107 research outputs found

    Genomics of the human Y chromosome and molecular diagnosis

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    The human Y chromosome carries a few functional genes as against a plethora of non-coding DNA sequences and shows a high degree of geographical and ethnic variations for a range of loci manifested as genetic polymorphisms. Y-chromosome linked sequence tagged sites (STS) and short tandem repeat (STR) marker systems offer infallible tool for gender identification, paternity testing, genome individualization and assessing male fertility status. Population-specific Y haplotypes and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are envisaged to be useful in establishing a correlation between diseased phenotypes with genetic polymorphisms. We discuss genomics of the human Y-chromosome and its possible applications in biology, medical and forensic sciences

    Molecular characterization of a Y-derived marker chromosome and identification of indels in the DYS1 region in a patient with stigmata of Turner syndrome

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    Presence of the Y chromosome in human female and its absence in the male is an abnormal condition, implying a spectrum of genetic abnormalities. In this communication, we describe studies conducted on a 17-year-old patient (HK-459) with stigmata of Turner syndrome. We analysed the hormonal profile of the subject, chromosomal constitution and DNA for the five different loci encompassing both the arms of the Y chromosome. Chromosomal analysis showed mosaicism containing 45,X/46,X,+mar but no Y chromosome. The X chromosome and all the autosomes of the patient and her parents were normal. The Southern analysis of the patient's genomic DNA with probes specific to DYZ1 locus did not detect the corresponding Y-specific signal. Similarly, primers RG4, RG7 and PABY, corresponding to SRY gene and pseudoautosomal boundary regions respectively, failed to generate Y-specific amplicons. However, primers DYZ3 and DYS1, representing centromeric heterochromatic and euchromatic regions respectively, on the long arm of the Y chromosome uncovered Y-specific signals in the patient and her mother. Sequence analysis of DYS1-specific (710 bp) amplicon from the patient, both of her parents and two normal males showed insertion/deletion mutation in the patient. It is inferred that the Y-derived marker chromosome in the patient is of maternal origin and had undergone post-zygotic mutational events. The possible prognostic implications of this combined approach in the patient(s) with stigmata of Turner syndrome are discussed here

    Loss of Function of the Nuclear Receptor NR2F2, Encoding COUP-TF2, Causes Testis Development and Cardiac Defects in 46,XX Children

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    Emerging evidence from murine studies suggests that mammalian sex determination is the outcome of an imbalance between mutually antagonistic male and female regulatory networks that canalize development down one pathway while actively repressing the other. However, in contrast to testis formation, the gene regulatory pathways governing mammalian ovary development have remained elusive. We performed exome or Sanger sequencing on 79 46,XX SRY-negative individuals with either unexplained virilization or with testicular/ovotesticular disorders/differences of sex development (TDSD/OTDSD). We identified heterozygous frameshift mutations in NR2F2, encoding COUP-TF2, in three children. One carried a c.103_109delGGCGCCC (p.Gly35Argfs( *)75) mutation, while two others carried a c.97_103delCCGCCCG (p.Pro33Alafs( *)77) mutation. In two of three children the mutation was de novo. All three children presented with congenital heart disease (CHD), one child with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), and two children with blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES). The three children had androgen production, virilization of external genitalia, and biochemical or histological evidence of testicular tissue. We demonstrate a highly significant association between the NR2F2 loss-of-function mutations and this syndromic form of DSD (p = 2.44 x 10(-8)). We show that COUP-TF2 is highly abundant in a FOXL2-negative stromal cell population of the fetal human ovary. In contrast to the mouse, these data establish COUP-TF2 as a human "pro-ovary" and "anti-testis" sex-determining factor in female gonads. Furthermore, the data presented here provide additional evidence of the emerging importance of nuclear receptors in establishing human ovarian identity and indicate that nuclear receptors may have divergent functions in mouse and human biology

    Mutations involving the SRY-related gene SOX8 are associated with a spectrum of human reproductive anomalies.

