14 research outputs found

    Greenhouse gas emission from tropical reservoirs : Spatial and temporal dynamics

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    The emission of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from reservoirs has been estimated to make up for about 1.3% of the global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission. The impoundment of a river leads to the accumulation of sediment that is brought in from inflowing rivers, and the sediment organic matter is degraded to CH4 and CO2. CH4 is of particular concern as its global warming potential is 34 times stronger than that of CO2. In the tropics, high temperatures and high availability of fresh organic matter from high net primary production fuel CH4 and CO2 production. As the construction of hydropower plants is currently undergoing a boom, especially in the tropics, reservoir emission is probably bound to increase. The emission of CH4 and CO2 from reservoir surfaces is, however, highly variable, which makes current estimates uncertain. This thesis is built on the hypothesis that the spatial and temporal variability of greenhouse gas emission in tropical reservoirs, particularly of CH4 ebullition (the emission via gas bubbles), is so large that the sampling strategy affects whole-system estimates of greenhouse gas emission. This thesis shows that greenhouse gas emission from the four studied tropical reservoirs in Brazil varied greatly at different timescales – over 24 hours, between days and between seasons. Seasonal variability was identified as the most important temporal scale to be covered for CH4 ebullition inventories. In addition, the spatial variability of gas emission was large for all pathways. The variability of CH4 ebullition across space, for example, was estimated to be almost as large as its variability between seasons, and patterns of spatial variability in diffusive CH4 and CO2 emission differed between seasons. For both ebullition and diffusion, river inflow areas were prone to elevated greenhouse gas emission. This thesis shows that for retrieving solid emission estimates, there is no alternative to time-consuming measurements in the field. Measurements should be repeated at least once during each hydrological season (i.e. falling and rising water level). The seasonal surveys should cover space at a high resolution, including areas with and without river inflows, and different water column depths. CH4 ebullition made up for 60–99% of the total CO2-equivalent emission from the whole water surface of the studied reservoirs, with the highest contribution in the most productive reservoir. The most variable greenhouse gas emission pathway is therefore the most important one to be measured at appropriate resolution, particularly in productive reservoirs

    Greenhouse gas emission from tropical reservoirs : Spatial and temporal dynamics

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    The emission of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from reservoirs has been estimated to make up for about 1.3% of the global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission. The impoundment of a river leads to the accumulation of sediment that is brought in from inflowing rivers, and the sediment organic matter is degraded to CH4 and CO2. CH4 is of particular concern as its global warming potential is 34 times stronger than that of CO2. In the tropics, high temperatures and high availability of fresh organic matter from high net primary production fuel CH4 and CO2 production. As the construction of hydropower plants is currently undergoing a boom, especially in the tropics, reservoir emission is probably bound to increase. The emission of CH4 and CO2 from reservoir surfaces is, however, highly variable, which makes current estimates uncertain. This thesis is built on the hypothesis that the spatial and temporal variability of greenhouse gas emission in tropical reservoirs, particularly of CH4 ebullition (the emission via gas bubbles), is so large that the sampling strategy affects whole-system estimates of greenhouse gas emission. This thesis shows that greenhouse gas emission from the four studied tropical reservoirs in Brazil varied greatly at different timescales – over 24 hours, between days and between seasons. Seasonal variability was identified as the most important temporal scale to be covered for CH4 ebullition inventories. In addition, the spatial variability of gas emission was large for all pathways. The variability of CH4 ebullition across space, for example, was estimated to be almost as large as its variability between seasons, and patterns of spatial variability in diffusive CH4 and CO2 emission differed between seasons. For both ebullition and diffusion, river inflow areas were prone to elevated greenhouse gas emission. This thesis shows that for retrieving solid emission estimates, there is no alternative to time-consuming measurements in the field. Measurements should be repeated at least once during each hydrological season (i.e. falling and rising water level). The seasonal surveys should cover space at a high resolution, including areas with and without river inflows, and different water column depths. CH4 ebullition made up for 60–99% of the total CO2-equivalent emission from the whole water surface of the studied reservoirs, with the highest contribution in the most productive reservoir. The most variable greenhouse gas emission pathway is therefore the most important one to be measured at appropriate resolution, particularly in productive reservoirs

