35 research outputs found
Qualitative and Quantitative Characters of Three Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.) Strains in Indonesia
The second generation of gynogenetic diploid common carp of majalaya, sinyonya and mirror strains have been produced in 1992. Some of them were sex-reversed by oral administration of 17 α-methyltestoteronne. The females and sex-reversed males were matured on early 1994 and mated to produce progenies ofpure strains. This research aimed to measure certain quantitative characters since the early stage of developmentto the market size. Three different conditions of rearing (i.e. rice field, ponds and concrete tanks) were applied during the nursery phase, while the earthen pond and running water system with intensive feeding were used for the grow-out stage. The results showed that average fecundity of sinyonya carp was higherthan mirror and majalaya strains, but its performances of the early development (i.e. fertilization rate, hatching rate and survival rate at 14 days old) was lowest. At the nursery phase, the survival and growth rates of majalaya carp was relatively better than the other two strains, but the mirror carp had highest feed efficiency and lowest protein retention. During culture period, the growth rates of these three common carp strains were relatively similar (1%), but sinyonya carp, among strains had the highest percentage of fillet (38.5%) with the lowest total number of muscular bones (69), the highest level of protein content (77.5%) and the lowest level of lipid content (16.6%) among the three strains
Survival Rate and Growth Performance of Catfish (Clarias sp) Seeds with the Addition of Serotonin Hormone
Masalah utama yang dihadapi dalam penyediaan benih ikan lele yang berkualitas adalah rendahnya tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan. Adapun upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan lele dan pertumbuhan dengan melalui pemberian hormon serotonin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi peran dan dosis hormon serotonin terhadap tingkat kelulusan hidup dan kinerja pertumbuhan pada benih ikan lele. Penelitian ini menggunakan RAL yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan yakni pemberian hormon serotonin sebesar 0 (S0), 0.1 (S1), 1.0 (S2), 1.5 (S3) mg /g-1 ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian serotonin sebesar 1.0 (S2) mg /g-1 ikan mampu meningkatkan kelulusan hidup benih ikan lele sebesar 8.70 % dan menghambat kinerja pertumbuhan sebesar 13.86 % pada benih ikan lele (Clarias sp).The main problem faced in the supply of quality catfish seeds is the low survival and growth rates. The efforts that can be made to increase the survival rate of catfish and growth by administering the hormone serotonin. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role and dose of the hormone serotonin on survival rates and growth performance in catfish fry. This study used RAL which consisted of 4 treatments with 3 replications namely the administration of serotonin hormone of 0 (S0), 0.1 (S1), 1.0 (S2), 1.5 (S3) mg/g-1 fish. The results showed that giving serotonin at 1.0 (S2) mg/g-1 fish was able to increase the survival rate of catfish seeds by 8.70% and inhibit growth performance by 13.86% in catfish seeds (Clarias sp)
Utilization of MS 222 in Transport of Catfish (Pangasius sutchi) Seed
ABSTRACTProblems faced in supplying seed out of Java especially Bogor to Sumatera, for instance, are it only contains few seed (100 seeds/l) and it has a high mortality rate because of stress during transport. This experiment was conducted to know the effect of MS 222 in keeping fish metabolism activity down while taking note of its survival rate and change of water quality. The experimental design used here was factorial design 3x5 with 3 repetitions. Dosages of MS–222 were 0, 25 and 50 ppm and the fish densities were 100, 300, 400, 500 and 600 per liter. As container was plastic bag (volume 10 l). After putting the fish into the plastic bag, it was filled up with oxygen, which the volume was 3 times than water volume, than the plastic bag was closed by tying it. After 18 hours of treatment the survival rate and water quality were checked. Based on evaluation of survival rate, it was concluded that the combination between 25 ppm of MS 222 and fish density, which was 500 per liter, gave an optimum result.Keywords: Catfish, Pangasius sutchi, live transport, stress, MS–222, survival rate ABSTRAKKendala yang dihadapi dalam pemasokan benih ikan patin dari pulau Jawa terutama Bogor, keluar pulau Jawa terutama Sumatera adalah jumlah ikan yang terangkut masih sedikit (± 100 ekor/l) dan tingkat kematian yang cukup tinggi, karena stres selama perjalanan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan MS–222 dalam menekan aktivitas metabolisme ikan dengan memperhatikan tingkat kelangsungan ikan dan perubahan kualitas air. