61 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Metode Two Stage Mixing Approach (Tsma) Terhadap Kuat Tarik Belah Beton Porous Dengan Variasi Komposisi Agregat Kasar Daur Ulang (Rca)

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    Penggunaanpaving dari beton porous semakin banyak digunakan untuk mengurangi adanya gendangan air di permukaan jalan. Banyaknya limbah dari beton bangunan yang sudah dihancurkan menjadi masalah tersendiri sehingga muncul gagasan menggunakan agregat dari beton limbah sebagai pengganti agregat alam. Penggunaan agregatt dari beton limbah pada umumnya menghasilkan beton dengan mutu rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan metode Two Stage Mixing Approach (TSMA) terhadap kuat tarik belah beton porous, dan menggunakan variasi komposisi agregat kasar daur ulang (RCA) terhadap agregat kasar alam (NCA). Pada penelitian ini digunakan benda uji tarik belah berupa silinder beton porous dengan ukuran diameter 15 cm dan tinggi silinder 30 cm. Metode yang digunakan untuk pengecoran adalah metodenormal mixing approach (NMA) dan metode two stage mixing approach (TSMA) dengan variasi komposisi RCA 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100%. Untuk pembuatan beton porous campuran yang digunakan antara semen : agregat kasar : air adalah 1 : 4 : 0,3. Dan mutu parent concrete penghasil RCA adalah beton mutu K-175 – K-225. Variasi komposisi RCA yang digunakan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kuat tarik beton porous. RCA dengan kadar 50% dan menggunakan metode NMA menghasilkan kuat tarik belah tertinggi sebesar 1,4675 Mpa. Pada kadar RCA 25%, 75%, dan 100% benda uji metode TSMA memiliki kuat tarik belah lebih tinggi, dan kuat tarik belah tertinggi beton porousyang menggunakan metode TSMA adalah 1,3664 Mpa dengan kadar RCA 100%

    Pengaruh Panjang Segmen Pelat Beton Bertulang Dan Jarak Tumpuan Tiang Terhadap Penulangan Pile Slab

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    Desain konstruksi jalan raya menggunakan struktur pile slab telah umum penerapannya dan banyak diaplikasikan di negara Indonesia. Demikian pula, analisis yang digunakan juga sudah mengacu pada standar atau peraturan yang disepakati kegunaannya untuk mendesain setiap elemen strukturnya. Peraturan yang dimaksud untuk mendesain adalah peraturan pembebanan untuk jembatan RSNI T-02-2005, karena konstruksi jalan dengan struktur pile slab memiliki keidentikan dengan tipe konstruksi jembatan. Adapun perilaku struktur pile slab dianalisis menggunakan metode portal ekuivalen untuk penentuan gaya-gaya dalamnya. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan panjang segmen pelat pada struktur pile slab terhadap hasil perencanaan dimensi dan tulangan, maka dilakukan sejumlah model desain sebanyak 3 (tiga) level panjang segmen pelat berturut-turut 8 m, 10 m dan 12 m dengan kombinasi diameter pilar 0,5 m dan 0,6 m. Sebagai tahap akhir hasil desain, diperoleh jumlah kebutuhan tulangan yang paling efisien adalah segmen pelat 8 m dengan diameter pilar 0,5 m, yaitu tulangan D16 - 100 untuk arah memanjang dan D16 - 200 untuk tulangan arah melintang. Tulangan bagi yang diperlukan adalah D13 - 200 untuk masing-masing arah pelat. Kata

    Soft-tissue metastasis revealing a pancreatic adenocarcinoma: One case report and a review of literature

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    Soft tissue metastases from pancreatic adenocarcinoma are rare lesions and can be the source of diagnostic confusion both clinically and pathologically. To our knowledge, one patient has been reported on with soft tissue lesions that ultimately disclose a pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We report here on a patient who presented with a metastatic soft tissue lesion in the trochanter, and the buttocks, as the initial manifestation of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Soft tissue metastasis from pancreatic carcinoma is a rare finding. Clinicians should be aware that metastatic soft tissue lesions could be the initial presenting sign for pancreatic cancer. Also, the immunohistochemical staining for CK 7 and 19 may be helpful for the diagnosis of metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma

    Primary hepatoid carcinoma of the ovary: A case report

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    Primary hepatoid carcinoma of the ovary (HCO) is a very rare type of high-grade invasive malignant ovarian tumor with hepatic differentiation and production of á-fetoprotein (AFP). We describe a 78-year-old Moroccan woman who presented to our hospital with abdominal distension andpurplish nodules infiltrating the para umbilical skin with weight loss and impairment of her performance status. Excisional biopsy of the paraumbilical nodule revealed a cutaneous localization of moderately   differentiated adenocarcinoma and pelvic ultrasonography noted the presence of a tumoral right adnexal mass. The patient underwent an exploratory laparoscopy which found peritoneal carcinomatosis with pelvic adhesions allowing only a peritoneal biopsy. Diagnosis of primary hepatoid carcinoma of the ovary was established on the basis of classic   histopathologic findings, immunohistochemical staining and marked elevation in serum of á-fetoprotein more than the carbohydrate antigen 125. The patient received 3 cycles of chemotherapy based on Carboplatin and Paclitaxel with disease progression. No second line chemotherapy was given because of the drop of patient's performance status to 3. The patient died one month later

    Potential health and economic impacts of dexamethasone treatment for patients with COVID-19

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    Acknowledgements We thank all members of the COVID-19 International Modelling Consortium and their collaborative partners. This work was supported by the COVID-19 Research Response Fund, managed by the Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford. L.J.W. is supported by the Li Ka Shing Foundation. R.A. acknowledges funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1193472).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Evaluation of metals that are potentially toxic to agricultural surface soils, using statistical analysis, in northwestern Saudi Arabia

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    © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Heavy metals in agricultural soils enter the food chain when taken up by plants. The main purpose of this work is to determine metal contamination in agricultural farms in northwestern Saudi Arabia. Fifty surface soil samples were collected from agricultural areas. The study focuses on the geochemical behavior of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn, and determines the enrichment factor and geoaccumulation index. Multivariate statistical analysis, including principle component analysis and cluster analysis, is also applied to the acquired data. The study shows considerable variation in the concentrations of the analyzed metals in the studied soil samples. This variation in concentration is attributed to the intensity of agricultural activities and, possibly, to nearby fossil fuel combustion activities, as well as to traffic flows from highways and local roads. Multivariate analysis suggests that As, Cd, Hg and Pb are associated with anthropogenic activities, whereas Co, Cr, Cu and Zn are mainly controlled by geogenic activities. Hg and Pb show the maximum concentration in the analyzed samples as compared to the background concentration