52 research outputs found
Developing of Tris Soy Milk Diluent for Frisian Holstein Bull Frozen Semen
Commercial artificial insemination (AI) companies in the beginning of year 2000, introduced new generation of cryoprotectans with lecithin based diluents such as Biociphos (IMV, L’Aigle, France) and Andromed®  (Minitub, Germany). Since the commercial diluents were imported, they were often not readily available. This research aimed to develop Tris-soy modified diluent, and investigated its effects on the quality and fertility of Frisian Holstein (FH) bulls frozen semen. This research consists of two experiments. At first, we compared the FH Bull frozen semen quality in modified tris soy milk (TSM), Andromed® and Tris-eggyolk (TEY) diluents, the second was the fertility trials of the frozen semen. Results of the experiment demostrated that post thawed sperm motility in the semen preserved with TEY (49.10%) or Andromed® (50.21%) was significantly higher (P = 0.037) than that preserved with TSM (41.53%). In contrast, the conception rates in cows inseminated with semen preserved with TSM, TEY, and Andromed® were 53.84% (7/13), 38.88% (5/13), and 38.46% (7/19), respectively. We are optimistic that TSM diluents will have similar qualities as TEY and Andromed® on preserving frozen semen by doing future intensive studies
Correlation between Semen Quality, Libido, and Testosterone Concentration in Bali Bulls
Indonesia has two National Artificial Insemination Centers (AIC) and more than 15 Regional Artificial Insemination Centers (RAIC) spread across several provinces. Bulls in the AIC must have a high libido and produce good quality semen. This study examines the correlation between libido with semen quality and testosterone concentration to determine potential frozen semen production from Bali bulls in South Sulawesi RAIC. Ten Bali bull were used in this study. Semen collection was carried out twice a week with semen evaluation following the RAIC protocol. At the same time, blood samples and libido measurements were carried out from each bull. The frozen semen production potential was calculated by multiplying the semen volume, motility, and sperm concentration. The results showed that the quality of fresh semen and testosterone concentrations did not differ between high and low libido of Bali bulls. Libido has a positive correlation with semen volume (r= 0.52) and sperm motility (r= 0.62), while testosterone concentration has a negative correlation with semen volume (r= -0.65), sperm motility (r= -0.60), and libido (r= -0.48). Bulls with high and low libido have good frozen semen production potential, ranging from 19,755 – 21,640 straws per year. Bali bulls in RAIC have fresh semen quality and testosterone concentrations under normal conditions, with high potential for frozen semen production, although only 60% of Bali cattle have high libido and 40% have low libido
The aims of this study were to investigate the freezing capability of Pasundan bull spermatozoa in Tris-egg yolk (TEY), Tris-soy (TS), and AndroMed® as diluents. Semen were collected twice a week from four Pasundan bulls aged 3-5 years old using an artificial vagina and evaluated macro- and microscopically. Semen had ≥70% sperm motility, ≥800x106/mL sperm concentration, and less than 20% sperm abnormalities were divided into three parts and each of them diluted with TEY, TS, or AndroMed®. After an equilibration step at 5°C for four hours, diluted semen were packaged in 0.25 mL straw, frozen in liquid nitrogen for ten minutes and kept in liquid nitrogen container until examination. Motility test on fresh, diluted, equilibrated, and after-thawed semen was done using Androvision®. The results showed that after thawing motility of sperm diluted in AndroMed® (58.64±0.72%) was higher than in TEY (49.45±1.22%) and TS (39.34±6.33%). Sperm motility of Pasundan bulls diluted in these three diluents reduced around 33.27±2.45% during freezing process