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan faktorial 3x5 dengan 3 ulangan. Dosis MS–222 yang digunakan: 0,25 dan 50 ppm dan kepadatan ikan: 100, 300, 400, 500 dan 600 ekor/l. Wadah pengangkutan berupa kantong plastik (volume 10 l). Ikan yang diangkut dimasukkan ke dalam kantong plastik, kemudian dipompakan oksigen sebanyak 3 kali volume air, selanjutnya dilakukan pengikatan. Setelah 18 jam perlakuan dilakukan perhitungan terhadap tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan dan perubahan kualitas air media. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kombinasi penggunaan MS–222 25 ppm dan kepadatan ikan 500 ekor/l memberikan tingkat kelangsungan hidup yang optimal.Kata kunci: Ikan patin, Pangasius sutchi, pengangkutan hidup, stres, MS–222, tingkat kelangsungan hidup
Supplementation of astaxanthin and vitamin E in feed on the development of gonads white shrimp broodstock Litopenaeus vannamei Boone 1931
ABSTRACT The quality of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei broodstock can be improved through the addition of astaxanthin and vitamin E in the diet. This study aimed to determine the effect of administration of astaxanthin and vitamin E with different doses in the feed on the maturity gonad of prospective Pacific white shrimp broodstock. Supplementation of 0 mg/kg feed astaxanthin + 0 mg/kg feed vitamin E (control/A), 500 mg/kg feed astaxanthin (B), 350 mg/kg feed vitamin E (C), 500 mg/kg feed astaxanthin and 350 mg/kg feed vitamin E (D), and 250 mg/kg feed astaxanthin and 175 mg/kg feed vitamin E (E) were applied in feed formulation. Shrimp was fed 2% of body weight three times daily at 06.00 am, 13.00 pm, and 20.00 pm. The result showed that the optimum dose for survival, specific growth rate and maturity level of Pacific white shrimp broodstock was obtained in the combination of 175 mg/kg vitamin E and 250 mg/kg astaxanthin. The survival of shrimp by that treatment was 100.00±0.00%, specific growth rate 1.07±0.26%/day, the first level of gonad maturity growth was reached at day 14 (19.45±4.81%), the fourth level of gonad maturity was obtained at day 41, spawning rate 33.33±8.33%, fecundity 87,000±2,000 eggs, and hatching rate reached 49.00±1.53%. Keywords: astaxanthin, Litopenaeus vannamei, vitamin E  ABSTRAK Peningkatan kualitas induk udang vaname Litopenaeus vannamei dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan vitamin E dan astaxanthin pada pakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian astaxanthin dan vitamin E dengan dosis berbeda dalam pakan terhadap tingkat kematangan gonad calon induk udang vaname. Dosis yang digunakan adalah 0 mg/kg pakan astaxanthin + 0 mg/kg pakan vitamin E (kontrol/A),  500 mg/kg pakan astaxanthin (B), 350 mg/kg pakan vitamin E (C), 500 mg/kg pakan astaxanthin and 350 mg/kg pakan vitamin E (D), and 250 mg/kg pakan astaxanthin and 175 mg/kg pakan vitamin E (E). Pemberian pakan dengan penambahan vitamin E dan astaxanthin dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali, yaitu jam 06.00, 13.00, dan 20.00 WIB sebanyak 2% dari bobot udang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis optimum untuk sintasan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, dan tingkat kematangan induk udang vaname diperoleh dengan kombinasi 175 mg/kg vitamin E dan 250 mg/kg astaxanthin. Kelangsungan hidup udang dengan perlakuan tersebut adalah 100,00±0,00%, laju pertumbuhan spesifik 1,07±0,26%/hari, tingkat kematangan gonad pertama dicapai pada hari ke 14 (19,45±4,81%), tingkat kematangan gonad keempat diperoleh pada hari ke 41, tingkat pemijahan 33,33±8,33%, fekunditas 87.000±2.000 telur, dan tingkat penetasan mencapai 49,00±1,53%.  Kata kunci: astaxanthin, udang vaname Litopenaeus vannamei, vitamin E</p
Dietary vitamin E on the reproductive performance of the fantail goldfish Carassius auratus auratus
ABSTRACT This research was conducted to examine the different dose of vitamin E in the diet on female broodstock reproduction performance of the fantail goldfish Carassius auratus auratus. This research consisted of four treatments with three replications. The use of vitamin E doses was 0, 125, 250, and 375 mg/kg. The vitamin E was dissolved in vegetable oil and mixed with albumen as a binder in feed. The vitamin E was sprayed at feed and was air dried. Female broodstock of the fantail goldfishes were reared for 40 days. The result showed that 375 mg/kg treatment performed the highest quality of reproduction. Egg diameter, gonadosomatic index, fecundity, and germinal vesicle breakdown of fish which are treated by 375 mg/kg vitamin E were respectively 0.92±0.05 mm, 8.86±4.62%, 56.00±29.18%, and 67.35±17.67% higher than control. Thus, 375 mg/kg of dietary vitamin E suplementating was a best dose to improve female broodstock productivity of the fantail goldfish Keywords: female broodstock, fantail goldfish, vitamin E, reproduction quality  ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan untuk