    Molecular Fractionation of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Shallow Subterranean Estuary : The Role of the Iron Curtain

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    Iron that precipitates under aerobic conditions in natural aquatic systems scavenges dissolved organic matter (DOM) from solution. Subterranean estuaries (STEs) are of major importance for land−ocean biogeochemical fluxes. Their specific redox boundaries, coined the “iron curtain” due to the abundance of precipitated iron(III) (oxy)hydroxides, are hot spots for the removal and redissolution of iron, associated nutrients, and DOM. We used ultra-high-resolution electro- spray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry to molecularly characterize the iron- coagulating fractions of 32 groundwater and seawater DOM samples along a salinity gradient from a shallow STE on Spiekeroog Island, North Sea, Germany, and linked our findings to trace metal and nutrient concentrations. We found systematic iron coagulation of large (>450 Da), oxygen-rich, and highly aromatic DOM molecules of terrestrial origin. The extent of coagulation increased with growing terrestrial influence along the salinity gradient. Our study is the first to show that the iron curtain may be capable of retaining terrigenous DOM fractions in marine sediments. We hypothesize that the iron curtain serves as an inorganic modulator for the supply of DOM from groundwaters to the sea, and that the STE has the potential to act as a temporal storage or even sink for terrigenous aromatic DOM compounds

    An empirical model to predict methane production in inland water sediment from particular organic matter supply and reactivity

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    The highest CH4 production rates can be found in anoxic inland water surface sediments however no model quantifies CH4 production following fresh particular organic matter (POM) deposition on anoxic sediments. This limits our capability of modeling CH4 emissions from inland waters to the atmosphere. To generate such a model, we quantified how the POM supply rate and POM reactivity control CH4 production in anoxic surface sediment, by amending sediment at different frequencies with different quantities of aquatic and terrestrial POM. From the modeled CH4 production, we derived parameters related to the kinetics and the extent of CH4 production. We show that the extent of CH4 production can be well predicted by the quality (i.e., C/N ratio) and the quantity of POM supplied to an anoxic sediment. In particular, within the range of sedimentation rates that can be found in aquatic systems, we show that CH4 production increases linearly with the quantity of phytoplankton-derived and terrestrially derived POM. A high frequency of POM addition, which is a common situation in natural systems, resulted in higher peaks in CH4 production rates. This suggests that relationships derived from earlier incubation experiments that added POM only once, may result in underestimation of sediment CH4 production. Our results quantitatively couple CH4 production in anoxic surface sediment to POM sedimentation flux, and are therefore useful for the further development of mechanistic models of inland water CH4 emission

    Comparing methane ebullition variability across space and time in a Brazilian reservoir

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    The potent greenhouse gas methane (CH4) is readily emitted from tropical reservoirs, often via ebullition (bubbles). This highly stochastic emission pathway varies in space and time, however, hampering efforts to accurately assess total CH4 emissions from water bodies. We systematically studied both the spatial and temporal scales of ebullition variability in a river inflow bay of a tropical Brazilian reservoir. We conducted multiple highly resolved spatial surveys of CH4 ebullition using a hydroacoustic approach supplemented with bubble traps over a 12‐month and a 2‐week timescale to evaluate which scale of variation was more important. To quantify the spatial and temporal variability of CH4 ebullition, we used the quartile coefficients of dispersion at each point in space and time and compared their frequency distributions across the various temporal and spatial scales. We found that CH4 ebullition varied more temporally than spatially and that the intra‐annual variability was stronger than daily variability within 2 weeks. We also found that CH4 ebullition was positively related to water temperature increase and pressure decrease, but no consistent relationship with water column depth or sediment characteristics was found, further highlighting that temporal drivers of emissions were stronger than spatial drivers. Annual estimates of CH4 ebullition from our study area may vary by 75–174% if ebullition is not resolved in time and space, but at a minimum we recommend conducting spatially resolved measurements at least once during each major hydrologic season in tropical regions (i.e., in dry and rainy season when water levels are falling and rising, respectively)