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    © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. SOX8 is an HMG-box transcription factor closely related to SRY and SOX9. Deletion of the gene encoding Sox8 in mice causes reproductive dysfunction but the role of SOX8 in humans is unknown. Here, we show that SOX8 is expressed in the somatic cells of the early developing gonad in the human and influences human sex determination. We identified two individuals with 46, XY disorders/differences in sex development (DSD) and chromosomal rearrangements encompassing the SOX8 locus and a third individual with 46, XY DSD and a missense mutation in the HMG-box of SOX8. In vitro functional assays indicate that this mutation alters the biological activity of the protein. As an emerging body of evidence suggests that DSDs and infertility can have common etiologies, we also analysed SOX8 in a cohort of infertile men (n=274) and two independent cohorts of women with primary ovarian insufficiency (POI; n=153 and n=104). SOX8 mutations were found at increased frequency in oligozoospermic men (3.5%; P < 0.05) and POI (5.06%; P=4.5×10 -5 ) as compared with fertile/normospermic control populations (0.74%). The mutant proteins identified altered SOX8 biological activity as compared with the wild-type protein. These data demonstrate that SOX8 plays an important role in human reproduction and SOX8 mutations contribute to a spectrum of phenotypes including 46, XY DSD, male infertility and 46, XX POI.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Mutation Analysis of NR5A1 Encoding Steroidogenic Factor 1 in 77 Patients with 46, XY Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) Including Hypospadias

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    BACKGROUND: Mutations of the NR5A1 gene encoding steroidogenic factor-1 have been reported in association with a wide spectrum of 46,XY DSD (Disorder of Sex Development) phenotypes including severe forms of hypospadias. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We evaluated the frequency of NR5A1 gene mutations in a large series of patients presenting with 46,XY DSD and hypospadias. Based on their clinical presentation 77 patients were classified either as complete or partial gonadal dysgenesis (uterus seen at genitography and/or surgery, n = 11), ambiguous external genitalia without uterus (n = 33) or hypospadias (n = 33). We identified heterozygous NR5A1 mutations in 4 cases of ambiguous external genitalia without uterus (12.1%; p.Trp279Arg, pArg39Pro, c.390delG, c140_141insCACG) and a de novo missense mutation in one case with distal hypospadias (3%; p.Arg313Cys). Mutant proteins showed reduced transactivation activity and mutants p.Arg39Pro and p.Arg313Cys did not synergize with the GATA4 cofactor to stimulate reporter gene activity, although they retained their ability to physically interact with the GATA4 protein. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Mutations in NR5A1 were observed in 5/77 (6.5%) cases of 46,XY DSD including hypospadias. Excluding the cases of 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis the incidence of NR5A1 mutations was 5/66 (7.6%). An individual with isolated distal hypopadias carried a de novo heterozygous missense mutation, thus extending the range of phenotypes associated with NR5A1 mutations and suggesting that this group of patients should be screened for NR5A1 mutations

    Association of the MTHFR A1298C Variant with Unexplained Severe Male Infertility

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    The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene is one of the main regulatory enzymes involved in folate metabolism, DNA synthesis and remethylation reactions. The influence of MTHFR variants on male infertility is not completely understood. The objective of this study was to analyze the distribution of the MTHFR C677T and A1298C variants using PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) in a case group consisting of 344 men with unexplained reduced sperm counts compared to 617 ancestry-matched fertile or normozoospermic controls. The Chi square test was used to analyze the genotype distributions of MTHFR polymorphisms. Our data indicated a lack of association of the C677T variant with infertility. However, the homozygous (C/C) A1298C polymorphism of the MTHFR gene was present at a statistically high significance in severe oligozoospermia group compared with controls (OR = 3.372, 95% confidence interval CI = 1.27–8.238; p = 0.01431). The genotype distribution of the A1298C variants showed significant deviation from the expected Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, suggesting that purifying selection may be acting on the 1298CC genotype. Further studies are necessary to determine the influence of the environment, especially the consumption of diet folate on sperm counts of men with different MTHFR variants