menguji suplementasi vitamin E dengan dosis berbeda dicampur ke dalam pakan komersial terhadap produktivitas induk betina ikan komet Carassius auratus auratus. Penelitian ini menggunakan empat perlakuan dengan tiga ulangan. Dosis vitamin E yang diberikan, yaitu 0, 125, 250, dan 375 mg/kg pakan. Vitamin E dilarutkan dalam minyak nabati dan dicampur dengan putih telur sebagai perekat pada pakan. Vitamin E disemprotkan ke pakan dan dikeringanginkan. Induk betina ikan komet pascasalin dengan bobot 72,78±19,47 g diberi perlakuan selama 40 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induk betina ikan komet yang diberi suplementasi vitamin E sebanyak 375 mg/kg dalam pakan memiliki diameter telur 0,92±0,05 mm, gonadosomatic index 8,86±4,62%, fekunditas 56,00±29,18 butir/g ikan, dan germinal vesicle breakdown 67,35±17,67% yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontrol. Dengan demikian, suplementasi vitamin E sebesar 375 mg/kg pada pakan adalah dosis terbaik dalam meningkatkan produktivitas induk betina ikan komet. Kata kunci: induk betina, ikan komet, vitamin E, kualitas reproduksi
Application of different honey and dilution ratios on sperm quality of Pangasianodon hypopthalmus
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various types of honey (longan honey, lychee honey, and cottonwoods honey) on sperm quality of Siamese catfish Pangasianodon hypopthalmus with different dilution ratios after the storage period which includes sperm viability, fertilization rate, and hatching rate. The best treatment was obtained on the aplication of longan honey as a sperm diluent at 1:50 dilution ratio, with sperm viability 96.33±0.58%, fertilization rate 97.10±0.70%, and hatching rate 93.44±2.39%. Keywords: Siamese catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, honey, sperm dilution ratio  ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian berbagai jenis madu (madu kelengkeng, madu leci, dan madu randu) terhadap kualitas sperma ikan patin siam Pangasianodon hypopthalmus dengan rasio pengenceran berbeda setelah masa penyimpanan, yang meliputi viabilitas sperma, tingkat fertilisasi, dan derajat penetasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik didapatkan pada pemberian madu kelengkeng dengan rasio pengenceran 1:50 dengan viabilitas sperma 96,33±0,58%, tingkat fertilisasi 97,10±0,70%, dan derajat penetasan 93,44±2,39%. Kata kunci: ikan patin, Pangasianodon hypopthalmus, madu, rasio pengenceran sperma
Optimasi transplantasi menggunakan sel donor dari ikan gurame muda dan ikan nila triploid sebagai resipien
Testicular cell transplantation technology can be used in fish seed production engineering. In this study, optimization of transplantation using donor cells from young gouramy and triploid tilapia (3N) as recipient. Triploid tilapia is produced using heat shock method. The testes of male gouramy (body weight of 400- 850 g) was dissociated using 0.5% trypsin. Dissociated testicular cells was injected into the peritoneal cavity of tilapia larvae. Analysis of donor cell colonization was carried out using PCR method with DNA template that had been extracted from the gonad of 2-month-old tilapia. PCR was performed using specific primers for the growth hormone gene and (3-actin as an internal control of DNA loading. The results of nucleoli preparation showed that the success of triploidyzation was 88.5%. The gonad size of diploid (2N) and 3N recipient were relatively similar, while in not transplanted 3N tilapia was rudimentary. PCR results showed that the transplanted 3N tilapia has a DNA band of the same size with gouramy, while in control was not. This indicated that donor cells have been colonized in the gonads of recipient. The donor cell colonization in recipient 3N (78%) was higher than that of 2N (50%). Further research is required to determine the ability of donor cells differentiate into sperm and eggs in recipient gonad
Effect of electrical field on gonadal development of goldfish in saline media
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of electric field exposure duration at the voltage of 10 volt on goldfish Carassius auratus auratus gonadal development maintained in 3 ppt salinity media. The experiment consisted of four treatments in triplicates i.e. control, two, four, and six minutes of electrical-field exposure. The experiment design used was completely randomized design. Fish used was female goldfish at the density of 4 fish/aquarium with an average total length of 12.27±0.05 cm and average body weight of 22.29±0.54 g. Result of study showed that the electrical-field exposure at 10 volt for all duration treatments in 3 ppt of media salinity did not give significant effect on gonadosomatic index (GSI) and gonadal development of goldfish. Keywords: electrical field, Carassius auratus auratus, gonad, salinity  ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh lama waktu pemaparan medan listrik dengan voltase 10 volt terhadap perkembangan gonad ikan komet Carassius auratus auratus yang dipelihara pada media bersalinitas 3 ppt. