3,335 research outputs found

    Professional Secrecy and Privileged Communication in Medical Practice

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    A medical professional has the faith and confidence of society in him/her. It is his utmost duty and responsibility to uphold the ethical standards of confidentiality, set forth in the Hippocratic Oath, the Declaration of Geneva, the International Code of Medical Ethics and the World Health Organization. Communication between the physician and his patient is privileged. This information can only be divulged, in part, under special circumstances

    Conformal mapping of unbounded multiply connected regions onto canonical slit regions

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    We present a boundary integral equation method for conformal mapping of unbounded multiply connected regions onto five types of canonical slit regions. For each canonical region, three linear boundary integral equations are constructed from a boundary relationship satisfied by an analytic function on an unboundedmultiply connected region. The integral equations are uniquely solvable. The kernels involved in these integral equations are the modified Neumann kernels and the adjoint generalized Neumann kernels

    Penggunaan Bahan Pengisi (Filler) Serbuk Keramik, Ditinjau dari Parameter Marshall pada Lapis Aspal Beton (Laston)

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    Transportasi merupakan salah satu urat nadi dalam perkembangan kemajuan suatu daerah atau negara, salah satu prasarana transportasi darat yang sangat penting adalah jalan raya. Pada Kenyataannya masih banyak jalan-jalan yang kurang memenuhi syarat, sehingga banyak jalan rusak dikarenakan kurang mampu untuk menahan beban lalu lintas jalan dan menerima beban kendaraan yang berlebihan, oleh karena itu diperlukan alternatif campuran-beraspal yang dapat diterapkan agar mampu mengatasi kerusakan-kerusakan akibat melemahnya daya ikat aspal terhadap butiran agregat dan filler, baik karena suhu, cuaca, mutu aspal dan agregat, maupun metode pelaksanaan dilapangan. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan bahan filler alternatif yaitu dengan menggunakan serbuk keramik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mengetahui sifat dan karakteristik aspal tanpa menggunakan serbuk keramik; (2) Mengetahui penggunaan serbuk keramik sebagai filler dengan kadar 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%. (3) mengetahui Pada kadar prosentase berapakah nilai optimum penggunaan serbuk keramik sebagai filler terhadap karakteristik parameter marshall pada campuran aspal beton. Dalam penelitian ini metode penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu tahapan pemilihan bahan, tahapan persiapan dan pembuatan benda uji, serta tahapan penelitian dan analisis data. Hasil dari penelitian menyebutkan bahwa: (1) Nilai Stabilitas, Flow, VIM, dan Marshall Quotient tanpa penambahan serbuk keramik sebagai filler akan terus meningkat sampai titik maksimum kemudian turun kesuatu nilai seiring penambahan serbuk keramik sebagai filler, (2) Dengan bertambahnya kadar serbuk keramik maka nilai Stabilitas dan nilai Marshall Quotient campuran aspal akan semakin tinggi. Dari uji statistik menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan nilai stabilitas dan nilai Marshall Quotient pada Lapisan Aspal Beton yang signifikan pada kadar serbuk keramik 60%, 80%, 100%; Selain itu nilai flow, VIM, dan VMA mengalami peningkatan dan pada kadar optimum mengalami penururan seiring penambahan filler serbuk keramik. (3) semua nilai dari karakteristik parameter Marshall masuk dalam spesifikasi yang disyaratkan. Namun jika dilihat dari pengujian hipotesis menggunakan Software SPSS 16.0 for Windows ada dua nilai parameter Marshall yang memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan yaitu pada nilai stabilitas dan nilai Marshall Quotient yang memiliki nilai signifikansi 0,00 pada kadar prosentase 60%, 80%, dan 100%

    Polyfluorene as a model system for space-charge-limited conduction

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    Ethyl-hexyl substituted polyfluorene (PF) with its high level of molecular disorder can be described very well by one-carrier space-charge-limited conduction for a discrete set of trap levels with energy \sim 0.5 eV above the valence band edge. Sweeping the bias above the trap-filling limit in the as-is polymer generates a new set of exponential traps, which is clearly seen in the density of states calculations. The trapped charges in the new set of traps have very long lifetimes and can be detrapped by photoexcitation. Thermal cycling the PF film to a crystalline phase prevents creation of additional traps at higher voltages.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. Physical Review B (accepted, 2007

    Green construction in India: gaining a deeper understanding

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    A workshop on green construction was organized in New Delhi in July 2008 by Jamia Millia University, India and University of Salford, U.K., aiming to increase 'green' practices that are environmentally friendly and energy efficient. The workshop included participants from regulatory bodies, public and private construction companies and researchers. The object of the workshop was to provide an opportunity to capture issues, challenges and research issues in green practices throughout the supply chain in the construction sector in India. The methodology constituted a survey that was provided to all participants, where eight questions were composed by the facilitators. The participants were asked about their views on voluntary and compulsory ways of assessment and audit of green implementation in India. The findings of the workshop featured major challenges, drivers, initiatives, and the ways of effective implementation as well as enforcement on the discussed topic

    Solid/CO2 and solid/water interfacial tensions as a function of pressure, temperature, salinity and mineral type: Implications for CO2-wettability and CO2 geo-storage

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    Wettability of CO2/brine/mineral systems plays a significant role in the underground geological storage of CO2 as it governs the fluid flow and distribution mechanism within the porous medium. Technically, wettability is influenced by CO2 pressure, the temperature of the storage formation, formation water salinity and the type of mineral under investigation. Although a growing number of studies report wettability data for CO2/water/mineral systems, yet the factors responsible for wettability variation with pressure and temperature remain unclear. In this work, we used the concept of surface energy to explain dependency of wettability on pressure, temperature and salinity. Neumann's equation of state approach was used to compute solid/CO2 and solid/water interfacial energies using reliable contact angle and CO2/brine interfacial tension data from the literature at a wide range of operating conditions for quartz, water-wet mica, oil-wet mica and high, medium and low-rank coals. Moreover, the all-important question that why different minerals offer different wettability to CO2/water systems at the same pressure and temperature of investigation is addressed by comparing the interfacial energies of the minerals. We found that for all minerals solid/CO2 interfacial energy decreased with pressure and increased with temperature, and solid/water interfacial energy decreased with temperature except for quartz for which solid/water interfacial energy increased with temperature. Furthermore, the solid/CO2 interfacial energy was lowest for the oil-wet mica surface and highest for quartz which is due to higher hydrophobicity of oil-wet mica surface. The results of the study lead to a better understanding of the wetting phenomenon at the CO2/brine/mineral interface and thus contribute towards the better evaluation of geological CO2-storage processes

    Hyperforin: A lead for antidepressants

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    Depression is a complex but treatable disorder if diagnosed appropriately. However, despite the advances in the understanding of the molecular basis of this disorder and the vast range of medication, psychotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy, very safe and effective drug to treat this disease is still being sought. Several studies suggest that St.John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) has phloroglucinol derivative, hyperforin, exhibiting antidepressant activity. This bioactive component can be exploited to create a major shift in the safer treatment of depression. Keywords: Hypericum perforatum L., St. John's wort, Antidepressant, Hyperfori