74 research outputs found

    Determining the Set of Concept Map Based Tasks for Computerized Knowledge Self-Assessment

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    AbstractDemands for educated labor force with well-integrated cognitive structures call for necessity to use in educational institutions appropriate teaching and knowledge assessment methods directed towards fine development and assessment of studentsā€™ conceptual understanding. Concept maps as a kind of mental models have great potential in knowledge assessment due to several significant advantages. However, a taxonomy of possible concept mapping tasks has not been developed yet. The paper considers the problem of extending a set of concept mapping tasks in the already developed concept map based knowledge assessment system. The possible types of tasks are investigated from the point of view of the degree of directedness. As a result, a taxonomy of concept mapping tasks directly related to externalization of studentsā€™ knowledge structures are given and explained in detail

    Testing of Detection Tools for AI-Generated Text

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    Recent advances in generative pre-trained transformer large language models have emphasised the potential risks of unfair use of artificial intelligence (AI) generated content in an academic environment and intensified efforts in searching for solutions to detect such content. The paper examines the general functionality of detection tools for artificial intelligence generated text and evaluates them based on accuracy and error type analysis. Specifically, the study seeks to answer research questions about whether existing detection tools can reliably differentiate between human-written text and ChatGPT-generated text, and whether machine translation and content obfuscation techniques affect the detection of AIgenerated text. The research covers 12 publicly available tools and two commercial systems (Turnitin and PlagiarismCheck) that are widely used in the academic setting. The researchers conclude that the available detection tools are neither accurate nor reliable and have a main bias towards classifying the output as human-written rather than detecting AIgenerated text. Furthermore, content obfuscation techniques significantly worsen the performance of tools. The study makes several significant contributions. First, it summarises up-to-date similar scientific and non-scientific efforts in the field. Second, it presents the result of one of the most comprehensive tests conducted so far, based on a rigorous research methodology, an original document set, and a broad coverage of tools. Third, it discusses the implications and drawbacks of using detection tools for AI-generated text in academic settings.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures and 10 tables, with appendix. Submitted to the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Educatio

    Testing of Support Tools for Plagiarism Detection

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    There is a general belief that software must be able to easily do things that humans find difficult. Since finding sources for plagiarism in a text is not an easy task, there is a wide-spread expectation that it must be simple for software to determine if a text is plagiarized or not. Software cannot determine plagiarism, but it can work as a support tool for identifying some text similarity that may constitute plagiarism. But how well do the various systems work? This paper reports on a collaborative test of 15 web-based text-matching systems that can be used when plagiarism is suspected. It was conducted by researchers from seven countries using test material in eight different languages, evaluating the effectiveness of the systems on single-source and multi-source documents. A usability examination was also performed. The sobering results show that although some systems can indeed help identify some plagiarized content, they clearly do not find all plagiarism and at times also identify non-plagiarized material as problematic

    Mākslīgais intelekts augstākajā izglītībā. Vadlīnijas

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    Å is materiāls izstrādāts RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātes PedagoÄ£iskās izaugsmes centrā (RSU PIC).VadlÄ«niju mērÄ·is ir sniegt praktiskus ieteikumus docētājiem un studējoÅ”ajiem mākslÄ«gā intelekta izmantoÅ”anai, ierobežoÅ”anai un lietoÅ”anas apguvei studiju procesā

    Learnersā€™ Support in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    Rakstā ir aprakstÄ«ta pieeja, kas uzlabo apmācāmā atbalstu, laikā kad apmācāmais risina praktiskas problēmas intelektuālā mācÄ«bu sistēmā. Pieeja ir izstrādāta, balstoties uz esoÅ”o sistēmu trÅ«kumu identificÄ“Å”anu. Tā nodroÅ”ina divus problēmrisināŔanas režīmus un izmanto divlÄ«meņu mājienu modeli. Katrā problēmrisināŔanas režīmā pieejamie atgriezeniskās saites veidi ir specificēti. Mājienu modeļa izmantoÅ”anas algoritmi ir doti. Saskaņā ar piedāvāto pieeju apmācāmais risina problēmas tādā režīmā, kas ir vislabāk viņam/viņai piemērots, un saņem vispiemērotāko mājienu. Piedāvātās pieejas realizācijas detaļas intelektuālā mācÄ«bu sistēmā Minimaksa algoritmam ir aprakstÄ«ta

