1,163 research outputs found

    On the localization of discontinuities of the first kind for a function of bounded variation

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    Methods of the localization (detection of positions) of discontinuities of the first kind for a univariate function of bounded variation are constructed and investigated. Instead of an exact function, its approximation in L2(-∞,+∞) and the error level are known. We divide the discontinuities into two sets, one of which contains discontinuities with the absolute value of the jump greater than some positive Δmin; the other set contains discontinuities satisfying a smallness condition for the value of the jump. It is required to find the number of discontinuities in the former set and localize them using the approximately given function and the error level. Since the problem is ill-posed, regularizing algorithms should be used for its solution. Under additional conditions on the exact function, we construct regular methods for the localization of discontinuities and obtain estimates for the accuracy of localization and for the separability threshold, which is another important characteristic of the method. The (order) optimality of the constructed methods on the classes of functions with singularities is established. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Right to the city: Youth's view to live in the city

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    The article represents possibilities and problems of realization of the right to the city of youth in Yekaterinburg. According to the H. Lefebvre' concept,the article states that the next generation is aimed at appropriation of surrounding environment through changing it. By using questionnaires,there were 750 students and working youth interrogated,as well as there were 25 standard interviews with young citizens. The research results showed that young people mostly prefer cultural or recreational usage of urban spaces during the stability period. Youth as an active and dynamic social community acts as a carrier of protest sentiments. These moods become actual in cases of realizations of any administrative decisions directed to privatization of public spaces or affecting the interests of young generation. Materials suggest that the period of transition from consumption to appropriation and changing of urban spaces is observed. The Do-It-Yourself movement is becoming the instrument of Transition. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The reported study was funded by RFBR and Sverdlovsk region, project number 20-411-660012

    Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in Patients with Abdominal Sepsis

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    Kryvoruchko I. A., Antonova M. S., Tonkoglas O. A., Goni S.-K. T. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in Patients with Abdominal Sepsis. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(3):449-456. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.399313 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4362 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 21.03.2017. Revised 22.03.2017. Accepted: 23.03.2017. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in Patients with Abdominal Sepsis I. A. Kryvoruchko, M. S. Antonova, O. A. Tonkoglas, S.-K. T. Goni Kharkov National Medical University Ministry of Health of Ukraine Abstract Investigations were carried out in 53 patients who were operated on in 2015 about abdominal sepsis (AS). All patients were assigned according the severity of the condition, which was determined depending on the severity of the systemic inflammatory response and multiple organ failure: I group - patients with AS (28); II group - patients with severe AS (14); III group - patients with septic shock (11). Surgical management of all patients included two major components: control source of infection (source control) and control of organ damaged and the protective mechanisms system (damage control). In the first group, the laparotomy ended by suturing the wounds tightly with traditional drainage; in groups II and III surgical treatment were supplemented by the use of techniques aimed at the prevention and reduction of elevated intra-abdominal pressure. Studies have shown that 100 % of patients with AS showed an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and the development of intra-abdominal hypertension. While ACS developed in 18.9 % of cases (4 patients with severe sepsis and 6 - with septic shock). The highest mortality rate was observed among patients with grade III and IV intra-abdominal hypertension (11 of 25 patients). Key words: intra-abdominal pressure, abdominal sepsis, abdominal compartment syndrome, treatment

    Google as the number one employer in the world

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    The paper reviews some world statistic about the best employers in the world. All sources found Google the ideal for workers. The article lists a range of arguments proving this crucial for modern companies nomination.В статье представлен обзор различных источников, согласно которым компания Google является работодателем № 1 в мире. В статье перечислены основные доводы, доказывающие справедливость такого звания

    Development of a strategic management system based on realizing the potential of integrated entity

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article proves that to implement a social-oriented regional development model it is necessary to apply the key competences concept for the system of cluster strategic management in real economy. The cluster performance system for consumer goods industry is updated by including social efficiency index in investment projects alongside technical-and economic ones. The article also provides an analysis of public and private partnership forms involving consumer industry clusters and reveals the way cluster development level influences the regional development social indexes

    The most crucial aspects influencing students choice of employer and current tendencies

