27 research outputs found

    Detection of immovable objects on visually impaired people walking aids

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    One consequence of a visually impaired (blind) person is a lack of ability in the activities related to the orientation and mobility. Blind person uses a stick as a tool to know the objects that surround him/her.The objective of this research is to develop a tool for blind person which is able to recognize what object in front of him/her when he/she is walking. An attached camera will obtain an image of an object which is then processed using template matching method to identify and trace the image of the object. After getting the image of the object, furthermore calculate and compare it with the data training. The output is produced in the form of sound that in accordance with the object. The result of this research is that the best slope and distance for the template matching method to properly detect silent objects is 90 degrees and 2 meters

    Penentuan Penerimaan Mahasiswa Terhadap Aplikasi Menghitung Invers Matrik Ordo 3x3 Dan 4x4 Dengan Pendekatan User Acceptance Test

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    Simulation application calculate the inverse order of 3x3 and 4x4 matrices developed to help students understand the process of finding the inverse of a matrix. To find out how the rate of admissions to the simulation application calculate the inverse matrix of order 3x3 and 4x4 tested using the method of User Acceptance Test. In this test data taken are students who have used the application. Based on the experiments, we concluded simulation application calculate the inverse matrix can be used as a medium of learning for student

    Penentuan Status Tagihan Pelanggan Menggunakan Fuzzy C-Means Pada Aplikasi Weberp

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    On the sale of goods and services cctv21.com before the release of a bill to consumers, so the staff concerned sales order (sales order) prior to the consumer and then after all the desired items appropriate then further processed and made sales order invoice (invoice) name contains the description, quantity and price paid. Problems arise when there are some consumers who do not pay bills or forget to pay the bill for the services of installation of CCTV and the like. for payment deadlines in the system that is running a list of charges grouped into 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, 210 days to 360 days. Fuzzy clustering is a technique to determine the optimal cluster in a vector space based on the normal form for the Euclidean distance between vectors. Fuzzy clustering is very useful for modeling fuzzy, especially in identifying fuzzy rules. In cctv21.com companies already using the previous ERP for billing invoice to the customer can be seen from the menu customer aged balance / overdues report. Then from the system menu of existing companies want to add features to the ERP which this feature can determine the level of interest of consumer bills to be somewhat (slightly) urgent, urgent or very urgent

    The Automatic Doors Integrated Absence and User Access Using Fingerprint

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    This research aims to design Accompanied Door Access System Automation Absence and User Access Rights Using Integrated Fingerprint Database on Basic Computer Lab Informatics STT-PLN. What is meant by "Absent Automation and User Access Rights" among other computerized attendance automatically using fingerprint and right into a room on a predetermined schedule of lectures on computer lab space. System design method used is the method of evolutionary prototype, using MySQL database and coding using Visual C # .NET. These results indicate that the Door Access System Automation Accompanied Absence and User Access Rights Using Integrated Fingerprint Database can help assistants in attendance processing, computer lab room becomes more secure and computerize


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    Peuyeumisasi derived from Peuyeum word which means is tapai made from fermented cassava by involving the activity of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Research conducted from the beginning to the process of testing the Temperature Monitoring System in peuyeumisasi process can be concluded that: Measurement of temperature in peuyeumisasi process to keep the waste temperature remain optimal during the peuyeumisasi process. Temperature montoring system is done automatically and integrated with computer. Tools that provide relevant temperature data information and provide action when the temperature is not optimal

    Embedded System Practicum Module for Increase Student Comprehension of Microcontroller

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    The result of applying the embedded system in education for students is successfully applied in university. On the other side, many people in Indonesia use smart equipment’s (Hand phone, Remote), but none of those equipments are used in education. University as the source of knowledge should overcome the problem by encouraging the students to use a technology with learning about it first. Embedded System Practicum Module Design needs a prototype method so that the practicum module that is desired can be made. This method is often used in real life. A prototype considered of a part of a product that expresses logic and physical of external interface that is being displayed and this method will fully depend on user contentment. Embedded System Practicum Module Design is made to increase student comprehension of embedded system course and to encourage students to innovate, so that many technologies will be developed and also to help lecturers deliver course subjects. With this practicum it is hoped that the student comprehension will increase significantly. The result of this research is a decent practicum module, hardware or software that can help students to know better about technology and the course subjects so that it will encourage the students to create an embedded system technology. The result of the test has been done; there is an increase of learning value obtained by 7.8%

    Penerapan Metode K-Means Dan C4.5 Untuk Prediksi Penderita Diabetes

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    The purpose of this study is to predict HbA1c in diabetics. The obstacles behind the prediction of HbA1c is the limitations in the laboratory to provide services for diabetics regarding HbA1 check-up. HbA1c prediction is made by a combination of K-Means and C4.5 methods. K-Means is used to classify continuous data. From the results of the K-Means classification will be used by C4.5 to create a rule (decision tree). The prediction results obtained will be carried out as a validation process to determine the level of accuracy by using K-Fold Cross-Validation. The accuracy value obtained is 72%. The resulting benefit from the prediction of HbA1c can be used as an alternative solution to overcome limitations in the laboratory in terms of HbA1c check-up servicing and the results of HbA1c prediction can also be used as a recommendation by doctor in determining the medical decision for diabetics

    Klasifikasi Sentiment Analysis Pada Komentar Peserta Diklat Menggunakan Metode K-Nearest Neighbor

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    The process of analyzing and classifying comment data done by reading and sorting one by one negative comments and classifying them one by one using Ms. Excel not effective if the data to be processed in large quantities. Therefore, this study aims to apply sentiment analysis on comment data using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method. The comment data used is the comments of the participants of the training on Udiklat Jakarta filled by each participant who followed the training. Furthermore, the comment data is processed by pre-processing, weighting the word using Term Frequency-Invers Document Frequency, calculating the similarity level between the training data and test data with cosine similarity. The process of applying sentiment analysis is done to determine whether the comment is positive or negative. Furthermore, these comments will be classified into four categories, namely: instructors, materials, facilities and infrastructure. The results of this study resulted in a system that can classify comment data automatically with an accuracy of 94.23