On the freezing semen chicken cryoprotectants required to overcome the damage of spermatozoa due to cold shock. This study aims to get the best concentrations of cryoprotectants glycerol concentration of 5%, 7% and 9% in freezing Sentul chicken semen. The semen used in this study came from three chickens Sentul and be repeated nine times. Semen was collected by  messase methods for three times a week. Semen was evaluated macroscopic and microscopic. Furthermore spermatozoa diluted with egg yolk and the addition of three concentrations of cryoprotectants glycerol (5%, 7% and 9%). Semen diluted 0:25 ml is packed into straw. Then equilibrated at a temperature of 5°C for two hours. After equilibration to evaluate the motility and viability of spermatozoa. Furthermore, frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor for 10 minutes. Frozen semen is then stored in liquid nitrogen containers with temperature -196°C. After 24 hours, semen is thawed at 37°C for 30 seconds. The results showed that the percentage of sperm motility and viability of frozen semen cock Sentul using glycerol cryoprotectants 5% better P (0.05) compared with the use of glycerol 7% and 9%. The use of glycerol 5% at this stage of equilibration and storage can reduce the damage of spermatozoa in the semen of chicken Sentul. Neither glycerol 5% could increase recovery rate after thawin
Semen Quality of Sentul Cock with Different Immunoglobulin Yolk Concentrations
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different IgY concentrations on the quality of semen (macroscopic and microscopic) and testicular morphometry (weight, length and width of the testes) of Sentul cock testis and its ability to fertilize hens. This study used 4 months of 20 Sentul cocks consisting 10 high IgY concentration cocks and low IgY concentration cocks. This study used a complete randomized design (RAL) with 2 treatments namely low and high IgY concentration and10 times repetitions. Data were analyzed using t-test minitab program versions 16. Based on the result, different IgY concentrations did not affect the quality of semen and testicular morphometrics, but high IgY concentration cocks were able to fertilize more hens than the low IgY concentrations one by using dilution methods. This proves that high IgY concentration cocks are more effective and efficient cocks or stud
Performa dan Karakteristik Semen serta Freezability Spermatozoa Ayam IPB-D1 dengan Konsentrasi Immunoglobulin Yolk Berbeda
Ayam IPB-D1 merupakan jenis ayam lokal dari hasil persilangan antara jantan F1 PS (Pelung x Sentul) dengan betina F1 (Kampung x Ras pedaging paren stock Cobb). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi performa, kualitas semen, dan freezability spermatozoa ayam IPB-D1 pada konsentrasi Immunoglobulin Yolk (IgY) berbeda. Materi yang digunakan yaitu ayam IPB-D1 jantan sebanyak 20 ekor, terdiri atas 10 ekor ayam dengan konsentrasi IgY rendah dan 10 ekor IgY tinggi dengan ayam umur 8 bulan. Variabel yang diamati yaitu performa yakni konsumsi pakan, pertambahan berat badan, morbiditas dan mortalitas, kualitas semen segar dan kualitas semen beku (freezability). Data dianalis menggunakan uji-t menggunakan program SAS dengan membandingkan antara konsentrasi IgY tinggi dan IgY rendah. Hasil analisis performa ayam IPB-D1 tidak berbeda (P>0.05) terhadap IgY yang berbeda. Hasil kualitas semen menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap konsistensi semen dan motilitas, viabilitas, konsentrasi serta konsentrasi spermatozoa per ejakulat. Ayam IPB D-1 pada dua konsentrasi IgY tidak berbeda nyata (P>0.05) terhadap motilitas semen segar dan recovary rate, namun Ayam IPB D-1 dengan konsentrasi IgY tinggi memiliki motilitas spermatozoa pasca thawing lebih baik daripada (P<0.05) Ayam dengan konsentrasi IgY yang rendah
Production Performance and Sperm Characteristics of Quail (Coturnix-coturnix japonica) with Different Concentrations of Yolk Immunoglobulin