    Analysis of the Terminology Used in the Field of Virtual Learning

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    PlaÅ”a terminoloÄ£ija, kas apraksta iespējamus mācÄ«bu veidus un pieejas, kuras izmanto dažādas tehnoloÄ£ijas mācÄ«bu procesā, parādÄ«jās kopā ar strauju informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloÄ£iju attÄ«stÄ«bu. Å Ä« terminoloÄ£ija ir jāsakārto un precÄ«zi jānodefinē. Raksts apraksta visizplatÄ«tāko terminu (tādu kā computer-based learning, distance learning, e-learning, Internet-based learning, online learning, resource-based learning, technology-based learning, Web-based learning) astoņas grupas un definē apakÅ”kopas attieksmes starp grupām. Papildus tam no pedagoÄ£ijas nākoÅ”o un izmantojamo kā citu terminu neatņemama sastāvdaļa vārdu (education, instruction, learning, teaching, training, and tutoring) nozÄ«me ir dota

    Justifying the usage of concept mapping as a tool for the formative assessment of the structural knowledge of engineering students

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    Even though there is a lot of research both on formative assessment and structural knowledge, the formative assessment of structural knowledge is an absent element in the study process. One tool which could be used successfully by teachers for the mentioned purpose is concept mapping. However, its application for formative assessment is rarely based on a well-planned approach. This paper presents results indicating that concept mapping is a suitable tool for the formative assessment of structural knowledge. It is the first step of the development of an approach for the use of concept mapping in the formative assessment of structural knowledge. This paper is based on a) extensive analysis of available information sources on formative assessment and concept mapping and b) reflection of the authorā€™s personal experience of implementation of formative assessment activities using concept mapping. The goal of the paper is not only to justify usage of concept mapping as a tool for the formative assessment of structural knowledge, but also to encourage teachers to use concept mapping in their practice for formative assessment purposes. This paper briefly describes elements of concept maps, defines the concept of structural knowledge and discusses the process of formative assessment. Suitability of concept mapping for the formative assessment of structural knowledge is considered in the light of three questions: Do concept maps allow seeing clearly differences between expertsā€™ and novicesā€™ structural knowledge? Does concept mapping support the main aspects of formative assessment? Is it possible to minimise the cost of formative assessment based on concept mapping

    Determining the Set of Concept Map Based Tasks for Computerized Knowledge Self-Assessment

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    Demands for educated labor force with well-integrated cognitive structures call for necessity to use in educational institutions appropriate teaching and knowledge assessment methods directed towards fine development and assessment of studentsā€™ conceptual understanding. Concept maps as a kind of mental models have great potential in knowledge assessment due to several significant advantages. However, a taxonomy of possible concept mapping tasks has not been developed yet. The paper considers the problem of extending a set of concept mapping tasks in the already developed concept map based knowledge assessment system. The possible types of tasks are investigated from the point of view of the degree of directedness. As a result, a taxonomy of concept mapping tasks directly related to externalization of studentsā€™ knowledge structures are given and explained in detail

    Biznesa procesu reinženierijas metodoloģiju un metožu salīdzinoŔa analīze

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    MÅ«sdienu organizācijas darbojas strauji mainÄ«gajās ārējās vidēs un to konkurēt spēja ir atkarÄ«ga No tā, cik veiksmÄ«gi organizācija seko Ŕīm izmaiņām, t.i.,cik efektÄ«va ir organizācijas darbÄ«ba. Biznesa procesu reinženierija piedāvā pieeju radikālu uzlabojumu sasniegÅ”anai organizācijas darbÄ«bā, fundamentāli pārdomājot un radikāli mainot visus organizācijas pastāvÄ“Å”anas aspektus. Dotais raksts ir maÄ£istra darba izstrādes gaitā iegÅ«to rezultātu kopsavilkums. Tas sniedz vispārÄ«gu priekÅ”statu par biznesa procesu reinženieriju un tās bÅ«tiskajām komponentēm, kā arÄ« piedāvā pamatu reinženierijā izmantojamo metodoloÄ£iju un metožu salÄ«dzināŔanai

    The Problem-Solving Modes and a Two-Layer Model of Hints in the Intelligent Tutoring System for Minimax Algorithm

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    Tipiski intelektuālas mācÄ«bu sistēmas piedāvā apmācāmajam tikai vienu problēmrisināŔanas režīmu, t.i., atgriezeniskā saite tiek nodroÅ”ināta pēc katra risinājuma soļa. Turklāt, sistēmas mājieni ir sakārtoti, balstoties uz informativitātes pakāpi, un tiek doti secÄ«gi, sākot ar vispārÄ«gu mājienu un beidzot ar visspecifiskāku majienu. Rakstā ir aprakstÄ«ta pieeja, kas nodroÅ”ina intelektuālu mācÄ«bu sistēmu lielākas adaptÄ«vas spējas. Tā atbalsta divus problēmrisināŔanas režīmus un izmanto divlÄ«meņu mājienu modeli. Tādējādi, apmācāmais risina problēmas režīmā, kas ir vislabāk viņam/viņai piemērots, un saņem vispiemērotāko mājienu. Minētā pieeja ir realizēta intelektuālā mācÄ«bu sistēmā Minimaksa algoritma
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