    Spatially Resolved Measurements in Tropical Reservoirs Reveal Elevated Methane Ebullition at River Inflows and at High Productivity

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    An increasing number of rivers are being dammed, particularly in the tropics, and reservoir water surfaces can be a substantial anthropogenic source of greenhouse gases. On average, 80% of the CO2-equivalent emission of reservoirs globally has been attributed to CH4, which is predominantly emitted via ebullition. Since ebullition is highly variable across space and time, both measuring and upscaling to an entire reservoir is challenging, and estimates of reservoir CH4 emission are therefore not well constrained. We measured CH4 ebullition at high spatial resolution with an echosounder and bubble traps in two reservoirs of different use (water storage and hydropower), size and productivity in the tropical Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest biome. Based on the spatially most well-resolved whole-reservoir ebullition measurements in the tropics so far, we found that mean CH4 ebullition was twice as high in river inflow areas than in other parts of the reservoirs, and more than four times higher in the eutrophic reservoir compared to the oligotrophic one. Using different upscaling approaches rendered similar whole-reservoir CH4 ebullition estimates, suggesting that highly spatially resolved measurements may be more important for constraining reservoir-wide CH4 estimates than choice of upscaling approach. The minimum sampling effort was high (>250 and >1700 30-m segments of hydroacoustic survey to reach within 50% or 80% accuracy, respectively). This suggests that traditional manual bubble trap measurements should be abandoned in favour of highly resolved measurements in order to get spatially representative estimates of CH4 ebullition, which accounted for 60 and 99% of total C emission in the two studied reservoirs.Plain Language Summary: Dam construction is currently booming, especially in the tropics, both for production of renewable hydropower and for water supply to a growing population. However, reservoirs can emit large amounts of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere. The most climate-relevant emission from reservoirs typically stems from methane bubbles that form in the reservoir sediment and rise to the water surface, and it is challenging to quantify this sporadic bubbling across an entire reservoir. We measured methane bubbling in two reservoirs in Brazil, using a method that allows for a very high spatial coverage. We found a two times higher methane bubble emission from areas in which rivers are entering the reservoirs as compared to areas further away from river inflows. Also, methane bubble emission was four times higher in the nutrient-rich reservoir than in the nutrient-poor reservoir. We found that the minimum number of sampling sites required for a representative whole-reservoir methane bubble emission estimate was high, calling for the use of spatially highly resolved methods

    Spatially Resolved Measurements of CO2 and CH4 Concentration and Gas-Exchange Velocity Highly Influence Carbon-Emission Estimates of Reservoirs

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    The magnitude of diffusive carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emission from man-made reservoirs is uncertain because the spatial variability generally is not well-represented. Here, we examine the spatial variability and its drivers for partial pressure, gas-exchange velocity (k), and diffusive flux of CO2 and CH4 in three tropical reservoirs using spatially resolved measurements of both gas concentrations and k. We observed high spatial variability in CO2 and CH4 concentrations and flux within all three reservoirs, with river inflow areas generally displaying elevated CH4 concentrations. Conversely, areas close to the dam are generally characterized by low concentrations and are therefore not likely to be representative for the whole system. A large share (44–83%) of the within-reservoir variability of gas concentration was explained by dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll, water depth, and within-reservoir location. High spatial variability in k was observed, and kCH4 was persistently higher (on average, 2.5 times more) than kCO2. Not accounting for the within-reservoir variability in concentrations and k may lead to up to 80% underestimation of whole-system diffusive emission of CO2 and CH4. Our findings provide valuable information on how to develop field-sampling strategies to reliably capture the spatial heterogeneity of diffusive carbon fluxes from reservoirs

    Hotspots of diffusive CO2 and CH4 emission from tropical reservoirs shift through time