Quails are classified according to their immunity to different IgY concentrations. Quail IgY concentrations range from 0 to 1200 µg ml-1, and these IgY concentrations may affect production and reproductive performance. This study aimed to analyze IgY concentrations in male quail and to compare production and reproductive performance at different IgY concentrations. Forty-two male quail at five weeks of age participated in the study, including 29 quail with low IgY concentration (210-393 µg ml-1)  and, 13 with intermediate IgY concentration (403-564 µg ml-1). The observed productive performances were feed intake, initial body weight, final body weight, weight gain, feed conversion, morbidity, and mortality. In addition, this study observed testicular weight and macroscopic and microscopic semen quality for reproductive traits. Differences in production and reproductive performance of each group were analyzed using an independent-sample t-test. The result showed that male quail with different IgY concentrations were equal in all productive traits (P0.05). This means that male quail with low IgY and medium IgY concentrations are equally good. Testicular weight, semen color and pH were identical at different IgY concentrations. Quails with low IgY concentrations have better sperm consistency, which is related to the weight of the testes, which are heavier in quails with low IgY concentrations than in those with moderate IgY concentrations. This consistency is related to the concentration of sperm in the semen. The result concludes IgY concentrations in male quail did not affect production performance. Quails with low IgY concentration had thicker sperm consistency and higher sperm concentration
Korelasi Konsentrasi Testosteron Darah terhadap Kualitas Semen Segar Ayam Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) dengan Fenotip Berbeda
Ayam KUB adalah ayam hasil seleksi dari Balai Penelitian Ternak Ciawi yang memiliki perbedaan fenotip seperti bentuk jengger dan warna bulu. Perbedaan fenotip berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi testosteron sehingga memengaruhi kualitas semen segar ayam KUB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh fenotip terhadap kualitas semen segar dan testosteron serta korelasinya. Sebanyak 20 ekor ayam KUB umur 1,5 tahun terbagi atas 4 kelompok perlakuan fenotip masing-masing 5 ekor yaitu jengger tunggal bulu penutup merah (JTBM), jenggger tunggal bulu penutup putih (JTBP), jengger pea bulu penutup merah (JPBM), dan jengger pea bulu penutup putih (JPBP). Peubah yang diamati adalah volume, warna, pH dan konsistensi, gerakkan massa, motilitas, viabilitas, abnormalitas dan konsentrasi ejakulat, konsentrasi testosteron dan panjang taji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pejantan dengan fenotip JPBM memiliki volume ejakulat paling tinggi dan JTBM adalah yang paling rendah (P<0.05). Pejantan berjengger tunggal memiliki pH lebih tinggi dibandingkan pejantan berjengger pea. Pejantan JTBM juga memiliki motilitas dan konsentrasi ejakulat paling rendah dibandingkan dengan fenotipe lainnya dan untuk peubah warna semen, gerakan massa, viabilitas dan abnormalitas tidak berbeda pada semua fenotip. Panjang taji kiri pejantan JTBP lebih pendek dibandingkan ketiga pejantan lainnya (P<0.05). Ukuran taji berkorelasi positif dengan konsentrasi testosteron dengan kisaran nilai r = 0.33-0.56. Konsentrasi testosteron berkorelasi postif dengan warna (r=0.76), konsentrasi ejakulat (r= 0.44), konsistensi semen (r=0.75) dan motilitas spermatozoa (r= 0.46). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pejantan JTBM memiliki kualitas semen segar kurang baik dibandingkan dengan ketiga kelompok pejantan lainnya. Ukuran taji bisa digunakan untuk memprediksi konsentrasi testosteron pada ayam jantan.
FA-6 Analysis of Sperm Freezing Capability of Various Bulls at the Singosari AI Center
Artificial insemination (AI) has been widely applied to improve genetic quality in cattle worldwide. One of the most important factors in AI program is the quality of semen. Many procedures in semen processing have been developed to preserve the sperm quality. The Singosari AI center produces the frozen semen through cryopreservation method. During this process, the number of semen collected will be rejected if the quality is low. Fresh semen with less than 70% of sperm motility, before freezing semen with less than 55%of sperm motility and less than 40% of sperm post-thawing motility evaluation will be rejected, so that it was only the viable sperm will be processed to be frozen semen commercial. Therefore, comparative study was carried out to analyze the freezing capability of sperm
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