socialized and promoted. Tourism program is one of the recommendedsolution
The aim of this study was to describe the relationĀ of urban landscape development that influenced by social change. ThisĀ study was focused on the changing occur before the Kingdom of Surakarta untilreformation period. The analysis was intended to find out the main factors that had been influencing the urban landscape development and also to formulate the concept of urban planning in the future based on its history and thesocial character.Surakarta, otherwise Solo or Salay, was the capitalcity of Surakarta Hadiningrat's Kingdom. Founded inĀ 1745,Ā it was built on a magical rather than a rational consideration. Itās located in theĀ crosscurrent of two rivers, the Bengawan Solo and the Pepe. According to the Javanese cosmology, the inner city comprised of the kraton complex called Baluwarti and the alun-alun (palace square), all located inside the beteng (palace wall). Outside the palace wall were houses of the sentana (nobility), the abdi dalem (retainers) and the commonners. The coming of the Europeans, the Chinese and the Arabs formerly did not alter the cosmology concept of the city. Inthe beginning of the twentieth century, due to the advance of technology and the expansion of business, service and leisure, the city was changed. It was in development period that the most change towards a modern city took place. The skeleton of the city remained the same, but the environment became entirely different
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui luas, bentuk dan keragaman vertikal pekarangan guna meningkatkan peran dan fungsi bagi terpenuhinya kebutuhan masyarakat secara langsung dan tidak langsung guna memenuhi aspek keberlanjutan di Distrik Arguni Bawah Kabupaten Kaimana Provinsi Barat. Metode dalam peneltian adalah praktek agroforestri dengan mengukur luas pengukuran setiap kampung kampung sampel dimana 3 sampel rumah diambil dari 15 kampung yang tersebar di Distrik Arguni Bawah. Penelitian ini juga menginventarisasi jumlah dan jenis tanaman pekarangan masyarakat berdasarkan stratifikasi tanaman (ketinggian tanaman dan diameternya). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Sekitar 12 kampung dari 15 kampung sampel memiliki luas pekarangan besar (400-800 mĀ²) dan lainnya 2 kampung dengan luas pekarangan sangat luas serta 1 kampung luas pekarangan sedang. Lebih dominan jenis tanaman jenis herba atau rumput-rumputan sekitar 109 tanaman yang ditemukan di sekitar 15 kampung sampel adalah tanaman jenis bunga dan rempah-rempah atau tanaman obat. Kesimpulan mayoritas kampung dengan ukuran luas besar dan sangat didominansi oleh jenis tanaman herba.Ā Kata kunci: Luas Pekarangan, Keragaman vertikal, Arguni Bawa
Analisis Karakteristik Pekarangan dalam Mendukung Penganekaragaman Pangan Keluarga di Kabupaten Bogor
Pekarangan is a type of traditional Indonesian home gardens that utilize the land around the house with the status and clear boundaries. Pekarangan in rural areas have high agrobiodiversity, good agroecosystem and should be optimized as an area to meet the needs of daily life, especially to support the diversification of food consumption of the household. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the ecology characteristics of pekarangan to support food consumption diversification of the household. The study was conducted in Bogor Regency, which located in altitudes at 165 ā 460 m height with high level of urbanization, from December 2013 to June 2014. Diversity of food in pekarangan, specially the crops and livestocks, is the focus of this research. The results of the study showed that the most common crops in Bogor Regency are vegetables, fruits, and spices plants. Analysis of plant diversity index showed that the pekarangan in Bogor Regency has a diversity in the mid category (1.95) with the dominance of seasonal crops. Diversification of food in pekarangan can be done by optimizing the existing area, utilization of all zoning for the cultivation of diverse functions crops and livestock. For diversification of food consumption, the owner should use different types of food, as well as considering the crop calendar to a wide variety of food that can be consumed on a daily basis. Therefore, it's necessary to educate the housewives about the potency of diversification crops in pekarangan for consumption, strong motivation and assistance from the government, as well as optimizing the role of KWT group to optimize the role of pekarangan for the diversification of food