    Longitudinal Evaluation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Function in 8 Boys with Adrenal Hypoplasia Congenita (AHC) Due to NR0B1 Mutations

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    BACKGROUND:Boys carrying mutations in the NR0B1 gene develop adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) and impaired sexual development due to the combination of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) and primary defects in spermatogenesis. METHODS:We analysed the evolution of hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular function of 8 boys with AHC due to NR0B1 mutations. Our objective was to characterize and monitor the progressive deterioration of this function. RESULTS:The first symptoms appeared in the neonatal period (n = 5) or between 6 months and 8.7 years (n = 3). Basal plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) concentrations increased in all boys, whilst cortisol levels decreased in one case. The natremia was equal or below 134 mmol/L and kaliemia was over 5 mmol/L. All had increased plasma renin. In 3 of 4 patients diagnosed in the neonatal period and evaluated during the first year, the basal plasma gonadotropins concentrations, and their response to gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) test (n = 2), and those of testosterone were normal. The plasma inhibin B levels were normal in the first year of life. With the exception of two cases these concentrations decreased to below the normal for age. Anti-Müllerian hormone concentrations were normal for age in all except one case, which had low concentrations before the initiation of testosterone treatment. In 3 of the 8 cases the gene was deleted and the remaining 5 cases carried frameshift mutations that are predicted to introduce a downstream nonsense mutation resulting in a truncated protein. CONCLUSIONS:The decreases in testosterone and inhibin B levels indicated a progressive loss of testicular function in boys carrying NR0B1 mutations. These non-invasive examinations can help to estimate the age of the testicular degradation and cryopreservation of semen may be considered in these cases as investigational procedure with the aim of restoring fertility

    Clinical, Biological and Genetic Analysis of Prepubertal Isolated Ovarian Cyst in 11 Girls

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    BACKGROUND: The cause of isolated gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty (PP) with an ovarian cyst is unknown in the majority of cases. Here, we describe 11 new cases of peripheral PP and, based on phenotypes observed in mouse models, we tested the hypothesis that mutations in the GNAS1, NR5A1, LHCGR, FSHR, NR5A1, StAR, DMRT4 and NOBOX may be associated with this phenotype. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 11 girls with gonadotropin-independent PP were included in this study. Three girls were seen for a history of prenatal ovarian cyst, 6 girls for breast development, and 2 girls for vaginal bleeding. With one exception, all girls were seen before 8 years of age. In 8 cases, an ovarian cyst was detected, and in one case, suspected. One other case has polycystic ovaries, and the remaining case was referred for vaginal bleeding. Four patients had a familial history of ovarian anomalies and/or infertility. Mutations in the coding sequences of the candidate genes GNAS1, NR5A1, LHCGR, FSHR, NR5A1, StAR, DMRT4 and NOBOX were not observed. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Ovarian PP shows markedly different clinical features from central PP. Our data suggest that mutations in the GNAS1, NR5A1, LHCGR, FSHR StAR, DMRT4 and NOBOX genes are not responsible for ovarian PP. Further research, including the identification of familial cases, is needed to understand the etiology of ovarian PP

    Association of Spermatogenic Failure with the b2/b3 Partial AZFc Deletion

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    Infertility affects around 1 in 10 men and in most cases the cause is unknown. The Y chromosome plays an important role in spermatogenesis and specific deletions of this chromosome, the AZF deletions, are associated with spermatogenic failure. Recently partial AZF deletions have been described but their association with spermatogenic failure is unclear. Here we screened a total of 339 men with idiopathic spermatogenic failure, and 256 normozoospermic ancestry-matched men for chromosome microdeletions including AZFa, AZFb, AZFc, and the AZFc partial deletions (gr/gr, b1/b3 and b2/b3)