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    The patterns of spatial and temporal variability in CO2 and CH4 emission from reservoirs are still poorly studied, especially in tropical regions where hydropower is growing. We performed spatially resolved measurements of dissolved CO2 and CH4 surface water concentrations and their gas-exchange coefficients (k) to compute diffusive carbon flux from four contrasting tropical reservoirs across Brazil during different hydrological seasons. We used an online equilibration system to measure dissolved CO2 and CH4 concentrations; we estimated k from floating chamber deployments in conjunction with discrete CO2 and CH4 water concentration measurements. Diffusive CO2 emissions were higher during dry season than during rainy season, whereas there were no consistent seasonal patterns for diffusive CH4 emissions. Our results reveal that the magnitude and the spatial within-reservoir patterns of diffusive CO2 and CH4 flux varied strongly among hydrological seasons. River inflow areas were often characterized by high seasonality in diffusive flux. Areas close to the dam generally showed low seasonal variability in diffusive CH4 flux but high variability in CO2 flux. Overall, we found that reservoir areas exhibiting highest emission rates (‘hotspots’) shifted substantially across hydrological seasons. Estimates of total diffusive carbon emission from the reservoir surfaces differed between hydrological seasons by a factor up to 7 in ChapĂ©u D’Úvas, up to 13 in CuruĂĄ-Una, up to 4 in Furnas, and up to 1.8 in Funil, indicating that spatially-resolved measurements of CO2 and CH4 concentrations and k need to be performed at different hydrological seasons in order to constrain annual diffusive carbon emission.Reservoirs are key for flood control, water supply, and hydropower generation. However, reservoirs are usually not carbon neutral. Studies worldwide point to reservoirs as important net sources of anthropogenic carbon emission to the atmosphere. Carbon emission from reservoirs derives from the decomposition of organic matter. Although carbon emission from reservoirs has been increasingly studied over the past two decades, most studies do not sufficiently describe emissions across space and time. Our study applies highly-resolved spatial coverage of dissolved surface water concentrations and gas-exchange coefficients of CO2 and CH4 to compute rates of CO2 and CH4 diffusion to the atmosphere across distinct hydrological seasons in four contrasting tropical reservoirs. We found that emissions varied substantially over both space and time. More specifically, we found that reservoir areas exhibiting highest emission rates ('hotspots') shifted substantially between dry and rainy seasons. Overlooking the spatial within-reservoir variability across seasons may result in serious under- or overestimations of total diffusive carbon emission from reservoirs, depending on the time and space that studies focus their sampling on. Our work may support scientists in adopting more comprehensive sampling strategies relevant for better constrained upscaling, and, consequently, support informed policy decisions and management actions

    Carbon dioxide emission from drawdown areas of a Brazilian reservoir is linked to surrounding land cover

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    Reservoir sediments exposed to air due to water level fluctuations are strong sources of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). The spatial variability of CO2 fluxes from these drawdown areas are still poorly understood. In a reservoir in southeastern Brazil, we investigated whether CO2 emissions from drawdown areas vary as a function of neighboring land cover types and assessed the magnitude of CO2 fluxes from drawdown areas in relation to nearby water surface. Exposed sediments near forestland (average = 2733 mg C m−2 day−1) emitted more CO2 than exposed sediments near grassland (average = 1261 mg C m−2 day−1), congruent with a difference in organic matter content between areas adjacent to forestland (average = 12.2%) and grassland (average = 10.9%). Moisture also had a significant effect on CO2 emission, with dry exposed sediments (average water content: 13.7%) emitting on average 2.5 times more CO2 than wet exposed sediments (average water content: 23.5%). We carried out a systematic comparison with data from the literature, which indicates that CO2 efflux from drawdown areas globally is about an order of magnitude higher than CO2 efflux from adjacent water surfaces, and within the range of CO2 efflux from terrestrial soils. Our findings suggest that emissions from exposed sediments may vary substantially in space, possibly related to organic matter supply from uphill vegetation, and that drawdown areas play a disproportionately important role in total reservoir CO2 emissions with respect to the area they cover