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    The paper demonstrates the current tendencies on the young professionals' labor market and investigates the main aspects which define the choice of future employer. The article includes the key findings of local survey of students' opinion.В статье показаны современные тенденции, существующие на рынке труда молодых специалистов, а также критерии, которыми они руководствуются при выборе будущего места работы. Статья содержит результаты опроса студентов города Томск


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    In order to determine the total content of hydrocarbons (HCs) in natural and waste waters the sum of HCs was extracted, and the possibility of incomplete extraction of most soluble and most toxic HCs – monocyclic arenes – was neglected. The recommendations on the optimal extraction conditions were found to be quite contradictory, while the data for arenes losses was not studied. The purpose of this research was to examine the possibility of quantitative extraction of arenes during HCs determinations. We have measured the extraction degree (R, %) for the most soluble C6 - C9 arenes from model aqueous solutions in optimized conditions by IR and UV spectrometry with hexane and carbon tetrachloride as extractants. The influence of different factors on the extraction degree was investigated. It was established that the optimal phases contact time was 5 minutes. R values for a single extraction made up 30% - 80% depending on the arenes and the extractants nature. The influence of the initial concentration of arenes on R value was not statistically significant. The introduction of salting-out reagents, the increase of extractants volume and the repeated treatment of the sample reduced the losses of arenes, but did not lead to their complete elimination (in all cases R 90 %). The incompleteness of arenes extraction led to the underestimated results of water analysis.  The bigger was the share of arenes in the sum of HCs the bigger was the error value by modulus.Keywords: hydrochemical analysis, aromatic hydrocarbons, extraction, extent of extraction, systematic errors of the analysis(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2017.21.4.004T.V. Antonova, S.V. Usova Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Russian Federation, 644077, Omsk,Mira str., 55a Для определения углеводородов (УВ) в природных и сточных водах сумму УВ экстрагируют, пренебрегая потерями наиболее растворимых в воде и самых токсичных УВ – моноциклических аренов. Рекомендации по условиям экстракции противоречивы, потери УВ не изучались. Цель работы – оценить возможность количественного извлечения аренов при определении УВ в водах. Для этого методами ИК- и УФ-спектрометрии определяли степень извлечения (R, %) наиболее растворимых аренов С6 -С9  из модельных водных растворов, используя обычно применяемые экстрагенты (гексан, тетрахлорметан) и варьируя условия экстракции. Установлено, что оптимальное время контакта фаз при извлечении аренов равно 5 минутам. Значения R при однократной экстракции составляют 30-80 % в зависимости от природы арена и экстрагента. Влияние начальной концентрации аренов на величину R незначимо. Введение высаливателей, увеличение объема экстрагента и повторная обработка пробы экстрагентом уменьшают потери, но не приводят к их исключению (во всех случаях R 90 %). Таким образом, экстракция суммы УВ даже в оптимальных условиях ведет к заниженным результатам анализа. Систематические погрешности будут тем выше (по модулю), чем выше доля  аренов в смеси УВ.Ключевые слова: гидрохимический анализ, ароматические углеводороды, экстракция, степень извлечения, систематические погрешности анализаDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2017.21.4.00

    Homonymy in English Language and Means of Its Representation (on Example of Functional Words <i>what</i> and <i>very</i>)

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    The phenomenon of homonymy of functional words in modern English is considered. The relevance of the work is that the issues of homonymy, in particular one of functional words, are still controversial and not fully studied. In this paper, an attempt is made to identify some of the main provisions that, in the authors’ opinion, will contribute to the differentiation of functional words into closed series and will help to determine the relationship in which these words can be attributed to these closed systems. The authors believe that the definition of a closed series to which a functional word belongs is associated with a number of difficulties, since, firstly, the category of relativity (relations) is not fully understood and its boundaries are not defined, since subjective judgments can be made on the semantic basis with regard to the differentiation of functional or service words, and secondly, because some words are not in one, but in several closed series. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that by the example of certain functional words ( what and very ), the authors have shown that they can be homonymous words, and their appearance in the language is not the result of conversion, but the result of splitting of multifunctional words expressing relationships