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini terdiri atas empat perlakuan, yaitu: perlakuan kontrol, dua, empat, dan enam menit. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah ikan komet betina. Jumlah ikan yang digunakan adalah 4 ekor/akuarium dengan panjang total rata-rata 12,27±0,05 cm dan bobot tubuh rata-rata 22,29±0,54 g. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian medan listrik sebesar 10 volt dengan lama waktu pemaparan medan listrik pada semua perlakuan durasi di media pemeliharaan bersalinitas 3 ppt tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap parameter indeks gonadosomatik (GSI) dan perkembangan gonad ikan komet. Kata kunci: medan listrik, Carassius auratus auratus, gonad, salinita
Optimasi transplantasi menggunakan sel donor dari ikan gurame muda dan ikan nila triploid sebagai resipien
Testicular cell transplantation technology can be used in fish seed production engineering. In this study, optimization of transplantation using donor cells from young gouramy and triploid tilapia (3N) as recipient. Triploid tilapia is produced using heat shock method. The testes of male gouramy (body weight of 400- 850 g) was dissociated using 0.5% trypsin. Dissociated testicular cells was injected into the peritoneal cavity of tilapia larvae. Analysis of donor cell colonization was carried out using PCR method with DNA template that had been extracted from the gonad of 2-month-old tilapia. PCR was performed using specific primers for the growth hormone gene and (3-actin as an internal control of DNA loading. The results of nucleoli preparation showed that the success of triploidyzation was 88.5%. The gonad size of diploid (2N) and 3N recipient were relatively similar, while in not transplanted 3N tilapia was rudimentary. PCR results showed that the transplanted 3N tilapia has a DNA band of the same size with gouramy, while in control was not. This indicated that donor cells have been colonized in the gonads of recipient. The donor cell colonization in recipient 3N (78%) was higher than that of 2N (50%). Further research is required to determine the ability of donor cells differentiate into sperm and eggs in recipient gonad
Identification of Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed based on phylogenetic and carrageenan conten
Increasing seaweed production requires accurate information regarding the genetic sources of seeds used. Identifying the seaweed species Kappaphycus molecular is one of the solutions to ensure seaweed cultivators choose seeds for their cultivation businesses. Molecular identification is essential for the system traceability of seaweed products and the creation of databases regarding species variant information Kappaphycus alvarezii cultivation as potential data collection for developing and genetically breeding seaweed seeds. To date, there is no information on the genetic potential of K. alvarezii cultivated in various seaweed cultivation centers in Indonesia. This study aimed to obtain phylogenetic details based on identification of the genetic source using DNA molecular markers barcoding rbcL and analysis of carrageenan content using the Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectrum. The results of DNA sequencing analysis and FTIR testing of 16 varieties of seaweed seedlings obtained from various cultivation centers in Indonesia showed 99% similarity with K. alvarezii, a producer of kappa carrageenan.
Keywords: DNA sequencing, phylogenetics, haplotypes, kappa-carrageenan, rbcL
Peningkatan produksi rumput laut memerlukan informasi yang akurat mengenai kepastian sumber genetik bibit yang digunakan. Identifikasi spesies rumput laut Kappaphycus secara molekuler merupakan salah satu solusi untuk memberikan kepastian pada pembudidaya rumput laut untuk memilih bibit bagi usaha budidaya. Identifikasi molekuler sangat penting dalam sistem traceability produk rumput laut dan pembuatan basis data mengenai informasi varian spesies Kappaphycus alvarezii budidaya sebagai pendataan potensi untuk pengembangan dan pemuliaan bibit rumput laut secara genetis. Sampai saat ini belum tersedia informasi mengenai potensi genetik rumput laut K. alvarezii yang dibudidayakan di berbagai sentra budidaya rumput laut di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi filogenetik berdasarkan identifikasi sumber genetiknya menggunakan penanda molekuler DNA barcoding rbcL serta analisis kandungan karaginannya menggunakan spektrum Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR). Dari hasil analisis sekuensing DNA dan pengujian FTIR terhadap 16 varietas bibit rumput laut yang diperoleh di berbagai sentra budidaya di Indonesia menghasilkan 99% kemiripan yang tinggi dengan K. alvarezii penghasil kappa karagenan.
Kata kunci: DNA sekuensing, filogenetik, haplotipe, kappa-karagenan, rbc